...60 Minutes interview 'Childhood' J K Rowling J K Rowling interview In this interview with Rowling, he spoken language throughout is still quite stuttered while she is answering the questions and she takes a little while to think about what she is going to say as she answers, and she uses fillers while answering if she doesn’t know what she actually going to say as her response. For example she says “Erm” a lot as she thinks about what to say. Also she stutters a lot suggesting that she doesn’t actually know what she is about to say, or she is thinking of the best possible answer for the question. She even contradicts herself in an answer at one point, saying “So when you’re happy, boy are you happy? You’re not-” by saying “boy are you happy” talking about childhood but then she say “You’re not” saying this is contradicting her previous answer and suggesting that childhood isn’t a happy time and it’s not a good time in someone’s life. Also when she says “boy are you happy” she puts emphasis on the ‘boy’ there is even an element of sarcasm in her tone of voice, we know this because she then goes on to contradict herself, like she wasn’t being serious about her answer. After contradicting her answer she then goes off the point a little bit by saying “You didn’t pay the gas bill” comparing childhood to adulthood; she is kind of saying that as a child you have no worries and don’t need to be responsible, but as an adult there are slot more responsibilities and have to be...
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...Language Jk Rowling In this essay I am going to study the similarities and differences of two different interviews that JK Rowling is in. One of them is JK Rowling being interviewed by an American woman about her childhood; the other is being interviewed on Blue Peter by the presenters and children. In the childhood interview JK Rowling is wearing very dark clothing, her make-up is quite dark as it doesn’t brighten her face up and her hair is looking very dull. She looks rather tired and fed up in this interview. I don’t think JK Rowling feels comfortable in this interview as it makes her reflect on her childhood and this would be very uncomfortable for someone who’s been bullied and someone who hasn’t had an overly happy childhood. She’s not sat up straight and she is looking down for most of the interview and only makes eye contact when she wants to make a point. For example, the interviewer is questioning about her childhood and says “and how cruel the other kids can be.” JK Rowling looks up immediately when she says “They can be vicious...” she makes eye contact when she says this with her eyes wide open and she also puts emphasis on the word vicious. Another time she makes eye contact when she wants to prove a point is when the interviewer assumes that from what JKR been saying that she was an unhappy child and says “You were an unhappy child.” JK replies very strongly and quiet snappy, with eye contact “Not re- no I don’t think I was an unhappy child...” I think JK was...
Words: 366 - Pages: 2
...study the similarities and differences of two different interviews that JK Rowling is in. One of them is JK Rowling being interviewed by an American woman about her childhood, the other is being interviewed on Blue Peter by the presenters and children. In the childhood interview JK Rowling is wearing very dark clothing, her make-up is quite dark as it doesn’t brighten her face up and her hair is looking very dull. She looks rather tired and fed up in this interview. I don’t think JK Rowling feels comfortable in this interview as it makes her reflect on her childhood and this would be very uncomfortable for someone who’s been bullied and someone who hasn’t had an overly happy childhood. She’s not sat up straight and she is looking down for most of the interview and only makes eye contact when she wants to make a point. For example, the interviewer is questioning about her childhood and says “and how cruel the other kids can be.” JK Rowling looks up immediately when she says “They can be vicious...” she makes eye contact when she says this with her eyes wide open and she also puts emphasis on the word vicious. Another time she makes eye contact when she wants to prove a point is when the interviewer assumes that from what JK’s been saying that she was an unhappy child and says “You were an unhappy child.” JK replies very strongly and quiet snappy, with eye contact “Not re- no I don’t think I was an unhappy child...” I think JK was also lost for words there and was trying to think...
Words: 730 - Pages: 3
...In the ‘Blue Peter’ interview with JK Rowling, author of the 'Harry Potter' books, the questions that were asked were planned, open and friendly. They seemed planned because when the kids were asking the questions, one of them seemed like they were trying to remember her question word for word. The questions were pretty open because JK Rowling had the freedom to answer the questions with any answer rather than a simple yes or no. Since it was young children, mainly girls, who were asking the questions and because the kids were fans of her books, the questions were friendly. The structure of the interview was so that the kids or interviewers were sitting around the interviewee, JK Rowling. She was sat on a throne-like chair in the middle of the room with all the interviewers around her. There were also a few adults in the room with the kids to help with them. The reason children were used to interview JK Rowling was because they were all fans of the series and were different ages, although they were mainly girls, there were one or two boys there and this was creating a variety of questions within the room. During the interview, when she was asked a question, she gave a mix of long and short answers and she kept eye contact with the child who asked the question. She also made faces when explaining something and used formal Standard English but it a slightly simpler way so the kids can understand. JK Rowling also used a range of short answers and long answers just like the...
