...Seminar Life of Pi Introduction We are all the hero of our own lives, and we are given the opportunity to make choices and decisions that ultimately affect our own personal stories. Carol Pearson, in the Hero Within says the “Heroes take journeys, confront dragons, and discover the treasure of their true selves. Although they may feel very alone during the quest, at its end their reward is a sense of community: with themselves, with other people, and with the earth.” The Life of Pi is a wonderful story about the voyage of life and learning for Piscine Molitor Patel, a boy from Southern India we come to know as Pi. Pi’s journey has many classic elements of a monomyth quest. The values and beliefs that create the framework we follow can shape our experiences and just as importantly how we perceive our experiences. As significant as Pi’s life challenges and experiences are, the real learning for those who travel with him is how he approaches them, endures them and ultimately survives them. Our belief in Pi’s authenticity is grounded in his beliefs and perceptions of life. Thesis Statement The Life of Pi is a classic study of the Monomyth Quest. Through discussion I will prove this claim by drawing from Joseph Campbell’s description of the essential elements of the “Hero’s Journey”. The story of Pi is broken into three parts and within these distinct parts there are elements of the Call to Adventure, the Initiation and The Return will be evident supporting the claim...
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...Sample Seminar Template I. Introduction A. Lead B. Thesis Statement (Includes Life of Pi and poem that you close read) C. Three Supporting Arguments (Your Blueprint) II. Body 1st Idea A. Topic sentence: Your topic sentence will consist of your Thesis and supporting argument. You must write out the entire topic sentence as it would appear in your actual essay. 1. POINT PROOF: Specific example, cite an example COMMENT: Explain how example is relevant to your argument 2. POINT PROOF: Specific example, cite an example COMMENT: Explain how example is relevant to your argument 3. Concluding Statement (try and link points made in paragraph back to thesis) 2nd Idea B. Topic sentence: Your topic sentence will consist of your Thesis and supporting argument. You must write out the entire topic sentence as it would appear in your actual essay. 1. POINT PROOF: Specific example, cite an example COMMENT: Explain how example is relevant to your argument 2. POINT PROOF: Specific example, cite an example COMMENT: Explain how example is relevant to your argument 3. Concluding Statement (try and link points made in paragraph back to thesis) 3rd Idea C. Topic sentence: Your topic sentence will consist of your Thesis and supporting argument. You must write out the entire topic sentence as it would appear in your actual essay. 1. POINT PROOF: Specific example, cite an example COMMENT: Explain how example is relevant to your argument 2. POINT PROOF: Specific...
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...Seminar Summer Term 2012 Practical Financial Engineering ASIAN OPTIONS By Ahmed Mahmoud Harris Rahim Hudson Joel A Seminar Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Finance and Economics, University of Ulm in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for a Masters Degree in Finance Master of Science University of Ulm Ulm, Germany 5th July 2012 DECLARATION We hereby confirm that the seminar thesis is our own work and that we have used only the stated literature and other means. Ahmed Mahmoud _______________ Harris Rahim _______________ Hudson Joel Division of the Seminar Thesis Division of the seminar thesis is done as follows: Ahmed Mahmoud has done chapter 1 and 2, Harris Rahim has done chapter 3, Hudson Joel has done chapter 4. Content Chapter 1- Introduction 5 1.1 The payoff 6 Chapter 2: Partial Differential Equations 8 2.1 The Black Scholes Model 8 2.2 Reduction to a One-Dimensional Equation 9 Chapter 3- A valuation model for an Average Value (AV) option 11 Chapter 4- Program 15 4.1 Geometric average price call 15 4.2 Geometric average price put 17 References 20 Chapter 1- Introduction Asian option is one type of options where the payoff is determined by the average underlying stock price over a period of time. This differs from the usual European and American options where the payoff depends on the price of the underlying instrument at exercise. Therefore, the Asian options are one of the forms...
