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CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Laziness is a mental state of an individual when it lacks energy and/or the desire to perform tasks, which can have several causes (Steve, 2010). A lazy person is one who is not aware of their thoughts, emotions and actions. One who is aware of their thoughts as they occur, the feelings that pass through them and the actions they take, are the ones who are not lazy. So, one can be very active and still be very lazy, or one can be not active at all, but be very diligent. It is simply about being mindful and finely tuned in to the present moment (Mehta, 2007). The lazy man does not stand in the way of progress. When he sees progress roaring down upon him he steps nimbly out of the way. The lazy man doesn't pass the buck. He lets the buck pass him. We have always secretly envied our lazy friends (Morley, 1920).Well, every one of us knows this feeling: we have a lot of work to do but a momentary feeling of laziness, or even a habitual state of pure laziness prevents us from getting motivated to perform our tasks. We do not feel energized and just don´t want to do particular activities, either because we lack the inspiration or are not encouraged enough to start working. there are types of lazy people: those who are thrill seekers who wait until the last minute so that they get into a euphoric rush when they finish the work at the very last possible minute, those who avoid work simply because they are too scared to fail. Doing it at the very last minute gives them an excuse for the mediocrity of the job they did. They would just rather put the blame on time rather on themselves and those who simply let go of the responsibility for outcomes so that they avoid making the ultimate decisions (Developmentplan, February


17,2010). In effect laziness hinders us to do our work, but what is even worse: laziness reduces our whole life-experience, as we pursue by far less hobbies and spare time activities than we would, if we weren´t lazy. Let´s not allow laziness to reduce the quality of our lives (Steve, 2010). It is in this reasons that it is important for the public to have enough information and education, including 2nd year information technology student in the University of Bataan Peninsula, about laziness because it is an important and critical issue now, especially that the students nowadays are very different from the youth before.

Statement of the Problem This research paper provides information about laziness and aims to answer the following questions: 1. What are their attitudes towards behavior? 2. What are the things influences the attitude of the students to feel lazy? 3. Do the selected students of BS Information Technology have the knowledge about the effects of laziness? 4. What are the ways to avoid laziness?

Significance of the Study The researchers believe that this research is very important.


This research is intended to help the second year students of BS Information Technology to open their minds regarding this topic. Conducting survey using questionnaire is important to know their feelings and attitudes towards laziness. In this study, the reasons and attitudes of the students will be known by the faculty. This will help them to encourage the students more about doing things and for faculty to adjust in the student’s course matter. The researchers chose the university as the last beneficiary. This will help the university to become aware in the performance of the students during entire school year. It is expected that through this study, the second year students will be able to have a stronger foundation and knowledge to become a better professionals in the future. The researchers believed that to have a proper knowledge about this topic can provide a good result not only in their action but also in their minds. Through this study, resulting this topic can determine the feelings and opinions of the people around in order to complete the information regarding this research.

Scope and Delimitation This research focuses on the analysis and evaluation of attitudes of 2nd year BSIT toward laziness of the students toward laziness. It covers as respondents the second year students of the Bataan Peninsula State University during first semester, academic year 20112012.


The research is limited to the students of Bataan Peninsula State University of Bataan of Bataan Peninsula who are enrolled in BS Information Technology program of the university. The researchers believe that it is timely to conduct this study to complement the need for Information dissemination about this behavior not only or the respondents but also to other university stake holders and consistent as well as the general public.


Notes in Chapter I Steve. (2010). Ways to fight and overcome laziness. Retrieved from October 6, 2011, http:// blog/ 2010/ ways-to-fight-and-overcome-laziness/

Metha, A. (2007). The True Meaning of Laziness Art of Meditation: Personal Development and Spiritual Growth. Retrieved from October 10,2011, 23/the-true-meaning-of-laziness/

Morley, C. (1920). On Laziness. Retrieved from classicessays/a/onlazinessessay.htm




Developmentplan. (2010). The reasonof laziness. Retrieved from October 6, 2011, http:// overcoming-procrastination/reasonslaziness/


CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK This chapter presents to be the related literature and studies, assumptions of the study, conceptual framework and the definition of terms. Related Literature and Studies The following are the result of visitation in libraries and surfing the internet that provide the researches with a clearer understanding. According to Sasson (n.d.) laziness is a state of idleness and inner resistance to exerting effort and acting. It is a state of passivity and of letting things stay as they are. Sometimes we enjoy being a little lazy, such as after working hard for several hours, or on a very cold or warm day. Moreover Latumahina (n.d.) added that laziness is the enemy of productivity. If people are lazy, there is no way they could accomplish meaningful things. On the other hand, (ICH9 Contributor, 2010) revealed in their study that laziness paired with creativity actually enlarges the economy because of the productivity it unleashes. This was supported by (Gratzon, 2006) that if someone is lucky enough to be blessed with the gift of laziness, he or she should definitely enjoy it and exploit it. It is a quality to be coddled, nurtured, and developed. If correctly utilized, laziness is a one way ticket to great success. If you want to be successful, you have to find a way to accomplish more by doing less. Start by buying a hammock. Then use it to locate your competitive edge.

