...Modern GPUs use most of their transistors to do calculations related to 3D computer graphics. They were initially used to accelerate the memory-intensive work of texture mapping and rendering polygons, later adding units to accelerate geometric calculations such as the rotation and translation of vertices into different coordinate systems. Recent developments in GPUs include support for programmable shaders which can manipulate vertices and textures with many of the same operations supported by CPUs, oversampling and interpolation techniques to reduce aliasing, and very high-precision color spaces. Because most of these computations involve matrix and vector operations, engineers and scientists have increasingly studied the use of GPUs for non-graphical calculations. An example of GPUs being used non-graphically is the generation of Bitcoins, where the graphical processing unit is used to solve puzzles. In addition to the 3D hardware, today's GPUs include basic 2D acceleration and framebuffer capabilities (usually with a VGA compatibility mode). Newer cards like AMD/ATI HD5000-HD7000 even lack 2D acceleration, it has to be emulated by 3D hardware. [edit]GPU accelerated video decoding The ATI HD5470 GPU (above) features UVD 2.1 which enables it to decode AVC and VC-1 video formats- GPU from Vaio E series laptop Most GPUs made since 1995 support the YUV color space and hardware overlays, important for digital video playback, and many GPUs made since 2000 also support MPEG...
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...Decisions in Paradise, Part 2 Nina Bourda MGT/350 June 16, 2011 Mr. McKinley Decisions in Paradise, Part 2 In the decisions in paradise part I discussion, I clearly didn’t not describe the problem. The problem I foreseen was helping rebuild Kava to the once beautiful island it was. Wal-Mart’s goal was to help the people of Kava live better lives and save money. Wal-Mart also would help donate money and food to help rebuild the economy for the People of Kava. Wal-Mart’s presence in Kava would go through a series of decisions in order to make our presence successful. Decision-making is when we take our goals, find ways to implement them, and also make our goals achievable. There were many decision making process that we could have used in making our presence in Kava, however using the decision making that is most effective for a large corporation as Wal-mart would be rational style of decision making. Rational decision-making model “This is the most popular type of model and is based around a cognitive judgment of the pros and cons of various options. It is organized around selecting the most logical and sensible alternative that will have the desired effect. Detailed analysis of alternatives and a comparative assessment of the advantages of each is the order of the day” (decision-making confidence, n.d.). Using this decision making model was the most effective for a new company such as Wal-Mart. The Managerial departments would make the future decision...
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...Decisions in Paradise, Part 1 Rebecca Lewis MGT/350 July 2, 2011 Cheryl Boehm Decisions in Paradise, Part 1 Kava is a significant island country in the South Pacific. There is cultural diversity of Kava is as diverse as our company. There is an ethnic mix of indigenous South Pacific tribes, African, Spanish, French, Asian (primarily Chinese), and since World War II, a sizable amount of Americans. Kava religious diversity is just as mixed as its ethnic diversity. Roughly 50% of the population is indigenous and the remainder is divided between Christian, Buddhist, and Islamic. Kava receives most of its revenue from the selling and manufacturing of petroleum, coffee, cocoa, spices, sugar, bananas, fishing, natural gas, and tourism. With Kava’s lacks a large work pool-50% of the population is under the age of 15, health issues (HIV/Aids and high risk for avian flu), the apparent likelihood of a natural disaster occurring (tidal waves/tsunami, typhoons/hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes just to mention a few), and non-natural disasters (petroleum spills, fires, and terrorism) are destabilizing the island’s infrastructure. With WDW being a well-known hospitality organization that specializes in “creating the magic” for its guests is committing its resources to help Kava. With WDW helping Kava it will not only help WDW but it will also deliver high value to our shareholders as Kava’s resources are critical to the world’s sustainability. Before WDW can determine...
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...Decisions in Paradise Part 2 University of Phoenix MGT350 Sofi Choi June 26, 2010 Decisions in Paradise Part 2 The South Pacific island of Kava is a struggling country with tremendous potential and many obstacles to overcome if it is to survive. The Kava economy consists of petroleum, coffee, cocoa, spices, bananas, sugar, tourism, fishing, natural gas, and inexpensive quality labor. The economy suffers from multiple disasters, some are natural, and others are manmade. Preventing the natural disasters is not practical but contention plans for Tidal waves, typhoons, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, fires and floods are part of any working plan in Kava. Education can help prevent or reduce the manmade disaster including HIV/AIDS, oil spills, reducing the risk of avian flu, and terrorism inside and outside the island. Cox Communications is committed to helping the population of Kava and new employee Nik is joining Alex on the island to evaluate the options for relief and growing the economy. Nik’s two part plan will bring in bottled water branded with the Cox logo and later build a computer and resource center for the island of Kava. The SWOT technique uses "A comparison of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that helps executives formulate strategy" (Bateman & Snell, 2007, p. 134). Nik uses the SWOT technique to evaluate the options and decide which options benefit Cox and the residents of Kava. Alex and Nik communicate the choices to the corporate offices...
