... If I had to choose what constellation I favored, it would be my Zodiac Sign; Aries. Aries is a constellation that resembles a ram's horns, an animal which I always thought had a lot in common with persons of it's Zodiac. Ram's are male sheep, and sheep are usually thought of as unintelligent animals but that may be more fiction than most might think; an average sheep has a higher IQ than cattle and pigs and they are believed to have a developed enough brain to remember faces and such. By now I'm just babbling on about why my Zodiac is best, I mean I am an Aries after all; We are quite self loving and independent people. Anyways, about the constellation... It is in the northern celestial hemisphere; between Pisces (W) and Taurus (E). It is one of today's modern 88 constellations, and is mid-sized ranking 39th in overall size. The Greek myth of Aries says that when King Athamus, ruler of Boetia, married his second wife, Ino, she was jealous and envied his existing children, especially his son, Phrixus. She plotted ways she could get his crops of corn to fail, bribing a messenger into believing that Phrixus had to be sacrificed in order for the people to thrive instead of starve. Phrixus' mother, Nephele, pleaded for the boy's safety, but King Athamus had already been brainwashed by the lies of Ino and was ready to sacrifice the young boy. At the very last minute, the boy and his sister, Helle, were saved by a magnificent ram with golden fleece; sent by Zeus to answer...
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...also give you some of the important language that will be found throughout this essay. First off, astrology is the study of the positions and relationships of the sun, moon, stars, and planets in order to judge their influence on human actions. A horoscope is a diagram of the heavens, showing the relative position of planets and the signs of the zodiac, for use in calculating births, foretelling events in a person’s life, etc. Zodiac is an imaginary belt of the heavens, extending about 8° on each side of the ecliptic, within which are the apparent paths of the sun, moon, and principal planets. It contains twelve constellations and hence twelve divisions called signs of the zodiac. The 12 signs of the zodiac are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. There are always...
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..."Your full power lies within, Gemini." He states. "Then why do you make me use these stupid little trinkets?" I plead, waving it in the air. "You haven't yet learned how to fully control it." I quietly grunt but look back at my target. Virgo and Leo stand still next to each other, waiting for me to strike. They keep eyeing my Monitor Sagittarius as he fiddles with his master's ring in anticipation. I look back to Sagittarius and hold up the fan. "What's this thing called again?" I ask him. "Anemistíra Xýrisma." He responds. I slide my thumb across its blade, noticing all its scratches and tinks. I turn to look back up at them and they look as annoyed as ever. Their expressions scream 'hurry up!' but their mouths never move, positions never...
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...Stefan Monsouir Eng. 106 / ERAU 17 MAY 2014 Persuasive Essay Rough Reality television today is destroying generation after generation of young people. You cannot turn on the television without seeing some type of drama in the form of fighting, someone finding out that their three year romantic online relationship was a lie, or even sixteen year old girls who got knocked up and think they have it all figured out until the reality sets in. The largest fan base for reality television is children and teenagers who are being negatively influenced by what they see and hear on these shows. One big problem with reality television is that it promotes violence. It does not matter if it is a competition cooking show, a group of random individuals living together, or a show about a pawn shop; there is always some type of fight happening. Whether it is a heated argument and both parties are in each other’s face yelling or in some cases there have been actual fights, it is like producers love the fact that there are fights on their shows because that is what boosts ratings and that’s what makes them money. Television producers actually manipulate situations to create tension and fights and even though producers don’t come right out and admit it, you can see it in the commercials for the show when all you see is the fights and the drama; it is what catches the eyes of the watcher and sparks the interest. Among the fighting and the arguing, the fact that people have such disrespect...
