...ASSIGNMENT: Journal critique: ALIKA, Henrietta Ijeoma (2011) Peer and parental influence as correlates of career choice in social science: Implications of counseling. The Nigerian Journal of Guidance and Counseling, Vol 16 2011. Date of submission: Dec 2013. The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between parental pressure and peer group influence on career choice among secondary school adolescents. It was carried out in Egor and Oredo local Government areas in Edo state Nigeria. The title of the study is stated clearly and gives information about the subjects but does not give the location of the study. In the abstract the researcher has elaborated adequately the method of study which is survey. Two hypotheses are stated, three research instruments used and the results clearly given. It also gives suggestions for further investigations with a view of helping the adolescents in career decision making. The researcher has clearly defined the terms in the introduction. She has given a good background of the study quoting previous studies on related field The problem statement comes out clearly that parents and peer pressure influence adolescents to make unrealistic career choices. The researcher gives consequences as frustrations on the job or dropping out, indeed showing related problems. The researcher has given two hypotheses. The first states that there is no significant relationship between peers and parental influence on career choice in social...
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...Journal Article Critique Salleh, F. H. M., et al. (2009). Development of mobile workforce management system for electricity supply industries. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ACM: 346350. 1.0 Purpose of the study This study aims to demonstrate how mobile computing delivers benefits to power utilities such as TNB and the Electricity Supply Industries (ESI) in general. The authors made clear description in the abstract the various types of mobile workforce management system (MWMS), problems addressed, proposed application work flow that includes knowledge management, differentiators, benefits and issues. 2.0 Problem addressed by the study In this journal, the authors highlighted ESI problem of organizing fault messages, illegitimate claims and lack of method in storing fault information. The authors mentioned how these problems are being dealt with by MWMS in various ways by power utilities around the world. According to the authors, the incorporation of Knowledge Management into a proposed mobile workforce implementation seeks to improve knowledge acquisition and service automation. 3.0 Hypothesis followed by the study The authors stressed on how their proposed mobile workforce management system is highly suited to support TNB through key differentiators such as the proposed 1 usage of infrastructure ID cards and card readers to improve claim and fault recording...
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...Submitted in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for Journal Critique #3 SM 325: Sport Marketing, Promotions, and Fundraising Instructor: Wooson Kim Michael Cassidy (Student) The Byron Nelson Championship is a very prestigious Pro Golf Association (PGA) tournament on tour. The Dallas, Texas tournament tends to draw more of an older crowd and now is trying to reach the markets of eighteen to thirty-four year olds (Smith, 2012). The PGA event will team up with ProPac Marketing as they introduce a marketing plan they are call “Argyle Army” (Smith, 2012). The campaign will hit many common areas around Dallas including a meet and greet and a Texas Rangers game (Major League Baseball) (Smith, 2012). Dallas is a very good area to advertise the PGA Tour event in because the city attracts close to 20,000 people per week (Smith, 2012). One of the things that the Byron Nelson Championship did was use its internal data sources to find out the age demographics of the crowd that attends their event. By using their data-base they were able to figure out that the majority of their crowd was in the older population, and they needed to reach out to the younger age demographic. Internal data sources can include sales records, inquiries, accounting records and website registrations (Hardy, Mullin, & Sutton, Data-based Marketing and the Role of Research, 2007, pp. 110-112). They are very easy sources to gather quick information about the people that are attending...
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...Critique of Nurse in London Olympics Article NS204 Abstract The critique of a well written article that is about the accomplishments of a registered nurse and humanitarian chosen to carry the Olympic torch in the 2012 summer London Olympics games. Collins from the American Journal of Nursing (AJN) wrote an informative article on a very accomplished nurse, Debra A. Toney, PhD, RN, FAAN. When interviewed by AJN and asked about her accomplishments after being chosen by relay sponsor’s she stated, that most of her time is spent in underserved communities helping promote health with education, support groups, and screening (Collins, 2012). The article had plenty of background information on Ms. Toney, her many accomplishments, and nursing experience before Collins proceeded to go into talking about her selection for the Olympic torch team. It is always exciting to see stories of individuals that are contributing to society but even more when it is someone or something thing that you can relate to. Collins (2012) reported she carried the torch a total of 300 meters on the ninth of July though Kirlington in Oxfordshire. When Ms. Toney was asked about being chosen for this prestigious event she had the following to say, “Being a torchbearer gives me the opportunity to participate in an international event that celebrates the accomplishments of some amazing people,” and “It’s a proud and humbling experience just to be chosen for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” (Collins...
