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How Did Bill Clinton Influence Gays

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Doomsday Y2K- Some believed that all computers would crash when the year 2000 came. This fear came as a result of the problems that computers had with storing dates correctly. This resulted in companies across the globe working to fix this bug.
Bill Clinton is President- Bill Clinton’s served as the 42nd President of the United States. His term began in 1993 and ended in 2001. He was a very influential and important President because of his policies and actions.
Don’t Ask Don’t Tell- Ask Don’t Tell was the U.S. policy for the military service of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. It barred people who were publicly gay, lesbian, or bisexual from service and prohibited the discrimination of closted gays, lebians, and bisexuals in the military. It …show more content…
Harry Potter- The first Harry Potter book came out in 1997 and the series became very popular among children and adults alike. The series taught lessons about racial and gender equality to children.
Spongebob- The first season of Spongebob came out in 1999. The show became popular with children and episodes are still being made to this day.
Kurt Cobain’s Suicide- Kurt Cobain, the lead singer of Nirvana successfully committed suicide after multiple previous attempts. He was well known and very famous.
LA Riot beatings- The LA riots were the result of four officers who used excessive force on Rodney King, an African American man, not being tried for the crime. The riots highlighted racial divisions.
Facebook- Facebook was launched in 2004 and became a very popular social media website. It is still popular today.
Hurricane Katrina- Hurricane Katrina took place in 2005 and it caused horrible damage on the Gulf Coast.
Sniper in a high tower-The coordinated Beltway shootings resulted in the deaths ten people and the injuring of three people.
Robert Downey Iron Man- The movie Iron Man came out in 2008 and it started the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This led to many more movies being made in the

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