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...What reasons do your authors give to explain the historical inaccuracies in the films? It’s hard to sometime to see the truth for what it is. When I was growing up my grandma used to say, “There’s HER STORY, HIS STORY AND THE TRUTH!” Inaccuracies in history are usually originated from story tellers (move producers or writers) placing their personal view to a story. In the story Black Robe, the authors wrote the movie from the journal of the missionary Father Jesuit Laforque. To keep the adventurous feel of the film there were a couple of inaccuracies. According to Carnes, M., & Garraty, J. (2008). Father Laforque wrote down a conversation between himself and Chief Algonquin. Later on Father Laforque took this documented conversation to a second European whom was not present and asked him to read the document aloud; Europeans by contrast were illiterate during this timeframe (Carnes & Garraty, p. 46, 2008). In the mystery/suspense film, “The Crucible”, another example of an inaccuracy was Indians tribes journeying 1500 miles in the midst of winter only to set up camps to habituate until spring. The “Dilate” according to Carnes, M., & Garraty, J. (2008) was to keep the audience interested in the story line by focusing in on the girls behavior (Carnes & Garraty, p. 76, 2008). . In the “Patriot” Benjamin Martin wasn’t a real person, but in leaders such as Francis Marion similarity can be found, which could also provide some inaccuracies. Historians criticized...
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...Ivyanne London Dr. Bryan English 2010 7 December 2012 The Bhagavad- Gita: Influence on Civil Disobedience Advocates Civil disobedience can be described as the nonviolent means of bringing about social change. The Bhagavad- Gita is a philosophical poem that attempts to ask difficult questions of universal issues that deal with the topic of civil disobedience. The messages that are told throughout the poem have had major influences on civil disobedience advocates such as Henry David Thoreau, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King. This work offers explanations that can be applied to dilemmas that can’t be resolved with a simple form of action. According to the Theosophical Society of America, The Bhagavad- Gita, commonly known as the “Gita” has been passed back and forth between America and India through these civil disobedience activists. They each had influences on each other along with the Gita. Some reoccurring themes that may have influenced Thoreau, Gandhi, and King include questions about the right way to live, seeking higher knowledge, and how no action is still a form of action. The version of The Bhagavad- Gita that is told in The Norton Anthology of World Literature, 3rd edition, begins with the moment of crisis in Arjuna’s mind. Arjuna is the middle son of his five brothers who are apart of the Pandavas. He is apart of the warrior caste and is the most skilled and feared archer of his time. They are about to engage in war with their cousins, the Kauravas, because...
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...Background Treadway Tire Company is a major North American supplier of tires to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and replacement tire markets. They currently manufacture Treadway Primo, Treadway Performance, and other private tire brands. Treadway’s Lima Tire Plant, based out of Lima, Ohio is considered one of the company’s top plants for productivity and quality ratings. A continuous operations plant – operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week with four rotating shifts – the Lima Plant produced approximately 25,000 tires per day in 2007 alone. There are over 1100 employees at the Lima Plant location – 970 hourly and 150 salaried. The hourly employees are unionized by the United Steelworkers (USW) and are directly supervised by the salaried line foremen. The foremen possess a large bulk of the responsibilities at Lima, supervising all phases of production and quality assurance work as well as dealing with a variety of personnel, resource and administrative duties. They are often pulled in conflicting directions by the hourly employees, the union regulations and upper management. According to Brandon Bellingham, the plant manager at Lima, “Meeting performance goals is the most important duty of the line foremen.” However, the lack of proper training does not allow the foremen to successfully handle situations causing them intense pressure and a feeling of inadequacy. In the past year, the Lima Plant has experienced a high rate of foremen turnover...
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...Jacqueline Murphy AC504 Unit 2 Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy is commonly referred to in the English community as Leo Tolstoy was a Russian novelist, a social reformer, a pacifist, a Christian anarchist, and a moral thinker (Contributors, 2008). He was born on September 9, 1828 on his family’s estate in the Tula Province of Russia. He is the youngest of four boys. His mother Princess Volkonskaya, died in 1830 when he was very young. His father County Nikolay Tolstoy died seven years after his mothers’ death. After his fathers’ death his aunt was appointed legal guardian of him and his siblings (Leo Tolstoy, 2013). Tolstoy is broadly considered as one of the utmost of all novelists. He is particularly well-known for his works of War and Peace and Anna Karenina. In those writings he showed that he had insight into human motives. Tolstoy found the pacifist doctrine of nonresistance in the Christian Gospels. He rejected all forms of coercion from both the government and the church. He suffered a spiritual crisis and grew depressed. He struggled to uncover the meaning of life, he came to believe that Christian churches were corrupt and, in lieu of organized religion, developed his own beliefs (Contributors, 2008). Tolstoy should be recognized as a crusader for social justice. He was a constant thorn in the side of the Russian Orthodox Church, the czarist government, and local authorities. His work was banned in the Soviet Union because of his resistance to violence and...