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...HOLY ANGEL UNIVERSITY College of Engineering and Architecture Department of Industrial Engineering SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Complex Adaptive Systems Theory and Firm Product Innovativeness A Journal Critique Submitted by: Enriquez, Trixia Mae IE-501 Submitted to: Prof. Melani Cabrera January 15, 2015 CITATION Provide a full citation of the article author(s), title of article, and name of journal volume and pages. Akgun, A., Keskin H., & Bryne, J. (2014). Complex Adaptive Systems Theory and Firm Product Innovativeness. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management. Pages 21-42. TOPIC Briefly describe the topic of the journal article. Identify the major/minor objectives of the article as well. Identify and define the important concepts focused on by the author. Are the definitions clear, in your opinion? The topic of the journal article is about conditions of Complex Adaptive Systems such as context and emergence influencing the firm product innovativeness. Based on the article, Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) Theory, the agents in the system are all the components of that system and these agents interact and connect with each other in unpredictable and unplanned ways. But from these interactions, regularities emerge and start to form a pattern which feeds back on the system and informs the interactions of the agents. A period of change occurs in all the parts of the system until a new balance is established. The major objective of the article...
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...Game Journal 6 The school of criticism that made the most sense to me was by far the biographical critique. In my opinion the vast majority of the other critiques read as though the author was simply trying to find examples for that particular type of critique where there was probably very little intentioned meaning behind it. Some of the meaning behind the game that was analyzed seemed as though it was forced. The biographical critique, however, analyzes the author’s intent behind the game using quotes from the author himself. This lends more authority to the critique and prevented it from feeling as though meaningless aspects of the game were being critiqued. In the biographical critique for Katamari Damacy the critic uses the author’s own words to describe how the author intended the game to affect his audience. This is information straight from the source and thus allows for the game to be looked at in a new light. The author intended the game’s peaceful, fun, game that is almost devoid of conflict to brighten the lives of everyone that played it and thus make the world better. The critic in a more thorough analysis could then have described whether the game is successful in doing that, and if so by how much. The biographical critique provided the author’s motivations behind making the game. This is a strong basis on which to critique the game. Analyze the author’s intent behind making the game along with how well the game imparts the author’s message. By doing this...
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...Journal Critique – “Why God Became Man” The journal article “Why God Became Man”, provides an in-depth analysis on the incarnate birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus, born of the Father and of the Virgin Birth, Jesus truly was God. In Jesus Christ was the nature of God and because of the Virgin Birth, He truly was of God. God is the one unquestionable Deity, God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit. For those unaware of God, His love and his selfless act of sending His Son to save us, the article contained seven clear distinct truisms about Jesus. The facts brought forth about Jesus: God brought himself to our lowly level through Jesus Christ, born as a servant, made in the likeness of man, he faced the sins of the world as do we, He portrayed the true example of being humble, He remained obedient to God, and he willingly died for us. Jesus was born into a simple human existence, though He remained God incarnate. Strauss brought to light in the article that we, as humans, regardless of our belief in God cannot truly comprehend the love and sacrifice God brought in the giving of Jesus Christ. Only God can understand the love felt for us in the sending of Jesus Christ. Jesus brought us salvation and redemption. Jesus came to reveal himself to us and to rescue all of humankind. We are also equally unable to understand the perfection of God, as found in the Deity. Throughout the article, Strauss used Scripture to back up and illustrate every point made. Strauss...
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...JOURNAL ARTICLE CRITIQUE Of Moises Silva “Old Princeton, Westminister, and Inerrancy” Westminister Theological Journal 50(1988) 65-80 THEO 525 B10 LUO (Spring 2014) Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary Thomas O. Elder24618510 Lynchburg, Virginia 25 March, 2014 I Contents Introduction 2 Summary 2 Interaction 3 Conclusion 4 Bibliography 5 2 Introduction The occasion of the Journal article’s content is the inauguration of the speaker’s call as “…professor of New Testament at Westminister Theological Seminary. The date is February 19, 1985.” The purpose of the speech and hence the article is to make a command statement for all time to any who will hear the speech or read the article that the professor is publicly, fully committed to the argument that “…The scriptures are truly God’s very...
