...Care Theory Compare and Contrast Paper Jean Watson’s Theory of human caring is based on transpersonal relationships and developing a caring environment that offers the development potential while allowing the person to choose the best course of action. Through interactions with others we learn how to recognize ourselves in others. Watson believes that through these interactions humanity is preserved. John Paley’s article A Slave Morality: Nietzchean themes in nursing ethics criticizes Watson’s theory that caring is central to nursing. The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast John Paley’s article to Jean Watson’s Commentary on Shattle M (2004) Nurse-patient interaction: A review of the literature. A discussion of Watson’s background and care theory; John Paley’s background, and a brief discussion Friedich Nietzschen’s major philosophical beliefs. Jean Watson’s background Jean Watson was born in West Virginia in 1940. She graduated from the University of Colorado where she earned her BSN, MS, and in 1973 her PhD. Dr. Watson is widely published and has received many awards and honors. She is a distinguished professor of nursing and endowed chair in Caring Health Science. She is also a fellow at the American Academy of nursing. Watson’s research specialized in loss and human caring. She developed the Theory of Transpersonal Caring, which is also referred to as The Caring Model in the late 1970’s. Her theory evolved over many years, but the principles have remained...
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...Jean Watson’s Caring Theory Nurses’ responsibilities to their patients are continually changing with the times. Jean Watson formed the “caring theory” to convey the significance and emphasize nursing as a diverse health profession. Using the Jean Watson’s caring theory enables nurses to maintain their perspective on caring for patients when overwhelmed with increased acuity, responsibility and workload. With the increase of patients and their needs, nurses often replace the caring attitude with an attitude of arrogance and hurried tasks, leaving patients and family members with belief that nurses believe they are here just to perform a job. By applying the Watson caring theory in caring for patients, “it allows nurses to practice the art of caring, to provide compassion to ease patients’ and families’ suffering, and to promote their healing and dignity but it can also contribute to expand the nurse’s own actualization” (Cara, 2003, p 2). Watson believes it is crucial that nurses apply caring values to their practice because it is essentially a byproduct in discovering the meaning of the nursing profession (Theory of Human Caring, n.d.). The foundation of this paper is to expound on the caring theory Jean Watson designed “to bring meaning and focus to nursing as a distinct health profession” (Cara, 2003, p 2). Description of the Theorist In the 1940’s, Jean Watson was born in West Virginia in a small town in the Appalachian Mountains. In 1961, graduated from the Lewis Gale...
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...volunteers came in and did an experiment using Jean Watson’s theory of caring and also a format called the Laughing spirit listening circles. During this experiment they gathered 6 elderly women to share their stories of the past, just listening and caring about what they had to say. The experiment was a success with the women saying it felt good to have someone just listen to them. In this article they touched on Jean Watsons carative factors and how important it is to use them in a health setting even though it may be difficult as we are always focusing on medical asspects. Sitzman, K. (2002, May). Interbeing and mindfulness: A bridge to understanding Jean Watson's theory of human caring. Nursing Education Perspectives, 23(3), 118. This article is about Jean Watson’s theory of caring and how it compares to different ideas of wholism. It compares the Zen method and Thich Naht Hanh’s concept of interbeing. All 0f the ideas are about focusing on a person as a whole and how we as nurses need to treat our patients with care and respect. The article also talks about how we can teach nursing students the idea behind caring and treating patients as a whole. Caruso, E., Cisar, N., & Pipe, T. (2008, April). Creating a Healing Environment: An Innovative Educational Approach for Adopt Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring. Nursing administration Quarterly, 32(2), 126-132. In this article Jean Watson’s theory of caring and her ideas of caritas...
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...The Theory of Jean Watson Sheila A. Arao, RN University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao Abstract Dr. Jean Watson She was born on June 10, 1940 in Williamson, West Virginia, USA. She pursues her education of BSN in University of Colorado, 1964, Masters in University of Colorado, 1966, and doctoral degree in University of Colorado, 1973. Jean Watson’s Theory of Nursing Care is a middle-range theory that focuses on the interconnectedness of patient and nurse. Nurses play a vital role in their patients’ life and by developing caring behaviors, they could facilitate healing. This theory also focuses on authentically caring about the whole patient and understanding the power of a meaningful therapeutic relationship. Watson believes caring about oneself is important and integral in a transpersonal relationship. The theory introduces clinical caritas process which help guide the nurse toward developing caring behaviors. They include general concepts of faith, trust, love, hope, caring, selflessness, spirituality, energy, and understanding. This theory is very significant to nursing practice and can be applicable to all fields of nursing. This paper will briefly elaborate Watson’s Theory of Human Caring and elucidate its strengths and weakness in the acute care setting. Introduction Biography Jean Watson was born on June 10, 1940 in Williamson, West Virginia, USA. During her education years, she graduated high school in West Virginia, graduated the Lewis Gale School of Nursing...
