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MLA Style Analysis

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For my first MLA style essay, I will be arguing why standardized tests should be removed from school systems. I have strong opinions and experience within this topic, so I believe I will be able to argue it well. I want to prove that these tests are not a good way to measure the knowledge and capabilities that a student possesses. I have chosen this topic because I struggle at taking tests. I know how much pressure is put on an individual to test his or her knowledge based on one test score. This has led to getting myself extremely nervous and anxious to take these tests. Most schools use these tests as a way of grading how much a student has learned. What many of these people don’t understand is that this only grades the student on how well they know certain material that they have prepared for. The students know what to expect and that is not how it is in the real world. Also, they have a limited amount of time to take these tests, which makes students feel rushed. This topic is appropriate for an MLA style essay because it deals with education. Most MLA essays are related to literature, philosophy, or religion, but education is sometimes written in this format. …show more content…
I believe that religion is a big part of many lives in the United States. If I wrote about that, I could have argued that prayer can bring peace to schools and promote less violence and bullying. It would also give the people within the school to connect with one another on a spiritual level. This argument could have led to me finding opposing articles on why religion in school would not be a good idea. I did not pick this topic for my essay because I don’t have feelings as strong for religion and prayer in school as I do for bogus standardized testing. Also, I would have referenced the bible, which I was informed not to do. I don’t think there are as many articles surrounding the topic of religion than standardized

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What Did They Die for

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