...Quiz | Th: 15 | THEO | | Exam #2: Ch 9-12 | | Fri: 16 | CSTU | Chapters 11-12 | | Ch. 11-12 Quiz | Fri: 16 | BIBL | | Test 1 (Midterm Exam) | | Fri: 16 | UNIV | Effective Email Project | | | | | | | | Mon: 19 | BIBL | Romans Essay Available | | Bb Quiz: Ch 10, 14, 15 | Mon: 19 | EVAN | Reading & Book Review | + Reflection Paper | + Check for reading | Tue: 20 | BWVW | Read: World Religions Overview | | | Tue: 20 | THEO | Chapter 13 | | Chapter 13 Quiz | Th: 22 | BWVW | | Test #2 | | Th: 22 | THEO | Chapter 14 | | Chapter 14 Quiz | Fri: 23 | CSTU | Chapters 13-14 | | Ch. 13-14 Quiz | Fri: 23 | UNIV | Time Management Activity | Reflections Paper | | | | | | | Mon: 26 | EVAN | Check for possible reading | | | Tue: 27 | BWVW | Read: What is Moral Relativism | | | Tue: 27 | THEO | Chapter 15 | | Chapter 15 Quiz | Wed: 28 | BIBL | Acts 21-28 Pent-Sum; Eph. Com. Meditation; Phil. Prayer Journal | | | Th: 29 | THEO | Ch. 16 & Biblical Worldview | | Chapter 16 Quiz | Fri: 30 | CSTU | Chapters 15-16 | | Ch. 15-16 Quiz | Fri: 30 | UNIV | Information Literacy Project Pt 1 | | | | | | | | November | | | | | | | | | | Mon: 2 | BIBL | Col. Com. Prayer; Phile. Ch. Ref. | | Bb Quiz: Ch 16&22 (Col, Phile) | Mon: 2 | EVAN | Witnessing Report + | Check for reading | | Tue: 3 | BWVW | Read: Measuring Morality | | | Tue: 3 | THEO | Chapter 17 | | Chapter 17 Quiz | Th:...
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...Course Information COURSE DESCRIPTION, INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES and STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: In ENGL 101, students focus on the writing process, paying special attention to prewriting, writing, and revising strategies. The course also introduces elements of academic writing as well as the research process. This class prompts students to hone their critical reading and writing skills as they consider the rhetorical situations that shape all writing tasks. As a hybrid course, ENGL 101 includes a parallel online component, Coastal Composition Commons, which provides uniform and digitally delivered content reinforcing a common set of student learning outcomes. This course also follows the description, objectives, and outcomes, and provides the requisites explained in the Coastal Writers’ Reference (CWR), pages 2-6. GRADING: Your grade for the course is broken down as follows: Literacy Narrative: 15% Profile: 15% Analysis: 15% Position Paper: 15% Digital Badges (6 @ 3% each)*: 18% Writing Community Membership: 17% Final Portfolio 5% You must complete all major assignments, including the final exam, in order to pass the class. *Digital Badges/COASTAL COMPOSITION COMMONS Coastal Composition Commons is a digital badge initiative that stresses the student learning outcomes central to ENGL 101 and 102. Each digital badge provides instruction on...
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...Reflection on Teaching the Literacy of Professionalism Kimberly Diamante Gateway Technical College Reflection on Teaching the Literacy of Professionalism My article was titled Teaching the Literacy of Professionalism, within the article they discussed the development and implementation of a course to promote development of professional skills related to scholarship. The article states that many RN’s seeking their BSN are lacking well-developed nonclinical professional skills. As such they sought to help students explore professional growth through writing, presenting, portfolio development and management in an elective online course. Each week students were given required readings from professional journals, web sites and other media. The administrators chose to use periodicals rather than text book as they felt it better met the goal of keeping the literature current. Students then used these journals to orchestrate a group presentation on professionalism in nursing. All students met the coarse competencies and student evaluations of course were overwhelmingly positive. After having read multiple articles on professionalism I learned that professionalism seems to mean many different things to different nurses. From a historical stand point “Professionalism” is defined as "a vocation with a body of knowledge and skills put into service of the good of others" (Arnold, 2002, p. 502). Regardless of how an individual defines professionalism, one irrefutable fact remains;...
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...characteristics of effective learning. Cohen L, et al, 2004 p.167. Primary Reception Research has shown that: Chris Watkins et al 2007 p.4: Children learn best... When they take responsibility of their own learning When they are actively engaged in their learning When learning is interactive (as opposed to passive or seat-work) When they see themselves as successful learners Using the Inquiry approach in teaching in which one of its values underpins that; knowledge is actively constructed by the learner, in relation to previous knowledge, and not passively received from the environment (teacher, books and so on). For example in the current unit of Inquiry (Me and My Family) during a Math class observation, materials such as number puzzles using the...