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...The Recess Queen Guiseppina Saieva Kaplan University Professor Michael Bohannan April 1, 2013 The Recess Queen The Recess Queen is a great story written by Alexis O'Neill. The lessons taught and illustrations are great. The theme of this book is bullying and it teaches children that bullying can be handled and stopped. It teaches people to stick up for themselves and gives them strategies on how to deal with bullying. The main character is named Mean Jean. She really is a little tyrant, this Mean Jean. But the truth is, even some very young children have learned to scare others! I am glad her heart isn’t as bad as is first depicted. I think it is great to read an array of bullying books, with different conclusions, to kids. These types of lessons can be passed from generation to generation so that issues like these can be resolved. Mean Jean was known to be the recess queen. At school she was a very mean little girl who tried to bully and scare everyone into doing what she said and when she wanted it done. Mean jean put fear into everyone's heart at the playground. She was a big ball of terror. “MEAN JEAN was Recess Queen and nobody said any different. Nobody swung until Mean Jean swung. Nobody kicked until Mean Jean kicked. Nobody bounced until Mean Jean bounced” (O'Neill, 2002). One day a new kid came to school named katie Sue. Jean did not like that there was a new kid in school and was ready to put...
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...JONESTOWN- JIM JONES Jonestown- Jim Jones Student: Thi Nguyen Grand Canyon University: General Psychology- 102 Date: 08-19-2012 Professor: Jennifer Jones Jonestown- Jim Jones The tragedy named Jonestown happened in the past over 30 years and it still has been suspense from the bottom of the heart of everyone. Jim Jones is known as a American leader culture, is one of the most popular historian of America and Guyana’s history as well as the world’s history (Wilkinson, B, 2011). There are many books, articles, video clips described, discussed as well as argued about Jim Jones and Jonestown event. In this research paper as known as a social psychology essay , one more time, I would like write, persuasion, and argue about Jim Jones and what his had done in the past. Furthermore, the paper will describe and discuss in detail about Jonestown events and other concerned that related to this event which gave shock to American society, Guyana, and the rest of the world. Who is Jim Jones? First of all, I would like to introduce about him as well as his life. Jim Jones is a son of James Jones who had a poor health by poisonous gasses in the World War One; and he was a son of a woman named Lynetta in a factory in Indiana. Jim Jones learned from his Mom that he should love animal and care for the people who have underprivileged; and she expected that her son would come a ministered when he grow up. Even though Jim Jones was a noisy child...
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...James Coates Mrs. Kopcak English May 10, 2006 Angels Angels were a major part of ancient civilizations, but how did the whole myth about angels start and has it changed over the years? How does the past compare to today’s world? Are there different classes of angels? What are their jobs, what do their jobs have them doing? The word 'angel' comes from the Greek angelos, which itself could be considered as a translation of the Hebrew word mal'akh, meaning 'messenger', suggesting that a being responsible for carrying messages between the human world and some other realm or realms of existence, someone who is an intermediary between 'down here' and 'up there'. The origins of angels, started back in ancient Sumeria. The Sumerian society is the oldest society that has left us clear evidence of the use of a winged human motif. This evidence is in the form of stone carvings, either in the form of three-D statues or relief carvings that provide the illusion of three-dimensionality. The religion of these people was complex, embracing a wide variety of spirits and gods, but of particular interest was their belief in 'messengers of the gods', angelic forces who ran errands between gods and humans. The Sumerians also believed that each person had a 'ghost' of some sort (what we would now probably label as 'guardian angel') with this entity remaining a constant companion for a person throughout their life. After the polytheistic Semitic tribes had conquered the Sumerians around 1900...
