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Laryngeal Nerve Analysis

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David Alvarado

Philosophy 6

Dorcas K. Chung

April 3, 2015

Paper Assignment #2

Could a sovereign, immutable God have crafted complexities in this world or perhaps the imperfections on species have evolved thru the times? As the naturalist Richard Dawkins reveals, the laryngeal nerve is an example of imperfect “design,” as it starts from the brain, takes a long detour down through the body, and then goes back up again to the larynx. Accordingly, it would not make sense to say that an intelligent designer created the nerve this way, because an intelligent designer would not create such a flaw. On the other hand, it does make sense that the nerve is this way because it had evolved through various species. Individuals argue that an intelligent …show more content…
To many people, especially religious ones, the idea that human kind began from the evolution of a fish seems to be the core of a revolution. Could this belief be an example of lacking evidence? To prove that something is not assimilated to be right or wrong thru the line of feelings and emotions William Clifford contends that a person should not trust or determine something without insufficient evidence. In the writing “The Ethics of Belief,” Clifford applies the example of the ship owner to convince the reader that actions without supported evidence could lead to a wrong outcome. The ship owner believes his longstanding ship can sail just as well as previous times since it had gone safely through so many times that he supposed it would come safely back home from the trip also. Erroneously, he was assured that he was not putting the passengers lives in peril and decided to trusts his irrational beliefs discarding the ideas that the ship needed maintenance and reparations before the ship sailed. Unfortunately, due to zero inspections the ship broke apart mid-ocean and all passengers aboard died. As a consequence, things other than the actual evidence are guided by thoughts and doubts. Afterwards, he goes on to explain once a decision is made the result it would be either right or wrong. In this case, it was not wrong of him holding onto the belief but acting upon it. He declares “It is wrong to believe on insufficient evidence, or to nourish belief by suppressing doubts and avoiding investigation,”(page 353-354). Meaning that believing in God without sufficient evidence and holding the belief, as a matter of faith is

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