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...Concept Comparison and Analysis across Theories Paper NUR 513 August 6, 2012 Comparison and Analysis Theories Paper The heart of nursing has always been caring. Since the start of professional nursing with Florence Nightingale, theorists have been writing about caring. This paper highlights three caring theories Madeleine Leininger, Jean Watson, and the combine theory of Patricia Benner and Judith Wrubel these theorists each has developed a theory of caring. This paper will examine each by comparing and contrasting on how each looks at caring. Leininger Madeline Leininger developed her first theories in the mid-1950s. Her main theory is transcultural nursing and caring theory. This theory was formed by an inadequate knowledge of cultural factors that represented a missing link to providing quality nursing care. Leininger believed that caring is universally present in all cultures (Nelson, 2006). Leininger’s definition of caring for nursing is “the central and unifying domain for the body of knowledge and practices in nursing’ It is critical to human growth, development and survival and has helped human beings through cultural evolution” (Cohen, 1991). Leininger’s transcultural theory of nursing her assumption human caring is a universal expression. However, patterns vary among different cultures. Caring has multiple dimensions of biophysical, psychological, cultural...
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...of the major theories of nursing have been published by Jean Watson and by John Paley, who each have taken markedly distinct approaches to conceptualizing nursing care in a theoretical construct. This paper will provide a discussion of Jean Watson’s background, including educational preparation and process of developing her Care Theory as well as her career high points, discussion of Jean’s Watson’s Care Theory, including major points, discussion of John Paley’s background, including education preparation and his career high points, brief discussion of Friedich Nietzsche, specifically his major philosophical beliefs, compare Jean Watson’s Care Theory with the ideas presented in John Paley’s article, and contrast Jean Watson’s Care Theory with the ideas presented in John Paley’s article . Jean Watson, who hails from West Virginia, was educated at the University of Colorado where she earned a baccalaureate degree in nursing, 1964. She also earned her master’s degree in psychiatric-mental health nursing, and her doctorate in educational psychology and counseling at University of Colorado. While serving as dean of University of Colorado School of Nursing, she was instrumental in the development of a post baccalaureate nursing curriculum in human caring that would lead to a career professional clinical. She was appointed Distinguished Professor of Nursing and endowed Chair in Caring Science at the same university. Watson has published numerous books describing her philosophy and...
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...IMPRORTANCE OF THEORY: JEAN WATSON’S CARING THEORY NR 501 Teresa Acosta Chamberlain College of Nursing IMPRORTANCE OF THEORY: Jean Watson’s Caring Theory Currently, healthcare systems all over the world are experiencing some sort of reorganization at the administration level. Things are changing, practice and healthcare policy continue to transform at a rapid rate. Nursing theory has worked to provide stability and rationality to the ever changing field of nursing. The profession of nursing, just like any other profession, must work to prove the legitimacy of its practice which is accomplished through the confines of theory (McCrae, 2012). According to Alligood (2014), nursing theory not only fosters the development of nursing education and literature but also assists in practice advancement. This is important for laying a foundation and progressing in the field of nursing and helps to provide the basic knowledge for nursing care that involves “caring”. With all the change and uncertainty in healthcare, human caring has the potential to become a lost cause (Cara, 2003). Caring should be a central theme in nursing and the foundation of all nursing care (Watson, 2009). The goal of this paper is to explore and summarize the central ideas of Jean Watson’s Theory of Caring and to apply her theory to current practice and show its relevance...