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...Running Head: DECISIONS IN PARADISE 2 Decisions in paradise part 2 Abstract Rational decision making is an important process that needs to be evaluated in order to expand business operations in Kava. This type of decision-making making process will assist the organization in effectively analyzing the various business alternatives and effective implementation techniques. The decision-making process is influenced by several factors such as economic factors, political factors and social factors. The process of rational decision-making consists of different steps such as defining the objectives, implementation and formulating alternatives. Decision Making Technique for Establishing Presence in Kava In order for the organization to establish an increased and profitable business on Kava, the organization will need to establish a rational model of managerial decision-making. With this decision-making technique, the organization will be able to formulate rational decisions, gather and analyze all the relevant information, facts and data needed to make the final decision whether or not to establish a business in Kava. This technique will also make the management aware of different possible implementation plans, alternative plans of action, solutions and measurable results. The organization is an established and solid company. They have the capability to finance the expansion. The reputation of the corporate image makes it a desirable employer and will be able to...
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...University of Pheonix Decisions in Paradise Part I N/A MGT/350 December, 2011 Decisions in Paradise, Part I Good day, my name is Nik and I recently completed my degree in Economic Analysis. Within two weeks of finishing my degree, I landed a job with the Federal Government to perform economic analysis on various countries to determine the need for our governmental support. My first assignment with my new company requires me to travel to an island country of Kava in the South Pacific. I will travel to Kava and work with Alex who is our director of strategic planning. I have been told Alex is very experienced, very demanding and a very influential executive of the organization. Facts Upon arriving at Kava, I noticed the local area and the company to be at disarray. The organization had set up a make-shift office in a trailer. Alex held the position of our strategic planner and the office receptionist. I was briefed that the local populist consisted of over 50% under the age of 15 with an ethnic mix of indigenous South Pacific tribes, Asian (primarily Chinese), African, French, Spanish and a sizeable number of Americans. Local languages consist of numerous Indigenous, as well as English, Spanish, and French. The religions among the people are 50% Indigenous with the remainder closely divided between Christian, Buddhist, and Islamic. Petroleum, coffee, cocoa, spices, bananas, sugar, tourism, fishing, and natural gas as well as inexpensive...
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...DECISIONS IN PARADISE 2 Decisions in paradise part 2 MGT/350 the university of phoenix Darnell Williams January 30, 2010 Professor Hann So Introduction Decision making is an important process and included various aspects, which in turn assist the organization to effectively analyze various alternatives and implement them in an effective manner (Decision Making, n.d.). The process of decision making is influenced by different factors such as personal behaviour, technological, political, economical and social factors. This process consist different steps such as defining objectives, generation of alternatives, evaluation of alternatives and selection of best alternative, which further helps the organization to successfully compete in the global environment. Decision Making Technique for Establishing Presence in Kava As we know that the company wants to establish its presence in Kava and for this, it needs to adopt a decision making technique so that an appropriate solution for establishing presence in Kava can be determined. For this, the company need to adopt a rational model of managerial decision making as this technique has its roots in the economic theory of the firm. With this decision making technique, the organization will become able in conferring a rational decision regarding its establishment in Kava. With the adoption...
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...Obstacles One of the biggest organizational obstacles is that Kava is so farfrom the company's headquarters, with all of its resources; this distancenot only makes management difficult from afar but also means that Nik as anew employee will have to assume responsibility for things he may not beconversant with yet. The demographics of Kava-5 % ofthe population being under 15 years of age-will require us to tailor ourproduct and service offerings to that age group, but we will also have tomake our presence agreeable to the mix of ethnicities, religions, andlanguages on Kava (" Decisions in Paradise: How To Be, or Not To Be," n.d.,p. A cause and effect diagramcan be used to sort out the main factors in the problem and identify itscauses (Langdon, 2 1, p. 47). 3).Issues As the business scenario indicates, there are a number of issues to beconsidered before we make our decision. 27) suggests, critical thinking can be applied tothe decision-making process by identifying current concerns and theirimpact on performance. To determine what that presence would be and how we would bringit about, we will analyze the information we have, synthesize it, and makerecommendations about what the decision should be (" Decisions in Paradise:How To Be, or Not To Be," n.d., p. This means that building up situationawareness is the most difficult but also one of the most important thingsto do first (Schragen, Eikelboom, van Dongen, & te Brake, 2 5, p. Mankato, MN: Capstone.Schraagen, J.M., Eikelboom, A...
