Free Essay

Keys to Managing Stress


Submitted By nicoleable
Words 5252
Pages 22
MAY 2014





Find Bible-based answers to dozens of questions young people ask, including: ˙ “How Responsible Am I?” ˙ “Am I Ready to Date?” ˙ “What if My Parents Are Divorcing?” Also watch the video What Your Peers Say—Body Image.

KEYS TO MANAGING IT PAGES 4-7 3 WATCHING THE WORLD 8 HELP FOR THE FAMILY How to Teach Teens Internet Safety 10 INTERVIEW A Consultant Surgeon Explains His Faith 12 The European Witch Hunts 14 THE BIBLE’S VIEWPOINT Meditation 16 ‘Wisdom Is Calling Out’—Can You Hear It?


Read illustrated Bible stories. Use the activity pages to help your children improve their knowledge of Bible characters and moral principles.

Vol. 95, No. 5 / Monthly / ENGLISH Printing Each Issue: 44,748,000 in 99 Languages
This publication is not for sale. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern-language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Awake! (ISSN 0005-237X) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.; L. Weaver, Jr., President; G. F. Simonis, Secretary-Treasurer; 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483, and by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Canada, PO Box 4100, Georgetown, ON L7G 4Y4. Periodicals Postage Paid at Brooklyn, N.Y., and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Awake! 1000 Red Mills Road, Wallkill, NY 12589-3299. 5 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Printed in Canada.

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ALASKA Nearly all “Alaska Native villages” are located on coasts or near rivers, and 86 percent of these villages are affected by flooding and erosion. Reports indicate that rising temperatures are delaying the formation of protective shore ice, leaving villages more exposed to autumn storms.

WORLD Despite huge investments in cleanenergy technologies, such as wind and solar power, “the average unit of energy produced today is basically as dirty as it was 20 years ago,” says Maria van der Hoeven, executive director of the International Energy Agency.

EUROPE Human trafficking has become a serious problem in “the entire European Union,” says a report in The Moscow Times. People are sold for sexual exploitation, forced labor, and even “illegal trade in human organs.” Traffickers take advantage of poverty, unemployment, and gender inequality.

SOUTHEAST ASIA According to the World Wildlife Fund, between 1997 and 2011, many new species of plants and animals, including the ruby-eyed pit viper (Trimeresurus rubeus), were identified in the Greater Mekong, a region that spans Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, and the province of Yunnan, China. Of the species discovered in 2011 alone, there were 82 plants, 21 reptiles, 13 fish, 5 amphibians, and 5 mammals.

NEW ZEALAND Researchers who investigated TV watching by children and adolescents concluded that excessive viewing is “associated with increased antisocial behavior in early adulthood.” Their findings, say the researchers, support the recommendation that children should watch “no more than 1 to 2 hours of quality programming per day.”

Village: 5 Paul Lawrence/age fotostock; windmills: 5 Fco Javier Sobrino/age fotostock; snake: Eduard Galoyan/Joint Russian-Vietnamese Tropical Research and Technological Centre



“I felt like a mouse running on a treadwheel and getting nowhere. I often worked 16-hour days with rarely a weekend off. I felt angry because I only ever saw my little girl asleep. Stress was making me sick.”—Kari, Finland.


ARI’S experience is not unusual. According to a mental-health charity in the United Kingdom, 1 in 5 British workers said that stress had made them physically ill during their career, and unmanageable pressure had caused 1 in 4 to cry while at work. Prescriptions for antidepressants saw an unprecedented rise during one recent year of economic recession. What has caused you stress? ˇ Insecurity—financial or otherwise ˇ A demanding routine ˇ Interpersonal conflicts ˇ A traumatic experience How has stress affected you? ˇ Health disorders ˇ Emotional exhaustion ˇ Sleep problems ˇ Depression ˇ Deteriorating relationships

“The Best Start” to Relieving Stress
“Making certain lifestyle changes is the best start” to relieving stress, says the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States. “Start with eating a well-balanced, healthy diet as well as getting enough sleep and exercise. Also, limit caffeine and alcohol intake and don’t use nicotine, cocaine, or other street drugs.” The NIH also suggests taking breaks from work, spending time with family or friends, learning to make things with your hands, or learning to play a musical instrument.

