...As per the assignment I not only had to be compassionate to my loved ones but to every living thing, I do have to admit that it took a little more effort than I initially thought but it felt awesome at the end. Compassion is being able to act on a level of being able to feel what the other being is feeling and not judge, mistreat, or act on the defensive side towards them. 2. I began my day by getting up early, took a shower and had breakfast. I then went to feed my dog and gave him water as well as dessert treats and played with him a little bit afterwards, the joy that he was getting from it made me really appreciate how much he really likes me and is there for me no matter what, that includes not playing with him more often or offer him treats. I then decided to go the extra mile and went to visit my parents and not only that, I got my friend to help me out and paint their living room. They had been asking for such a long time that paint job that I took matters into action and did that, went to the store with my mom and helped her chose a new living room set. She was almost in a stage of shock about so since I rarely spend time with her. I also took her to eat at her favorite place and went back home. My parents are seniors, therefore, it’s very difficult for them to move stuff around the house, so I helped moved furniture around the house and hang pictures in the newly repainted living room. I felt even better because my mom cooked me my favorite dish for dinner and even...
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...Tuesdays with Morrie “There is no such thing as “too late” in life”, said Morrie. Morrie believed if a person is living it should have all the will power to be able to keep going. No matter the sickness, disease, injury, or disability it shouldn’t stop someone but try to help others. A lot of key points happen in the book between Morrie, Mitch, the media, the ALS sickness, Connie, Charlotte, and their conversations every Tuesday. Morrie didn’t like to teach his psychology class through the book but through experience and life. When Mitch approach his first class with his teacher it activated to be a game changer. When Morrie became diagnosis with his ALS disease he didn’t see it as a downfall but motivation to keep living. In his mind he didn’t want to let any of his students down by retiring, none of people who came to him for advice, and importantly Mitch. After the abuse from the disease Mitch enjoyed to go to his house every Tuesday for a great lesson to be learned. There defined something special about Morrie that even Mitch’s wife Janine came to visit him and she sang to him. However, she doesn’t do this so often. That declared the type of person Morrie embodied. He touched others by not giving things to them but having an emotional connection with them. He shows his true character throughout the whole story even for people like Ted Koppel tried to exploit. Another, Morrie says a lot quotes but nothing compares to “The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out...
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...find scientific evidence to write and explain what will occur in the future. I think everyone is eager to know how this planet will evolve and what will happen to the human kind and other living things. This is one of the questions that we will never know or be accurate about. The more we know about our history the better knowledge we have about the future and what will happen. History always repeats itself this is why we learn as much as we can about the past and study it so well, so we can predict the future. By going into the future the climate of the earth is always going to be changing and all living things are going adapting to the changes and other species are evolved and others will die out because of it. “The condition of the environment is the key of the living things in this earth and plants are depend on it”(science nsa). The earth has to have a certain amount of carbon dioxide, a change in this can have a big impact on the living things and animals. “The temperature is also an important role”(wired magazine), if the temperature keeps rising every year than the plants will dry out and even cause global warming which we already are facing. This will only be a disaster and we have to know how to solve this problem and be aware. Water is another important part of all living things because without it we can do anything or live without it. If the temperature keeps going up there will be drier lands and plants will die out and other places where there is snow will melt...
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...study how to living things are servieve and which material can we use than they are alive. What kind of food and how much water they needed? We have to put hole to reach the oxygen for them in closed ecosystem. Procedure and Materials In ecobottle, we put the Rocks, Water, Duckweed, Elodea and Fish in the bottom. We put holes in the bottle lead and put the straws across in the holes. And we put the Soil on it, some Grass seeds and earth warm in the second bottle. In third step we put some Water, Elodea for Snail. In forth one we put some Soil, some Grass and Grass seeds for the Cricket. And we passed thru Straws for the Oxygen. And we closed our Ecobottle. Observation of Ecobottle Date | General Observation | Focus Question for the Day | Day 1 09/13 | Fish, Cricket, Snail are alive.Earth warm is dead. Grass is grown up. | Yes there is one change. Grass is grown up from the grass seeds. | Day 2 09/14 | Fish, Cricket, Snail are alive. And grass is growing up from the duckweed. | Grass is growing up from the seed. Water level is increasing. | Day 3 09/15 | Fish, Cricket, Snail are alive. | No, I don’t think so… | Day 4 09/16 | Fish, Cricket, Snail are alive. Grass is growing up from the duckweed. | May be 1 week they grown up. | Day 5 09/17 | Fish, Cricket, Snail are alive. Still grass is growing up from the soil. | | Day 6 09/20 | Fish, Cricket, Snail are alive. | If ecobottle have overtime after some days all things going to die...
