...My name is Karina. I was born and raised in the beautiful country of Kazahstan, which is located in the Central Asia and was the part of the former Soviet Union. I finished High School there and attended four-year college for about two years. I was majoring in Customs Law, but I didn't finish it, because my mother won a lottery Green-card (permanent residence in USA) and we decided to move to America. I have only one older brother. His name is Ulan. Hi is 30 years old. We are very close to each other, although he is four years older than I am. Unfortunately, he is not here with us right know, because according to the US law, children over 21 years old are not eligible for the green- card, so he stayed in Kazahstan. My father died a year ago of stroke. He was just 54 years old. I still can not believe that he is gone. I still miss him and he will always be in my heart. I and my mother came to the United States four years ago. We live together in Brooklyn. She is very strong and good person. She is the one who influenced me to go to the college. English is not my first language, so I was afraid that I wouldn't do well at school. She kept saying to me that I'll do well and that she believes in me. And here I'm at the LaGuardia Community College today, majoring in Paralegal studies. This is my third semester here. Now I feel more confident about myself, because I passed all courses that I have been taking and received good grades and try to do my best to keep doing it. I'm a very...
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...My name is Koustav. I was born and raised in the beautiful country of Kazahstan, which is located in the Central Asia and was the part of the former Soviet Union. I finished High School there and attended four-year college for about two years. I was majoring in Customs Law, but I didn't finish it, because my mother won a lottery Green-card (permanent residence in USA) and we decided to move to America. I have only one older brother. His name is Ulan. Hi is 30 years old. We are very close to each other, although he is four years older than I am. Unfortunately, he is not here with us right know, because according to the US law, children over 21 years old are not eligible for the green- card, so he stayed in Kazahstan. My father died a year ago of stroke. He was just 54 years old. I still can not believe that he is gone. I still miss him and he will always be in my heart. I and my mother came to the United States four years ago. We live together in Brooklyn. She is very strong and good person. She is the one who influenced me to go to the college. English is not my first language, so I was afraid that I wouldn't do well at school. She kept saying to me that I'll do well and that she believes in me. And here I'm at the LaGuardia Community College today, majoring in Paralegal studies. This is my third semester here. Now I feel more confident about myself, because I passed all courses that I have been taking and received good grades and try to do my best to keep doing it. I'm a...
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...VTB Bank (Russian: ОАО Банк ВТБ, former Vneshtorgbank) is one of the leading universal banks of Russia. VTB Bank and its subsidiaries form a leading Russian financial group – VTB Group, offering a wide range of banking services and products in Russia, CIS, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the U.S. The Group’s largest subsidiaries in Russia are VTB24, Bank of Moscow, and TransCreditBank. Type | Public company | Traded as | MCX: VTBR LSE: VTBR | Industry | Banking, Financial services | Founded | 1990 | Headquarters | Federation Tower West , 12, Presnenskaya emb., Moscow, Russia | Area served | Russia, CIS, Europe, Asia, Africa, U.S. | Key people | Andrey L. Kostin (President and Chairman of the Management Board)Sergey K. Dubinin (Chairman of the Supervisory Council) | Products | Financial Services | Revenue | RUB 525.1 billion (30 September 2012 IFRS Results)[1] | Net income | RUB 60.2 billion (30 September 2012 IFRS Results)[1] | Total assets | RUB 7 184.7 billion (30 September 2012 IFRS Results)[1] | Total equity | RUB 672.2 billion (30 September 2012 IFRS Results)[1] | Owner(s) | The Russian Federation state (75.5% shares) | Employees | 76 528 (30 September 2012 IFRS Results)[1] | Divisions | VTB Capital | Subsidiaries | Bank of Moscow | Chairman of the Management Board Valery M. Telegin (1990–1993) Yuri V. Poletayev (1993–1996) Dmitry V. Tulin (1996–1999) Yuri V. Ponomaryov (1999–2002) Andrey L. Kostin (from 2002) Shareholders The main shareholder...