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...A Pragmatic View of Jean Watson’s Caring Theory Chantal Cara, Ph.D., RN Université de Montréal Faculty of Nursing Goals Provide an overview of Dr. Jean Watson’s caring theory to the nursing community. Facilitate the understanding of her work allowing nurses to readily apply this knowledge within their practice. Objectives Describe the general aspects of Watson’s caring theory. Describe how Watson’s caring theory can be applied to clinical practice. Describe the person through Watson’s caring lens. Describe the person’s health through Watson’s caring lens. Describe nursing through Watson’s caring lens. Key Words: Watson’s caring theory, clinical caritas processes, transpersonal caring relationships, caring occasion, clinical application of Watson’s theory Abstract As most health care systems around the world are undergoing major administrative restructuring, we expose ourselves to the risk of dehumanizing patient care. If we are to consider caring as the core of nursing, nurses will have to make a conscious effort to preserve human caring within their clinical, administrative, educational, and/or research practice. Caring must not be allowed to simply wither away from our heritage. To help preserve this heritage, caring theories such as those from Jean Watson, Madeleine Leininger, Simone Roach, and Anne Boykin are vital. Through this continuing education paper we will learn the essential elements of Watson’s caring theory and explore an example of a clinical...
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...Running head: Jean Watson A Reflective Look at Jean Watson Thomas Bair NUR403: THEORIES AND MODELS OF NURSING PRACTICE Theories contain concepts, definitions, models, propositions, and are based on assumptions rather than concrete facts (Nursing Theories, 2012). They are used as a tool for reasoning, critical thinking and decision making. The nursing profession uses theories as the framework and foundation for practice to strengthen our nursing knowledge. As we advance in our profession, theories are constantly tested to determine if they still have an applicable meaning or do they need to be modified. This paper will give an overview of Jean Watson’s Theory of Caring and its impact on our nursing practice. Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring was developed in 1979 and continued to evolve over the years. It emphasizes the humanistic aspects of nursing in combination with scientific knowledge. The framework of this paradigm brings meaning and focus to nursing as a distinct profession. The conceptual elements of her theory are ten Carative Factors, Transpersonal Caring relationship, Caring moment and Caring Consciousness with a focus on: person, health, nursing and environment (Cara, 2003). These concepts are representation of a middle range theory. The Carative factors attempt to “Honor the human dimensions of nursing’s work and the inner life world and subjective experiences of the people we serve (Cara, 2003, p.52). Transpersonal...
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...Comparing Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring And The Neuman Systems Model Jayanna Volm Concordia University Comparing Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring And The Neuman Systems Model Nursing frameworks and conceptual models are imperative as a foundation for nursing practice. These frameworks provide recognition, understanding, and the ability to manage phenomena in which nursing comes into contact. These frameworks also provide the nurse with a systematic approach to interventions and goal attainment. The purpose of this paper is to compare Neuman Systems Model to Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring. According to Alligood and Tomey the Neuman Systems Model is classified as a nursing conceptual model. “Nursing conceptual models are concepts and their relationships that specify a perspective from which to view phenomena specific to the discipline of nursing. Different conceptual models provide various perspectives or frameworks for thinking critically and making nursing decisions” (Alligood & Tomey, 2010, p. 223). The nursing conceptual models are comprehensive and define the metaparadigm according to their framework. Tourville and Ingalls categorize the Neuman Systems Model as a systems model. They define a systems model of nursing as viewing “the person as a multidimensional being who reacts continually to a world of stressors” (2003, Systems Model, para. 1). Systems may be organizations, communities, businesses, or social structures. Within the large...
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...consistency and unified care. This presentation shall examine the importance of Dr. Jean Watson’s theory of caring in today’s nursing practice, its relation to metaparagidm concepts and how the theory help us to improve the current nursing practices. Watson delivers many valuable impressions for nursing practice. •Watson ties different theories together which are frequently being used in clinical nursing practice. •The comprehensive explanations of the care factors which can provide direction to the nurses who desire to train as a bedside nurse or do nursing research. “Her accomplishments are the following - Recipient of numerous awards counting: an international Kellogg Fellowship in Australia, a Fulbright Research Award in Sweden and six Honorary Doctoral Degrees, including 3 International Honorary Doctorates (Sweden, United Kingdom, and Quebec) She was the 1993 recipient of the National League for Nursing Martha E. Rogers Award, which identifies a nurse academic who has made substantial donations to nursing information that advances the science of caring in nursing and health sciences. New York University recognized her as a Distinguished Nurse Scholar In 1999, the Fetzer Institute respected her with the national Norman Cousins Award in gratitude of her commitment to emerging, preserving and illustrating relationship centered care practices”.(http;//www.authorstream.com/2011) Jean Watson’s Theory of Transpersonal Caring also called Theory of Human Caring. It highlights...
