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Lady Macbeth's Ambition Analysis

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Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s untamed morals cause destruction while their ambitions go unchecked. Macbeth is normally not inclined to commit evil deeds however Lady Macbeth is ambitious. Macbeth wants power however he is “too full o’the milk of human kindness” (act 1, scene 5, line 18) and needs help from Lady Macbeth in order for him to gain absolute power. Macbeth deeply desires power. The need for power motivates Macbeth to commit these evil deeds. However another obstacle is in Macbeth’s path to greatest power when King Duncan names his son Malcolm after “the Prince of Cumberland.” (Act 1, scene 4, line 39). King Duncan names his son the heir expectant to the throne which worries Macbeth. In addition to seeing Malcolm and King Duncan to a

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