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Calabria Personal Statement

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A lifetime of international experiences is the base for my cultural background. I was born and raised in Calabria, the southern part of the Italian peninsula. Through the centuries, that area has always been a melting pot of different cultures and traditions. Because of its geographical position, Calabria is a natural gateway for immigrant populations coming from the neighboring developing regions. Growing up surrounded by cultures different from my own, and with a passion for research, I appreciate both the commonalities and differences of the human experience. Furthermore, growing up overseas and moving to the United States, I have realized how it feels to find oneself outside the dominant culture. Being an immigrant allows me to understand …show more content…
During my Post-Doctoral period, I worked closely with Dr. Niezrecki, who collaborates with other faculty members at the University of Massachusetts Lowell in the Haiti Development Studies Center. The Center tries to engage science and engineering faculty, and students in philanthropic research focused on solving life-threatening issues faced by citizens in impoverished countries. Following his example, I will also pursue opportunities to improve the technological development of developing nations and to mentor graduate and undergraduate students from underrepresented groups. For instance, my teaching goals with a graduate student from India was to provide them with the required analytical skills to evaluate low-cost charge controllers for off-grid energy supply in rural areas of developing nations. Also, during my classes, I always try to create a very relaxed environment where students are encouraged to brainstorm together and express their ideas. I have noticed that people coming from underserved background have an unconscious tendency to suppress their individuality and become estranged from the conversation. It is because people born and raised in lower-income situations have been taught to be not good enough to participate in high-profile activities. Although it is an irrational fear, it lingers in the back of their mind, preventing them from expressing themselves freely. During my classes, I encourage all the students to express their ideas without fear to be judged if wrong as making mistakes is part of the learning

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