...Maans V. Giant of Maryland, L.L.C., 161 Md. App. 620; 871 A.2d 627; (LEXIS 2005) Facts: On Sunday, May 23, 1999 at 1:00pm, Chandra Maans (Plaintiff), went shopping at a Giant store with her fifteen year old niece, Amanda Randolph. Upon proceeding to the checkout lanes, Maans slipped and fell. Maans tried to avoid the fall by grabbing onto another cart which was in front of her. Maans was unable to avoid the fall and fell on her back. Maans was six-and-one-half months pregnant and was transported to the hospital by ambulance. At the time of the fall, Maans did not recall seeing anything wet on the floor or recall her clothes being wet after the fall. However, Maans stated she heard the assistant store manager tell another person to clean all the water off of the floor. Maans also stated she heard the assistant store manager tell the paramedics to be careful not to slip on the water that was on the floor. Maans did not know how the water got on the floor or how long the water had been on the floor. There was also no “wet floor” sign in sight. The assistant store manager stated that there were a couple of drops of soda on the floor at the time...
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...Currency: Mauritian rupee Prime Minister: Navin Ramgoolam XECUTIVE SUMMARY NIRDOSH’s idea came to Mr. Natvarlal Bhavsar owner of Maans products – India Company a family possessed business holding headquartered at Ahmadabad which originally runs a biri manufacturing unit and a marketing enterprise from 2 decades. NIRDOSH is a unique non tobacco smoking stick which is used as substitute for normal cigarette but having no harmful characteristics of smoking rather providing additional health benefits. The production was carried out with 30-40 labour workforces manually by hands. NIRDOSH got health certification from medical bodies claiming numerous health benefits. The brand tag line was to curb the habit of smoking by simply smoking a different cigarette. NIRDOSH was sold in one main outlet in Ahmadabad and through VPP. Free samples of product were distributed and door to door selling was done to make awareness about NIRDOSH. The annual average sales were 1.4 lakhs per annum. A packet consisting 10 sticks was Rs2.5 subsequently increased to Rs5 per packet. The major constraints were the financial sources for the company which were tried to generate by contacting friends, government and local leaders. The attempts were made to get orders from outside countries to boost the sales of NIRDOSH. SITUATION ANALYSIS The business scenario for NIRDOSH can be analyzed by using the SWOT analysis tool in this case. Strength – It is an innovative product with proven health benefits, so...
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...S. N |ROLL NO. |NAME |FATHER NAME |PHONE NO. |DOCUMENT RECEIVE SING | | |1 | |KIRTI |SATISH |9212397553 | | | |43141171 | | | | | |2 |43141174 |ANKITA |SATBIR SINGH |9910525282 | | |3 |43141180 |MANISHA |AMARJEET |9013231830 | | |4 |43141181 |KULDEEP SINGH |SATISH SINGH |9818464749 | | |5 |43141182 |KUSUM LATA |SURAJ BHAN |9315666399 | | |6 |43141183 |ANU GREWAL |ANIL KUMAR |9555934568 | | |7 |43141184 |GEETU |VIJAY SINGH | | | |8 |43141185 |NISHA |KULDEEP SINGH...
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..... , . BHAVSAR'S HERBAL SMOKING DEVICE - NIRDOSH Mr. Natvarlal Bhavsar, owner of the Maans Products (India), Ahmedabad was reviewing his six/seven years of experience of developing the product "NIRDOSH" (a unique non-tobacco smoking device) as well as the marketing strategy for popularizing "NirdoshJf. Nridosh a unique non-tobacco smo~ng device wc!s developed in 1982 by Maans Products, Ahmedabad. This was made from 14 herbs which were turned into granular form and rolled into tendu leaves in the shape of cigarette. These were then packed into a cigarette-type cardboard box which was in turn covered by cellophane wrapping. The Company: .r Maans product, Ahmedabad was a family owne"dproprietary organisation. Mr. Bhavsar, Senior, had been running a biri manufacturing and marketing enterprise for about two decades. This was a family business he had ~nherited. The total sales volume of this business was Rs.lO lakh a year. In 1980s his two sons joined the business after finishing their education, one of which had passed his B.Com examination before an year. In addition, another youngster, a distant cousin also worked for the firm. A third son., who appeared for 12th Board Examination did not perform that well to enter science stream and hence tleclded to assist in the business along with registering himself into "some vocational correspondence course in sales and marketing management Mr. Bhavsar Senior: He appeared to be in his early . fifties. He wore khadi dhoti kurta...
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...Aero Marine Logistics Lisa Berg BUS 632: Advanced Logistics Instructor: Erick Aguilar February 15, 2016 Aero Marine Logistics In the year 1996, Aero Marine Logistics (AML) is a private limited company which was incorporated in South Delhi. There are two professional promoters that have 15 years of experience combined. The experience is from Tata Steel, which is a company in India that is one of the oldest and biggest in the area. The two promoters had experience in shipping, customs, transportation and forwarding. AML has been able to construct a successful infrastructure in the past five years and have gathered personnel that are very experienced in the logistics field. AML was able to be one of first companies in South Delhi to provide door-to-door delivery. A concept that AML has been able to implement is being a “specialist in customized solutions and services” which is not heard of in northern India in the transportation industry (Murphy & Wood, pg. 173). AML is able to control all of logistics for their customers. The services offered are; import consolidation, door-to-door services, exports and consultancy on customs and logistics. Import consolidation is when a company is able to combine their cargo in coordinates with other shippers. With these consolidation AML is able to save on shipping charges and other extra costs of transportation. “AML has a well-spread network of offices and trade connections in the United States, Europe, the Far East, and...