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...Abstract Jean Watson is a nurse theorist who has impacted the modern nursing in a great way. Her publication, research, and books have helped to bring the profession of nursing to the forefront. This paper is aimed at looking who Jean Watson is, her contribution to the nursing field and the impact of her work in the modern nursing. Introduction Dr. Jean Watson is known as a professor, nurse, theorist and a founder director of Watson Caring Science Institute, which is a non- profit organization. She was awarded the American Academy of Nursing award termed as a Living Legend in the year 2013 (Jug, D, 2015). Jean is known because of her Theory of Human Caring and ten Caritas processes which act as a blueprint for the nursing practice. She was born in West Virginia in the year 1940 (Alligood, 2013). She received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing in the year 1964 from the University of Colorado. She continued with her Ph.D. in Education Psychology and Counseling in the same University. Since then, she has earned other ten honorary doctoral degrees and has a diverse experience working in the mental health nursing and caring science. She is doing more research in the area of human caring and loss. She came up with the Theory of Human Caring in the year 1975 (Wang, 2013). Her main aim at that time was to make people understand that nursing science is important and a different entity from medical science (Jug, D, 2015). Her teaching experience played a significant role in her work...
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...June 18, 2012 Stephanie Merck The Caring Moment Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring was developed in 1979 (Cherner, 2007). Watson’s nursing theory was developed to bring meaning and focus to nursing as a diverse health profession (Cherner, 2007). Watson believed caring is what heals and help patients to live (Cherner, 2007). She believed patients should be treated as a whole to promote health. Watson’s theory has transformed the way nurses care for patients today; nurses build caring-interpersonal relationships with patients, treat patients as holistic beings- body, mind, and spirit, and provide care with a positive attitude. Background of Watson’s Theory Jean Watson is from West Virginia, United States (Current Nursing, 2012). Watson obtained her Bachelor’s degree in 1964, Master’s degree in 1966, and her Doctoral degree in 1973 at University of Colorado (Current Nursing, 2012). Watson’s theory “nursing: human science and human care” was published in 1988 (Current Nursing, 2012). According to Alligood (2012), “Watson defines caring as the ethical and moral ideal of nursing that has interpersonal and humanistic qualities” (p. 111). Watson created this theory to carry out significance and attention to nursing as a diverse health profession with unique worth, intelligence, custom, morals, and purpose (Alligood, 2012). Watson believed patients should be cared for in a loving and caring manner. Carative Factors Watson associated ten “carative factors” in her nursing theory...
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...Historical Development of Nursing Science Tracy Thompson University of Phoenix Theoretical Foundations of Practice NUR/513 Mary Nicks December 07, 2012 Historical Development of Nursing Science The historical development of nursing may be traced back to Florence Nightingale. Florence Nightingale is known as the first nurse theorist, (George, 2011). Nightingale’s theory focused “on the manipulation of the environment for the benefit of the patient,” (George, 2011, p. 9). Nightingale’s theory or philosophy differentiated nurses from household servants, started the difference between nursing and medicine, and created the concern that nurses be involved with the health and wellness of the patient, (Alligood, 2010). Nightingale was also one of the first theorists to treat the patient as a whole being, (Alligood, 2010). “Nightingale believed nursing to be a spiritual calling,” (Alligood, 2010, p. 99). Many years of trials and tribulations have been encountered in nursing before it became a profession. There are many theories and theorists that have led to nursing to the profession it is today. Following is a timeline of some of the more important theorists’ and their theories and philosophies. 1952 Hildegard Peplau – “Interpersonal Relations in Nursing,” ("Theory of Interpersonal Relationships...
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...Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring Jessamie Garvin University of Phoenix NUR/403 Theories and Models of Nursing Practice July 1, 2014 Instructor: Mega Deol Watson's Theory of Human Caring In today’s fast-paced and technology centered health care environment, nurses remain at the cornerstone of care by providing care, practicing the core concepts of nursing, and maintaining the caring models. To assist us in providing quality care we have theorists like Jean Watson whose theories influence and guide us in providing exceptional patient care. In this paper I will discuss Jean Watson’s theory of human caring including the background and the major concepts of her theory. In addition, I will discuss her theory and views of the nursing metaparadigms of person, health, nursing and environment as they relate to a personal experience in which I utilized Watson’s theory to cultivate a caring moment with a patient. Describe the background and major concepts of Watson’s theory of human caring. According to Jean Watson her philosophy and science of caring in nursing emerged from her quest to bring new meaning and dignity to the work and the world of nursing and patient care (Watson, 2008). Beginning with the question of the relationship between human caring and nursing, she developed The Theory of Human Caring and the Philosophy and science of caring. Watson defines caring as the ethical and moral ideal of nursing that has interpersonal...
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