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...TEST GEOGRAFIE ECONOMICĂ 1. Un rol fundamental în dezvoltarea geografiei umane l-a avut: a. şcoala germană b. şcoala franceză c. şcoala rusă 2. Geografia politică studiază: a. interacţiunea dintre om şi mediu b. interacţiunea dintre state c. statele ce aparţin UE 3. Geopolitica studiază: a. interacţiunea dintre om şi mediu b. interacţiunea dintre state c. statele ce aparţin UE 4. Subramurile geografiei economice sunt: a. geografia resurselor, agriculturii, serviciilor b. geografia industriei, agriculturii, istorică c. geografia agriculturii, resurselor, culturală 5. Subramurile geografiei umane sunt: a. geografia populaţiei, aşezărilor, culturală b. geografia economică, geografia istorică, geomorfologie c. geografia aşezărilor, economică sau a reliefului 6. Conceptul de dinamică reprezintă: a. procesul general de schimbare a numărului populaţiei b. indice al natalităţii, mortalităţii, sporului natural c. schimbarea numarului populatiei datorită factorilor naturali 7. Cei mai mici indici ai natalităţii au: a. Europa şi America de Nord b. Africa şi Asia c. Australia şi Oceania 8. Cei mai mari indici ai natalităţii au: a. Europa b. Africa c. America de Nord 9. Cele mai mici valori ale mortalităţii infantile se înregistrează în: a. SUA, Canada, Germania b. Afganistan, Kuweit, Iran c. Japonia, Suedia, Germania 10. Cele mai mari valori ale mortalităţii infantile se înregistrează în: a. Nigeria,...
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...Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Ekonomski fakultet Subotica (odeljenje u Novom Sadu) SEMINARSKI RAD IZ AGRARNE POLITIKE EVROPSKE UNIJE Tema: Performanse agrarnog sektora Srbije Mentor: Student: Prof. dr. Koviljko Lovre Marina Perica P010/11 Asistent Marinko Kresoja Novi Sad, 2014. godina Sadržaj: Sadržaj............................................................................................. 2 Uvod................................................................................................ 3 Stanje i razvoj poljoprivrede Srbije................................................. 3 Analiza resursa................................................................................ 4 Stanovništvo................................................................................................. 4 Zemljište....................................................................................................... 5 Sistemi za navodnjavanje............................................................................. 7 SWOT analiza............................................................................................... 8 Proizvodni rezultati..................................................................................... 9 Biljna proizvodnja....................................................................................... 9 Stočarstvo................................................................................................
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...PROIECT Analiza pietei tigarilor ANUL II _________________ 21.11.2006 - Bucuresti CUPRINS Introducere I. Analiza ofertei II. Analiza cererii II.1. Consumatorii din mediul urban II.2. Segmente de consumatori III. Preturi IV. Distributia si promovarea produselor IV.1. Forme de distributie IV.2. Canale de distributie IV.3. Rolul promovarii V. Dinamica si dezvoltarea pietei Introducere Piata reprezinta sfera economica in care productia de bunuri si servicii apare sub forma de oferta de marfuri, iar nevoile solvabile de consum sub forma de cerere de marfuri. Piata este terenul valorificarii activitaii unui cerc larg si eterogen de intreprinderi, fiecare in parte urmarind ocuparea unei anumite pozitii in ansamblul pietei, care sa-i asigure realizarea eficienta a produselor oferite spre vanzare. Piata mondiala a tigarilor este una extrem de extinsa, insumand un numar de peste un miliard de consumatori (fumatori adulti), adica 16.67% din populatia de pe glob si facilitand vanzarea-cumpararea a unui volum de aproximativ 6000 de miliarde de tigarete. Companiile de tigari inregistreaza anual profituri de miliarde de euro. Cele mai dezvoltate piete la nivel mondial sunt cele din SUA( piata din care se obtine 35% din profit), China si Japonia. Tigarile sunt supuse unei accize specifice in valoare de 65 de euro/ 1000 de tigarete...
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...Perspectives on China's Outward Foreign Direct Investment Randall Morck University of Alberta School of Business and NBER Tel: (780) 492-5683 randall.morck@ualberta.ca Bernard Yeung Stern School of Business New York University Tel: (212) 998-0425 byeung@stern.nyu.edu Minyuan Zhao Ross School of Business University of Michigan Tel: (734) 647-6978 myzhao@umich.edu June 2007 * The authors are grateful for the helpful comments from William Allen, Tom Pugel, Myles Shaver, Jordan Siegel, and Changqi Wu. Perspectives on China's Outward Foreign Direct Investment Randall Morck Bernard Yeung Minyuan Zhao Abstract Recent economic data reveal that, at the infant stage, China’s outward foreign direct investment (FDI) is biased towards tax haven countries and South East Asian countries and are mostly conducted by State controlled enterprises with government sanctioned monopoly status. Further examination of China’s savings rate, corporate ownership structures, and bank dominated capital allocation suggests that, although a surge in China’s outward FDI might be economically sensible, the most active players have incentives to conduct excessive outward FDI while capital constraints limit players that most likely have value-creating FDI opportunities. We then discuss plausible firm-level justifications for China’s outward FDI flow, its importance, and promising avenues for further research. I. Introduction Barely thirty years ago, most would consider China a poor agricultural...