According to Young (2011) there are three reasons why people become lazy. The first one is low energy. A common source of laziness is simply being drained. This is a silent cause of getting stuck, because humans aren’t equipped with a fuel gauge. Until they have


been running on empty for miles, it’s often hard to see that their procrastination is caused by a lack of fuel.

Next are forgotten motivations. Every project usually begins with inspiration. However, if they are working the same tasks for months, some of the initial motivation for starting might be gone. Big plans get replaced with smaller frustrations and it can be hard to find the motivation to keep going. The last one is it is not worth It. He doesn’t like the work. He can’t see a long-term vision from the work. He can’t find a reason to be productive. This is a genuine reason to be in a slump. While a lack of energy or motivation can be a temporary road block, when you face this challenge, you truly are stuck.

Sasson (2008) said that people can overcome laziness by being active, instead of passive, by not procrastinating, by being aware of the importance of acting, instead of letting laziness get the upper hand. Things don’t get done by being lazy and making no effort. Success requires activity, doing, initiative, and taking advantage of opportunities. This requires an active person, not a passive one. It requires the ability of resisting and overcoming laziness and procrastinating.

Visualize yourself doing the very thing that you feel too lazy and reluctant to do. Imagine yourself doing it energetically and enthusiastically. There will probably be inner resistance and lack of faith, yet, continues visualizing that you are acting with interest and love. Feel that you have already accomplished your task, and enjoy that feeling.


Make a list of things to do. Arrange them from the easiest to the more difficult, and start doing them right now. Put simple easy to tasks at first, so as to avoid strong inner resistance. Congratulate yourself, and cross this entry after accomplishing it. Gradually, being a doer will become a habit. Moreover Estanislao (1997) added to work for people; know the reason for your being there. Remind yourself that whatever job you have taken added that people should impose self discipline. For most of us, the first minute of each day is one of the most difficult. When the time comes to get up, the comfort of our bed tempts us to sleep on, even if only for a few minutes more, at the time, we are still drowsy and often feel as if we have not sleep enough. Our body demands to stay in bed some more, our laziness tries to get the better of us. Conquering our laziness from the very first moment of the day requires a great deal of self-discipline; losing it often seems inconsequential. Timbreza ( 2003) also added to identify your goals. If you are is to fulfil your needs. Work is associated with personal success and happiness, material prosperity in life, selfrealization and self-fulfilment. Man does not work to satisfy his biological needs which man has in common with the animals. Man works in the service of life. Work humanizes man.

Assumptions of the study

1. What are their attitudes towards laziness? The attitude of 2nd year BSIT NW students of Bataan Peninsula State University towards laziness is they didn’t notice that they are suddenly engaging theirselves to become lazy people. They all know what laziness is and the effects it cause to them. Even though


they have enough knowledge about this topic they still do things that can be consider laziness because it is in people’s nature to feel tried before doing or accomplishing anything.

2. What are the things influences the attitude of the students to feel lazy? Nowadays, there are many things that influence the students to feel lazy and some didn’t notice that it slowly damage their education. The most common are online games and social networking sites instead of doing our assignments they prefer to visit their pages before doing the things that are more important. Other factor is the environment that surrounds them if there are surrounded with their classmates or friends who didn’t love studying it may cause them to lose their focus and be affected by their actions.

3. Do the selected students of BS Information Technology have the knowledge about the effects of laziness? The BS Information Technology students today are more knowledge about the effects of their laziness in their life. Probably they have the idea about the consequences of being lazy in their studies. And surely they have experienced cramming and last minute deadline due to all the things they have postponed to comply.

4. What are the ways to avoid laziness? There are so many ways to avoid laziness such as always think of your goals and the rewards you may get after doing all those hard works. But even though there are so many ways to overcome laziness it will always start and depend to themselves.


Conceptual Framework Figure 1 Paradigm of the Study INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT


What attitudes behavior?

are their towards

2. What are the things influences the attitude of the students to feel lazy? 3. Do the selected students of BS Information Technology have the knowledge about the effects of laziness? 4. What are the ways to avoid laziness?



