...1. Abstract This paper provide an overview perservation and conversation in archive. Preservation and conservation are two related concepts that are used interchangeably by people outside the archives. Digital preservation builds on a base level of disaster recovery, extending the scope of concern into the distant future. Digital preservation goes beyond addressing problems with restoring data to its current state to creating processes and infrastructure capable of carrying data forward hundreds of years, assuming that any formats, media, and equipment in place today will be obsolete and unsupported. It is usually impposible to identify the current owners of the copyright in archival materials. Other than that, any material or records that are sent and received by an individual or government agency. Fluctuations are more damaging than high temperature and humidity. The material is exposed to light can damage the archive materials. The electronic security devices such as the CCTV camera, electronics gates system, fire protection devices should be provided by the relevant authorities. To control safe storage and provide for future rendering of the digital documents, extra functionality was needed. Archiving policies and the required sets of metadata and file types to be archived are difficult to generalize because individual archives have different historical and cultural backgrounds, which means the requirements for the archiving system are quite different. ...
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...Good evening Class of 2017! It is with immense honor that I am on this podium addressing you tonight. To assist me up here, I'd like to invite Señor Hobart. [Pull out stuffed monkey.] Orange like a Husky see. First, a little about Señor Hobart. He hangs over me every night, ensuring that I sleep soundly. A little, orange monkey to ward away the evils in the dark. As a freshman, I was cleaning out my closet but couldn't bear to let him go. Two reasons: he's memorabilia that allows me to reminisce simpler times, and also an opportunity for reflection to see far how I've gotten. By reminiscing, we're able to enjoy the times that mean so much to us. From confused freshmen and aspiring sophomores to grudging juniors and relieved seniors, we've accomplished...
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...Unit Title: Archive Information OCR Unit Number: 220 1.1 Information should be archived when it is not required on a day to day basis but needs to be retained for a certain period. It needs to be easily accessed and understood in the future. Information should be archived to increase the security of the data so that only authorised people can access it. Another reason why information should be archived is so that it frees up space in the workplace to ensure that the place is not cramped with information that is not required frequently and to make sure that it is a pleasant clutter- free place to work in. 1.2 The purpose of agreeing retention dates is to ensure that the organisation has compliance with the Skill Funding Agency which requires learner files to be held on to for 5 years. It is important for staff to know the retention periods before archiving so that there is no risk of archiving information that is not relevant and can be destroyed and also to ensure that there is no risk of destroying information that is still within its retention period which could cause huge problems to the organisation. Another purpose for agree retention periods is so that the archiving system can be kept organised and space on the hard-drive is not being wasted in information that doesn’t need to be kept anymore and it makes it easier for specific information to be found and accessed when needed as there are less files to look through. 1.3 When archiving information it...
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...Archives are selected from among the great mass of records, and are preserved, for one primary reason so that they may be available for use by those needing the information they contain. During the past thirty years or so, many archives have moved away from what was essentially a passive stance (making records available on request if there was no objection by the transferring authorities to their use) to an active role involving efforts to make the research materials in their custody available as soon as national security and personal privacy considerations permit, undertaking outreach programs aimed at informing potential users of their content and availability, and actively encouraging the exploitation of archives as a means of bettering society therefore this essay is designed to discuss the statement that archives are old documents which have no value to society, this will be done by looking at the importance of archives it will first start by defining the key term which is archive. Existed since ancient times, According to James O’Toole (1990), the term “archives” was originally used to “designate all collections of written records”. In the modern world, however, the word “archives” is commonly used in three different senses. First, archives are documents that are created or accumulated by an individual or an organization in the normal course of business. Second, archives are the independent agencies or programs within institutions that are responsible for selecting, preserving...
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...Because I work in banking, every day I am assigned the task of getting potential members and members who are already with the bank, to try our new products and services. It is not enough to tell them about the new service or product, I have to develop new taglines to outline the benefits of that new product. The key to an effective tagline is not the tagline itself it is how it is pitched to each customer. I cannot talk to every customer the same because each customer is different. What I have to do is manipulate the tagline with different wordings or, in some instances, different accents. I had to figure out how to pitch a taglines to different kinds of members to better suit that group of members. To put this experiment together was quite simple because I see a variety of people throughout my day and I have so many opportunities to see how people respond that day and the days after. The theory I had was that my older members respond to southern accents, the male members respond to deeper or sultry tones, and the younger member base respond to upbeat or higher pitched tones of my voice. To test this, I developed a universal tagline, a tagline that caters to all of our products and services. The tagline was “Let us do a financial review with you to show you how to save money with your account.” I had used this tagline before and I had proof that it worked by looking at my previous referral sheet. This was the archival research that I had but I also had the naturalistic observations...