Stress activates an amazing system in your body—your emergency response system. Hormones are released to increase your breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. In addition, reserves of blood cells and glucose flood into your bloodstream. This cascade of reactions prepares you to deal with the stressor, the stimulus causing the stress. After the stressor has passed, your body may return to normal. But when a stressor remains, it can leave you chronically anxious or tense, like a motor that stays revved up. So learning how to deal with stress is important to both your physical and your mental well-being. Managing Stress Stress in itself is not necessarily harmful. The American Psychological Association has noted: “Stress is to the human condition what tension is to the violin string: too little and the music is dull and raspy; too much and the music is shrill or

the string snaps. Stress can be the kiss of death or the spice of life. The issue, really, is how to manage it.” Adding another dimension, people vary in temperament and general health. So what stresses one person may not stress another. That said, you are likely overstressed if your regular routine makes you so tense that you cannot relax or deal with the occasional emergency. To help them “cope” with chronic stress, some people turn to alcohol, drugs, or tobacco. Others begin abnormal eating patterns or sit passively in front of a TV or computer—habits that do not address the underlying problem but may, in fact, exacerbate it. How, then, can we learn to manage stress effectively? Many people have been able to manage life’s stresses by applying the practical advice found in the Bible. Could its tried-and-tested wisdom help you? Consider that question in the light of four common causes of stress.
Awake! May 2014 5





Not one of us has total security. As the Bible states, “time and unexpected events overtake [us] all.” (Ecclesiastes 9:11) How can you cope with feelings of insecurity? Try these suggestions. ˙ Confide in a trusted family member or friend. Studies show that the support of loved ones consistently confers protection against stress-related disorders. Yes, “a true friend shows love at all times, and is a brother who is born for times of distress.”—Proverbs 17:17. ˙ Do not continually focus on worstcase scenarios. Such thinking does little more than drain emotional reserves. And what you fear may not happen! For good reason, the Bible says: “Never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties.”—Matthew 6:34. ˙ Tap into the power of prayer. “Throw all your anxiety on [God], because he cares for you,” says 1 Peter 5:7. God shows his care by giving us inner peace and by assuring us that he “will never abandon” those who sincerely turn to him for comfort and support in times of need. —Hebrews 13:5; Philippians 4:6, 7.

A relentless routine of commuting, working, studying, or caring for children or elderly parents can keep stress levels high. Moreover, stopping some of these activities may be out of the question. (1 Timothy 5:8) What, then, can you do to cope? ˙ Try to give yourself some downtime, and get adequate rest. The Bible says: “Better is a handful of rest than two handfuls of hard work and chasing after the wind.”—Ecclesiastes 4:6. ˙ Set sound priorities, and adopt a modest lifestyle. (Philippians 1:10) Consider simplifying your life, perhaps by reducing expenses or time spent at work. —Luke 21:34, 35. Kari, mentioned earlier, took a fresh look at his life. “I realized that I was pursuing a selfish lifestyle,” he wrote. He sold his business and took on work that gave him more time at home. “Our standard of living has dropped a little,” he admits, “but my wife and I are now free of constant stress, and we have more time to spend with family and friends. I would not trade the inner peace I now have for any business opportunity.”


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Conflicts with others, especially in the workplace, can be very stressful. If you experience such difficulties, you have a number of options that might help. ˙ When someone upsets you, try to stay calm. Do not add fuel to the fire. “A mild answer turns away rage, but a harsh word stirs up anger,” says Proverbs 15:1. ˙ Try to settle differences privately and respectfully, thus dignifying the other person.—Matthew 5:23-25. ˙ Try to gain insight into his or her feelings and viewpoint. Such insight “slows down [our] anger” because it puts us in the other person’s shoes. (Proverbs 19: 11) It can also help us to see ourselves through the other person’s eyes. ˙ Try to forgive. Forgiveness is not only beautiful. It is also good medicine. As reported in a 2001 study, “unforgiving thoughts” resulted in “significantly higher” blood pressure and heart rate, whereas a forgiving attitude reduced stress.—Colossians 3:13.

“Better is a handful of rest than two handfuls of hard work”

Nieng, who lives in Cambodia, suffered a string of tragedies. In 1974, she was injured when a bomb exploded at an airport. The following year, her two children, her mother, and her husband all died. In the year 2000, her home and other belongings were destroyed by fire, and three years later, her second husband died. At that point, she wanted to end her life. Yet, Nieng found a way to cope. Like Kari, she examined the Bible and benefited so much from what she learned that she, in turn, devoted time to helping others enjoy the same benefits. Her story calls to mind a 2008 study by British researchers. One way to develop “resilience in the face of stress,” they found, was to “give in some way . . . to others”—advice that has long been espoused in the Bible. —Acts 20:35. Additionally, Nieng gained a sure hope for a better future, one in which all the problems that plague mankind will be gone. Instead, “peace will abound” earth wide.—Psalm 72:7, 8. A genuine hope and the wisdom to cope with life’s many stresses are both priceless, and both can be found in the pages of the Bible. Millions have already benefited from this remarkable and unique book. You can too. ˛
Awake! May 2014 7


How to Teach Teens Internet Safety


News reports give you the impression that the Internet is a haven for cyberbullies, sexual predators, and identity thieves. You are concerned for good reason: Your teenager is often online and seems oblivious to the dangers. You can teach your teenager Internet safety. First, though, consider some things you should know about life online.

