Premium Essay

Kentucky Fried Chicken


Submitted By FariaSara
Words 4922
Pages 20











This project cannot be completed without active support from different sources. We have been lucky in this respect & received advice and assistance from many directions. Among our contemporary benefactors, we would like to pay our deepest gratitude and heartiest tribute to our instructor Mr. Mahady Hasan for his successful guidance and very friendly conduct to complete this work. His kind and friendly behavior can’t be forgotten at all.

Finally, we are thankful to our friends for their support and encouragement,


• Introduction of KFC: 4

• Company Overview: 9

• Product and Services: 12

• Conclusion: 25

• References: 28

• Appendix: 29

Introduction of KFC:


Kentucky Fried Chicken was founded by Harland Sanders in Corbin, Kentucky. Harland Sanders was born on a small farm in Henryville, Indiana, America, in 1890. Sanders loved to cook and to invent a new recipe. One day he tested to mix eleven herbs and spices with wheat flour until he got success and he had a secret recipe for cooking chicken. Sanders opened the first facility with a 142-seat restaurant, a motel, a gas station. During the 1930s an image that would became known throughout the world began to develop. First Sanders was named an honorary Kentucky Colonel by the state’s governor; second, he developed a unique, quick method of

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