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...The Electronic Library Records management and Information Culture: Tackling the People Problem Isabel Schellnack-Kelly Article information: Downloaded by Universiti Teknologi MARA At 09:40 21 June 2016 (PT) To cite this document: Isabel Schellnack-Kelly , (2016),"Records management and Information Culture: Tackling the People Problem", The Electronic Library, Vol. 34 Iss 3 pp. 548 - 549 Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/EL-09-2015-0167 Downloaded on: 21 June 2016, At: 09:39 (PT) References: this document contains references to 0 other documents. To copy this document: permissions@emeraldinsight.com The fulltext of this document has been downloaded 30 times since 2016* Users who downloaded this article also downloaded: (2016),"The Accidental IndexerThe Accidental Indexer Information Today Medford, NJ 2015 222 pp. US$ 39.50 soft cover ISBN 978-1-57387-514-1", The Electronic Library, Vol. 34 Iss 3 pp. 549-550 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/EL-10-2015-0194 (2016),"Digital literacy and digital content supports learning: The impact of blogs on teaching English as a foreign language", The Electronic Library, Vol. 34 Iss 3 pp. 522-547 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/ EL-05-2015-0076 (2016),"Effects of gender in library and information science research: A case study of The Electronic Library", The Electronic Library, Vol. 34 Iss 3 pp. 488-503 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/EL-08-2014-0126 Access to this document was granted through an Emerald subscription...
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...The US National Archives is like a great-grandma’s attic, chock full of family memorabilia just waiting for the family’s historian to dig through it. It’s a treasure chest of historical documents and information about our nation’s history. With 14 regional offices across the country, the original National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is located in Washington, DC and holds two of the most valued, most revered resources for the Civil War researcher. They are Compiled Military Service Records (CMSR) and Civil War Pension Files. This month we’re going to take a look at Compiled Military Service Records. After the war in the late 1880s, Brigadier General Fred C. Ainsworth was head of the Record and Pension Office in the War Department....
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...Eastman Kodak Company es una multinacional de EE.UU. que produce imágenes y material fotográfico y equipo. Bien conocido por su amplia gama de productos de película fotográfica, Kodak es reorientar en dos mercados principales: la fotografía digital y la impresión digital. Políticos Ley de EE.UU. exige que todos los derechos de autor tiendas de fotografía que se abstengan de impresión o la liberación de las imágenes digitales tomadas por fotógrafos profesionales, sin un comunicado de los derechos de autor (2005, 2005). Las imágenes tomadas por fotógrafos aficionados pueden encontrar dificultades en hacer que sus imágenes de aspecto profesional en la impresión, por lo que afectan a las ventas de impresión fotográfica. Económica En 2002, la creciente demanda de cámaras digitales provocó la reducción de 2,6% en las ventas tradicionales de película fotográfica, esta tendencia se espera que continúe en el futuro, las impresiones hechas de películas tradicionales disminuyó en 700.000 durante el mismo año. Las ventas de cámaras digitales en 2002 ascendió a 2,96 mil millones dólares USD, tomando una porción considerable de los ingresos totales de la industria. Disminuye el precio de la cámara digital que hace muy asequible para los consumidores más, lo que a las demandas aún mayores. Socioculturales Hombres (58%) tienden a comprar cámaras digitales más que las mujeres (48%), las mujeres, especialmente las que tienen hijos sin embargo, son los que utilizan las...