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...the world. Policies Faculty and students will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Lule, J. (2012). Exploring media and culture. Irvington, NY: Flat World Knowledge, Inc. All electronic materials are available on the student website. Week One: The Formative Influence of Mass Media on American Culture Details Objectives 1.1. Identify the effects of mass media on American culture. 1.2. Summarize the evolution of mass media. 1.3. Explain the implications of media convergence. 1.4. Describe the value of media literacy. Read Ch. 1 of Exploring Media and Culture. Read Ch. 2 of Exploring Media and Culture. Read the “New Media, Old Models”, “The Internet’s Effects on Media Economies”, “Digital Divide...
Words: 2017 - Pages: 9
...Using LORE as an ICT Media to Boost Class Performance What is ICT media? ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology. The idea of ICT media is associated with the use of information and communication technology media as a tool for learning. Undoubtedly, in this high-tech era ICT becomes a vital media in teaching. ICT appears as a great helper for teachers, but it can bring a lot of trouble if we are not smart enough to choose the right media for our course. Out there many sites and softwares promote their product about helping us as an educator. As an educator we have to know the right media for conducting class, LORE appears as perfect learning site which lets educators manage their course online. LORE comes up with rich and powerful tools such as gradebook, file management, chat box, and calendar. LORE has social networking features which is beneficial for student to communicate easily with each other. The thing works just the same as you assist your class online. You can post the material anywhere and anytime. With all those powerful function that LORE brings, LORE is such a helpful media to help us improve class performance. LORE boost literacy skill, it bridges student-teacher encounter, it encourages student in publishing their works. Why use LORE? Many people see ICT media as a burden because of the cost and practicality. As we know, ICT media is not only expensive because it requires internet connection, but also it is not quite practical because...
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...Samuola Vernet Professor Amanda Weir English 100 11/26/12 Academic Literacies Project Sociology is the study of social behavior and the socio-cultural settings in which it occurs. It involves the study of whole societies and their basic institutions as well as smaller scale groups such as the family, peer group and neighborhood. (Undergraduate Programs University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. n.d) By examining different social groups in economic, political and religious contexts, the effects on human attitudes, actions and opportunities can be discovered. With the understanding of sociology in mind I expect the academic literacy workload for sociology to require a lot of reading and writing. Examining human behavior demands a lot of analyzing and research. When analyzing a text it is expected that the author reasoning will be looked for. To fully comprehend a text when reading one must take good notes, summarize and/or paraphrase the main idea. A sociology course requires a lot of precise thinking and reflection. By doing so the text is questioned and allows thoughts about personal emotions and affects as well as whether it connects text to text, self or world or another text. In an informal discussion with an upperclassman in philosophy, I was told that there will be two types of assigned papers study and theory. A thesis is needed when writing a theory paper. Theory papers tend to have readers think and evaluate them critically and address the issue of how...
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...Shared Vision Gather Team • Develop a philosophy of literacy • Establish common teachable foundations by grade level and course for use of literacy strategies • Initiate an ongoing professional development Objectives • Focus on data driven instruction • Focus on student motivation • Focus on integrating differentiated • Teach reading in a manner which reflects quality research-based teaching practices. Materials and Curriculum • Focus on specific curriculum content and pedagogies needed to teach effectively. • Focus on differentiated instruction and cooperative learning. • Incorporate a program that is cross curricular and meets learning goals while offering differentiated support for all learners Desired Outcomes • Increase reading...
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...Sponsors and Socioeconomic Status Socioeconomic status most of the time paves the way for the degree of literacy abilities someone will acquire throughout their life. It has a tremendous impact on how a person’s reading/writing identity is formed. This is largely due to the fact that there are different standards of literacy sponsors for each socioeconomic class, as well as accessibility. The writing we do can take many different forms that represent different extensions of ourselves. We are able to adapt our writing to our surroundings, just like we can adapt our identity to fit certain people or scenarios. Writing is situational and writing helps shape ideologies and ideologies make up part of someone’s identity. Literacy sponsors...
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...Education in the United States: A Reflection was interesting because it told the history of Special Education. It talked about how Special Education teachers should stand up for the kids in their class and do everything they could to help their students succeed. It discussed the high turnover rate among Special Education teachers and stated that support from principals, administrators, and even legislators are extremely important and much needed by Special Education teachers. The article was scholarly because it was written and researched by five professors in the Special Education Unit from the University of Nigeria. The second article Using Tablet Computers as Instructional Tools to Increase Task Completion by Students with Autism struck me because I am currently using an IPAD to do math and literacy with my Pre-K students. I wanted to see the findings in their case study to see if it was good or not for our students. I found that it is beneficial but the study showed mixed reviews. The study was done in a class of 7 in Maryland over a 4 week period. This article is considered scholarly because it was written by 3 women, all of whom are educators or directors of Special Education, which work at the Kennedy Krieger Institute. The last article was The relationship between autism spectrum disorders and symptoms of conduct problems: The moderating effect of communication. I picked this one because I have a little boy in my class and I sometimes wonder if he has...
