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Jessica Deidrick Case Study Essay

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What would you do if your teacher died on school grounds? On April 17 2018, Jessica L Deidrick was found dead at 5:00 pm at Newton High School. Max Gilman was sent to Newton High School to conduct an incident response. Using encase acquisition into the target system, files were extracted. Recent emails, web search history, and a list of running processes for the user Jessica L Deidrick were taken. We also received evidence from prime subjects being interviewed on paper. What could of happened to Deidrick? It is up to the students to solve this case. Evidence collected, Reflection on the unit, and what justice means to me will be on this report. Mrs. Deidrick made some mistakes that made people want to get rid of her. Running over Mrs. Shears …show more content…
What's different is that when you examine something you absorb the information and then thinking is when you put it together. The best part about this project was when Mrs. Heidrick brought people that actually work on cases like this and they presented about what they do and what they did to get there. They also talked about how Hollywood dramatize what happens in an investigation and that it is nothing like that but a simple desk. What I liked was the part where you were the special agent and could walk up to the teachers and ask them questions about the case. I felt like a real agent looking for answers! I disliked the part when you would go to a teacher and they would just slam the door in your face or say that they need an attorney to talk. I guess that is how a real agent would feel. What I learned in this project is how to carry an investigation, and using my thinking skills. I would use this in the real world like in my house, trying to figure out who took the controller and where they hid it. I learned more with the two presenters they showed us what they take from computers and that they are not the police and can’t arrest people. Justice needs to happen, this leads me to my final

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