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M My Life Analysis

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It is often said that death is one of the greatest mysteries we will ever encounter in our lives. The great unknown that awaits us when our lives end will forever stand as an ominous question mark to underscore our time on earth. While we spend our time here wishing to learn about what awaits us at the end, all too often people get caught up in the future and fail to recognize the present. For it is the here and now in which we must be present to learn why we are even here. If we fail to be present and constantly look to what the future holds, soon enough life has slipped us by, never giving us a chance to grab hold of it and take it for everything it is worth. In the film My Life, we see a man who experiences this and learns quickly that, "dying is a really hard way to learn about life". …show more content…
Fearing he may never get to meet his child, Bob Jones begins a film project in which he will attempt to capture as much of who he is and what he can teach his son through video diaries to be viewed later on. As someone who had always taken plenty of people and things for granted in his life, these tapes become a wakeup call for Bob to re-examine the state of his relationships with others and make amends with those he has wronged. Herein lies the meaning of the quote, "dying is a really hard way to learn about life." It takes being faced with his own mortality for Bob to take a break from the chaos of his work life and distance in relationships and come back down to earth. It isn't until we realize how short life is and exactly how numbered our days may be that we finally take time to look around and notice the world that surrounds us. After getting his diagnosis, Bob learns how little time he has left but knows that trying to live as long as possible for his son and making the most of his time are to be his biggest

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