Words: 428 - Pages: 2
...selecting, comparing, inferring, arranging and revising. It is introduced as an approach to encourage and embed student reflection on the activities in which they were engaged, recognizing that reflection can be enhanced as a collaborative process. It employs digital technology to construct narrative. Using digital technologies, students can turn a one-dimensional writing composition into a digital story that can be published and shared to a small, intimate audience or with the world. It is a process that blends media to enrich and enhance the written or spoken word. It may have a narration overlay and a music background and may combine images, audio, and video to tell a story or make a factual presentation ( Frazel ,2010; Jenkins and Lonsdale, 2007 ;Miller,2004;Sylvester and Greenidge,...
Words: 1659 - Pages: 7
...(The Electronic Exercise) and EF-editor (Exercise Format Editor) can serve socialconstructive language learning from a distributed cognition point of view, (b) to report how TEE and EF-editor have been used in a foreign language classroom with 25 seventh grade students for creating a Web-based tourist guide to London, and (c) to present the results of an evaluative study investigating the benefits and constraints the teacher and students experienced through this learning scenario. Finally, these results are discussed with regard to the heuristic value of distributed cognition for technology-enhanced social-constructive learning-scenarios. (Keywords: Distributed cognition, multimedia tool, social-constructive language learning, multimedia literacy.) INTRODUCTION Foreign language learning is crucial to students’ academic and personal education. In many domains, a person’s professional and individual success is related more or less to her ability to communicate at least in one if not several foreign languages. Acquiring communication skills is only possible if students develop skills in understanding and producing oral and written texts. As print is no longer the dominant media format, this includes understanding and producing language artifacts with all forms of print and electronic media. Hence, foreign language teachers should develop and...
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...I took spanish classes from my freshman year to my senior year, from Spanish 2 all the way up to IB Spanish HL2. Through this four years i was able to demonstrate global literacy skills. In spanish class especially when i joined IB spanish i was able to read books writing my native spanish speaking authors. From all the books we read, i really enjoyed reading a book called “Una Cronica de una Muerte Anunciada” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I enjoyed this book because i was able to learn diverse cultural,linguistic and artistic expressions. Even Though Spanish is my first language, reading a book writing by an author from Colombia exposed me to a new type of spanish i had never encountered before. It also helped me expand my lexicon in spanish, since Gabriel Garcia Marquez used a lot of really advanced words i had never heard before....
Words: 508 - Pages: 3
...Course Syllabus ------------------------------------------------- INFT 101 Instructional Technology for Successful Online Learning Course Description Designed to equip students for success as they transition into the online classroom, this course offers strategic information tailored to ensure academic excellence in this unique learning environment; this information includes Liberty University’s foundations and beliefs, Liberty University Online resources for success, Blackboard navigation techniques, time management strategies, the adult learner’s responsibilities, methods for identifying and avoiding academic misconduct, scholarly research tactics, and approaches for selecting the appropriate courses towards completion of the preferred degree program. Rationale This required course provides an orientation to the online classroom, learning strategies, and technology skills required for success in online learning. This course offers students an opportunity to identify, develop, and strengthen the skills necessary for academic achievement within Liberty University’s online program. I. Prerequisites None II. Required Resource Purchase Hassenpflug, A. S., Traphagen, A. D., & Conner, J. J. (2014). Breaking ground: Keys for successful online learning. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co. ISBN: 9781465231017. Disclaimer: The above resource provides information consistent with the latest research regarding the subject area. Liberty University does not necessarily endorse...
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...7341 EBL Context of Adult and Vocational Education Assignment 2: The impact of educational change and the implications for my teaching practice Student: Taras Voevodin Student No.: 0517355 Lecturer: Terry Clark Convenor: Dr. Leesa Wheelahan INTRODUCTION This essay will analyse the impact of educational change and the implication for my teaching practice. It will analyse an educational institute and a key issue that impacts on my teaching practice. It will take a critical look at the context of this change by discussing the changing nature of work, lifelong learning and the learning society. This contextual analysis will consider the particular key changes being analysed. It will explain, analyse and theorise about the way in which the policy change impacts on education and on my teaching practice as a practicing ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher. It will discuss the extent to which adult and vocational education teachers can shape their own practice within the broad policy context that I have described and illustrated through the discussion of this particular policy change. It will discuss the Metropolitan South Institute of TAFE (MSIT) and changes involved with moving from a governmental department to a statutory authority and how that affects my teaching practice. Statutory Authorities are alternative management systems that answer to a board of directors and a Chief Executive Officer (CEO)...
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