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...2012 Aditya Institute of Management Studies & Research Admissions Open for PGDM 2012-2014 AICTE Approved & DTE Recognized Contact Details: Address: Ram Nagar Borivali west Mumbai 400092 Contact No: 022-28656964 Email: info@aimsr.com Website: www.aimsr.edu.in Introduction: AIMSR - a B-School of national stature is formed by a group of India economists, academicians and top executives of the Corporate India. We are committed towards creating a new breed of young, dynamic & astute global business magnates who are ready to face the challenges & opportunities of 'Open Economy', the future of global businesses. In the midst of a rapidly changing global economic environment when the Corporate India is looking for industry-ready professionals, AIMSR aspires to emerge as a preferred choice for dynamic and aspiring youngsters. ADITYA Institute of Management Studies and Research (AIMSR), Mumbai an AICTE certified Institute is one of the fastest growing Management Institutes of Mumbai spread across a sprawling campus of Approx One Lac SqFt area. The eight storied complex is a landmark by itself in Borivali West which is close to SV Road, Borivali Railway station and also Western Express. Ever since its inception it has been striving hard for achieving excellence both at academics and beyond academics. Imparting quality education, enhancing the already existing skill sets of students and inculcating in them a sense of social responsibility as well as a deep rooted value system, in...
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...employees. There are various methods of training, which can be divided in to cognitive and behavioral methods. Trainers need to understand the pros and cons of each method, also its impact on trainees keeping their background and skills in mind before giving training. Cognitive methods are more of giving theoretical training to the trainees. They provide the rules for how to do something, written or verbal information, demonstrate relationships among concepts, etc. These are associated with changes in knowledge and attitude by stimulating learning. The various methods are: * LECTURES * DEMONSTRATIONS * DISCUSSIONS * COMPUTER BASED TRAINING (CBT) * INTELLEGENT TUTORIAL SYSTEM(ITS) * PROGRAMMED INSTRUCTION (PI) * VIRTUAL REALITY Behavioral methods are more of giving practical training to the trainees. They allow the trainee to behavior in a real fashion. These are best used for skill development. The various methods are: * GAMES AND SIMULATIONS * BEHAVIOR-MODELING * BUSINESS GAMES * CASE STUDIES * EQUIPMENT STIMULATORS * IN-BASKET TECHNIQUE * ROLE PLAYS Management development is the more future oriented method and more concerned with education of the employees. To become a better performer by education implies that management development activities attempt to instill sound reasoning processes. Management development method is further divided into two parts: * ON THE JOB TRAINING...
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...Women in Psychology Paper PSY/310- History and Systems of Psychology September 16, 2012 Laura Rolen Like women, members of minority groups have been on the outside looking in for most of psychology’s history. Unlike the case for women, however, significant gains for blacks and most other minorities were not made in the years following World War II, and minorities continue to be underrepresented in psychology (Goodwin & Wiley & Sons inc., Chapter 15, 2008). In this paper I will be discussing Mary Whiton Calkins (1863-1930), Calkins was an American philosopher and she was the first of her generation of women to enter into psychology. Calkins was born on March 30, 1963 in Hartford, Connecticut she was the eldest of five children who were born to Charlotte Whiton Calkins (mother) and Wolcott Calkins (father). Calkins father was a Presbyterian minister her and her siblings lived and grew up in Buffalo New York, and at the age of 17-years-old her and her family moved to Newton, Massachusetts. Calkins started taking college classes at Smith College in 1882 where she was a...
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...Infectious Diseases Sharelle Taylor HCA 240 Inflammation occurs when there is sickness or some type of injury to the body. Injured cells release a certain chemical that lets the immune system know that there is something wrong. They attract healing cells which are sent out to work on damaged tissue. HIV/AIDS is transmitted through many bodily fluids. These fluids are Blood, Semen, Pre-seminal fluid, Breast milk, vaginal fluids, Rectal mucous. Other body fluids and waste products...
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...remains a federal priority Source: Office for Research Annual Report. (2011): Northwestern University Introduction Research Administration Training Research Administration training helps Northwestern: • Decrease compliance risks • Administer grants more consistently & efficiently • Provide support for research administrators, faculty & staff • Meet federal government expectations regarding training and communication Introduction Training Objectives During this seminar we will: • Explain the research administration process • Discuss the roles & responsibilities of research faculty and staff • Describe the roles of the central research offices • Review the regulatory fundamentals that form the foundation of research administration Introduction Questions? Introduction Roles & Responsibilities Lauran Qualkenbush Director Office for Research Integrity lhaney@northwestern.edu Research Administration Roles Central Unit Principal Investigator Roles & Responsibilities PI Responsibilities • Develop research project •...
