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Lesson 11 Quiz

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Lesson 11 Quiz
1. Describe primary and secondary prevention actions community mental health professionals may take related to violence.
Primary prevention would be a mediation or training from having a certain issue become a potential problem such as a school based prevention programs for youth violence prevention would be an example of effective approach to inform teens about the consequences of violence.
Secondary prevention would be focused towards a particular high risk group. An illustration of this would be a concentrated or targeted intervention to support students who are not responding to the primary prevention efforts of youth violence that has not yet become symptomatic. Secondary prevention would be more intensive because there are a smaller number of teen students that would require services.

2. Discuss the impact of substance abuse on mental health, child abuse, elder abuse, and homelessness. When a person has a dual diagnosis which is a substance abuse problem along with a mental health issue. A person with a dual diagnosis can decrease the ability a person had to function in their daily lives. If a person has any genetic markers for a mental health illness any use of drugs or alcohol may be enough to start symptoms or even …show more content…
The elderly may not be able to hear or see or think as clearly as they once did making them a prime target for people with a substance abuse problem. A person with a substance abuse problem may abuse the elder by either physical or psychological abuse or even financial extortion. If the person has been given care in their own home, but the stress of caregiving are beyond their abilities, the person may turn to alcohol as a coping strategy. A person that abuses substances could also financially exploit the elderly by illegally using their personal funds or steal their social security checks for the use of obtaining

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