...JOURNAL ARTICLE CRITIQUE of Reicke, Bo Ivar. 1959. "Risen Lord and his Church : the theology of Acts." Interpretation 13, no. 2: 157-169. ATLASerials, Religion Collection, EBSCOhost (accessed September 14, 2013). THEO 510 LUO (fall 2013) Survey of Christian Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary David M. Lowe (ID# L01477914) September 19, 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction..................................................................................................................2 II. Brief Summary.............................................................................................................2 III. Critical Interaction with Author’s Work..................................................................4 IV. Conclusion....................................................................................................................5 Bibliography........................................................................................................................6 Introduction In the Book of Acts author Luke purposes to provide an account of the origin and development of the church under the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Book of Acts lays an original and graphic historical picture of the early church from its beginnings with the accension of Jesus to it’s end with Paul’s detention in...
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...Introduction to World Music Professor Glenn McMillan 1003 M Room gmac@mec.cuny.edu Office Hours Appointments Only 718 270 4929 Music 100 Please leave email Introduction to World Music Syllabus-Spring 2013 This course is an introduction to music and to the musical mechanics from a global perspective. There will be three aims: • to increase the students understanding of music, including its elements, structures, and terminology through live performances, students and guest artists; • to increase the students awareness, cultural connections to explore and their understanding of global relationships; how these cultures utilize musical elements, and the role that music plays within that culture; and • Most importantly, to increase the students understanding of the origins of the students’ owns individual music appreciation and the connection to the global village. Course Objectives • To explore and reconsider ideas about cultural contact in the process of musical change • To understand music terminology • To understand, review and write reports on live performances using terminology demonstrating knowledge of musical elements within rhythm, pitch, and structure • To understand and further identify the social, economic, historical, philosophical and psychological elements, which affect the form of the assigned music • To identify aurally and explain rhythm...
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...Description: LIB 111 focuses on writing clear and coherent summaries, analyses, and essays. The course also stresses the ability to understand, use, and document college-level non-fiction readings as evidence for effectively formulating and accurately supporting a thesis. Course Description and Goals: No man is an island! To communicate effectively with colleagues and communities, we must first learn how to accurately interpret the conversation around us and articulate our own thoughts so we can join the dialogue and make contributions to the world both as professionals and active citizens. In LIB 111 you will learn to analyze writings and argue with authors of literary, journalistic, and academic non-fiction. Through assignments in summary, critique, synthesis, and persuasion, you will progress your ability to formulate and share ideas efficiently. Together we will write, revise, workshop, and revise again, learning as much from each other as from the authors we read in class. As part of our commitment to helping students reach their full potential in their academic, professional, and civic lives, Arts and Sciences faculty believe that learning in all disciplines is an integrative process, a synthesis of critical reading, thinking, and writing. For this reason, as we guide you in your studies in LIB 111, we will use a Writing Intensive approach that emphasizes mastery of information and concepts AND the application of what you have learned in a variety of forms: you will be actively...
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...Running Head: JOURNAL ARTICLE CRITIQUE Journal Article Critique Peter Bakke Walden University Professor Thomas Spencer, Ph.D. RSCH-8250Z-1 – Advanced Quantitative Reasoning & Analysis July 16, 2013 1 2 Running Head: JOURNAL ARTICLE CRITIQUE Introduction Hsu, Chen, and Cheng (2013) used a cross-sectional study to analyze 187 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Taiwan to determine if CEO attributes contributed to internationalization success as defined by firm performance. Based upon upper echelon and information processing theories, the researchers hypothesized that five CEO characteristics (age, tenure, education, international experience, and duality - that is, CEO also as board chairman) were significant moderating effects upon international firm performance. Using regression analyses, the researchers concluded that four of the predictors, excluding CEO tenure, had a significant moderating effect upon firm performance. The rationale for the study was described by the researchers as a need to analyze CEO characteristic attributes because such CEO predictors had not been addressed in previous studies of internationalization and firm performance. Therefore, this study appeared to fill a gap in the literature. The three authors seemed to be a well-balanced team to tackle this particular academic issue. They individually had well-suited combinations of experience in finance, risk management, and international business. Literature Review ...