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...University of Kassel Governance of the World Market: Institutions, Instruments and Experiences (MCC III) Prof. Christoph Scherrer Winter Semester 2015/2016 The Analytical difference in Conceptualising the Russia-Ukraine Conflict in Realist and Materialist Terms Kofi Adu Frimpong Kholmati Kholik Global Political Economy Global Political Economy 33423968 33420343 kadfrimpong@yahoo.com kkholik@gmail.com 15/03/2016 Abstract The so called Euromaidan revolution – Ukraine’s struggle to move one step further to closer ties with Europe by liberating itself from the Russian orbit, have created the Russia-Ukraine Crisis. It has re-established and heightened the tensions between Russia and West. Realism has been on the fore front of the academic discussion in explaining the crisis as the power competition between Russia and the West. Alternatively, Materialism has provided a different yet deeper analytical perspective on the conflict by attributing it to the broadening of the transnational class capitalism. This paper will seek to explain and scrutinize the analytical differences in conceptualizing this crisis in Realist and Materialist terms. Keywords: Ukraine crisis, Realism, Security, Materialism, Lockean heartland, Contender states Table of Contents 1 Introduction 4 2 Theoretical framework 5 2.1 Theoretical underpinnings of the Realist school of thought 5 2.2 Theoretical underpinnings of Materialism: Amsterdam School Approach 7 2...
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...This script was made by: [pic] MEĐUNARODNI MENADŽMENT 2006. 1. TEORIJE MEĐUNARODNE TRGOVINE I REZULTATI EMPIRIJSKIH ISTRAŽIVANJA RELEVANTNI ZA MEĐUNARODNI MENADŽMENT Pristupi izvorima komparativnih prednosti Prilikom analize teorija međunarodne trgovine polazi se od teorije apsolutnih prednosti A. Smitha, koja je neposredno vezana za međunarodnu podelu rada. A. Smith dolazi do zaključka da bi bilo nerazumno za jednu zemlju da proizvodi ona dobra koja može da jeftinije nabavi iz drugih zemalja u razmenu za svoje proizvode. U uslovima slobodne trgovine koja omogućava da se svaka zemlja specijalizuje u onoj vrsti proizvodnje za koju postoje najpovoljniji uslovi. Smithova teorija se zasniva na radnoj teoriji vrednosti - proizvodi vrede onoliko koliko je u njima inkorporirano društveno potrebnog rada i u toj razmeri se i razmenjuju na tržištu. A. Smith je nerealno pretpostavio potpunu mobilnost faktora proizvodnje. D. Ricardo – Zemlja će se u međunarodnoj razmeni specijalizovati u onoj proizvodnji u kojoj, iako je skuplja, proizvodi relativno najmanje skupo, odnosno u onoj proizvodnji u kojoj, iako jeftinija, proizvodi relativno najjeftinije. Pri tome se posmatra odnos proizvodnja/faktor. G. Haberler unosi u teoriju spoljne trgovine princip graničnih troškova. Po G. Haberleru do izvoza dolazi kada su granični troškovi dodatne proizvodnje u jednoj zemlji niži od odgovarajućih graničnih troškova dodatne iste proizvodnje u drugim zemljama, ako se uključe transportni...
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...I i; |: t I i I I i [pic] CUVÂNT ÎNAINTE „Drept diplomatic" este un curs universitar conceput ca o expunere şi o analiză a normelor dreptului internaţional, care asigură desfăşurarea acelei activităţi menite să promoveze interesele externe ale unui stat. Diplomaţia este privită, de cele mai multe ori, cu admiraţia pe care o poate da ceremonialul desfăşurării ei. în fond, ea este o activitate zilnică, tenace, migăloasă, plină de neprevăzut şi mister. Poate, oare, un diplomat să gândească un scenariu pentru a promova politica statului său care să se armonizeze cu cea a interlocutorului său? Strădania diplomaţilor este de a se convinge zilnic şi a se informa pe baza unor documentări atente, care sunt interesele reciproce ale statului lor şi ale statului în care sunt trimişi, permanent sau temporar, pentru a acţiona conform cu aceste interese; ei trebuie să lămurească interlocutorii de propriul lor interes, conştientizându-1, dacă aceştia ar fi omis sau neglijat să o facă. Diplomaţia este o negociere permanentă cu statul acreditar; ea nu se desfăşoară numai la masa tratativelor. Diplomatul ştie că a negocia nu înseamnă insistenţa pentru acceptarea unui drept al statului propriu, dacă nu se are în vedere perspectiva unei colaborări, bazată pe reciprocitate. El ştie, în cazul în care interesele nu converg, că strădaniile lui sunt în zadar, căci statele nu au sentimente, ci doar politici de urmat. Diplomatul este de partea baricadei statului...
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