Words: 441 - Pages: 2
...Transcript JK Rowling & Jonathan Ross JR: Struggling children’s novelist rate some of her stuff and I think she might do quite well its JK Rowling everyone! [Points hand over to TV screen which has photo of JK on] JR: Hello JK: Hello JR: and we have JK Rowling on this special occasion thanks for coming on the show JK: Thank you JR: I have read the new harry potter book personally I think you could of done better than it was all a dream at the end JK: Laughs JR: it’s the the the j stands for Joanna I believe but jo everyone calls you jo JK: Jo JR: The k isn’t actually your name is it JK: No its my grandmothers name they wanted a second initial so I took Cathleen JR: Interrupts and to to make it sound more hybrid JK: overlap blokey JR: Blokey JK: they thought the first book would appeal to boys JR: if you had that that ( unclear) JK: Er they thought maybe they would be turned off by a woman Transcript JK Rowling & Jonathan Ross JR: Struggling children’s novelist rate some of her stuff and I think she might do quite well its JK Rowling everyone! [Points hand over to TV screen which has photo of JK on] JR: Hello JK: Hello JR: and we have JK Rowling on this special occasion thanks for coming on the show JK: Thank you JR: I have read the new harry potter book personally I think you could of done better than it was all a dream at the end JK: Laughs JR: it’s the the the j stands for Joanna I believe but jo everyone calls you jo JK: Jo...
Words: 571 - Pages: 3
...In this essay I am going to analyse two very different interviews of J K Rowling, the creator of Harry Potter. Her language varies in each of her interviews; she adapts her speech for different audiences, such as children and adults. In her interview from, âBlue Peterâ she is more animated and lively on the other hand in her interview from,â60 Minutesâ she is very reminiscent and glum. In the â60 Minutesâ interview J K Rowling uses uses many fillers. Fillers occur particularly in the first section of the interview, as well as some false starts and stammers. âErm so you have that but you â you forgotâ¦.â. This suggests that she is reminiscing as she reflects on her youth. The hesitations and false starts also show that she is being slightly self-analytical and mulling over her past, âNot re- no I donât think I was an unhappy child.â JK is quite grim and frank with her language in the first section of â60 Minutesâ. Her face is dark and she doesnât use much body language. She seems to communicate her thoughts across the interviewer mainly just verbally rather than para-linguistically. Instead she emphasises her points. ...read more. Middle Here JKâs tiredness shows as she stammers and repeats herself before struggling for the words âpush-chairâ. In the Blue Peter interview, JK is much cheerier as she is surrounded by quite young children on a TV show for kids. JK seems eager to answer questions and communicate with the children. She adapts her language by using simpler words...
Words: 615 - Pages: 3
...essay I will talk about two different interviews of the author of the Harry Potter books, J K Rowling (JK). In each interview her language is very different, adapted for older and younger audiences. In one she is moody and reflective, however on a children’s TV show she is enthusiastic and keen to answer the questions she is asked. In ’60 Minutes’ JK uses many fillers. Fillers occur particularly in the first section of the interview, as well as some false starts and stammers. “Erm so you have that but you – you forgot….”. This suggests that she is remeniscing as she reflects on her youth. The mulling over her past, “Not re- no I don’t think I was an unhappy child.” JK is quite grim and frank with her language in the first section of ’60 Minutes’. Her face is dark and she doesn’t use much body language. She seems to communicate her thoughts Instead she emphasises her points. For example, “I have no nostalgia whatever….” Here she uses “whatsoever” to highlight and back up her statement. Another example of this is when JK says “…I wouldn’t go back if you paid me. Ever.” She uses “Ever” as just one sharp word separated from here statement to emphasise her point. In the second section of the ’60 Minutes’ interview, JK is more enthusiastic because she is being asked about her books and how she writes them. However, she is also more secretive as she is trying not to give anything away about the plot of the book she is writing. This causes JK to hesitate and stammer a lot, “This...
Words: 322 - Pages: 2
...Further Teacher Guidance GCSE English Language Studying Spoken Language: Variations, choices, change in spoken language This document has been compiled from the GCSE English Language Specification, material previously published in the Teacher Guide and material distributed at INSET (also available on the secure website). It includes candidate responses in draft form with Principal Examiner commentaries. This document is intended to offer guidance and support to teachers in preparing students for the controlled assessment of Unit 4 S tudying Spoken Language (for first submission Summer 2012). It must be e mphasised that the advice which follows is exactly that: it is not prescriptive and where approaches are mentioned these are not the only possible or recommended choices. As you make your decisions and des ign teaching programmes, please remind yourselves of the most important factors to be taken into account as detailed in the ‘Key Information’ section of this guide and in the ‘Controlled Assessment’ booklet which must be downloaded from the secure website. Contents Key Information Relevant Assessment Objective Advice on Approaches Frequently Asked Questions Controlled Assessment Checklist Using transcriptions, recordings, recollections & terminology Assessment Criteria Candidate responses with Principal Moderator Commentaries Teaching Resources Key Information Candidates will be required to study an aspect of spoken language. The assignment will be a...