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...Brak Bank Limited ------------------------------------------------- MGT-210 BRAC BANK Developed For: Ms. Nasira Siddika (NSd) Sec: 10 Date of Submission: 06/08/2010 NORTH SOUTH UNIVERSITY Developed By: Group Members To complete our project, first of all our team is very grateful to Almighty Allah for the hard work, dedication, team effort and patience we put to finish our project work on time. The team would like to thank the official website of ‘BRAC Bank’ from where we took the information, some of our relatives, friends and the respected officials of the bank who had helped us a lot by providing necessary information to complete the project successfully. Information on their site helped and supported us a lot and without it we could not complete the project properly. We also like to thank our team members as all of them devoted their full support and cooperation and gave valuable time to the project work. Finally we are very grateful to our course instructor “Ms. Nasira Siddika” who inspired and suggested us to do the project, and helped us in every possible way. The team is very thankful to her and honors to have “Ms. Nasira Siddika” as an instructor. August 06, 2010 Ms. Nasira Siddika (NSd) Faculty Member, School of Business North South University Sub: Letter of Transmittal Respected Mam, It is indeed a great pleasure to have the opportunity to submit the project paper. We have prepared...
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...In the novel "War and peace" of L.N. Tolstaya uses reception of an antithesis, opposing the real life — false, true vital values — false, internal beauty — external. An embodiment of external beauty and internal emptiness is in the novel Elaine Bezoukhova, an embodiment of internal beauty, life, love — Natasha Rostova. Natasha — the favourite heroine of Tolstoy. It submits the reader the sincerity, a spontaneity, cheerfulness, poetry, richness of an inner world. "The poetic, full of life, the charming girl" her Andrey Bolkonsky calls. For the first time we meet Natasha in the house Growth, she appears at us the thirteen-year-old girl, absolutely young, touching, direct. "Black-eyed, with a big mouth, the ugly, but living girl, with the children's open coat hanger … with the black curls which got off back, the thin bared hands and small legs in lacy pantalonchik and open shoes, was at that lovely age, when the girl not the child, but the child not the girl yet any more". We see how Natasha matures, goes to the first ball, endures the first love. This heroine is very direct, close to the nature. She admires beauty of a moonlight night in Otradnoye, is very organic in a hunting scene. Natasha is very musical, romantic. She perfectly sings, is thin feels music, Denisov admires her singing. And dancing of Natasha in which all reveals her Russian soul? This dancing delights both the uncle, and Nikolay, and the aunt Anisyyu who suddenly understand that this young girl "was able...
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...Have you ever seen an injustice that you wanted to correct or fix but you were to scared of consequences? Well Martin Luther King was not one of those people who didn’t do something because of the fear for consequences. He went to jail for protesting an injustice that was happening to African Americans everywhere. While he was in jail he decided to write a letter to his fellow clergymen answering their criticisms and explaining his reasons for being in jail. He uses the methods of ethos pathos and logos to explain why his method of non violent and peaceful protests would help further their cause. Martin luther king uses examples of ethos in his letter in multiple ways. In the beginning of his letter he is answering one of his fellow clergymen’s criticism of why he was in birmingham leading a protest which ended him in jail. His response was “I am cognizant of the interrelatedness of all the communities and states.i cannot sit idly by in Alanta and not be concerned about what happens in Birmingham”(p1). This is an example of ethos because it shows the right and wrong of the situation, the wrong is being in the same state where an injustice is happening and not doing anything about it. Another example of ethos is when he was answering yet another clergymen’s criticism oon how his method of protest is considered extremist. He responds with “Was Jesus not an extremist for love? “ Love your enemies,bless them that curse you,do good to them that hate you……” .Was not Amos an...
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...people want to fit in. Society can consume someone because the feeling of being accepted can create happiness for that individual. Or could happiness be related to your position in class. Some believe that the poor cannot be happy because they are poor and the wealthy upper classes are the happiest of all. What could make someone truly happy? Different questionings of happiness appear in Leo Tolstoy’s books Family Happiness and Death of Ivan Ilyich. Tolstoy portraits the search for happiness in his two books through society, wealth, and social class. In the book Family Happiness, the main character, a young girl named Masha was driven through the acceptance of society. She wanted to be a part of “the normal”, and believed that would make her happy. Ivan Ilyich of The Death of Ivan Ilyich believed he was happy only when he was wealthy and a part of the upper class. Classes have been molded since civilization truly formed. The Greeks, the Romans, and even the present-day United States have classes. The only thing that has changed is the sizes of each class over the centuries. In Leo Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich the main character is an older man by the name of Ivan Ilyich living in 19th century Russia. Classes were split into upper and lower class. Ivan bounced around in the book. Ivan Ilyich worked at becoming upper class his whole life. He wanted to feed his family and stay in the high division of society. But things changed when he didn’t get the job he...
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