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...European Journal of Marketing Emerald Article: Value creation in supply chain relationships: a critique of governance value analysis Trond Hammervoll Article information: To cite this document: Trond Hammervoll, (2009),"Value creation in supply chain relationships: a critique of governance value analysis", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 43 Iss: 5 pp. 630 - 639 Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/03090560910946963 Downloaded on: 07-07-2012 References: This document contains references to 41 other documents To copy this document: permissions@emeraldinsight.com This document has been downloaded 2200 times since 2009. * Users who downloaded this Article also downloaded: * James DeLisle, Terry Grissom, (2011),"Valuation procedure and cycles: an emphasis on down markets", Journal of Property Investment & Finance, Vol. 29 Iss: 4 pp. 384 - 427 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/14635781111150312 David Wyman, Maury Seldin, Elaine Worzala, (2011),"A new paradigm for real estate valuation?", Journal of Property Investment & Finance, Vol. 29 Iss: 4 pp. 341 - 358 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/14635781111150286 François Des Rosiers, Jean Dubé, Marius Thériault, (2011),"Do peer effects shape property values?", Journal of Property Investment & Finance, Vol. 29 Iss: 4 pp. 510 - 528 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/14635781111150376 Access to this document was granted through an Emerald subscription provided by University of Pretoria For Authors: If you would like to write for...
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...How to Read and Review a Scientific Journal Article: Writing Summaries and Critiques Definition of Genre Summaries and critiques are two ways to write a review of a scientific journal article. Both types of writing ask you first to read and understand an article from the primary literature about your topic. The summary involves briefly but accurately stating the key points of the article for a reader who has not read the original article. The critique begins by summarizing the article and then analyzes and evaluates the author’s research. Summaries and critiques help you learn to synthesize information from different sources and are usually limited to two pages maximum. Actions to Take 1. Skim the article without taking notes: Read the abstract. The abstract will tell you the major findings of the article and why they matter. Read first for the “big picture.” Note any terms or techniques you need to define. Jot down any questions or parts you don’t understand. If you are unfamiliar with any of the key concepts in the article, look them up in a textbook. 2. Re-read the article more carefully: Pay close attention to the “Materials and Methods” (please note that in some journals this section is at the very end of the paper) and “Results” sections. Ask yourself questions about the study, such as: o Was the study repeated? o What was the sample size? Is this representative of the larger population? o What variables were held constant? Was there...
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...WOODRUFF SCHOOL OF NURSING TITLE: NRSG 507: Theory and Research Applications CREDIT ALLOCATION: 3 Semester hours PLACEMENT: Tuesdays 1:00 – 3:50 PM Rm. 201 FACULTY: Catherine Vena, PhD, RN | Eun Seok (Julie) Cha, PhD, RN | Clinical Associate Professor | Assistant Professor | Room 224 | Room 234 | cvena@emory.edu | echa5@emory.edu | 404-727-8430 | 404-712-9578 | Office Hours: By appointment | Office Hours: By appointment | COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is an introduction to the theoretical and research foundations of advanced nursing practice. Key content to be covered includes the philosophical basis of science and knowledge, the structure and development of theory, qualitative and quantitative research methods, theory and research critique, and the application of theory and research in advanced nursing practice. It delineates research competencies for advanced practice nurses. The course encompasses critique of studies, application of research findings to practice (research utilization) and evaluation of outcomes attributable to advanced practice nursing. Ethical considerations related to research are integrated throughout the course. COURSE OBJECTIVES/OUTCOMES: 1. Understand the relationship between theory, research, and practice. 2. Critique and evaluate theoretical perspectives and research methods used to address clinical problems. 3. Understand qualitative and quantitative methodologies...