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...person. I simply must have this room with the shut door.”(158-159). After Sara enters the door; she feels that she can now truly begin to identify herself and exemplifies her financial freedom. She can now study for an education that will help her reach the goal of employment as a teacher. This room also gives Sara a small glimpse of her goal. As Ms. Smolinsky said in America only the rich can afford privacy. Sara truly appreciates her new taste of the American dream and can now look forward to reaching the goal of a teacher. If Sara had stayed living with Reb and Ms. Smolinsky, she would have gotten nowhere towards her goal and remained the same she had grown up to—a mere image of her father. Sara dreams about how good of a time she would have, but finds herself desperately searching for someone to talk to, which proves that she has yet to completely reach the goal of becoming an American. For Sara, the feeling and accomplishment of living on her own is an achievement of her own identity. As a child the girls were always confined to a small space, while Reb used most of it for studying. After running away, Sara’s first action is to eat a meal by herself and be...
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... The story of Chief Seattle is all about when the American Government tries to get their Land and own it. Here he narrated that every part of their land is sacred for them He said “every shining pine needle, every sandy shore, every mist in the dark woods, every meadow, and every humming insect” how can you buy that? He also included that the “perfumed flowers are our sisters the bear, the deer, the great eagle, these are our brothers. The rocky crests, the dew in the meadow, the body heat of the pony, and man all belong to the same family. “ this means that every living or non living thing in their land is connected to them and they treat them as their own family so he asked again how can you buy that, how can you buy family? He also said that there is one thing they know that their God is your God too, so our land is important to us. It is also important to you, and he closes the letter by telling “One thing we know - there is only one God. No man, be the Red man or White man, can be apart. We ARE all brothers after all." Means that whatever colors your skin is, religion you practice and beliefs you believe into in God’s eyes we are all equal. Avatar In the movie “Avatar” we saw how Jake Sulley worked as a marine soldier, who has a paraplegic; when his brother died he decided to take his place to go to the world of Pandora. Their mission is to get the precious material scattered in the rich place of the “Na’vi” people. But in order to dig or mine in their property...
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...never ending debate on whether or not everyone ought to really stop utilizing plastic bags and instead, only make use of the numerous paper bags types that are produced these days by all the paper bags manufacturers. These reusable paper bags, as we all understand, are friendly to the environment. Unlike plastic bags that takes so many of years for plastic bags to obtain decomposed, it will only take a couple of days for these environment-friendly paper bags to obtain decayed. And simply because it takes so many years for plastic bags to decompose itself, it will trigger a lot of environmental issues like clogging the drainage system methods and polluting bodies of water like lakes and oceans. Plastic bags may also harm all of the living things that reside on the various bodies of water. Which makes these environment-friendly paper bags a much better choice because, because it decomposes effortlessly, it does not trigger as a lot issues towards the environment as much as plastic bags do. When looking at paper vs. plastic and the impact on the environment, it is important to take all aspects into account. This does not simply mean looking at how the bags are disposed of or how long they take to decompose. Instead, the entire lifecycle of the bag needs to be considered and this includes looking at how the bags are made, the raw materials and the energy used to make the bags as well as how they are later disposed of. In addition to this, the amount of energy used to transport...