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW Teens can access the Internet on mobile devices. The rule that the computer should be placed in a common area of the house still has merit. But with a tablet or smartphone connected to the Internet, your teenager may have more access to the online world than ever —and without your supervision.

Some teens spend excessive time online. “I turn on the computer intending to check my e-mail for five minutes and end up watching videos for hours,” admits a 19-year-old girl. “I need a lot of self-control.” Teens might reveal online more than they should. Shady people can piece together a teenager’s online comments and photos to find out such information as where he or she lives and goes to school and at what times no one in the family will be at home. Some teens do not understand the repercussions of what they post. What is posted online stays online. Sometimes embarrassing comments and photos are discovered later—for example, by a prospective employer doing a background check on a job applicant. Despite such concerns, remember this: The Internet is not your enemy. Rather, what leads to trouble is unwise use of the Internet.

% r The fact that some people have auto accidents does not make it wrong to drive a car. The same principle applies to the use of the Internet. Your teenager needs to learn to “drive” it cautiously

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WHAT YOU CAN DO Teach your teen priorities and time-management skills. Part of becoming a responsible adult involves learning to put first things first. Family communication, homework, and chores are more important than casual Internet use. If the amount of time your teen spends online is a concern, set limits—even using a timer if necessary.—Bible principle: Philippians 1:10.

KEY SCRIPTURES “Make sure of the more important things.”—Philippians 1:10. “Engaging in shameful conduct is like a game to the stupid one, but wisdom is for the man of discernment.”—Proverbs 10:23. “Safeguard practical wisdom and thinking ability.”—Proverbs 3:21.

Teach your teen to think before posting. Help your teenager to ask such questions as: Could the comment I am about to post hurt someone? How will this photo affect my reputation? Would I feel embarrassed if my parents or other adults saw this photo or comment? What would they conclude about me if they saw it? What would I think of someone who posted such a comment or photo?—Bible principle: Proverbs 10:23.

“Kids know more about technology. Parents know more about life”
Teach your teen to live by values—not just rules. You cannot look over your teenager’s shoulder every moment of the day. Besides, your goal as a parent is not to control your children but to help them “have their powers of discernment trained to distinguish both right and wrong.” (Hebrews 5:14) So, instead of emphasizing rules and punishment as the primary factor, appeal to your teenager’s moral sense. What type of reputation does he want to have? For what type of character traits does she want to be known? Your goal is to help your teenager make wise decisions, whether you are there or not. —Bible principle: Proverbs 3:21. Navigating the Internet, like driving a car, requires good judgment—not just technological ability. Your guidance as a parent, therefore, is crucial. After all, it is as Internet-safety expert Parry Aftab observes: “Kids know more about technology. Parents know more about life.” ˛

“Before your child enters the online world, he should be consistently demonstrating the admirable character traits you’re striving to cultivate —such as kindness, restraint, tolerance, inclusiveness—because they will get tested.”
—Letting Go With Love and Confidence, by Kenneth Ginsburg and Susan FitzGerald.

Awake! May 2014 9


A Consultant Surgeon Explains His Faith
Dr. Guillermo Perez recently retired as head of surgery at a 700-bed hospital in South Africa. For many years he believed in evolution. But later he became convinced that the human body was designed by God. Awake! asked him about his faith. words found in the Bible at Hebrews 3:4, which says that “every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God.” Did your study of the human body help you to accept creation? Yes. For example, the way our body repairs itself was carefully designed. Wound healing, for instance, involves four overlapping phases, all of which reminded me that as a surgeon, I merely worked with the body’s built-in repair system. Tell us, what happens when our body is wounded? Within seconds, the first phase of a series of processes designed to stop bleeding goes into action. These processes are extremely complex

Please tell us why you once believed in evolution. Although I was raised as a Catholic, I had doubts about God. For example, I could not believe in a God who burns people in hell. So when my university professors taught me that living things evolved and were not created by God, I accepted that view, assuming it was supported by evidence. My church, by the way, did not reject evolution but held that it was directed by God.

What aroused your interest in the Bible? My wife, Susana, began studying the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses, who showed her from the Bible that God does not torture people in a fiery hell.1 They also showed her God’s promise to make our planet into a paradise home.2 At last we found teachings that made sense! In 1989, a Witness named Nick began visiting me. During a discussion about the human body and its origin, I was impressed with the simple logic of the