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...JOURNAL ARTICLE CRITIQUE of Boring, M. Eugene “Matthew’s Narrative Christology: Three Stories.” Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 64 no 4 (October 2010): 356-67. THEO 510 LUO (Fall 2013) Survey of Theology Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary Jermaine L. Andrews (ID# 26089173) August 31, 2013 Table of Contents Introduction 1 Brief Summary 1 Critical Interaction 2 Conclusion 3 End Notes 4 Bibliography 5 Introduction M. Eugene Boring is Professor Emeritus of New Testament at Brite Divinity School. In this article, his target audience is the Christian community and his goal is to discuss Matthew’s Christology as theocentric, presenting God’s manifested presence in the life of Jesus. Boring goes on to show how Matthew’s Christology is expressed in a narrative of three stories. He says that this can be appreciated and appropriated better in the context of narratives in which contemporary interpreters are embedded.1 He does not subscribe to a particular story, but believes that the ecclesiology, eschatology, and ethics of Jesus are intertwined. They cannot be separated or summarized. For that reason, we are introduced to and come to know Jesus as Emmanuel, God-with-us. Brief Summary Boring begins this article by talking about Jesus and how he was sent by God as the promised Messiah. He mentions how Matthew uses three stories that bridges the gap between interpreters’...
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...An Empirical Analysis of Trends in Psychology By Richard W. Robbins, Samuel D. Gosling and Kenneth H. Craik Tanya McKinley (student) AU ID 3049260 PSYC 290 Journal Article Critique 1 I. Research Question or Problem The question is clearly stated. The purpose of Robbins’ et al study was to focus on trends in the prominence of four influential and widely recognized schools within psychology: psychoanalysis, behaviorism, cognitive psychology and neuroscience (Robbins, 1999, pp. 1172). II. Introduction The introduction gives us an overview of three indexes of prominence the authors used to compare and determine which of the four schools are currently prominent and what specific trends can be identified over the past several decades (Robbins, 1999, pp. 118). III. Methods Four articles were chosen as flagship publications. The psychINFO data base was used to measure the proportion of articles relevant to each school that appeared in the flagship publications. Keyword searches were used to retrieve all articles containing a specified word stems to identify articles within a behaviorist school (as cited by Robbins, 1999, pp. 118). IV. Results The results are clearly stated. Data was gathered and graphs were used to plot the percentage of articles associated with the keywords that represent each school (Robbins, 1999, pp. 121-126). V. Discussion/Conclusions The conclusion was discussed (Robbins, 1999, pp. 127-128). Suggestions for practical implications were...
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...Critique of a Scholarly Journal Fields, Barry (2012) Getting the balance right: The challenge of balancing praise and correction for early school years children who exhibit oppositional and defiant behaviour. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 37(4), 24-29. Topic/Purpose: The purpose of this article was to investigate how schools that have implemented a School Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) approach are balancing praise and correction for early school years children who exhibit oppositional defiant behavior (ODB). The author’s hypothesis is that the students that display ODB would have greater opportunities for praise and reward when exhibiting appropriate behavior given the SWPBS environment. Main Ideas/Concerns: With more children in early childcare settings exhibiting oppositional defiant behavior it becomes more challenging to create a nurturing and supportive learning environment. Early intervention is more than likely to yield a positive outcome for many developmental problems. Behavior improvement interventions have been found to be more effective when implemented across multiple settings. For pre-school and early childhood students, the most important settings for those interventions are the home and school (or childcare center). However the number of parents that incorporate any level of intervention in the home setting is unknown. Traditionally schools have focused...