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...Characteristics of Living Organisms In order to identify living organisms, scientists listed 7 characteristics which all living organisms have: 1. Nutrition: Taking in nutrients which are organic substances and mineral ions, containing raw materials and energy for growth and tissue repair, absorbing and assimilating them. 2. Excretion: Removal from organisms of toxic materials, the waste products of metabolism and substances in excess. 3. Respiration: Chemical reactions that break down nutrient molecules in living cells to release energy. 4. Sensitivity: The ability to detect or sense changes in the environment and to make responses. 5. Reproduction: Progresses that make more of the same kind of organism. 6. Growth: The permanent increase in size and dry mass by an increase in number of cells, cell size, or both. 7. Movement: An action by an organism or part of an organism that changes position or place. The seven characteristics could be memorized by the term “Mrs. Gren”. Definitions: Metabolism: Chemical reactions taking place in cells. Stimuli: Changes in the environment which organisms response to. Characteristics of living things There are seven activities which make organisms different from non-living things. These are the seven characteristics of living organisms. 1. Nutrition Living things take in materials from their surroundings that they use for growth or to provide energy. Nutrition is the process by which organisms...
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...Today, studies have shown that in order to be considered a living organism, it must have eight characteristics: 1. They need to be able to reproduce 2. Pass along their traits through DNA 3. Consume energy and expel waste products to maintain homeostasis 4. Be able to respond to their environment 5. Respond to stimulus 6. Change over time 7. Can differ as individuals while being part of a species 8. Consist of bio molecules arranged into cells, which have definite internal structures and functions and in the more complicated like forms, are organized into tissues and organs that also have definite structures and functions. (Biology, 2012) They have to be able to take in some kind of oxygen for example, the way that trees and plants do. Plants and trees are able to reproduce themselves and absorb and respond to the environment around them and reproduce; they absorb the moisture from the grown and the heat from the sun around them and grow bigger and stronger. If you look at sand or a piece of wood, these are not classified as a living thing because they do not respond to their environment; they’re not able to reproduce. However, they do change over time. Looking at some other things to compare; a snail for example, contains large amounts of carbon and changes overtime. A rock, just like a piece of wood for example can be weathered down by its environment but doesn’t respond to stimuli. Another example is if there is a predator nearby, a rock remains...
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...When I was about ten years old, my mom gave me a book of childrens poetry. I had not had much experience with poetry, considering I’d never read it in school, which was mainly where I learned about literature. However, I decided to give the poetry book a try, and I was amazed with what I found. I fell in love with many of the poems, and put them in a scrap book which I still have today. But among these poems, there was one which stood out to me: Hurt No Living Thing, by Christina Rosetti, which became my favorite poem of all time. While the poem is simple and short, it holds the beautiful message of respecting all creatures. I’ve always loved animals, and protecting them has always been soemthing important to me, but as a child I wasn’t taking...
Words: 350 - Pages: 2
...the drugs. But as he asks for the drugs he is arrested by the police and dragged away, meanwhile the guru hands the police chief a wad of banknotes. Here the flashback ends and we are back in the present. The main character describes how he has been watching the boy Sammy and how he has tried to get in touch with him by sending Christmas cards. The cards are however returned with a note from Sammy’s father that implores him to not write anymore. 2. Characterize the main character/the narrator (150 words). The story’s head character is a drug addict. (Side 145, Pt. 19-21) it shows that he is living at an exotic place in the flashback and his is trying to get away from it all and instead living out a paradise dream. In the present he is thinking back on his young days. (Side 149, Pt. 1-5 and side 145, Pt. 30-31) Where he was a very naive person, who not really thought things throw before doing it. He noticed that there is something wrong with the assignment he gets and how the beach guru seems strange. In a way I...