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...Highlights National Statistical Commission Central Statistical Office National Sample Survey Office Coordination of Statistical Activities Computer Centre Statistical Services Indian Statistical Institute Twenty Point Programme Infrastructure and Projects Monitoring Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme Hindi Promotion Other Activities ANNEXES I IA IB IC ID IE IF IG IH II IIIA IIIB IVA IVB IVC V VI VII VIII Organisation Charts Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation Administration National Statistical Commission Central Statistical Office National Sample Survey Office Computer Centre Programme Implementation Wing Abbreviations used Allocation of Business to the Ministry Project, Seminar/Conference/Workshop and Travel Grant Assistance sanctioned during 2010-11 Project, Seminar/Conference/Workshop and Travel Grant Assistance sanctioned during 2011-12 (Up to December, 2011) Statement of Budget Estimate (SBE) -2011-12 Total Plan Gross Budgetary Support (GBS) for 2010-11 (BE and RE) for North-Eastern Region. Total Plan Gross Budgetary Support (GBS) for 2011-12 (BE and RE) for North-Eastern Region. Performance of Monthly Monitored Items under TPP-2006 (April, 2010 to March, 2011) Performance of Monthly Monitored Items under TPP-2006 (April, 2011 to September, 2011) Infrastructure Sector Performance (April-November, 2011) List of Projects completed in 2011-2012 (As on 30.9.2011) (i) (ii) 1-4 5-11 12 13-42 43-52 53-58 59-62 63-64 65-81 82-93 94-108 109-115 116-120 121-124 ...
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...is E-book? 2 E-BOOK’ S HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT 2 THE TREND OF E-BOOK 2 IN GLOBAL 2 IN HONG KONG 2 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF USING E-BOOK 2 ADVANTAGES 2 DISADVANTAGES 2 THE METHODS OF PROMOTE E-BOOK IN THE FUTURE 2 DATA COLLECTION METHOD 2 COMMON SEARCH ENGINES 2 E-book (BY YAHOO) 2 E-book development (BY GOOGLE) 2 LIBRARY RESOURCES 2 ‘’EBOOK’’DEVELOPMENT (BY OneSearch) 2 QUALTRICS 2 SURVEY RESULT AND ANALYSIS 2 CONCLUSION 2 REFERENCES 2 APPIED IT TOOLS 2 E-book development prospect in Hong Kong INTRODUCTION Nowadays, the majority of Hong Kong people use E-book in their daily life. However, why the people and the society need the E-book? In the report, I will introduce different information about E-book, including the background of E-book development, the trends of E-book in global and HK, the pros and cons of using E-book, what do Hong Kong people think about E-book and also some methods to promote E-book in the future DEFINITION what is E-book? E...
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...Impact of Job Satisfaction on Business Productivity Table of Contents Chapter 1: Breadth Component 3 Conceptual Framework of Employee Engagement in Organizations 4 The Theory of Values: Employee Personal Values, and Business Values 4 Three-Dimensional Approach of Organizational Commitment 6 Summary 7 Chapter 2 - Depth Component 8 Person-Job Fit 8 Person-Organization Fit 9 Relationship between Person-Job Fit, Person-Organization Fit, and Work Engagement 10 Conclusions 12 Chapter 3- Application Component 13 Chapter 4- Initiative 16 References 20 Certification Statement 25 Chapter 1: Breadth Component Employee relations covers all types of interactions among employees such as union efforts, interpersonal, and group relationships. The purpose of employment relations it to deal with the employees that are employed by the companies and the issues arising from their employment. Acquiring, developing, maintaining, and motivating staff are all aspects that are covered by the employment relations area. Employment relations are necessary as the employee is the most important part of a business and any troubles that affect employees do affect the business as well. Since the end of 2008 the economic downturn has affected many countries and it has aggravated the crisis of confidence towards the institutions and also in the field of business. Employees have been seeking their trust and, therefore, their commitment to more solid and stable companies (Cohen...
