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Life Style Inventory


Submitted By madbhavi
Words 1123
Pages 5


The Life Styles Inventory (LSI) is a self-assessment diagnostic instrument that measures 12 key thinking patterns, or "styles". The LSI promotes performance change and improvement by increasing personal understanding of one's thinking and behavior. By responding to these, individuals learn exactly where they need to focus their development efforts, without ambiguity or guesswork. The results of the self-description are plotted on a circular graph for easy visualization of how the individual thinks and behaves in the 12 LSI styles. This profile acts as a personalized developmental needs assessment, calling attention to the individual's strengths as well as areas needing improvement.
According to my LSI Profile shows my primary style is “Affiliative”. By definition Affiliative behaviors are behaviors which promote cohesion (friendly/positive) gestures. An Affiliative leader will promote harmony among the followers and helps solve conflict. He builds teams by making sure the followers feel connected to each other. I completely agree that I’m affiliative in nature. In the school days, if any fellow classmate would have difficulty in understanding a particular subject, I would stay back at school and try my best to make him understand the subject or have active discussions with my teacher to make him understand it better. Be at home, I would always participate in family discussions and try my level best to give suggestions to improve the situation. At work place, when a department would undergo reorganization, the followers would have a difficult time understanding how they fit together in the new organization. As an affiliate person, I would have some training sessions to update them in any technical field or have a one to one conversation’s to know personally their issues. The basic idea is to develop trust

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