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Kim Jong Research Paper

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The world has been facing many things now; there are major things which have put the attention of people around the world;

1. North Korea Threats to the United State of America.

The Kim Jong Un of North Korea continues his threat of nuclear weapon which he believes capable of reaching to the United States. The dictator of North Korea Jong’s relentless quest pose to the United State and its treaty ally. The recent successful two missiles launched could hit the United State by either of one as per the expert. In return to this threat President of United State Donald Trump has treated the North Korea with a statement “Fire and Fury like the world has never seen”

There will be the horrible toll of such staggering. People have started to grow the fear for the possibility of death and damage of property and destabilization of the economic order. One of the greatest challenges for the US is …show more content…
The defense secretary of the United State James Mattis has issued a strong warning against this threat. He has said the US military would be able to determine within a moment whether the North Korea’s lunch was headed to the US territory or not. It has been the world’s political attention and fear among the people whether the two supreme power are going to destroy the world.

2. The world oldest man died

The oldest man of the Guinness World records who was the Israeli Holocaust Survivor Israel Krital died at the age of 113 on Friday. He was born on September 15, 1903; it was just three months before the Wright brothers had successfully powered the airplane flight in the world. The Kristal who was originally from Zarnow was now in Poland.

He was the survivor of the World war even around 1.1 million people perished during 940 to 945. He lost his wife and two children but he remained alive.

3. Natural disaster hit Nepal once

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