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...THESIS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Six Sigma Management Action research with some contributions to theories and methods PETER CRONEMYR Division of Quality Sciences Department of Technology Management and Economics CHALMERS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Göteborg, Sweden (2007) They wanted me to be respected as A doctor or a lawyer man But I had other plans Gonna be a rock ‘n’ roll singer Gonna be a rock ‘n’ roll star AC/DC - Rock ‘n’ Roll Singer Young/Young/Scott 1975 No matter what Quality will keep on rockin’ The Rock Stars of Quality Debbie Phillips-Donaldson, editor Quality Progress, July 2005 Six Sigma Management Action research with some contributions to theories and methods Peter Cronemyr Copyright © Peter Cronemyr (2007) ISBN 978-91-7385-021-6 Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola Ny serie nr 2702 ISSN: 0346-718X Published and distributed by: Division of Quality Sciences CHALMERS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY S-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden Telephone: +46 (0)31 772 10 00 Printed at: Chalmers Reproservice Göteborg, Sweden Thesis Shortcuts Six Sigma A short introduction Go directly to Chapter 3.1 on page 47 Action Research Methodology Go directly to Chapter 2.2 on page 28 The Author Background and motives Go directly to Chapter 1.2 on page 15 Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB The Case Company Go directly to Appendix A, Chapter 2.1 on page A-3 The Conclusions of the Thesis Go directly to Chapter 5 on page 89 ...
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...Anglia Ruskin University ------------------------------------------------- Lord Ashcroft International Business School ------------------------------------------------- Module MOD000921: ------------------------------------------------- Introduction to People, Organisations & Management ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Patchwork Text ------------------------------------------------- SID (1437809/1) ------------------------------------------------- Academic Year 2014/2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS After completing your assignment, you can update the table of contents below to correct the page numbers clicking on it with the right button (update field > update page numbers only). PATCH 1: PERSONALITY SELF-ASSESSMENT AND CAREER CHOICE 3 PATCH 2: LEARNING DIARY 7 PATCH 3: CASE STUDY REPORT 10 REFERENCES 11 APPENDIX 12 When the file is ready for submission, please delete al l instructions in red. PATCH 1: PERSONALITY SELF-ASSESSMENT AND CAREER CHOICE (1,000 words) The Big-5 Traits | Your score | Self-assessment | Openness to experience | 14 | The student is moderately open to experience.According to Costa and McCrae(1992) theory, she prefer to focus on more practical pursuits where she is interested in novelty when necessity commands, but not for too long because she does not stand out as either particularly imaginative, nor a conservative person, she has average drive and...
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...Assignment on Project Management(PJTM-402) Topic: Project Proposal Submission Submitted To: Mr. Md. Sarwar Uddin Assistant Professor Faculty of Business Administration BGC Trust University Bangladesh Submitted By: Smile Group ID Name of group member Remarks 1016124 Md. Kamal Uddin 1016145 Md. Rashedul Karim Rakil 1016147 Ismail Mohammad 1016099 Afroja Sultana 1016115 Prianka Das 1016141 Sadia Begum 1016177 Dipa Deb Bormon 1015028 Sufia Sultana Date of Submission: October 26, 2013 Letter of Transmittal October 26, 2013 Mr. Dhiman Borua Lecturer Faculty of Business Administration BGC Trust University Bangladesh BGC Biddyanagar Campus Subject: Submission of group Assignment Dear Sir, We are glad to inform you that we have completed our group assignment on “Project Proposal Submission”. We have gathered extensive knowledge while we were doing this assignment. Though there was some limitation and difficulties but we tried our level best to eliminate those limitations with your help and your guidelines. We also express my honest confirmation in support of the fact that the said Assignment has neither been used before to fulfill any other course related purpose nor it will be submitted to any other person or authority in future. Yours sincerely, ………………………………… Md. Kamal Uddin (Group leader) On Behalf of “Smile Group” BBA , 7th Semester(sec:B), 16th Batch Faculty of Business Administration. Table of contents ...
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...Anurans in Sitio Pahiron Brgy. Lumbia, Cagayan de Oro City A Research Proposal Presented to the Biology Department, Xavier University Cagayan de Oro City In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course Seminar and Problem I (Bio 20L) By: Antonette S. Paquera July 2015 APPROVED: Dr. Astrid Sinco Adviser ACCEPTED: Ms. Christine Lovelle Mahinay Reader Project Title: Anurans in Sitio Pahiron Brgy. Lumbia, Cagayan de Oro City Proponent: Antonette S. Paquera Project Duration: 4 months (June 2015-September 2015) Project Budget: Php 55, 680.90 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE Title Page A....................................................................................................................i Title Page B....................................................................................................................ii TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................iii LIST OF FIGURES.......................................................................................................v LIST OF PLATES.........................................................................................................v LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................................v I. Introduction......................................................................................................
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