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...Decisions in Paradise, Part 1 Chelsea Robinson MGT 350 - Critical Thinking June 20, 2011 Bruce Betts Decisions in Paradise, Part 1 Kava, a small island country in the South Pacific¸ has been plagued with disastrous circumstances that have brought about one disaster after another. Kava is a country that is in dire need of some help and aid in the situation of getting the country cleaned up and on its way to recovery. The job of the director of strategic planning is to see what the Macy’s, Inc. can do to help this country recover and continue on a path of growth and success. Macy’s, Inc. currently has a small presence over in the country of Kava. The goal of Macy’s, Inc. is to “be a retailer with the ability to see opportunity on the horizon and have a clear path for capitalizing on it” (Company Statements & Slogans, 2008). Macy’s, Inc. sees an opportunity in Kava and needs to make a clear path so that we can capitalize on it. Since Macy’s, Inc has a long standing tradition of believing that giving back is the right thing to do (Macy's Inc, 2011) , we would like to help Kava try to recover from all the disasters they have gone through, and help to overcome the challenges that they are now facing. Macy’s will do this by addressing the issues found in the business scenario, forces involved in the formulation of the problem, and organizational and environmental obstacles impacting key stakeholders. After looking at the business scenario and seeing what the director of...
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...Decisions in Paradise Paradise MGT/350 September 2, 2010 Professor Lois Blyden The island of Kava is in need of detrimental assistance and aid due to their many disastrous situations. There have been a slew of hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods in this area of the South Pacific where the services of my company, HEB, are needed. I am in the department of Strategic Planning and Development. My job title is Disaster Coordinator at HEB, where our mission is “We Promise to Keep Our Promises” (www.hebgrocery.com, 2010). We have a bold promise in that each and every person counts. We want to contribute our vast variety of grocery store goods to the island of Kava. We know our services will make a difference along with the aid of local governmental services and churches, and other businesses. Alex, HEB’s director of strategic planning, has been great with helping me out in putting together a plan to best assist the people of Kava. Since we are a multi-facetted company, we have so much to offer. Alex and I have decided to start off with placing one of our HEB Superstores in the grand central area of Kava. This store offers everything the people in Kava will need including disaster items, food, water, clothing, medicines, etc. The majority, over fifty percent, of the population of Kava are kids under the age of fifteen. We at HEB are dedicated to the future and betterment of our communities. Our children are the future of our communities. This is one main reason we offer...
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...Decisions In Paradise Part I Nikki Henderson MGT/350 April 2, 2012 Instructor: Kenneth Pinaire The Island of Kava has numerous hurdles to surmount in order to better the calamitous circumstances of the populace. The distinct conditions of the cataclysmic events in losing family, through natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, tidal waves, and tornadoes, as well as pandemics such as HIV/AIDS overwhelms the imagination. The Kava government has toiled with Nik in offering and making available first aid, food, and shelter to all those who need it. Nik senses the anguish and the angst and of the people and he understands the desires and requirements of all the citizens of Kava. Nik would greatly enjoy helping the citizens of Kava by becoming a vigorous and dynamic force in restoring the island. Nik has communicated with the government officials and has been imparted with their assistance and encouragement in the rebuilding efforts by being supplied with basic necessities such as adequate amounts of clean and fresh water. Nik’s company is obviously aware of needs such as those on Kava that are prevalent in countries around the globe. By expanding the world’s awareness of this company’s products (primarily bottled water) and their humanitarian efforts, they have...