When I see how the body repairs itself, I’m left in awe and efficient. I might add that our circulatory system, which has some 60,000 miles (100,000 km) of blood vessels, must be the envy of plumbing engineers, for it has the means to plug leaks and repair itself. What is involved in the second phase of repair? The bleeding stops within hours and inflammation starts. Inflammation involves an amazing sequence of events. First, blood vessels that had initially constricted to reduce blood loss now do the opposite. They dilate to increase blood flow in the wounded region. Next, proteinrich fluid makes the whole injured area swell. This fluid is vital for fighting infection, diluting poisons, and removing damaged tissue. Each step requires the production of millions of specialized molecules and cells in a cascade of events. Some of these events, by the way, serve as stimulants for the following phase, after which they shut down. How does healing continue? Within a couple of days, our body starts generating repair materials, a process that marks the beginning of phase three and that reaches a peak in about two weeks. Cells that form fibers across the wound migrate to the injured area and multiply. Also, tiny blood vessels sprout and grow toward the injured area, where they remove waste and supply extra nutrients during demolition and repair. In another complex series of events, special cells are generated that draw the edges of the wound together. That’s a lot of activity! How long before repair is complete? The final stage, remodeling, can take months. Broken bones are restored to their original strength, and the fibers that were initially laid across a soft-tissue wound are replaced with stronger materials. Altogether, wound repair is an amazing example of highly programmed coordination. Can you recall a case that especially impressed you? Yes. I remember treating a 16-year-old victim of a terrible car accident. The girl was in critical condition with a lacerated spleen and internal bleeding. Years ago, we would have operated to repair or remove the spleen. Today, doc-

tors rely more on the body’s power to repair itself. I merely treated her infection, fluid loss, anemia, and pain. A few weeks later, a scan showed that her spleen had healed! When I see how the body repairs itself, I’m left in awe. And I’m even more convinced that we were designed by God. What drew you to Jehovah’s Witnesses? I found them to be friendly, and they always answered my questions from the Bible. I also admired the courageous way they shared their beliefs and helped others to learn about God. Did becoming one of Jehovah’s Witnesses help you in your work? Yes. For one thing, it helped me to cope with compassion fatigue, a form of emotional burnout that often affects doctors and nurses who constantly deal with people who are diseased or injured. Also, when patients wanted to talk, I was able to explain our Creator’s promise to end sickness and suffering 3 and bring about a world in which no one will say, “I am sick.”4 ˛
1. Ecclesiastes 9:5. 2. Isaiah 11:6-9. 3. Revelation 21:3, 4. 4. Isaiah 33:24.

Awake! May 2014 11

The European Witch Hunts

FEW centuries ago in Europe, the fear of witchcraft led to witch hunts and executions. These occurred largely in France, Germany, northern Italy, Switzerland, and the Low Countries —Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. “Tens of thousands of people in Europe and European colonies died,” and “millions of others suffered torture, arrest, interrogation, hate, guilt, or fear,” says the book Witch Hunts in the Western World.1 How did this paranoia begin? What fed it?


Suspects were weighed because it was thought that witches had little or no weight

The Hammer of Witches has been described as “the most vicious and . . . the most damaging book in all of world literature”

The Inquisition and The Hammer of Witches Looming large in this story is the Inquisition. It was created by the Roman Catholic Church in the 13th century “to convert apostates and prevent others from falling away,” explains the book Der Hexenwahn (The Witch Mania). The Inquisition functioned as a police force for the church. On December 5, 1484, Pope Innocent VIII issued a papal bull, or document, that condemned witchcraft. He also authorized two inquisitors—Jakob Sprenger and Heinrich Kramer (also known by his Latin name, Henricus Institoris)—to combat the problem. The two men produced a book entitled Malleus Maleficarum, that is, The Hammer of Witches. Both Catholics and Protestants accepted it as the authority on witchcraft. The work contained imaginative stories about witches based on folklore, presented theological and legal arguments against witchcraft, and provided guidelines on how to identify and eliminate witches. The Hammer of Witches has been described as “the most vicious
1 The European colonies included the Americas.

and . . . the most damaging book in all of world literature.” Accusations of witchcraft required no evidence of guilt. The book Hexen und Hexenprozesse (Witches and Witch Trials) states that trials were “intended only to produce a confession by the accused, by means of persuasion, pressure, or force.” Torture was common. In response to The Hammer of Witches and the papal bull issued by Pope Innocent VIII, major witch hunts broke out in Europe. Moreover, these were aided by a new technology, the printing press, which helped to spread the mania, even across the Atlantic to America. Who Were the Accused? Well over 70 percent of the accused were women, especially widows, who often had no one to defend them. Victims included the poor, the elderly, and women who dispensed herbal remedies, especially if these failed. No one was truly safe —rich or poor, male or female, lowly or prominent. People thought to be witches were blamed for all manner of evils. They allegedly “caused frost and brought forth plagues of snails and caterpillars to destroy the seed and fruits of the earth,” says the German magazine Damals. If hail struck a crop, if a cow failed to give milk, if a man was impotent or a woman barren, witches were surely to blame! How were witches identified? Some suspects were bound and put into a “blessed” body of cold water. If they sank, they were deemed innocent and pulled out. If they floated, they were considered witches and executed on the spot or handed over to be tried. Other suspects