Definition of Terms Attitudes. This term refers personal view of something: an opinion or general feeling about something


Towards. This term refers with specific audience intended: with a particular target group in mind Behavior. This term refers Psychological response: the way in which a person, organism, or group responds to a specific set of conditions Influences. This term refers effect on something: the effect of something on a person, thing, or event Avoid. This term refers something or prevent something: to manage not to do something, or manage to stop something from happening Knowledge. This term refers information in mind: general awareness or possession of information, facts, ideas, truths, or principles Information Technology. This term refers processing of data via computer: the use of technologies from computing, electronics, and telecommunications to process and distribute information in digital and other forms Ways. This term refers manner or method: a means, manner, or method of doing something Laziness. This term refers not wanting to work: unwilling to do any work or make an effort Effects. This term refers result: a change or changed state occurring as a direct result of action by somebody or something else


Notes for Chapter II Sasson, R, (n.d.). 12 Tips to Overcome Laziness. Retrieved from October 12, 2011, http:// Latumahina, D, (n.d.). How to overcome laziness. Retrieved from October 2011,http:// 10,

Gratzon, F.(2006). Laziness is a Good Thing. Retrieved from October 12, 2011, ICH9 Contributor. (2010). Laziness can save the Filipino. Retrieved from October 6, 2011, Young, S. (n.d.). Bounce Back From the Causes of Laziness. Retrieved from October 10, 2011, Sasson, R. (2008). How to overcome Laziness. Retrieved from October 12,2011, Timbreza, F. (2003).Work. Filipino Values Today, pp.91-95. Metro Manila: National Bookstore. Estanislao, P. (1997). Self-discipline and Decisive Action. On Well-Being, pp.27-29. Metro Manila: Asia and The Pacific Foundation, Inc.


CHAPTER III DESIGNS AND METHODS OF RESEARCH This chapter presents the methods and techniques of the study, population and sample of the study, research instruments, data gathering procedure and statistical treatment of data which will be used in the present study.

Methods and Techniques of the Study This research employs the descriptive-analytic method of research. This research attempted to describe and analyze the feelings, beliefs and understanding of the respondents towards meningococcemia. According to Fabra (1999), descriptive research is a fact and adequate interpretation, which is something more, and beyond just data gathering, which means that the data collected should be reported from the point of view of the objective and the basic assumption of the project under way. He further stressed that data from a descriptive survey maybe used as basis for inferences in aid of solving practical problems. The said method of research was utilized to describe, analyze and interpret the findings. A locally constructed questionnaire was administered to gather pertinent data and information. Documentary analysis and interviews were employed to ensure validity and consistency in the respondents’ responses.


Population and Sample of the Study The selected respondents of this study are the BS Information Technology students of the University of Bataan Peninsula’s College of Information and Communications Technology during First Semester, Academic Year 2011-2012. At present, there are four sections for second year. On the other hand, there are only two sections each for third and fourth year. The random sampling method of selecting respondents from each section was used to give equal representation from all sections from first year to second year. In other words, there were at least 16 respondents from each section. Table 1 Distribution of Respondents of the Study Section BSIT NW-2A BSIT NW-2B BSIT NW-2C BSIT NW-2D Total Male 6 11 10 11 38 Female 10 14 23 15 62 Total 16 25 33 26 100

The researchers selected the said respondents because of the limited time and they are the easiest to reach for an interview and survey since the researchers are also from the same college.


Research Instruments This study was conducted through a survey. The researchers prepared a surveyquestionnaire that aims to gather data to analyze the feelings, beliefs, and understanding on meningococcemia of the respondents. Other methods of gathering data were also conducted by the researchers such as library visitation and online research. In addition, the researchers also conducted personal interviews to experts to gather important information about meningococcemia.

Statistical Treatment of Data Since this research paper is only an introductory paper on research and is not a requirement for acquiring a degree like an undergraduate thesis or doctoral dissertation, complex statistical and mathematical analysis of data has not been implemented. Only the total number or frequency of responses of respondents have been included and presented in this research paper. Only the totals of responses and percentages were included in this research. It was easy for the researchers to get the percentage of responses because the number of respondents total to exact 100. The number of responses for each item in the questionnaire becomes the automatic percentage for that item.


Notes for Chapter III Fabra, F. (1999). Elementary Statistics for Secondary Schools. Las Piñas, Metro Manila: N.F. Educational Books.




This chapter presents the results and discussions of the data gathered. The data are collated, presented using tables and are interpreted for better understanding of the results. For clearer understanding of the research, the presentation is divided into two parts. The first part presents the profile of the respondents, and the second part presents the results of the survey to the respondents. The following data and information were found out in the research: Part I. On the Profile of the Respondents The distribution of respondents according to gender is presented below: Figure 2 Distribution of Respondents According to Gender




The figures shows that Sixty-nine (66%) of the respondents or majority of the respondents are fem


Figure 3 reflects the distribution of respondents according to age. Fifty-two (58%) of the respondents are aged 16-17. Forty three (33%) of the respondents are in the 18-19 age range. The remaining five (9%) of the respondents are all in the 20 and above age range. This means that most of the respondent is aged 16-19. Figure 3 Distribution of the Respondents According to Age

58% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 16-17 18-19 20 and above 9% 33%


Part II. On the Result of the Survey to the Respondents Table 2 shows the things that make the students feel lazy in school. Table 2 Things that make the students feel lazy in school Section Making Home works

Scale Waiting for late instructtions 3 4 4 5 16 Analyzing computer programs 3 2 11 4 20 Complying all the requirements 3 6 3 6 18
Memorizing /Reviewing

Other reason 1 3 1 1 6

F 16 25 33 26

% 16% 25% 33% 26%

4 5 5 2 16

2 5 9 8 24

100 100%

Out of 100 respondents, twenty-four (24%) of the respondents said that memorizing and reviewing is the reason why they feel lazy in school, twenty (20%) justified that analyzing computer programs are the reason, eighteen (18%) felt that complying all the requirements is the thing that makes them lazy, sixteen(16%) thought that making homeworks and waiting for late instruction and six (6%) considered other things such as all school works, long vacant, missing instructors and all the things listed above. This means that majority of the respondents consider that memorizing and reviewing is the main reason why they feel lazy in school.


Table 3 indicates the things or group of people that influences the students to feel lazy. Table 3 Things or people who influence the student to feel lazy Section Classmates BSIT NW 2A BSIT NW 2B BSIT NW 2C BSIT NW 2D TOTAL 2 2 2 4 10 Friends 2 5 4 6 18 Scale Girlfriends/ Boyfriends 0 0 2 3 5 Online Games 3 4 3 2 12 Others reasons 2 2 4 1 9

Weather 7 12 18 9 46

F 16 25 33 26

% 16% 25% 33% 26%

100 100%

According to 100 respondents, forty-six (46%) of the respondent say that the weather influences them to be lazy, eighteen (18%) thinks that it’s their friend, twelve (12%) finds that online games is the reason, ten (10%) thought that classmates are the one makes them lazy while five (5%) said that its their girlfriends and boyfriends and nine (9%) came up with other reason like the internet, instructors that are inconsiderate and doesn’t have enough knowledge about the subject, didn’t have any work to do and some consider all the choices in the questionnaire. In conclusion it is the weather that most influences the students to be and to feel lazy.


Table 4 provides the information on what time do students submit their projects. Table 4 Time when students submit their projects Section On time BSIT NW 2A BSIT NW 2B BSIT NW 2C BSIT NW 2D TOTAL 12 21 28 20 81 Scale After the Deadline 2 2 4 3 11 Before the deadline 2 2 1 3 8

F 16 25 33 26 100

% 16% 25% 33% 26% 100%

With the total of 100 respondents, eighty-one (81%) of the respondents do pass their projects on time, eleven (11%) submits it after the deadline and eight (8%) thought it is better to pass it before the deadline. Therefore it is still good to know that many students prefer to submit their projects on time rather than after the deadline. Table 5 indicates if the students do their projects or assignment immediately after the teacher gives it. Table 5 Do students do their projects or assignment immediately Section Always BSIT NW 2A BSIT NW 2B BSIT NW 2C BSIT NW 2D TOTAL 1 2 0 3 6 Scale Sometimes 13 20 33 21 87 Never 2 3 0 2 7 F 16 25 33 26 % 16% 25% 33% 26%

100 100%


Out of 100 respondents, eighty-seven (87%) sometimes do their projects immediately after their teachers give it to them, seven (7%) didn’t ever do it immediately and six (6%) proudly said that they always do it right after they instructors ask them. This means that sometimes the students prefer to do their projects and assignment immediately to consume the time that was given to them. Table 6 show if the instructors influence the students to become lazy Table 6 Do instructors influence the students to become lazy Section Yes BSIT NW 2A BSIT NW 2B BSIT NW 2C BSIT NW 2D TOTAL 5 10 13 13 40 Scale No 3 7 6 4 20 Maybe 8 8 15 9 40 F 16 25 33 26 % 16% 25% 33% 26%

100 100%

According to 100 respondents, forty (40%) thought that instructors can make students to feel lazy and forty (40%) also thought that it can be the instructor that makes them feel lazy while twenty (20%) said that it is not them that influences the students to be lazy in school. Therefore many students consider their instructors to be a reason why they feel lazy in school it can be alarming in some teachers or in the university because it can make a conclusion that some instructor didn’t have enough knowledge to teach.


Table 7 provides the ways to avoid laziness Table 7 Ways to avoid laziness Section Be Inspired BSIT NW 2A BSIT NW 2B BSIT NW 2C BSIT NW 2D TOTAL 8 5 12 4 29 Scale Always think of your goals 5 15 13 12 45

Have time Others management 3 4 8 9 24 0 1 0 1 2



16 25 33 26

16% 25% 33% 26%

100 100%

Out of 100 respondent, forty-five(45%) said that always think of your goals to avoid laziness, twenty-nine(29%) chose to be inspired and twenty-four(24%) thought it is good to have time management while other consider other way to overcome laziness such as remembering the hard works of their parents to sent them in school. Therefore majority of the students always think of their goals to overcome their laziness.


