...Bio 173 Fisheries Biology: Term Paper Date: September 3, 2013 File: d:\B173-2013\B173_term_paper.wpd Summary You are to write a scientific term paper about a topic related to fisheries biology. Goal Ron Coleman The goal is for you to produce a term paper that illustrates that you have researched and thought in depth about a topic in fisheries biology. The term paper will tell me that you understand the important issues in a particular field and have identified the current cutting edge in that research. This paper is NOT an essay. I do not want you to explain a topic to me. I want you to discuss current research on a topic. If you find yourself including extensive background material then you are not doing the paper correctly. The paper is about the current research, not just about the phenomenon. For each of your source papers, tell me what the authors were trying to investigate, how they did their investigation, what they found and what it means. It is possible that you have never done this kind of paper before. If you are unclear about what you are doing, ask me about it. If you think that this is just like writing a typical term paper on some topic, then you are dead wrong. Most importantly, think of this as an opportunity to show me what you can do, not as something that you have to do. I want you to discover something and to share that discovery with me. Potential Topics I suggest you look at the following journals for inspiration: Science, Nature, Journal of Fish Biology...
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...The Effects and Innovations with Waste Management By: Alec Johnston Title In the recent century ideas on dealing with waste management and the ability to sustain this process has been researched in various ways. Waste management has served as a cancer to the Earths atmosphere in previous decades as well as today. The cause to develop sustainable practices is ongoing. There are many ways that the disposal of waste can affect society and pollute the air. The findings of various scientist and the greatest innovators of the world display ideas and facts behind dealing with waste management in a habitable yet sustainable way. The title should be informative. It should encapsulate the content of your paper in a clear and concise manner. By reading your title, other researchers should be able to tell immediately whether the paper will be of interest to their own scientific research. Most research journals have length limitations for titles. Introduction The introduction should contain enough information to allow the reader to understand and interpret the importance of your research. It should place your research in the context of what is known in that field. You should start by briefly reviewing what is generally known about your topic. Don’t give away your conclusions, but inform your reader about your general topic. Concepts and definitions that may be new to the reader should be presented and defined in the introduction. Give enough background information so that your...
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...Your Idle Time Manuel Bendana ENG 125 Introduction to Literature Prof. Benjamin Mirov November 5, 2012 Billy Collin’s poem, “You, Reader,” is a humor-filled narrative that catches the reader’s attention and illustrates how two strangers are interlaced with one another all while showing how idle time can be used productively. While reading the poem, it can also be noted that time and what you choose to do with it is a constant theme. The persona in this poem, who happens to be the speaker, expresses how he is linked to the reader. The main link between the reader and the author is the poem itself in its literal sense. Grabbing the Reader’s Attention The poem begins with an attention-grabbing dramatic monologue; “I wonder how you are going to feel when you find out that I wrote this instead if you” (as cited in Clugston, 2010, section 12.1). This very first line comes off as arrogant and cocky, in result creating dramatic tension between the speaker and the reader. The persona grabs the reader’s attention by using detailed imagery about the particular day that he sat down to write the poem. The narrator paints a picture by describing the environment that he was in while writing the poem. He remembers to, “mention with a pen the rain soaked windows, the ivy-wallpaper” (as cited in Clugston, 2010, section 12.1). The scenery in this line creates a miserable...
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...present. Through the reader response analysis approach I will discuss how “The Welcome Table” has inspired me to evaluate how I treat others and if my actions are conducive to a progressive society. In regards to the reader response approach Clugston (2010, section 16.2) states “you must account for your feelings by finding specific aspects of the literary work that make you feel as you do.” (P. 413). What grabbed my attention to this story was the imagery “She was angular and lean and the color of poor gray Georgia earth, beaten by king cotton and the extreme weather.” (as cited in Clugston, 2010, Section 3.1) that made me wonder about the old woman’s story. The metaphor Alice Walker uses to describe the old woman’s face “on her face centuries were folded into the circles around one eye, while around the other, etched and mapped as if for print, ages more threatened again to live.” (as cited in Clugston, 2010, Section 3.1) leads me to believe she has lived a difficult life. Her age and appearance don’t come from her hard work alone but from something much deeper. In her case her race played a part in her discrimination and it reflected in her face, and I am reminded of the times I may have not been cordial to someone not because of race but based on appearances. The old woman’s story reminds me that prior to 1964 and the passing of civil rights laws many were denied certain privileges (Blank, 2004). The simple act of going to church service...