were weighed because it was thought that witches had little or no weight. Another test involved searching for “the Devil’s mark,” which was “a tangible sign left by the Devil of his compact with the witch,” says Witch Hunts in the Western World. Officials would search for the mark “by shaving all hair off the accused and examining every nook and cranny of the body”—in public! They would then stick a needle into any spots they found, such as birthmarks, warts, and scars. If the prick did not hurt or bleed, the spot was considered a mark of Satan. Both Catholic and Protestant governments promoted witch hunts, and in some regions Protestant rulers were more severe than their Catholic counterparts. In time, however, reason began to prevail. In 1631, for example, Friedrich Spee, a Jesuit priest who had accompanied many people judged to be witches to the stake to be burned alive, wrote that in his view none were guilty. And if witch hunting continued unabated, he warned, the land would become empty! Meanwhile, physicians began to recognize that such things as seizures could be linked to health and not demon possession. During the 17th century, the number of trials sharply decreased, and by the end of that century, they had all but ended. What does that ugly era teach us? One key lesson is this: When professed Christians began to substitute religious lies and superstition for the pure teachings of Jesus Christ, they opened the door to enormous evil. Foretelling the reproach that would be brought on true Christianity by such unfaithful men, the Bible warned: “The way of the truth will be spoken of abusively.”—2 Peter 2:1, 2. ˛

Awake! May 2014 13

T H E B I B L E ’ S V I E W P O I N T  M E D I TAT I O N

What is meditation?
WHAT PEOPLE SAY Meditation takes many forms, a number of which have roots in ancient Eastern religions. “The mind has to be empty to see clearly,” said one writer on the subject. His words reflect the view that emptying the mind while focusing on certain words or images promotes inner peace, mental clarity, and spiritual enlightenment.

“I will meditate on all your activity and ponder over your dealings.”—Psalm 77:12.

WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS The Bible puts a high value on meditation. (1 Timothy 4:15, footnote) The kind of meditation that it encourages, however, does not entail emptying the mind or repeating a certain word or phrase, sometimes called a mantra. Rather, Biblical meditation involves purposeful thinking on wholesome topics, such as God’s qualities, standards, and creations. “I meditate on all your activity; I eagerly ponder over the work of your hands,” prayed a faithful man of God. (Psalm 143:5) He also said: “I remember you while upon my bed; I meditate on you during the watches of the night.”—Psalm 63:6.


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How can meditation benefit you?
WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS Wholesome meditation gives us inner depth, quiet reserve, and moral strength—all of which add insight and understanding to our speech and behavior. (Proverbs 16:23) Such meditation, therefore, also contributes to a happy “The heart of the righteous and rewarding life. Concerning the person who regularly medione meditates before tates on God, Psalm 1:3 states: “He will be like a tree planted answering.”—Proverbs 15:28. by streams of water, a tree that produces fruit in its season, the foliage of which does not wither. And everything he does will succeed.” Meditation also helps us to improve our comprehension and memory. To illustrate, when we study an aspect of creation or a certain Bible topic, we learn many interesting facts. But when we meditate on those facts, we see how they relate to one another and to what we have learned in the past. Thus, just as a carpenter turns raw materials into an attractive building, meditation enables us to “assemble” facts into a coherent pattern or structure.

Should meditation be properly directed?
WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS “From inside, out of the heart of men, come injurious reasonings, sexual immorality, thefts, murders, acts of adultery, greed, acts of wickedness, deceit, brazen conduct, an envious eye, . . . and unreasonableness.” (Mark 7:21, 22) Yes, like a fire, meditation must be controlled! Otherwise, improper thoughts could nurture hurtful desires that might race out of control and lead to evil deeds.—James 1:14, 15. Accordingly, the Bible encourages us to meditate on ‘things that are true, righteous, pure, lovable, well-spoken-of, virtuous, and praiseworthy.’ (Philippians 4:8, 9; footnote) When we take in such fine thoughts and “sow” them in our mind, we will reap in the form of beautiful qualities, gracious speech, and warm relationships with others.—Colossians 4:6. ˛

“The heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate. Who can know it?”—Jeremiah 17:9.

Awake! May 2014 15

ISDOM is invaluable. Without it we would make one foolish mistake after another. But where can true wisdom be found? The writer of the book of Proverbs had in mind the unmatched wisdom of our Creator. Moreover, His wisdom is available to virtually all mankind by means of a very special book, the Bible. Consider the following: ˇ The Bible is “the most widely distributed book in history,” says The World Book Encyclopedia. “It has been translated more times, and into more languages, than any other book.” In whole or in part, the Bible is now available in nearly 2,600 languages, making it accessible to over 90 percent of the human family. ˇ Wisdom also “keeps crying out loudly” in a more literal sense. At Matthew 24: 14, we read: “This good news of the King-

“Is not wisdom calling out? Is not discernment raising its voice? On the heights along the road, it takes its position at the crossroads. . . . At the entrances of the doorways, it keeps crying out loudly.”
—PROVERBS 8:1-3.

Wisdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end [of the present world] will come.” That “good news” is true wisdom because it points to God’s wise solution to mankind’s problems—His Kingdom. That Kingdom is a government by God that will rule over the entire earth—one world, one government. (Daniel 2:44; 7:13, 14) Hence, Jesus Christ prayed: “Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth.”—Matthew 6: 9, 10. Jehovah’s Witnesses count it a privilege to announce God’s Kingdom in 239 lands! Yes, wisdom—divine wisdom—really is “crying out,” even “at the entrances of the doorways.” Can you hear it? ˛

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...Introduction Colligan and Higgins (2006) define workplace stress as the “change in one’s physical or mental state in response to workplaces that have an appraised challenge or threat to that employee.” The authors divide stress into two categories: eustress and distress. In eustress, the positive stress, the associated stressor has been cognitively appraised as positive; distress is the negative kind of stress, such as that experienced by employees who feel frustrated by a pressure to perform. All employees respond cognitively, behaviourally, emotionally, and physically to both eustress and distress. Moreover, the authors identify three levels of stress—acute, episodic, and chronic—each level of which has associated emotional and physiological symptoms. The authors point out that several factors contribute to workplace stress, such as a toxic work environment, an unmanageable workload, and challenging working hours, while adding that training can help alleviate workplace stress. Shuttleworth (2004) argues that training in workplace management can help employees become more resilient in the face of stress and better able to tackle the root causes of stress-related problems. Key Assumptions Colligan and Higgins (2006) make the following key points about workplace stress: * Workplace stress can lower productivity, increase absenteeism, and create pervasive patterns of dysfunction in the workplace. Workplace stress will also lead to changes in employees’ work habits and...

Words: 818 - Pages: 4

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Time Management

...Development & Management Consultancy, Dubai. “More than just a guide to better managing your time - it’s a collection of simple, yet effective, tips and reminders to help keep you on track.” Linda Harlow, Director, Brook Street plc “Contains a wealth of practical tips to help busy managers manage their time better.” Viv Clements, Training Officer, Aylesbury Vale District Council. Published by: Management Pocketbooks Ltd 14 East Street, Alresford, Hants SO24 9EE, U.K. Tel: +44 (0)1962 735573 Fax: +44 (0)1962 733637 E-mail: Web: MANAGEMENT POCKETBOOKS All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers. 1st edition 2nd edition 3rd edition 4th edition 1990 1991 1995 1997 Reprinted 1998, 1999, 2000. © Ian Fleming 1990, 1997 ISBN 1 870471 53 9 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data – A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Printed in U.K. by Ashford Colour Press Ltd, Gosport, Hants. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 MANAGING RELATIONSHIPS Working with your boss, secretary, team, dealing with interruptions, assertiveness 55 MANAGING WORK ACTIVITIES Taking action (for the right reason, at the right time, in the right way) 5 75 MANAGING COMMUNICATIONS Listening, asking questions, speaking, reading, writing...

Words: 11371 - Pages: 46

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Personal Responsibility

...The definition of personal responsibility is not one you can just look up in a dictionary and expect to find, but there is no denying a clear definition does exist. Personal Responsibility is taking responsibility for your actions, accepting the consequences that come from those actions and understanding that what you do impacts those around you. In order to be successful in anything in life it is important to understand this definition and live by it. More specifically when it comes to success in the college environment it is important to realize that personal responsibility is key in making it to the end of a degree program. While many college students belief is, as long as you’re staying focused you don’t need a plan, I believe that a plan is necessary and by setting clear goals, having uninterrupted work time, and managing stress levels succeeding in any course will be a breeze. The first thing I feel that is extremely important as a personal responsibility in order to succeed in school is to set clear goals. By setting goals that are on point with your schoolwork I am holding myself accountable and making sure I meet the deadlines not only set by my instructor but by my own standards. Personally, I hate the feeling of letting myself down just as much or more than letting an instructor down so it works as a double check system. Some goals I will have in participation are being active in discussion boards and doing my part in my group projects. Some other personal...

Words: 616 - Pages: 3

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Organizational Behavior

...[Type the company name] | Assignment 3: Motivation, Stress, and Communication | Research a company at which you would like to work | | | | BUS 520-Leadership and Organizational Behavior August 12, 2012 Introduction The paper is a research on motivation, stress, and communication on a company chosen to work for. The paper outlines how employees outline their goals, and motivate themselves to achieve those goals. The paper also details how stressful situations within a new job environment can affect employee’s motivation and decrease productivity. Finally, the paper mentions essential strategies that can be used to manage and cope with nonverbal and cultural barriers to communication. Create a brief job description for a position within the company you research that you would like to fill. Veterans Health Administration strives to offer employees a better quality of life, both on the job and off, in return for their dedication to providing veterans with exceptional patient care. The Veterans Administration accomplishes these benefits with competitive salaries, a robust federal benefits package that begins on your first day of employment, flexible schedules, and of the most comprehensive education support program in the nation. Part of the VA’s motto is stated as “your goals will be our goals, and your family will become part of our family”. The Registered...