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...To: Kelly Johnston, CEO From: Chief Restructuring Officer In Reference to: Executive Summary: * Eastman Kodak is an industry leader in developing, manufacturing, and marketing different imaging products for leisure, commercial, and medical use. * Recently, Kodak attempted to reorganize its architecture * Kodak has been slowly executing a plan to make the transition from a film business, to a profitable and sustainable digital company. Kodak has faced great difficulties such as: * Restructuring costs * High competition * Rapid growth * Low profit margins. * Our company’s architectural restructuring plan was motivated by: * Competition * Our virtual monopoly was eroded through the entry of other firms. * Technological Advancement * Advances in technology have allowed firms to produce new products faster. * Changing Market Environment * These changes have caused us to fall from a once prominent monopoly in the film industry, to such a small player in the digital industry. * To win back market share and increase profits, Kodak did a mass restructuring that failed to provide the expected results. * Decentralize Decision Making * Altering the decision making process from a top-level approval requirement to a more decentralized decision making process of small business units and managers...
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...Name: Professor: Class: Date of submission: Turnaround strategy for Kodak Introduction The rapid changes in business environment and increased domestic and global competition have made the business environment to be more unstable. Organizations of different sizes are struggling to survive if they do not change according to the changing business environment. Many organizations have realized the need to change in order to survive in the changing business environment. Businesses which do not change are getting into trouble due to some factors some of which are internal while others are external. The businesses can easily get a turnaround if they properly diagnose the symptoms leading to failure and take collective action. The concept of turnaround can be described as taking action when a firm is facing a financial disaster or to prevent the firm from having a financial disaster. Turnaround does not only involve transforming which has declined but also those whose management fell the results are not satisfactory (Mason & Gerard, 160). Kodak one of US most recognized company which has been in operation for over a century has been struggling for years due to its slowness in adapting to the changing business world. The company had been one of the leading image solution providers in the world for many years. Established in 1880 by George Eastman Kodak become one of America’s well known company by helping to establish the market for camera film and the becoming the market...
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...ESTRATEGIAS DE DIVERSIFICACIÓN Introducción Nos correspondió como grupo analizar y exponer las distintas estrategias de diversificación existentes. El formato propuesto tiene que ver con el fomentar un debate al respecto pues este tipo de herramientas tiene tantos adherentes como detractores. Por una parte está el hecho financiero de diversificar los riesgos para tener un mayor control, lo cual puede ser muy aconsejable en tiempos como los actuales en que la competencia en muchas industrias y mercados es muy pareja, a causa de la gran cantidad de información y el nuevo papel fundamental del consumidor y su satisfacción integral como principio y base de la producción, deben ser tenidas en cuenta por toda planificación estratégica. Pero por otro lado está el clásico dicho “quien mucho abarca poco aprieta” pues por diversificar demasiado se corre el riesgo de perder la esencia u origen o forma propia de hacer las cosas, perdiendo también el control pues no necesariamente somos especialistas en todo. Queremos llegar a una especie de consenso donde se vea tanto lo positivo como lo negativo analizando casos emblemáticos en estos dos sentidos y que el auditorio o lector sean quienes juzguen dónde está el equilibrio óptimo. Clave para esto será el papel y definición de la ventaja competitiva de cada negocio o empresa. Nos adentramos sin más, al análisis de este tipo de estrategias y la aplicación a los distintos...
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...Polaroid Estrategia 3. Enfoque estratégico de la empresa Desde hace algún tiempo, el enfoque de la compañía Polaroid fue cámaras instantáneas. Ellos fueron un éxito, ya que muchos podrían ver sus fotos. Además, la letra pegadiza canción "Shake it como una foto Polaroid" ayudó a difundir el nombre de marca a las poblaciones múltiples. Como las cámaras digitales se hicieron populares a través del tiempo, Polaroid perdió la concentración en su principal punto de venta: la fotografía instantánea. Sin embargo, Polaroid cree que esta nueva década es el momento de recrear sus cámaras instantáneas con la misión de revisión y nueva serie de valores y visiones. Actual Misión "Para poner la última tecnología de punta en manos de la gente y darles el poder para usarlo cómodamente, asequible ... y en un instante." Polaroid misión siempre ha girado en torno a la conveniencia del cliente y la facilidad de la tecnología. Su punto fuerte, la película instantánea, sigue siendo un legado en la empresa. Al asociar sus productos con precios razonables, la comodidad, y sobre todo de forma dinámica las continuas innovaciones, Polaroid se ha arraigado como na de las mejores marcas a los ojos de sus clientes, especialmente los aficionados. Sin embargo, en lugar de las tendencias actuales del mercado, ha llegado el momento de Polaroid para revisar su misión para incluir los siguientes aspectos y valores: * Experiencia: Más que un producto, las nuevas cámaras Polaroid servirá de experiencia...