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...Literature goes beyond life "Literature goes beyond life. It is art; it is an imaginative creation that can tell truths gracefully, subtly through narrative, poetry and the movement of characters on a stage. Any imaginative act suggests possibility, and this is another reason to continue studying literature" (Florence Dee Boodakian). Literature has been the most influential art in the history of man. It passes down information from one generation to the next and unites all people from different places with a diverse culture. For examples, in Shakespeare, Walker, and Frost's works, it teaches and inspires us in lots of ways; emotionally, spiritually and intellectually. It also initiates change throughout our lifetime. It affects how people live and see the world in a bigger picture; another example of Alice Walker's "Everyday Use" it inspired and touches the hearts of many, that heritage is what binds one’s culture. Literature instills the skills needed by an individual to analyze critical things, to make a significant impact and differences in their lives and future. Literature is not a repository old scrolls and tomes, but great laboratory where the relation between man and the environment has been analyzed, experimented with and redefined over the history of civilization. The act of reading literature can change and shape how we perform and study things. Literature is the expression of oneself and the social life and thoughts through language that resemble one's heritage...
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...known he still has a dark side and somewhat terrifying side to his poems as well. Erin Brescia states “One of the reasons Robert’s Frost poetry is enjoyed is his ability to capture the reality of everyday living in a language that is accessible to the average reader” and that his poems are just everyday people doing everyday things, such as jobs, chores and work. I have read many of Frosts poems and agree this is true, but with this fact some of his poems pertaining to jobs have a very dark outcome. Erin cites the poem “Putting in the seed” explaining how the narrator loves planting apple seeds and knows someone will soon get him for dinner and try to stop him, but will probably in the end will also take pleasure in planting seeds. Also cited is “The Pasture” where Erin States “the narrator has a list of chores that must be accomplished” like raking leaves and checking on a calf. These poems deal with regular people and everyday life, which is one of the themes in Frost work. Frost has other poems that deal with just everyday life such as “The Road Not Taken”, this poem is about a man who comes to a fork in the path and decides to take the path that is less traveled, but as he does, thinks about the other path and what gifts it may hold, and how in the future he may be able to come back and take that other path. Again another poem about everyday life, while this poem does not fit with many themes of jobs, chores and work, it is just about the decisions that are made in the...
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...Sierra Gore Laura Crittenden English 125 Literature 10/9/2014 I will doing an essay on the comparison and similarities of short stories and poetry, and drama. They all are different types of literature but they share many of the same elements. Some of the things that short stories, poems, and drama have in common are figure of speech, conflict, and foreshadowing. The setting id the same element in short stories poetry, and drama. Setting can also be important in short stories, and the other literatures because setting encompasses a wide variety physical and cultural elements. The settings can add attitude to a short story, or poem. Short stories and plays have narrators, but poems have voice. The speaker is a persona that poets creates. The narrator or voice can set the tone for a poem. An allegory is a short story with two parallel meanings one is figuratively and the other is literal. An allegories is often used by writers in short stories and poetry and drama to give their writing a deeper meaning and can be used to teach reader or viewers a lesson. Foreshadowing is often used in short stories, and poetry and drama. Foreshadowing can be used in poetry in the title to give the reader an idea of what the poem is about. Another element shared by short stories poetry is mood. The mood is used to add atmosphere and to help convey the theme. Mood gives these literary feeling. Figure of speech is another element that is shared. Figure of speech are expression...