Words: 1743 - Pages: 7

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...Obstacles and how to overcome it Life is full of surprises and difficult situations. Overcome life obstacles is the key to success. As an adult working toward an education and catching up on life can be very difficult. Working an average fifty hours work week and dealing with challenges, like school, work and family is a difficult tasks. Most people facets this on a daily bases. Sometimes these challenges can be most devastating effects on my mind and bodies. In order for me to overcome these challenges, I must learn how to manage time, how to be flexible and learn how to manage stress appropriately. Time management is a big factor facing school, work, and home life obstacles. Learning to manage time can make almost everything in life much easier. I sometimes failed to manage my time and learned that the I would have to set a schedule with tasks to follow. I set deadline for myself to meet as this allow me to complete all tasks and make the best use of my times. Planning ahead can be very help with managing time, allow plenty of time to complete tasks and not wait until the last minutes. During the last minutes cramping, things usually come up and occupy my time. Time management is extremely important when managing multiple life demands. I learned early in life that when I am faced with a challenge, I must be flexible and face it straight/head on. Being flexible this allow me to adjust to things that come up and school/work schedules. I find and understand that flexibilities...

Words: 598 - Pages: 3

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Management Competencies Profile

...The Faculty of Business and Economics THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE Assignment Cover Sheet Student Name: Yu Liu Student Number: 608338 Subject Number: MGMT90140 Subject Name: Management Competencies Lecture day/time (Monday/ Tuesday/Wednesday/ Thursday) : Wednesday Assignment number: Final profile Word Count: 2680 IMPORTANT:  Make and keep a copy of all assignments before submitting them for assessment;  Marked essays will be returned in seminars unless your lecturer makes other arrangements. Plagiarism Plagiarism is the act of representing as one's own original work the creative works of another, without appropriate acknowledgment of the author or source. Collusion Collusion is the presentation by a student of an assignment as his or her own which is in fact the result in whole or in part of unauthorised collaboration with another person or persons. Collusion involves the cooperation of two or more students in plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct. Both collusion and plagiarism can occur in group work. For examples of plagiarism, collusion and academic misconduct in group work please see the University’s policy on Academic Honesty and Plagiarism: Plagiarism and collusion constitute cheating. Disciplinary action will be taken against students who engage in plagiarism and collusion as outlined in University policy. Proven involvement in plagiarism or collusion may be recorded on my academic file in accordance with Statute 13...

Words: 4242 - Pages: 17

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Proffessional Development

...development has become of more importance in recent years as organisations utilise the investment of human resource development to an advantage (McCarthy & Garavan, 1999). Career or professional development for the purposes of this report can be defined as an attempt to help the individual analyse their abilities and interests to guide their placement, progression, and development through various assessment activities (Gunnigle & Flood, 1990, p. 172). Literature suggests that the effectiveness of several management and professional development activities can be enhanced by paying attention to managerial self-awareness and variables related to self-awareness like self-efficacy (McCarthy & Garavan, 1999). Admundson (1995), argues that the two key variables that moderate career decisions are the individual’s self-awareness and self-efficacy which are essential because high levels of self-awareness and self-efficacy enables the individual to exert more control over long term effects and are in a better posistion to respond proactively to situations. Therefore, analysing managerial and professional development in regard to self-awareness creates a positive effect to both personal and professional enhancements. This report posits the importance of managerial self-awareness to the effectiveness of personal and professional development. It aims to develop understanding of self awareness for career development gauged from feedback tools, specifically the Personal Assessment of Management...

Words: 2603 - Pages: 11

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Anxitey & Depression

...Anxiety & Depression Abstract : Anxiety and depression are a present part of life for almost all human beings in this world. This is an illness and not a disease. This illness has incurred due to various factors in present day world which has grown to be challenging, selfish and non caring. This study investigates the various contributing factors of anxiety and depression and theories supporting them which in terms have assisted to address all relevant resolution to manage anxiety and depression in all spheres of society including workplaces. The main focus is on the workplace management of anxiety and depression as the economic dependency based on workplace is the primary key indicator to trigger off the psychological imbalance within human beings. This article elaborates the remedial procedures and responsibilities for both the employees and employer to participate in harmony to overcome the components and mange those which give rise to anxiety and depression. The approach if being managed professionally will arrest the negative mental health of the employees which will add up to incremental productivity which will eliminate cost and bear revenue generations for the organisations. Introduction : Sociological, economical, political and environmental aspects have given to increase trends in anxiety and depression across all sects of human beings across the world. This is leading to the withdrawal symptoms of employees resulting to absenteeism, error in work, low productivity...