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...INTRODUCTION The mid-eighties witnessed the emergence of a growing body of work collectively labelled the resource and capability-based view of the firm (RBV). In reality, Resource Competence View (RCV) first adopted an “economic” orientation. Pioneer studies (Wernerfelt, 1984) , Barney, 1986, 1991, Dierickx and Cool, 1989, Peteraf, 1993) focused on the type of resources and competencies that could offer to its owner a sustainable competitive advantage. Therefore, resources and competencies approach first appeared as a theory of competitive advantage or a theory of “performance of the firm” (Argyres & Zenger, 2007). It is only recently, in the last 20 years that organizations have started using the resource based view approach on strategy. Nowadays, they view it as the most important key development in international business research and strategic management, an approach that gives a coherent vision based on a firm's capabilities to help determine the strategic resources necessary for the firm's survival and growth within a particular market place. As Hitt et al (2001) stated, “the resource based model assumes that each organization is a collection of unique resources and capabilities that provides the basis for its strategy and that is the primary source of return.”. It suggests that in order for a firm to sustain competitive advantage, it must not only have resources and capabilities but also have a firm control over it and they must meet certain basic criteria such as...
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...RES/351 Article Critique Article Critique Carl Bubeck University Phoenix Abstract The critique of "Attitudes Towards Tax Evasion: A Demographic Study of the Netherlands" will show if the article and the study followed, or failed to follow, the criteria for good research, as described in Chapter 1. I will describe if the writer’s conclusions were warranted and which were not based on the information in the article and its supporting documents. Article Critique In the article "Attitudes Towards Tax Evasion: A Demographic Study of the Netherlands" Ross and McGee attempt to say that the new studies about the attitudes of tax evasion have better support and research about those attitudes. The authors use a variety of historic studies and a recent study to support their theory. Depending on the reason people feel it is ok to avoid paying taxes. Attitudes Towards Tax Evasion: A Demographic Study of the Netherlands A number of studies have examined the relationship between tax collection and various demographic variables. However, until recently most of those studies have involved a United States sample population (Ross, McGee 2012, P2). This article review the data from typical IRS data as well as additional supportive criteria for the sturdy. Ethical issues were introduced through a series of questions to members of differing demographics. This data was then compared in a trend analysis to determine if there has been a change in the views of people regarding...
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...Article Critique Utilize the CSU Online Library, or another online academic database, such as Alabama Virtual Library, or University library, and select two peer-reviewed, scholarly articles. The first should be related to the topic of Chapter 13: Creating Vision and Strategic Direction. The second article should be on the topic of Chapter 15: Leading Change. Be sure that the articles relate to this course material. If possible, utilize articles that have been published in the last 5 years. To locate scholarly journal articles on these topics, you will want to access the online academic database of your choice and utilize the advanced search option to search for peer-reviewed, scholarly articles. You may want to begin your search by experimenting with the keywords leadership + vision or leadership + change. If you have difficulty locating an article, please contact the CSU Online Library staff. Their contact information can be found by accessing the CSU Online Library page through the “My Library” link located in your course. As you prepare your article critiques, follow the instructions below. Write your critiques in APA format. Identify your author and title as part of the introduction to your topic; this should not be considered a reference for the article. For example: In reading "The Wayward Cat" (Seuss, 2012) I was intrigued by the way the author addressed . . . Begin with an introduction that defines the subject of your critique and the author’s point of view. Defend...
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...comm600 full course latest 2016 feb all weeks discussions all assignments and all quizzes Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/comm600-full-course-latest-2016-feb-all-weeks-discussions-all-assignments-and-all-quizzes/ week 1 i Learners! :) For this discussion topic, you will make your main post by Saturday of Week One (January 9) and post two substantive replies to classmates by Tuesday of Week One (January 12). This topic is required and graded, and your main post will be worth 60 points, with your two thorough, substantive replies to classmates being worth 20 points each. You will be graded on the quality, depth, and level of expansion and detail in your main and reply posts. Instructions: This semester we'll be exploring the topic of "Millennials" in articles that you be assigned to analyze, evaluate, and use as references for the assigned essays in this course. To begin thinking about this topic, please view either of the two videos on millennials that follow. Please note the attached critical thinking strategies to consider as you view. Then respond in the attached Discussion area to at least ONE of the following questions.: 1. What information was new or surprising to you, and why? 2. What information or concept left you confused, and why? 3. What comment(s) did you disagree with, and why? 4. What information do you find most important, and why? Please include the title of the video you viewed in the subject line of your post. Millennials:...
