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Kinesthetic Learning Style

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My Learning and Personality Style Reaction
Anatascha Schauer
Bethel University Introduction
There are four learning styles, visual, auditory, read/write, and kinesthetic. After completing the What’s Your Receptive Learning Style? in the Orientation to Adult Learning by Dan Ridley, pages 34-35, I learned that I am a kinesthetic learner, which I kind of already had an idea that I was. After completing the quiz to determine my learning style, I went online to to learn what my personality style was and boy was it a shock. I thought I was an ESFP and I am most definitely not, I am actually an ISFJ. My reaction to this was very strong and I disagreed with half of it until I started reading the description of an ISFJ and then I agree more with it.
Kinesthetic Learner …show more content…
For myself, I have always kind of known what learning style I wa,s but I didn’t know what it was called. I determined what kind of learner I was towards the end of high school because I was not able to learn if I was not hands on. I struggled when it came to lectures, watching my teachers demonstrate things, or having to read a textbook. My reaction to the results of the learning style quiz was as I expected since I knew what type of learner I

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...information in different ways. There are three main types of learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Therefore, you need to identify which types of learners you have in your classroom, so you can help them understand better your class and catch their attention easily in order to improve their development in class and grades. Reviewing the characteristics and planning strategies for each learning style will allow you to address the needs for the three main types of learners. Visual learners attend to information more effectively when they see something. For example, pictures, diagrams, films and videos or demonstrations. In addition, there are several characteristics that can help a professor identify if a student is a visual learner. If the student learns best by absorbing written information and taking notes, they are good readers and they can remember information presented in charts, diagrams, and pictures. It means that they are clearly visual learners. Therefore, the professors teaching strategy for visual learners should include the use of demonstrations and visually organize materials, and you should make an effort to show the whole picture of the idea, so each detail fits into the whole and they can see the relationship between all the parts. Auditory learners, is a learning style in which a person learns through listening. An auditory learner depends on hearing and speaking as a main way of learning. For example, auditory learners must be able to hear what...

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