Table 8 indicates the opinion of students if they continue to become lazy Table 8 Opinion of students if they continue to become lazy Section No future BSIT NW 2A BSIT NW 2B BSIT NW 2C BSIT NW 2D TOTAL 6 7 14 14 41 Scale Can’t achieve their goals 4 10 8 4 26

No comment 6 8 11 8 33

F 16 25 33 26

% 16% 25% 33% 26%

100 100%

Based on 100 respondents, forty-one (41%) said that there will be no future ahead if the student continue the attitude of being lazy, thirty-three (33%) of the respondents didn’t like to give comments and twenty-six (26%) thought that students can’t achieve their goals. In conclusion, majority of the respondents contemplated that students can’t heve good future if they continue the attitude of being lazy.


CHAPTER V SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter presents the summary of the study and its significant findings. The conclusions made in light of the research output and the recommendations based on the conclusions drawn are also herein included. Summary This study is an attempt to identify and assess the attitudes of 2nd year students of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology of the Bataan Peninsula State University about laziness. The research was conducted during First Semester, Academic Year 20112012. Using the descriptive-analytic research design, the researchers designed a surveyquestionnaire that was floated to one-hundred (100) respondents, 16 of whom are BSIT NW2A, 25 are BSIT NW-2B, 33 came from BSIT NW-2C and another 26 for. This study sought answers to the following questions: 1. What are their attitudes towards behavior? 2. What are the things influences the attitude of the students to feel lazy? 3. Do the selected students of BS Information Technology have the knowledge about the effects of laziness? 4. What are the ways to avoid laziness? The data gathered were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted using appropriate statistical tools like frequency and percentage.


Summary of Findings Taking into considerations, the data gathered and validated the following important findings which were summarized as follows: 1. On the Profile of Respondents Majority of the respondents are aged 16-17 years old. Most of them are female or 66%, only 34% are male. 2. On the Responses of the Respondents The thing that makes the students feel lazy in school is memorizing or reviewing. Majority of the respondents (24%) think that it is the reason why they feel lazy. Moreover, the condition that influences the students to be lazy is the weather (46%). Many students submit their projects, (81%) on time rather than after the deadline. The majority of the respondents sometimes (87%) do their projects and assignment immediately. With regards to the instructors, the respondents equally think that the instructors or it can be the instructor that can make the students to be lazy. The respondents prefer to always think of their goals (45%) in order to overcome the laziness that they feel and mostly the respondents think that if someone pursue the attitude of being lazy their future will be awful and can affect their impressions if they will work.


Conclusion In light with the foregoing findings, the following conclusions are hereby drawn: 1. The students are absolutely having the attitude of being lazy in term of academic requirements and some not so interested things. Our assumption agrees with the survey that we conducted. 2. The earlier assumption is different from the research and survey we have gathered, the most influential thing that affects the students to be lazy is the weather. In our opinion they chose weather because it’s very hard to study when the students feel the hot weather. 3. Majority of the students knew the effects of being lazy. Our assumption has matched the ideas and opinions of the respondents that we have surveyed. Mostly of the respondents thinks that if the student becomes lazy they won’t have a good future ahead and they achieve their goals in life. 4. Our assumption has agree with the opinion of our respondents they also think that if the students think of their goals in life they will avoid or overcome the feeling of being lazy. Recommendations In relation to the conclusions made, the following are hereby recommended: 1. The concerned authorities shall disseminate information/ knowledge about the effects of laziness to the students. 2. The campus administrators shall encourage the students to be involved in other organization.


3. The college instructors may teach the students about the importance of being on time and being engage in every class discussion. 4. The students shall equip themselves to avoid laziness for them to get through and carry what was due to their studies. 5. To other researches, it is important to have enough knowledge about their research to gain valuable comments and give good recommendations to all readers.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Developmentplan. (2010). The reasonof laziness. Retrieved from October 6, 2011, http:// overcoming-procrastination/reasonslaziness/ Estanislao, P. (1997). Self-discipline and Decisive Action. On Well-Being, pp.27-29. Metro Manila: Asia and The Pacific Foundation, Inc. Fabra, F. (1999). Elementary Statistics for Secondary Schools. Las Piñas, Metro Manila: N.F. Educational Books. Gratzon, F.(2006). Laziness is a Good Thing. Retrieved from October 12, 2011, ICH9 Contributor. (2010). Laziness can save the Filipino. Retrieved from October 6, 2011, Latumahina, D, (n.d.). How to overcome laziness. Retrieved from October 2011,http:// 10,

