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Latino Stereotypes

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Defining Latino and Hispanic can be tricky specially if you were born in Mexico. I was born in Mexico, and I consider myself Hispanic because I speak Spanish natively. I also consider myself Latino because Mexico is part of Latin America, and Latinos don’t always have to speak Spanish. I think defining Latino and Hispanic is a personal choice to decide what they want to be identify as. It is important to feel comfortable to say where you come from because everyone should feel proud of where they come from. Some of the things that I think it is crucial to define an ethnic group is to ask that person where they were born. A lot of people who meet people who speak Spanish think they are Mexican but that is disrespectful because a lot of people speak Spanish and they don’t always come from Mexico. Another thing that is crucial to define an ethnic group is to ask that person what they preferred to be identify as because some people get offended. People like to have stereotypes on people based on how they look and I wouldn’t want that because that is disrespectful because you can’t assume someone is from a specific race if they look a certain way. …show more content…
For example, people of other ethnics believed we come to the United States to steal their jobs. Another Latino characteristic it effects my local community would be the fact that people grow with a none welcoming effect on people of other races. For instance, it all depends how they were raised in their household. Finally, another characteristic that effects my community is that the presumption leads to our community breaking and dividing within our own family. A problem that stems from this idea is that people believe certain said things in the news, because back then, many believe everything the government and or the news put

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