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Lynching In African Americans In The 1800s

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In the 1800s, Whites regularly utilized lynching as an approach to discipline African Americans who competed with Whites. They took the law into their own hands, lynching countless African Americans, either by hanging, burning, dismemberment, etc. Everyone accused of a wrongdoing should be allowed to have a legal trial.

Most by far of those lynched are African American. 19 African Americans and 15 Whites were lynched between 1882-1968. The Civil Rights Act of 1866 gave the rights of citizenship to anyone born in the United States, regardless of their race or color, or whether or not they were previously slaves. However, Whites opposed African Americans having equal rights because they wanted to be the most superior race.

State and local governments often felt apathetic about lynchings, which was basically giving the lynchers implicit approval to continue. They also asserted that they couldn’t deal with the White mobs who lynched African Americans. The first politician to attempt to speak out against lynching was President Harry S. Truman in 1946. He was shocked by a lynching in Monroe Georgia, where four people, including a World War II veteran, were pulled off a bus and shot various times by a mob. …show more content…
Her father, James Wells was a carpenter while her mother Lizzie Warrenton was a cook. Unfortunately, in 1878, Wells' parents and her youngest brother, Stanley died in a yellow fever epidemic. Yellow fever is a disease transmitted by infected female mosquitoes. Both of Wells' parents thought it was important that their children receive an

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