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...Because It Is Running By Everyone have dreams, and everyone has to make grand choices some day in their lives. “Because It Is Running By” is a short story written by Jo Llyod, which deals with the lack of courage in taking a step towards our dreams, which many people has and can have. In the story we are following Wil, who is a relatively young man, working on a farm and still living with his mother. Wil has dreams about exploring the world and experience what it has to offer, but several things has kept him back and tied him to his childhood, working on the farm his family owns, doing his daily duties. Wil´s mom is presented as a hardworking woman, since we from the very beginning gets introduced to this woman called Edie, who is supposed to assist Wil´s mom with her duties, finally giving her more spare time. Edie and Wil´s relationship later on evolves into love. Edie has done the thing Wil couldn´t. She broke her daily routine, took the step and travelled. Therefore Wil admires what she stands for and immediately falls in love with her. Then he begins to explain to her, how he had intentions of moving out and gone to college as well “I could´ve done my A levels, he said. Could´ve gone to college (…) Left when I was sixteen. When my dad died.” In other words, did Wil because of his father´s death, give up his dreams and his studies and never came back on the horse. Later on Wil talks about the caravan which has become a symbol of his dreams of travelling in the world...
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...been fortunate enough to work for one of the finest employers in my area. Fifteen years prior to that I took pride in owning several of the finest businesses in my area. We all need to make a living that makes us happy. Job satisfaction directly affects our entire lives in many ways. Based on a 40 hour work week, we spend almost twenty-four percent of our lives each week at what we do for a living. The National Sleep Foundation provides statistics that says that an average American sleep 6.7 hours per night. Taking this statistic and placing it in the equation and the percentage rises to a full 33%! One-third of our waking hours per week are dedicated to work. For many, working for the man suits them just fine. As well, many choose to pave their own road for a career. No matter what we do there is a sense of satisfaction that we all must experience in our careers. Having experienced both, I can say that there are inherent differences that divide the choice of, “Being THE MAN” versus “Working for THE MAN”. The following is a comparison based on my experiences alone. I have listed them from my most important to least. Perhaps they are shared by others but these are my views. TIME Being THE MAN: Upon start-up of owning your own business, your time is the most valuable thing that you must give to your business. The initial organization and presentation to the audience you are selling yourself too is of the utmost...
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...The Decline of The West Short story by: Hanif Kureishi The Decline of the West is a short story written by the English, half Pakistani writer Hanif Kureishi in 2010. The main theme in the short story is the capitalism and how material we have become in the West in the year of 2010 and how we strive to gain material comfort ahead of true happiness and greater meaning in life. The short story’s main character is a forty-five year old man named Mike who is on his way home to his family. It takes place in the upper class of the outskirts of London. Mike thinks that his family will appreciate that he is home early from work, which is not something that occurs since he is not working less than twelve-hour shifts. Mike seems as a hard-working man who does not spend much time with his family and we get a very negative picture of his family. There is a very cold attachment between him and he family since he is never home. But they can be demanding and the content that fills up their lives is material goods. At the short beginning the atmosphere and language is described very positive. Mike has endured the most desolate tube trip home and is looking forward to come home to his family and their home which is described as a nice and warm home he is looking forward to come home to; “Opening the door to a warm hall hearing the voices of his wife and children”. Though he has to tell his wife, Imogen that he got fired from his job. The language is well written in informal language...
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...U.S. as each of them (plus one American student and three specialists) is interviewed about living and studying in a new culture. Initial focus is on the arrival and immediate post-arrival period and the culture shock which, for most of the interviewees, follows on its heels. It becomes clear that central to the problems encountered are major differences in values and behaviors between the foreign students and the Americans they meet. These are discussed with striking insights by both the students and the specialists and cover a range of basic characteristics of American culture: openness/directness, privacy, attitudes toward time, friendship patterns, and competitiveness. Throughout the documentary, the foreign students define the full experience of cultural shock in several different stages. You start off in the stage where you are infatuated with the culture, people and food. Initially, you are excited for the big move and your mind is full of everything but negative thoughts. You are expecting a fun adventure out of this. Moving on to the second stage in which the students refer it to the “frustration stage,” this was said to have probably been the worst and most stressful stage. The fatigue of not understanding gestures, signs and the language sets in and miscommunications may occur frequently. Feelings of depression of homesickness and feeling of longing to go home where things are familiar and comfortable are all common characteristics during the...
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