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...Writing Assignment 2: Hero Concept In literature there are many different concepts that authors use, one concept that is used is the 'hero concept,' which can capture any audience, and can be seen in many different ways, but it's pretty clear that a hero is someone with the will to stand up for what they believe in, has courage, and is strong for others. People in general, at some point, have wanted to be the hero, or have the courage to stand up for what they believe in. More often than not, people stand by and don't act in a heroic manner, so when reading a story, poem, or other piece of literature that uses the hero concept; it captures the reader and keeps the reader interested. The hero concept is clearly used in "Bodega Dreams," "Hard Rock Returns to Prison for the Criminal Insane," and "The Train from Hate." The authors of these pieces of literature keep the reader captivated by using the hero concept, and the pathos appeal, evoking a sense of emotion in the reader. "Bodega Dreams" by Ernesto Quinonez has a great example of a hero. This short story is of a class of apparent minority students, who are told by one teacher that they will never amount to anything, and would end up in jail or on the streets. Since the students are being constantly told that they will fail, they don't make an effort. This causes another teacher, the "hero," to become very angry, because he wants to see his students succeed. The narrator reveals this teachers heroic nature when the teacher...
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...be applied to novels, poetry, essays, and various other forms of literature. There are numerous types of literary criticism including archetypal, Marxist, and readers-response. The theory of feminism criticism, another type of literary criticism, originated in France and the Netherlands and emphasizes on gender inequality and female's social roles. Feminism criticism can be seen as many forms of literary expressions such as poetry, essays, short stories, and novels. Feminism can also be examined through current events, fictional, and how those two are correlated. W.E.B. DuBois was an author who wrote the essay, "Double Consciousness." One can interpret feminism criticism from his text. "After the Egyptian an Indian, the Greek and Roman, the Teuton and Mongolian, the Negro is a sort of seventh-son..." This can be interpreted as females come after everybody else. In other words, society puts all others -- Caucasians, African-Americans, Hispanics, and Asians -- ahead of females. For example, as terrible as they were treated, African-Americans received the privilege to vote in 1868, fifty years previous to the women receiving similar rights. As seen above, feminism is not always directly displayed so one must interpret it from the text. "Karintha," written by Jean Toomer, is a fictional story about a young lady who was the object of desire to many of the gentlemen in the town. Fiction is another form of literature that one can interpret feminism criticism from. In the story, Karintha...
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...Classical Literature Should Be Widely Read How does a piece of literature become labeled a classic? Classics are works that have received distinction for exemplifying a literary movement or genre. In other words, they started a literary trend by either doing something first or doing it very well. Another way a book can be considered a classic is by rebelling against established beliefs or ethics (Chen). Classical literature challenges readers’ way of thinking, enhances readers’ knowledge, and is an important part of a country’s culture. Reading the classics has many benefits and should be more common. There are many examples of classical literature that pushed the envelope of what was acceptable when they were published, and some of those classics...
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...Atwood’s Rapunzel Syndrome in “The Painted Door” Ever since it’s publishing by the Brothers Grimm in the early 1800s “Rapunzel” has become more than just another short story, it’s become an element of literature. The struggle between a woman and the ties holding her from happiness has become a vital part to an increasing number of literary works both Canadian and otherwise. Canadian literature can often be placed under Margaret Atwood’s literary analysis “Survival a Thematic Guide to Canadian Literature”. In this it is stated that women in Canadian literature frequently suffer from Rapunzel Syndrome (209). In the Rapunzel Syndrome there are four elements: Rapunzel the main character; the wicked witch who has imprisoned her [...]; the tower she’s imprisoned in [...]; and the Rescuer (Atwood 209). Sinclair Ross’s short story “The Painted Door” is an example of how all of these elements can be present in Canadian literature. The Rapunzel Syndrome requires a wicked witch who imprisones Rapunzel to her tower. In “The Painted Door” John can be seen as this wicked witch who is responsible for trapping his wife, Rapunzel to her tower. After deciding to visit his father before the storm his wife expresses genuine concern about the undertaking. John disregards her pleas to stay and convinces her that she will be safe. Although John is at fault for trapping his wife he is by no means wicked. He loves his wife deeply and has only good intentions in mind; keeping his father and her...