Metha, A. (2007). The True Meaning of Laziness Art of Meditation: Personal Development and Spiritual Growth. Retrieved from October 10,2011, 23/the-true-meaning-of-laziness/ Morley, C. (1920). On Laziness. Retrieved from classicessays/a/onlazinessessay.htm October 6, 2011,

Sasson, R. (2008). How to overcome Laziness. Retrieved from October 12,2011, Sasson, R, (n.d.). 12 Tips to Overcome Laziness. Retrieved from October 12, 2011, http:// Steve. (2010). Ways to fight and overcome laziness. Retrieved from October 6, 2011, http:// blog/ 2010/ ways-to-fight-and-overcome-laziness/ Timbreza, F. (2003).Work. Filipino Values Today, pp.91-95. Metro Manila: National Bookstore. Young, S. (n.d.). Bounce Back From the Causes of Laziness. Retrieved from October 10, 2011,

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...them. Now they have been given top-grade academic ammunition to hurl at annoying adults before slamming the bedroom door and going back to bed - lying in bed for hours at the weekend is part of their inborn cycle of sleep and wakefulness. It's circadian rhythms innit. A US study published today in the journal Paediatrics found that early school starts were forcing students to perform academically at a time of day when they were at their worst. The researchers, from Northwestern University in Illinois, go so far as to describe the school day as causing an "epidemic of sleep deprivation among adolescents". They say the weekend lie-in enjoyed by so many young people is simply part of their natural cycle and should not be dismissed as laziness. Sixty students at Evanston Township high school in Illinois kept sleep diaries during school holidays and term-time as part of the study. Bright light was "administered" in the morning (presumably by flinging open the curtains?) in an attempt to normalise the timing of the circadian cycle. This made no difference at all. They showed that adolescents lost as much as two hours of sleep per night during their first week back at school week after the summer holiday and made up at weekends by sleeping longer. All the students performed better in class during the afternoon than in the morning, observed the researchers who gave them computer and paper and pencil tests. The young people reported being wearier, less alert and having to...

Words: 482 - Pages: 2

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Social Loafing: Laziness or Something Else?

...Ford Fairlane Dr. Professor Teacher MBA555 29 November 2014 Social Loafing: Laziness or Something Else? A frequent observation whenever groups of people gather together in team settings is that certain team members underperform relative to the performance of their teammates. The first reported observation of this was by Ringelmann in 1913 who demonstrated that men collectively pulling on a rope do not pull as hard as when pulling alone (Ringelmann). This phenomenon, termed Social Loafing (Latané, Williams, and Harkins 822), characterizes a multitude of settings and situations where the sum of output from a team is less than what the sum of work would be if that same work was performed by the same number on an individual basis. It is assumed that a team member designated as a social loafer is intrinsically a poor performer, has a general disposition to perform poorly, and that individual would manifest these character traits regardless of the goal or situation for which he is putting forth effort. Rather than a willful act of unwilling participation or laziness, it can be argued instead that Social Loafing is predominantly a result of multiple factors of team dynamics and work parameters which evoke a disincentive to put forth one’s best effort. Additionally, given the proper group framework and structure, Social Loafing is largely avoidable. Common belief and intuition holds that groups of people pooling their resources and effort together will yield results greater...

Words: 2696 - Pages: 11

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Laziness vs. Diligence & Wisdom vs. Folly

...Throughout the poetic books of the Bible, the theme of diligence versus laziness and wisdom versus folly appears. Oddly enough, diligence, laziness, wisdom, and folly go together hand in hand. As Hindson says, “The diligent person is wise while the sluggard is a fool…” (Hindson 2012, 263). Another comparison The Essence of the Old Testament: A Survey makes between wisdom and folly is righteousness and wickedness. From the book of Genesis to the book of Revelation, we see that characters possess, at one time or another, all of these traits. For example, in Genesis, the first man and woman turned their righteousness into wickedness by eating the forbidden fruit. Since then, no one but Jesus has been a stranger to sin. Diligence is when a person makes an effort to accomplish something. Laziness is the opposite of this. In the book of Proverbs, we see several statements comparing diligence and laziness. “Lazy behavior results in poverty while diligence results in wealth” (Hindson 2012, 266). Throughout history, from Biblical times to modern times, people have shown diligence in working for what they want out of life. Many of the Hebrew people were diligent in both their work and worship. As with any group of people, however, some of the Hebrews struggled with the idea that you should draw strength from God, instead of getting angry at Him when things aren’t going the way you’d hoped. Job lost everything, but he praised God and in the end, God doubly blessed him. “The Lord...