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...Kodak: Changing the Picture Synopsis The case begins by recalling Kodak¶s storied history, which began in 1888 with its introduction of the Brownie camera priced at $1.00. By 2000, Kodak was one of the most recognized and trusted brands in the world. However, by the year 2000, the company faced many challenges. Its stock price had plummeted, and it had begun laying off workers. Even worse, when the September 11tragedy hit, consumers began to flock to digital cameras, and cell phone manufacturers beganto offer camera phones. As if all that were n¶t enough, Fuji was slowly but surely exposing the cracks in Kodak¶s marketing strategy. This was especially true of the move toward one-hour photo processing. In early 2003, the company began a major reevaluation of corporate strategy. In the years following, Kodak reduced its dependence on traditional photography. The new direction for the company would focus on non-photographic markets, digital markets (such as inkjet printers and high-end digital printing), and medical imaging. The company would no longer invest in traditional consumer film, which, along with photography, accounted for 70 percent of Kodak¶s revenue and all its profits. By 2004, the company had been significantly restructured in a manner reflective of the new strategic directions. By 2006, it appeared that the new strategic plan was not working, as evidenced by heavy losses and a declining stock price. Discussion Questions 1. How are the market...
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...UNV-103: Topic 3 Supplemental Materials Additional Readings: Four Pillars Read “Four Pillars” on the GCU website. Link: http://www.gcu.edu/About-Us/Four-Pillars.php Student Preparation for Distance Education Read "Student Preparation for Distance Education," by Taormino, from Distance Learning (2010). (7pgs.) Link: http://library.gcu.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com.library.gcu.edu:2048/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ofs&AN=55725308&site=ehost-live&scope=site New Skills for a New Work Reality Read "New Skills for a New Work Reality," by Galagan, from T + D (2011). (4pgs.) Link: http://library.gcu.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com.library.gcu.edu:2048/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ehh&AN=67091140&site=ehost-live&scope=site The Cornell Method Read "The Cornell Method" portion of the Note Taking Systems page of the California Polytechnic State University website. (6pgs.) Link: http://www.sas.calpoly.edu/asc/ssl/notetakingsystems.html Parallel Note-Taking: A Strategy for Effective Use of Webnotes Read "Parallel Note-Taking: A Strategy for Effective Use of Webnotes," by Pardini et al., from Journal of College Reading and Learning (2005). (18pgs.) Link: http://library.gcu.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com.library.gcu.edu:2048/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eric&AN=EJ689655&site=ehost-live&scope=site The Digital Dog Ate My Notes Read, "The Digital Dog Ate My Notes: Tools and Strategies for 21st Century...
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...Eastman Kodak Company: Funtime Film 1. Cuáles fueron las causas de la pérdida de mercado de Kodak y cuál sería el desarrollo del mercado si Kodak mantiene el “status quo”? La participación de Kodak en el mercado de Estados Unidos disminuyó de 76% a 70% en 5 años, debido principalmente a que sus competidores (Fuji y Konica) ofertaron versiones de los productos a bajo precio. Fuji comenzó su seria incursión en el territorio de Kodak cuando captó la atención de los consumidores convirtiéndose en la película oficial de los Juegos Olímpicos de 1984, lo cual implica que la competencia estaba atacando exactamente el mismo mercado objetivo. Además ingresaron nuevos competidores como Polaroid. Adicionalmente, los competidores empezaron a ganar participación a través de marcas propias, que es un segmento en el que Kodak no puede vender. Finalmente, y teniendo en cuenta que los consumidores tienden a considerar las películas como un commodity, Kodak no está ofreciendo ningún factor de diferenciación que le permita justificar un precio más alto y mantener su porción de mercado. De mantener el “status quo” es probable que Kodak no logre asegurar la fidelidad de sus consumidores (el 50% de los compradores es “leal a Kodak”), y que cada vez más de los consumidores que cambian de marca o deciden por precio se inclinen por la competencia, disminuyendo así la participación de mercado contra competidores que atacan con una calidad similar los diferentes segmentos. Considerando...
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