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...Peer’s Critique Feedback COMM/110 Peers Critique Feedback Peer review would refer to the many habits in which peers can share their creativity for constructive feedback then uses that feedback to revise and improve their work. The writing process, the modification is necessary as the draft of presenting, but peers often feel that they could not let go of their original words for introducing. Peers offer productive feedback, accept constructive criticism. Methods on critiques a presentation speech, to critique a speech or a presentation it's necessary to evaluate the presenters abilities in both speech and delivery. On determining whether the presenter is using facts and narratives to make a case. One method will be evaluating the content, by including word choices, references, and sketches should tailor to the audience that will be listening to the speech or presentation. Then it will follow the evaluation the speech or presentation clarity. The presenter should use correct grammar and easy to understanding language, making it pleasant to listen to the speech and follow what it is. Other would be on seeing if the statement is convincing and educational, in a well-written speech or presentation arguments are skillfully put forth to prove high points. The implementation that I would plan on the suggestions that my teammates have mentioned and will be adding to my future presentations. The tone of voice was the critiques that my teammates comment on my tone of voice was...
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...PLEASE READ THIS FIRST PAGE CAREFULLY. IT SHOULD BE DELETED WHEN YOU SUBMIT YOUR ASSIGNMENT FOR GRADING. General Rationale This document contains the instructions for the Speech Criticism Assignment. It is designed as an opportunity for you to observe and critique a presentation in a formal manner using the canons of rhetoric as a framework. Instructions 1. Carefully listen to and view the assigned presentation for this assignment. Review your professor’s announcements for the specific presentation(s) for this assignment. 2. Write an introductory section that gains the audience’s attention, gives a sense of your overall impression of the presentation, and sets up the rest of your critique. 3. Write a section about the invention canon of rhetoric as related to this presentation. 4. Write a section about the arrangement canon of rhetoric as related to this presentation. 5. Write a section about the style canon of rhetoric as related to this presentation. 6. Write a section about the delivery canon of rhetoric as related to this presentation. 7. Write a concluding section that summarizes the major critiques of the presentation and ends comfortably. Additional Expectations and Suggestions * This should be three or four double-spaced pages. * Use headings to identify clearly which canon through which you are evaluating. The four middle sections should be relatively equally developed. * Use the Questions for Canons of Rhetoric document in...
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...The electronic reserve I chose to report on. Kim, S. K., Park, J. M., Choi, J. E., Rhee, S. K., & Shim, S. I. (2010). Intratendinous ganglion cyst of the semimembranosus tendon. British Journal of Radiology, 83(988), 79. With this article, it describes the pathology and etiology in the middle age with two diagnoses for tendinopathy, and colcinosis with pathology on collateral ligaments in the middle age. It describes the calcification within the fibular collateral ligament. It pertains to a 52-year-old man that was presented with tenderness and pain over the lateral aspect of the left knee. According to the patient, it occurred from a fall on the stairs and the twisting of the left knee. Some of the tests that were taken such as with a tomography showed signs of myofascial edema in the lateral soft tissue. The differential diagnosis stated that it could exclude acute ligamentous injury, fracture or infection and also after the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) it also excluded avulsion fracture. After concluding that the oral cortex was intact with a smooth contour their diagnosis was Periarticular calcification that could be determined from the MRI and CT scans. The other diagnosis was hydroxyapatite depositon with confirmed calcification in the fibular collateral. My concern with both of these diagnosis’s would be that if both found the same thing in the testing how can there be two different conclusions on what is occurring in the gentlemen’s knee . In addition...
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...E. Defintion of Terms Assess - to estimate officially the value of (property, income, etc.) as a basis for taxation. Critique - is an in-depth analysis of a work, where in the end different components of that work are given recommendations for improvement. Critiques are perhaps most popular in the working world. Colleague - is someone you work with at your job. When you are a teacher, the other teachers are your colleagues. When you work as a cashier at 7-11, the guy at the deli counter is your colleague as well. Comprise - to include or contain: The Soviet Union comprised several socialist republics. Phenomenon – a fact, occurrence, or circumstance observed or observable: to study the phenomena of nature. Publication - the act of publishing a book, periodical, map, piece of music, engraving, or the like. Retain - to keep possession of. Social – pertaining to, devoted to, or characterized by friendly companionship or relations: a social club. tend - To have the care of; watch over; look after: tend a child. Various - Being more than one; several. CHAPTER III Methodology The researcher gathered data from its respondents by using Analytical method on the data presented.We can use also use Descriptive Method because we have to describe every detail of gathering data. The questionnaires were given to thirty (30) selected students. They were asked to fll-up the survey forms in their most honest way. They were able to answer the ten (10) simple questions...
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