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President William Mckinley

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Throughout American History, there has been 45 presidents. William McKinley was the 25th president of the United States. Unfortunately, he was assassinated six months into his second term. He was born on January 29, 1843 in Niles, Ohio. McKinley grew up in a structured household. His youth was hard work and prayers. He learned his hard work from his father because he was an iron foundry. He learned his prayers from his mother because she was a religious women. McKinley attended Allegheny College for one term. During the Civil war, he enlisted in the Union Army and after the war, McKinley studied law and opened his own practice. McKinley entered politics as a Republican and he became a congressman from Ohio in 1876. He served as chair of the …show more content…
This all was taking place during the presidency of William McKinley. This was known as the Philippine- American War. This was a war against the Philippines and the United States. The US got the Philippines and other territories from Spain at the Treaty of Paris for 20 million dollars. The United States made plans to make the Philippines an American Colony. It started because of conflicting movements for independence and colonization. The Filipinos felt betrayed because the United States was their former allies. The start of the war was when an American soldier named William Grayson shot a Filipino soldier who was crossing a bridge into American-occupied territory in San Juan del Monte. McKinley tried to make something up to cover up the shooting. This war resulted in 4,324 American soldiers killed and 2,818 were injured. This was a downfall in McKinley's presidency. So many of the United States soldiers were killed and injured (Database Error - Academic …show more content…
One of the most important events during Mckinley presidency was the Dingley Tariff Act. “Soon after taking office, McKinley called a special session of Congress in order to raise customs duties, an effort he believed would reduce other taxes and encourage the growth of domestic industry and employment for American workers. The result was the Dingley Tariff Act (sponsored by the Maine congressman Nelson Dingley), the highest protective tariff in American history. McKinley's support for the Dingley Tariff strengthened his position with organized labor, while his generally business-friendly administration allowed industrial combinations or "trusts" to develop at an unprecedented rate”(William Foreign competition was limiting how much money businesses received in the United States. The high tariffs prevented the huge amount of goods from coming from foreign countries and people were using goods made in the United States. The Dingley Tariff Act increased the amount of goods such as silk, woolens, linens, and china. This tariff was the highest protective tariff in the United States. After raising duties to fifty two percent, unfortunately it raised the cost of living by twenty five percent. The law remained in effect for ten years. The Dingley Act was passed on July 24,1897 by William Mckinley. Mckinley was favored by organized labor unions because he was trying to protect Americans

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