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Nursing Informatic Analysis

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It is important to note that nursing science is one of nursing informatics building blocks. According to the book, Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge, nursing science is “the ethical application of knowledge acquired through education, research, and practice to provide services and interventions to patients...” (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2018, p. 574).
Essential areas that nursing informatics associates with nursing science are clinical practice, education, research, and public/health policy. Each of these areas plays a key role in nursing informatics.
Clinical Practice
“Nursing informatics has numerous positive outcomes in delivering care to patients.” (Aathi, 2014, pg. 129). For starters, since it is easier to keep all medical records on a computer rather than thousands of files, it becomes much easier to manage records; thus, making their availability …show more content…
For instance, by using nursing informatics, nursing students can find relevant text for their studies. Students may be able to find programs that can help them with all areas of medication administration. Computer technology is evolving more every day. Therefore, nursing program institutions are making sure that their curriculum is designed with the teaching of nursing informatics, so that prospective nurses are ready to face the growing challenges of technological advancement in the workforce. As for current practicing nurses, because technology is constantly changing they have to attend meetings and/or seminars that teach them how to use the latest technology in order to provide fast and efficient care for their patients. This creates more time to be spent with their patients; but, NI also offers RN’s reliable evidence-based information to help care for their patients. In other words, “nurse informaticists promote and facilitate access to resources and references.” (Aathi, 2014, pg.

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