Words: 911 - Pages: 4

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Wisdom vs Folly and Diligence vs Laziness

...Essay 3 - Hebrew Wisdom Micheal Coffin October 4, 2015 1 Introduction In this essay, we will discuss the Hebrew wisdom on “wisdom and folly”, also looking at the contrast between “diligence and laziness”. These terms appear frequently in the Old Testament. However, we will concentrate on their use and meaning in the Poetic Books. 1. Background Solomon is considered to be the man who founded the wisdom movement (1 Kings 4:2934). The purpose of the wisdom movement was initially a practical one: to educate the nobility for cultural and political leadership. The main concern of teachers was to inform and discipline the mind and life at an early age. 1 In Israel, however, the practical purpose of the movement was increasingly matched by a concern to say in human terms what the ultimate meaning of man’s life is. In modern terms, from being a movement concerned with practical ethics it becomes a movement increasingly concerned with religious and theological issues. It should be noted that in this respect, Israel’s wisdom movement developed much further than that of Egypt or of other Near Eastern cultures. 2 1. J. Coert Rylaarsdam, Layman's Bible Commentary: Vol. 10 - Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon (Richmond, VA: John Knox Press, 1971), 9. 2. Ibid, 10. 2 2. Wisdom and Folly In 1 Kings 4:34, we see one of the blessings God gave to Solomon to show His pleasure; “Men came from all peoples to hear the Wisdom of Solomon, from all the kings...

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How Does Christopher Morley Use Ethos In On Laziness

...“I will always chose a lazy person to do a difficult job because he will find an easy way to do it” -Bill Gates. When most people think about laziness they think of it as a negative thing. But can it also be a positive thing? Christopher Morley wrote “On Laziness” to argue that laziness can lead to success in multiple people. Morley begins building this essay with multiple examples of people becoming successful, his personal experience of being called lazy, and his personal feelings of being lazy; however he didn’t use any facts for his feeling, and didn’t use very popular people for his examples. Throughout his essay he uses a lot of examples of people who have become successful from being lazy and appeals slightly to ethos. One thing he says is “The laziest man we know-we do not like to mention his name, as the brutal world does not yet recognize sloth at its community value -is one of the greatest poets in this country; one of the keenest satirists; one of the most rectilinear thinkers.” Although he is using examples of people becoming successful he’s not using well known people that the readers might possibly look up to. He also uses another example and says “Doctor Johnson, who...

Words: 562 - Pages: 3

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The Contrast of Dililgence and Laziness and How It Relates to Wisdom and Folly.

...Job is a good example. In regards to one’s work ethic, the Bible tells us “that poor is the one who works with a negligent hand, but the hand of the diligent is rich” (Proverbs 10:4). Hebrew wisdom also details the end result of idleness and senselessness. The author in Proverbs states that “the soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the soul of the diligent is made fat” (Proverbs 13:4). Nevertheless, one should not equate wisdom and diligence to earthly riches, for fear and persistence in searching God are the only riches that shall endure. It is a common saying that if you work hard you can achieve success. Diligence in one’s work habits can reap great rewards. Laziness, on the other hand, can lead to financial despondency. The book of Proverbs is full of Scripture on diligence and laziness. Proverbs uses several forms of parallelism to “express the idea that lifestyle choices have consequences, but they express that idea by using contrasting terms and opposite perspectives” (Hindson Ch. 21). For instance many of the analogies made in Proverbs reference eating and feasting, such as, “The slothful man roasteth not that which he took in hunting: but the substance of a diligent man is precious” (Proverbs 12:27). Another example is, “The sluggard does not plow after the...

Words: 1269 - Pages: 6

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How Does Achilles Show Laziness In The Iliad

...Achilles was the greatest warrior of the Trojan War and the main character in Homer's Iliad. In the book he possessed strength, pride, arete, and he was also arrogant. However, he came off particularly selfish. Achilles shows the act of selfishness in numerous ways including, conversations and acts. The reason for Achilles withdrawing from the war was because Agamemnon and himself were in argument. The argument led to Agamemnon taking Briseis, Achilles love. To get back at Agamemnon he then removed himself from the war. This was a setback on the Greeks because Achilles was an amazing warrior on the battlefield. Selfishness plays a huge role in this act because Achilles gets angry over something he caused. Due to the anger, he continues to try to get back at whoever has caused the anger. This could lead to something worse then just selfishness if he can not break this bad trait. In the Iliad, Achilles shows a characteristic of being self-centered. Achilles did this act by risking the lives of other warriors. He showed this characteristic the most when he refused to enter war when the Greeks needed him most. Achilles seemed to have a fear of death. He did not mind if any of his fellow warriors were at risk of dying as long as it was not himself. This is a quality that others hope to not find in a person. Achilles selfish behavior has put others in danger. Achilles, Odysseus, Ajax, and Phoenix all got into a dispute to influence Achilles to return with the Acheans. Achilles...