Words: 2707 - Pages: 11

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...TOPIC : MANAGING SELF IN LEARNING MATRIX NO : COURSE : MGT162 LECTURER : MADAM NOORITA What is self‐directed learning? Self-directed learning are how individuals take initiative and responsibility for learning. Individuals select manage and assess their own learning activities. Motivation and volition are critical. Independence in setting goals and defining what is worthwhile to learn. And teachers provide scaffolding, mentoring, advising and peers provide collaboration. • Help the learner identify a starting point to be a manager for the learning experience rather than an information provider. • Teach inquiry skills, decision making and self-evaluation of work. • Learners transition from ‘reactive’to ‘proactive’. • Self-management is a key skill that will help you through your life. It involves setting goals and managing your time. • Develope your motivation and concentration skills will that help you to overcome the lure of procrastination. • Effective self-management will help you to avoid stress and provide you with more opportunities to get involved in fun campus activity. • The key skill in self-management is self regulation. Self regularion refers to individual monitoring, controlling and directing aspects of their learning for themselves. • As the student we need have to have self-management strategies. Its will help you in leading you in very good way. • You must have to evaluate the good and effective strategies in how to managing yourself in...

Words: 981 - Pages: 4

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Stress Anchors

...Activity 9.3 The extent to which you experience stress and how you cope with it may depend on your resilience and your ability to cope with the stressors you encounter. 1. Examine a stressful situation that you encountered in the past 12 months. 2. How did you manage the situation? You may want to refer to your study guide (Figures 1 & 2) 3. Could this be managed more effectively if you confront the same problem again? 1. Antai-Otong (2001, p.35) states ‘Stress often emanates from negative or positive feelings or situations.’ Prior to going on maternity leave, my working environment was really busy and chaotic and management really wanted our team to meet our stretched financial targets. As I only had a few months of work remaining before I took maternity leave, my manager was insistent that achieving the numbers would be beneficial for my remuneration should I wish to return to the organisation. I became extremely stressed and obsessed over achieving these numbers. Cryer, McCraty and Childre (2003) assert that stress consists of an external stimulus called a stressor and the emotional and physical responses to that stimulus. In retrospect, the irrational and unrealistic demands I placed on myself resulted in the following perceived stressors: time stressor: trying to achieve six months of work into three months interpersonal stressors: “I am not dependable, if I don’t deliver these results.’ career/life stressors: “If I don’t achieve the results then...

Words: 620 - Pages: 3

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Motivation, Stress and Communication

...Motivation, Stress and Communication Strayer University Bus 508 Motivation, Stress and Communication Create a brief job description for a position within the company you research that you would like to fill. The ideal position would be a criminal investigator within the U.S Department of the Treasury. This position is through the Internal Revenue (IRS) which is one entity of the Department of Treasury. The agency is under the immediate direction of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. The IRS is responsible for collecting taxes and the interpretation and enforcement of the Internal Revenue Code (, 2012). It headquarters are located in the Washington, D.C. area, and does most of its computer programming in Maryland. It currently operates five service centers around the country. The IRS publishes tax forms which taxpayers are required to choose from and use for calculating and reporting their federal tax obligations. The IRS also publishes a number of forms for its own internal operations, such as Forms 3471 and 4228 which are used for filing income taxes (, 2012). In addition to collection of revenue, the IRS exposes tax cheaters, issues administrative rulings such as revenue rulings and private letter rulings. In addition the Service publishes the Internal Revenue Bulletin containing the various IRS pronouncements (, 2012). The controlling authority of regulations and revenue rulings allows...

Words: 1288 - Pages: 6

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Managing a Daily Teaching Schedule

...Managing a Daily Teaching Schedule Part 2 Tammy Dyke AED/201 August 26, 2011 Julie Gruber Managing a Daily Teaching Schedule Part 2 The teaching profession is like any other profession because there is just not enough time in the school day. Teachers need to use time management techniques to make the best of the time allotted for each class. Today the discussion explains how teachers may use time effectively. The discussion explains three time management techniques. The three time management techniques to be discussed are schedule solid blocks of teaching time, use time more efficiently, and effective transitions. The effect the three time management techniques have on the teachers’ daily schedule is explained. The discussion explains the ways the three techniques helps improve teachers’ success. The discussion also explains the ways each of the three improves success levels and reduces teachers stress levels. The first time management technique is teachers need to schedule solid blocks of teaching time (Shalaway, 2005). For example, hang a do not disturb sign on door to ensure there is no classroom interruptions’. Teachers may also speak with the principle to help schedule pull-out programs around teaching time. Teachers may talk to parents and ask if all doctors’ appointments could be scheduled after school to ensure students do not miss important classroom instruction time. The key is to maximize instructional time to ensure daily schedule is kept. Teachers’ success...

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