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...While reading the story “The Raven” by the Grimm Brother’s there was a part in the story that talked about the man trying to get to the princess to set her free. He comes across three robbers fighting over three objects, a stick which would open ant door only by knocking at it (588), a cloak, which if he put it on made him invisible (589), and lastly a horse that would ride over everything, even the glass mountain (589). I believe that those three items could be compared to three of the main items that play major roles through the Harry Potter series. The magic wand, the invisibility cloak and the Hippogriff. Throughout the story of Harry Potter (book and movie) they are constantly using “a stick which would open any door” similar to that in the Raven. One main example of this was in the first book when they are going against the rules set in the beginning of the year and come across Fluffy, the three headed dog guarding the doorway to a secret hidden within the school. The three got caught on the moving stairwells and came to the 3rd floor which was forbidden. Instead of waiting for the stairwell to move again they went exploring and in that time and were almost discovered by the caretaker Argus Filch. If it hadn’t been for the quick thinking of Hermione and her magic wand they never would have been able to open the door to hide themselves. Another example of this was when Harry snuck into the library after hours and used his wand to open the door to the Restricted Section so...
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...Twilight (series) |Twilight | |[pic] | |Complete set of the four books | |of the Twilight series and the spin-off novella, The Short Second Life of Bree| |Tanner. | |Twilight | |New Moon | |Eclipse | |Breaking Dawn | |Author |Stephenie Meyer | |Country |United States | |Language |English | |Genre |Romance, fantasy, young-adult fiction | |Publisher |Little, Brown and Company | |Published |2005–2008 | |Media type |Print | Twilight is a series of four vampire-themed fantasy romance novels by American author Stephenie Meyer. It charts a period in the life of Isabella "Bella" Swan, a teenage girl...
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...The Ecology of Family Life Report of research conducted by The Social Issues Research Centre 2008 The Social Issues Research Centre 28 St Clements Street Oxford OX4 1AB UK +44 1865 262255 group@sirc.org The ecology of family life Contents 1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................................................................4 1.1 Family and childhood: a paradigmatic review ....................................................................................................................................4 1.2 Space and time in family life...................................................................................................................................................................4 1.3 Pennies and pounds: the socioeconomic relations of families and children in the present.......................................................4 1.4 Theoretical framework.............................................................................................................................................................................5 1.5 Defining consumption ..............................................................................................................................................................................5 1.6 Methodology and sources of data ...........................................................................................
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...This week's graded topics relate to the following Terminal Course Objectives (TCOs): A | Given an organizational requirement to conform business practices to both the law and best ethical practices, apply appropriate ethical theories to shape a business decision. | I | Given specified circumstances of a business decision to expand to international markets, determine what international legal requirements or regulatory controls apply. | Topics for This Week's Discussion * Introduce yourself to your professor and the rest of the class. (not graded) * Thread over TCO A/I (graded) * Ethics and Patent Rights Post 9/11 (graded) * Q & A Forum for your questions and comments (not graded) | | There is a drop down arrow next to the "Select a Topic" box. Click on this arrow to select topics for discussion. | ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Select a Topic: Bottom of Form The World Bank Situation (graded) | Class, please read Chapter 2, problem 5 from the Jennings text, p. 72. This week, we will discuss the Wolfowitz situation at the World Bank. Consider the questions at the end of the problem as you make comments in the threads this week. What are the ethics here? Was Wolfowitz trying to do the right thing? Does that make a difference ethically? Throughout the week, I will bring in further questions. Be sure to read the lecture and the international ethics article stated in your reading for the week as well. | ...
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...10000 quiz questions and answers www.cartiaz.ro 10000 general knowledge questions and answers 10000 general knowledge questions and answers www.cartiaz.ro No Questions Quiz 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Carl and the Passions changed band name to what How many rings on the Olympic flag What colour is vermilion a shade of King Zog ruled which country What colour is Spock's blood Where in your body is your patella Where can you find London bridge today What spirit is mixed with ginger beer in a Moscow mule Who was the first man in space What would you do with a Yashmak Who betrayed Jesus to the Romans Which animal lays eggs On television what was Flipper Who's band was The Quarrymen Which was the most successful Grand National horse Who starred as the Six Million Dollar Man In the song Waltzing Matilda - What is a Jumbuck Who was Dan Dare's greatest enemy in the Eagle What is Dick Grayson better known as What was given on the fourth day of Christmas What was Skippy ( on TV ) What does a funambulist do What is the name of Dennis the Menace's dog What are bactrians and dromedaries Who played The Fugitive Who was the King of Swing Who was the first man to fly across the channel Who starred as Rocky Balboa In which war was the charge of the Light Brigade Who invented the television Who would use a mashie niblick In the song who killed Cock Robin What do deciduous...
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