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...comm600 full course latest 2016 feb all weeks discussions all assignments and all quizzes Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/comm600-full-course-latest-2016-feb-all-weeks-discussions-all-assignments-and-all-quizzes/ week 1 i Learners! :) For this discussion topic, you will make your main post by Saturday of Week One (January 9) and post two substantive replies to classmates by Tuesday of Week One (January 12). This topic is required and graded, and your main post will be worth 60 points, with your two thorough, substantive replies to classmates being worth 20 points each. You will be graded on the quality, depth, and level of expansion and detail in your main and reply posts. Instructions: This semester we'll be exploring the topic of "Millennials" in articles that you be assigned to analyze, evaluate, and use as references for the assigned essays in this course. To begin thinking about this topic, please view either of the two videos on millennials that follow. Please note the attached critical thinking strategies to consider as you view. Then respond in the attached Discussion area to at least ONE of the following questions.: 1. What information was new or surprising to you, and why? 2. What information or concept left you confused, and why? 3. What comment(s) did you disagree with, and why? 4. What information do you find most important, and why? Please include the title of the video you viewed in the subject line of your post. Millennials:...
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...ABOUT THE THEORIST * Patricia E. Benner, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN is a Professor Emerita at the University of California, San Francisco. * BA in Nursing - Pasadena College/Point Loma College * MS in Med/Surg nursing from UCSF * PhD -1982 from UC Berkeley * 1970s - Research at UCSF and UC Berkeley * Has taught and done research at UCSF since 1979 * Published 9 books and numerous articles * Published ‘Novice to Expert Theory’ in 1982 * Received Book of the Year from AJN in 1984,1990,1996, 2000 * Her web address is at: http://www.PatriciaBenner.com * Her profile can be obtained at http://nurseweb.ucsf.edu/www/ix-fd.shtml LEVELS OF NURSING EXPERIENCE She described 5 levels of nursing experience as; 1. Novice 2. Advanced beginner 3. Competent 4. Proficient 5. Expert Novice * Beginner with no experience * Taught general rules to help perform tasks * Rules are: context-free, independent of specific cases, and applied universally * Rule-governed behavior is limited and inflexible * Ex. “Tell me what I need to do and I’ll do it.” Advanced Beginner *...
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...prerequisite for becoming an expert. ABOUT THE THEORIST • Patricia E. Benner, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN is a Professor Emerita at the University of California, San Francisco. • BA in Nursing - Pasadena College/Point Loma College • MS in Med/Surg nursing from UCSF • PhD -1982 from UC Berkeley • 1970s - Research at UCSF and UC Berkeley • Has taught and done research at UCSF since 1979 • Published 9 books and numerous articles • Published ‘Novice to Expert Theory’ in 1982 • Received Book of the Year from AJN in 1984,1990,1996, 2000 • Her web address is at: http://www.PatriciaBenner.com • Her profile can be obtained at http://nurseweb.ucsf.edu/www/ix-fd.shtml LEVELS OF NURSING EXPERIENCE She described 5 levels of nursing experience as; 1. Novice 2. Advanced beginner 3. Competent 4. Proficient 5. Expert Novice • Beginner with no experience • Taught general rules to help perform tasks • Rules are: context-free, independent of specific cases, and applied universally • Rule-governed behavior is limited and inflexible • Ex. “Tell me what I need to do and I’ll do it.” Advanced Beginner • Demonstrates acceptable performance • Has gained prior experience in actual situations to...
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...expect to have acquired an appreciation of the research process both as a craft and as methodology. 二、课程目标 (Objectives) By the end of this course, the students are expected to have attained proficiency in the following areas: identifying research problems in management, reviewing management literature, asking important and interesting research questions and developing hypotheses based on relevant management theories and research evidence, selecting and implementing appropriate research design, collecting data, conducting data analysis with computer softwares such as SPSS, interpreting data, and writing a research proposal and report. 1 三、内容提要及学时分配 (Seminar Timetable and Assessment Schedule) Week Date Topics Text/Readings Assignment Schedule 4 11/10 (Fri) Introduction of Research Methods Bordens & Abbott, Ch. 1; Chen, Tsui, & Farh, 2012, Ch. 1 & 2 5...
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