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...The Impact of American Literature American Literature, which may seem like a worn out topic taught in school, actually contains various vital lessons for all. Writers find an emotional outlet in their work, therefore giving readers an insight into the minds of the authors. This was proven at the time that slave narratives were written, when the authors used their work to share the saddening realities they faced. In many instances, readers have used this literature as a guide to assist in experiences similar to what they are going through. JD Salinger’s, “Catcher in The Rye,” is a good example of how American Literature, past and present, can teach readers empathy and understanding. Furthermore, it aids in the display of the evolved culture in our country. American Literature allows both parties to find an emotional outlet from life experiences, it supplies readers with compassion, and it showcases the changes in our society in a distinct way. There is a common belief that people write what they know, meaning that most writing comes...
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...Culture and Religion: Atsumori and Inferno Various factors have been an influence in literature, both for past authors and present authors. These factors may stem from the culture in which we live and the religion in which we partake. In Dante’s Inferno and Motokiyo’s Atsumori, these influences were evident. In this paper, you will see how these influences affected these two historical pieces of literature. Dante’s Inferno included numerous elements suggesting to its’ religious influence. Dante also wrote two other pieces—Purgatorio and Paradiso-- during this time which lead to the belief that these three were symbolic to the Christian trinity; Father, Son, Holy Spirit (1827). Also notable about Dante’s writing is that he ended these three pieces with the same word, stelle (stars). He wrote of the different crimes (sins) and punishments that would be placed upon all citizens if necessary. Those who disobeyed would be cast in to purgatory. Some examples of these crimes were lust, violence against neighbors, and violence against God. These are also extremely comparable to The Ten Commandments in the Christian religion. He also spoke of Lord, Noah, and Abel in this piece (Canto IV, Lines 50-55). Culture also played a role in this piece of literature. Before this time, Dante had been extremely active in the military in Florence. He had lived most of his life supporting the church until later in his life when he began to think the church was corrupt. He lived many...
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...Crystal Taylor Professor Chambers English 2333-53001 April 8 2014 From Romanticism to Realism in 19th Century The late nineteenth century was a period of incredible change as political empires broke up, independence rose, the power of the middle class replaced that of the dignity, and colonization grew. Although there were efforts to recover spiritual interest, normally organized religion reduced in influence in the late nineteenth century and was replaced by personal spiritual, moral, or theoretical beliefs. Literature developed as the creative standard that best expressed the social, economic, and logical concerns of the day, moving away from the issues and styles associated with Romanticism earlier in the century. Although in literature romantic elements in the Elizabeth and dramas, the English literary romanticism from the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge's Lyrical Ballads shows romanticism in a different light than other stories. Wordsworth stated his belief that poetry results from "the natural overflow of powerful feelings," and pressed for the use of natural everyday expression in literary works. Coleridge emphasized, the importance of the poet's thoughts and discounted devotion to personal literary rules. William Blake was maybe the most outstanding of the English romantics. His poems and paintings are blissful, creative, and heavily descriptive, indicating the unworldly reality fundamental the physical reality. Romanticism stresses on...
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...Margery Kempe By Anthony Ekpe English 2322 October 17th 2015 Margery Kempe Margery Kempe and her autobiography (The book of Margery Kempe) is a historical and intriguing piece to read. Its impact on the literary world helped put the autobiography style of writing into usage by current authors. In medieval times, “Latin was the language of English literature” (Medieval Literature). Usually, the stories of the medieval ages were passed down orally and not written. In addition, the majority of these stories have Catholic affiliation integrated within them. According to Erika Kuhlman’s A to Z of Women in World History, Kempe’s historical significance lies in her autobiography (Margery Kempe), believed to be the first...
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