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...For the last two weeks, Walgreen’s has considered to expand their company to the country of Kava. Many problems have come up in regards to the expansion. I have carefully evaluated and analyzed these issues and with hopes of my solutions, we can make this growth a successful operation. When we continue to launch the development in Kava, identifying our plans would be the first step to look at for these anticipated solutions. Many issues can affect the setup of the solutions and we must know what resources are available. Stakeholders have a lot of ethical implications of these solutions, and we must evaluate them. In the prior weeks, Decisions in Paradise Part 1 and 2, sections identify the problem, evaluate the outcome of the problem while identifying the cause of the problem. These parts framed out different alternatives while evaluating their impact on the problem. A few factors should be included when implementing a decision are stated. Resource availability, objectives, resistance to change, legal environment and political acceptance are all factors that should be included when implementing a decision. In order for Walgreen’s to expand in Kava, many social and environmental factors could affect the organization. Kava is in the South Pacific and has a lot of disaster threats such as hurricanes, tidal waves, tornados, floods, fires and earthquakes. Kava also has petroleum spills that can their popular wares such as tourism. Because we have no control over natural disasters...
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...Business Scenario MGT 350 Business Scenario Business Scenario Kava is a small island country in the South Pacific. Kava has been plagued with unfortunate circumstances that have brought about one disaster after another. This is a country that is in dire need of some help and aid in the situation of getting the country cleaned up and on its way to recovery. The Island of Kava must over come many obstacles in order to improve the contiditon of there people. Certain events that have happen were tsunami’s, floods, earthquakes . People also faced with health problems such as HIV and Aids.Nik feels the need to reach out . The government also feels a need to step in so with in a joint effort in providing first aid and rebuilding the country. They have provided food and shelter with Niks help. Nik has also helped with the efforts in providing fresh water and cleaning the air as well. Nik’s company was also expanding world wide with better customer serivce.With this the company wishes to branch off. But, even though Nik is accomplishing his goals conducting business in the far a country in the South Pacific it is a challenge within itself. Nik understands that people need water in order to survive life. In Kava more than half of people are in need of water and who younger then 15 years of age. Without this type of preparation any unexpected event can severely disrupt the operation, continuity, and effectiveness of your business. Disabling events can come in all shapes and varieties...
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...Decisions in Paradise MGT 350 Decisions in Paradise Part One Decisions in paradise, is a business scenario that will serve as the basis for a three part assignment. The author plays the role of Nik in this business scenario. Dillard’s Incorporated will serve as the author’s current employer and the company described in this essay. Alex, Nik, and Chris are all representatives of Dillard’s. Each part of this three part assignment will build upon the previous section. The author will attempt to define issues that effect business, highlight the forces involved in the problem, describe the organizational and environmental obstacles, and finally apply critical thinking in the decision-making process. Defining the Issues The Dillard's organization is looking to establish a new manufacturing plant on the island of Kava, in the South Pacific. The Dillard’s organization hopes that this move will be beneficial to both Kava and the Dillard’s shareholders. This decision to branch out to Kava will require careful planning and consideration of all the present issues. Issues present such as: natural disasters, health risks, and internal and external forces, create a challenge for Dillard’s Incorporated. Dillard’s desperately needs to develop a plan to have a greater presence on Kava. Forces and Obstacles Involved There are several internal and external forces involved in the decision to set up a manufacturing plant in Kava. External forces for example, environmental obstacles...
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...Kava Not Only A Relaxant But Also Helps With Muscle Growth, Which Can Benefit an Entire Economy. Christopher Hruby Plants and Civi Section 2 Christopher Hruby Plant and Civi Section 2 Kava Not Only A Relaxant But Also Helps With Muscle Growth, Which Can Benefit an Entire Economy. Kava has always been known for a relaxant that can cause health issues if used in large amounts. But there are also benefits to the plant as well. The South Pacific Kava plants roots provide a natural relaxant, while at the same time allowing an increase in muscle growth to increase as well. Since the economies of countries in the South Pacific such as Fiji are dependent on this plant; it can be sold for the use in work out supplements to promote muscle growth. Which the demand for new work out supplements is always at a high level and that is why the economy of Fiji would increase for growing this plant. The Kava plant is also known as the Piper methysticum. It is a perennial shrub and it is part of the piperacea family (Sarris and Scholey, 2012). Kava is from the South Pacific region of the world. This is one crop that truly only grows in this region. Seeing how it needs the warm weather and the moist ground in order to flourish (Sarris and Scholey, 2012). Although the plant only grows in the region of Fiji, the plant has not been needed in mass amounts as of now. This is because of the health issues to the liver that arose during the 1990’s, mainly Hepatotoxicity (Sarris and Scholey, 2012)...
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