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Legal Research and Writing


Submitted By saphirepassion
Words 418
Pages 2
Dear Margo,

Hope you, Alan Karina, Rachael, and Felicia are all doing well. Winter here has been really crazy this year. In December our weather temps were 70and up into the 90’s.This all changed in mid- January. The temps began dropping into the teens-low 20’s.We’ve even gotten a round of snow, and several bouts of ice. Sadly this led to multiple accidents, and numerous people being injured, because everyone was just caught off guard, and there was no time to prepare the roads. Then, there is also the fact that because we so rarely get this sort of weather, the state cut the budget for salting the roads, and no longer has funds available for salting the roads. There were a few school busses, that upon early release, skidded and had accidents, and a number of children were injured as a result. Other than these bitter cold temps, which have also kept dad and I both pretty much bedridden with pain, we’re doing well overall. Darlys is a distance runner on the varsity team, as a freshman, Desirey, with her new IEP in place is doing much better in school, although she is still being bullied and pushed down the stairs and gym bleachers daily. I look forward to hearing how each of you are doing!
Love always,
Jody Ann

Dear sir or madam,
Address this letter to a city department, like the street department, or public works.

It is with great concern that I am writing to you. With the recent changes to our state budget cutting or at the very least reducing our funds for salting the roads during times we have ice/snow our children’s safety in particular, is at risk. It has come to my attention numerous school busses have been involved in accidents, which resulted in children being injured. Considering that our children will be affected by these same cuts to their education, truly need to reconsider all the budget cuts, and put our kid’s safety and education as top priorities. I know we can’t put money where there is none; however I propose that there are other programs that could be cut or reduced in lieu of. Or perhaps there are fundraisers to help aid in the reduction of the reduction of these costs? Where there is a will there is a way. Please, take the time to find a way to ensure your constituents and all children’s safety and well-being, and education, first.

Jody A. Gibson

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