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Living With Alzheimer's Disease

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Throughout the lifespan of a human being, your body will only continue to grow and deteriorate as time progresses. From the moment you take your first steps, to the moment where you take your last, your body and mind are constantly going through developments, good or bad. However, imagine as you get older, you start to forget the people you cherished, you start to forget the places you lived, you start to forget the memories you once had, and worst of all, you start to forget who you are yourself. To some, this may seem like a horrible nightmare, but patients with Alzheimer's disease have to live their life with this burden. This is not something that can happen to anyone though, this disease usually affects people around the age of 65. So …show more content…
Alzheimer's currently affects nearly 5.5 million Americans, and is noted as the seventh leading cause of death in the United States of America. Alzheimer's happens to come in two forms, Familial and Sporadic AD. Familial AD affects people somewhat younger than 65, and is accounted for nearly 500,00 cases in the United Stated alone. The remainder of AD patients are classified as sporadic AD. The universality of AD depends among many different factors, including age, comorbidities, genetics, and even education level. There is no way to definitively diagnose AD without performing an autopsy. There is no cure for AD, however research and development for early detection and even treatment is on the …show more content…
The first victim of the disease was a woman named Auguste D., and her family brought her to Dr. Alzheimer in 1901 after noticing severe changes in her personality and the way she acted. Her family reported problems with her speaking, memory, and impaired comprehension. After several days of examination, Dr Alzheimer described Auguste to her family as having a very aggressive form of dementia, manifesting in memory, language and behavior.^2 He also noted many symptoms, including diifculty with speech, agitation, and confusion. Dr Alzheimer followed Auguste’s care for 5 years, untill her death in 1906. Shortly after her death, he preformed a autospy, during which he found very sever shrinkage of the cerebral cortex, fatty deposits in blood vessels, and withered brain

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