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Labor With Epidural Case Study

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Labor with Epidural 1. What are the advantages of having an epidural as compared to narcotic analgesic?
One of the advantages of using an epidural during birth is it allows the client relief of pain because it blocks the nerve impulses in the lower region. The client does not feel any pain only a numbing sensation. However, a narcotic does not offer that extend of relief. It is designed to take some of the pain away but does not provide complete pain relief. For clients whose labor is prolonged an epidural provides extensive relief of pain which is an advantage over narcotic analgesic. Another advantage that epidurals offer over narcotic is that with an epidural the client is conscious and can actively be a part of the birthing experience. Narcotic analgesic can create a feeling of sedation that …show more content…
What important, nursing interventions performed prior to epidural insertion can prevent hypotension and fetal bradycardia? One important nursing intervention that could prevent hypotension and fetal bradycardia is to inform and help the patient to get into a side lying position. Another important invention that should be done to prevent hypotension and fetal bradycardia is to give the client a bolus of IV fluids. Lastly, the Nurse should monitor fetal heart rate and the mother heart rate before and after the admiration of the epidural insertion.

5. Discuss monitoring Amelia immediately after the epidural infusion begins.

The nurse needs to monitor Amelia’s blood pressure, HR, and ensure that the hypotension and bradycardia is not occurring. The baby’s heart rate needs to be monitored as well to make sure that the baby is not displaying fetal bradycardia. The nurse should also monitor Amelia’s respiratory status and O2 stat. This is monitored to make sure that the mother is properly oxygenated. The nurse needs to also monitor Amelia’s contractions and her level of anesthesia.

6. Discuss the medication used to manage hypotension resulting from the

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