Words: 551 - Pages: 3

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The Difference Between Diligence and Laziness Is, as Well as Between Wisdom and Folly, and the Book of Proverbs

...Essay Question 3 In a human’s life, it takes a great amount of wisdom and diligence to become successful. Thus, those who are lazy and foolish will have little chance of climbing to the top. Subsequently, one cannot help but wonder what the difference between diligence and laziness is, as well as between wisdom and folly, and the book of Proverbs is one that offers explanations to such a question. First, it is important that people comprehend the difference between diligence and laziness as stated in Proverbs. While being diligent means being prepared, and on top of things, a lazy person is one who often put off work that can be done today until tomorrow. In Proverbs, these two characteristics are often mentioned. Proverbs 6:6-11 comments that: Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest. How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep? Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man (NIV). The book describes a lazy person as a “sluggard” who stays in one place. Moreover, a sluggard has to be made to get out of bed to be of any productivity. Unlike the ant that is productive and diligent, a sluggard will not gain anything. Next, the relationship between wisdom and folly must also be taken into account...

Words: 808 - Pages: 4

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Wisdom of the Teachings on Diligence and Laziness of the Hebrew People, and Correspond with the Contrast Between Wisdom and Folly

...The Hebrew books of Poetry are guides for living our daily lives. In the book of Proverbs, it is a consistent guide of wisdom for practical living. Also, this book teaches people how to attain wisdom and discipline, how to do what is right, and what is just and fair (Tyndale, NIV, 2012). This essay will display the wisdom of the teachings on diligence and laziness of the Hebrew people, and correspond with the contrast between wisdom and folly. The word proverb comes from a Hebrew word that means to rule or governor, and these sayings, reminders, and admonitions provide profound for governing our life, (Tyndale, NIV, 2012). God wants his creations to make an importance contribution to the work place and communities. These passages were for the ancient audience and for us today. God’s work is diligent and he is our example of how we should work (Genesis 1:1-27; 2:2 NLT). God’s creative work reveals his character. Sleeping does not require energy, an example of a sluggard person, and this kind of laziness is the result of poverty (Proverbs 6: 9-10). We should be diligent workers without a guide, overseer, or ruler and consider the ways of the ants and be wise (Proverbs 6: 6-7 NLT). The application of mind that is required in order to learn of this master is to consider His ways. The sluggard is so because he does not consider; nor shall they ever learn to any purpose, either by the word or the works of God, unless we set ourselves to consider His ways. Particularly, if we would...

Words: 1374 - Pages: 6

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...Essay Question #3: Describe the teachings of Hebrew wisdom on diligence and laziness. How does this correspond with the contrast between wisdom and folly? Include Scripture references and quotations as appropriate. I. A Summary of what Hebrew Wisdom Teaches about Diligence and Laziness. The dictionary defines diligence as “careful and persistent work or effort” and laziness as “the quality of being unwilling to work or use energy”. By these definitions we can see that diligence and laziness are the exact opposite of each other. “The eagerly sought after trait of diligence is often addressed within the book of Proverbs. Laziness – diligence’s lethargic antonym – is likewise frequently mentioned due to the severity of its consequences. Solomon illustrated both diligence and laziness in a unique way that emphasized key concepts such as personal discipline, integrity, and wisdom.” (Heart of the Wolph, 2014) Throughout all the proverbs we learn that lazy behavior results in poverty, while diligence results in wealth(Hindson, Yates 2012). In other words, diligence is rewarded, laziness is punished. We get this idea reiterated over and over again throughout the Bible. In Proverbs 21:5 “The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, But everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty”. And again in Proverbs 10:4 “Poor is he who works with a negligent hand, But the hand of the diligent makes rich.” I could go on, but I think we get the idea. When...

Words: 1240 - Pages: 5

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Baby Thesis

...CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Students of these days are fond of laziness, especially the mental laziness. There were some of the trending causes why students are in of the problem of mental laziness. One is refusing to think, and this hinders the student to do something and makes his mind worthless and useless. Another is the student don’t engage his or her mind on what he or she is planning to do that’s why it ended up doing nothing which is because of mental laziness. And another is, they tend to make excuses, instead of doing the task directly, and this leads the student to be mentally lazy and this traps their mind in doing something because they think that their excuses are much enough for them not to enable their mind think. Statement of the Problem Generally, this study aims to find the answer to the causes of having mental laziness of Palawan Hope Christian School high school students for the school year of 2014-2015. It is conducted to know the status of each student who is presently undergoing a complication and negative attitude. This refers to mental laziness that majority of the students have. It tells why does the student presents to be “absent-minded” during class hours, why do they always appear mentally lazy in doing their responsibilities as a student. Its purpose is to tell what would be the causes of having mental laziness of a student. This study will provide each student and teacher’s point of view about the said issue. Specifically...

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