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Juan De Oñate Research Paper

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First and foremost, Juan De Oñate, was born 1550-1626 in the frontier settlement of Zacatecas, Mexico, was an explorer and the founder of the first European settlements. He married Isabel de Tolosa Cortés Moctezuma, a descendant of the famous conquistador Hernán Cortés and the Aztec emperor Moctezuma and hey also had a son and a daughter. “In his early twenties Oñate was leading campaigns against the unsubdued Chichimec Indians along the turbulent northern frontier around Zacatecas and prospecting for silver.” During his early twenties Juan de Oñate was leading military campaigns against the Chichimec Indians. This is when he also had begun his early career searching for mineral deposits for silver. Oñate also supported the establishment of

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