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...Fabricantes globales deal hicieron a la cifra de 3,3 trillones el valor de las transacciones de fusiones y adquisiciones en 1999, y eso es sólo una fracción del capital que pasa a través de negocia- tors'hands ese año. Detrás de los titulares deal-conducido, exec- cutivos negociar interminablemente con los clientes y proveedores, con los grandes accionistas y los acreedores, con prospectiva conjunta VEN- tura y de alianzas, con gente dentro de sus empresas ya través de las fronteras nacionales. De hecho, siempre que sea con partes diferentes intereses y percepciones dependen unos de otros para resultados, las cuestiones de negociación. No es de extrañar que Bob Davis, vicepresidente presidente de Terra Lycos, ha dicho que las empresas "tienen que hacer reparto haciendo una competencia básica ". Por suerte, ya sea de libros o de la escuela de la fuerza golpes, la mayoría de los ejecutivos conocen los fundamentos de la negociación, algunos son espectacularmente adepto. Sin embargo, con altas apuestas y una intensa presión puede resultar en errores costosos. Los malos hábitos en la fluencia, y expe- cia puede arraigar aún más esos hábitos. De hecho, cuando reflexiono sobre las miles de negociaciones que he participado y stud- ied largo de los años, me sorprende la frecuencia con incluso expe- negociadores mentado dejan dinero sobre la mesa, un punto muerto, presa- relaciones de edad, ni permite conflicto en espiral. (Para más sobre la rica comprensión...
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...RESUMEN LIBRO “SI DE ACUERDO”. PAGINAS 173 A LA 195. DIEZ PREGUNTAS QUE LA GENTE HACE SOBRE COMO OBTENER EL SÍ Preguntas sobre la justicia e imparcialidad y la negociación basada en los "principios" Pregunta 1."¿La negociación basada en posiciones, tiene sentido alguna vez?" La negociación posicional es fácil. No obstante buscar intereses, inventar opciones y utilizar criterios objetivos requiere más trabajo, si bien el resultado final indudablemente es mejor para ambos lados. La cuestión es si el esfuerzo extra vale la pena o no. Considere algunos aspectos: ¿Cuán importante es llegar a un acuerdo arbitrario? La transacción puede sentar un precedente para transacciones futuras. ¿Cuán complejos son los asuntos? A mayor complejidad, se requiere un análisis más cuidadoso de los intereses compartidos. ¿Cuán importante es mantener una buena relación? Ha de considerar el efecto que la negociación tendrá sobre su relación con otros. ¿Cuáles son las expectativas de la otra parte, y cuán difícil sería cambiarlas? Cuando ya existen posturas antagónicas precedentes parece imposible considerar enfoques alternativos. ¿En qué lugar de la negociación se encuentra usted? Negociar las posiciones tiene un coste mínimo, si llega después de haber identificado los intereses de cada una de las partes, inventando opciones de beneficio mutuo y discutido los criterios importantes de justicia e igualdad. Pregunta 2. "¿Qué pasa si la otra parte tiene un criterio diferente de justicia e imparcialidad...
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... | |SUBJECT SECTION TRIMESTER |DATE | | | | |TSMANACC R23 1st Term, 3-2011 |April 19, 2012 | |SUBMITTED BY: |PROFESSOR | | | | |Claudette D. Maan |Prof. ELISEO A. AURELLADO, Ph.D | I have always dream of owning my own business but, unfortunately, until now it is still a dream. Becoming the next Bill Gates or Warren Buffet really tickles my fancy. I admire them not only on their brilliant business acumen but also on their philanthropic initiatives. Owning a business is not only about...
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...and fitness such as responses to antibodies, stress levels and resistance to parasites in the species Pundamilia nyererei which inhabits Lake Victoria (Maan, et al., 2006). Because of these traits, females could use the intensity of red colour as an indication of their mate’s fitness of health. This behaviour of intra-sexual selection is a driving force for rapid speciation in African cichlids as females favour the more intense colouration in males. Intersexual sexual can be seen in the form of social dominance in many species of cichlids. Dominance based on carotenoid colouration can be seen clearly in the firemouth cichlid Thorichthys meeki. In a dyadic social interaction between two males, the fish with a higher concentration of carotenoid in their diet would dominate each time (Evans & Norris, 1996). The interaction was repeated under green light and the first male’s dominance lost effect. Red colouration cannot be seen under green light, so the contests were more drawn out when the superior red pigmentation was not visible. Social status correlating with a brighter, more intense colouration can be seen dominating in several cichlid species. Gold Midas cichlids show aggressive behaviour towards gray morphs of the same group (Barlow, 1973) and red cichlids of the Pundamilia species dominate over the blue coloured males (Maan, et al., 2006). The variation and diversity in cichlid colouration can aid in our understanding of how sexual selection links phenotypic adaptability...
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...XAK 140L / Latinalaisen Amerikan historia, kulttuurit ja yhteiskunnat / referaatti, yhteiskunnat -osio 2 op Jaana Helminen op.nro 011613127 John Peeler: Building Democracy in Latin America Demokratian perusta Latinalaisessa Amerikassa Onko demokratia vain osa länsimaista kulttuuritraditiota vai voidaanko se laajentaa universaaliksi käsitteeksi, jopa päämääräksi, joka on mahdollista saavuttaa missä tahansa? Demokratian käsite ja sen toiminta on muuttunut ja muuntautunut aikakausien kuluessa. Poliittiset suuntaukset ja tarpeet ovat määritelleet myös sitä, miten demokratia itse asiassa on ymmärretty eri aikoina: klassisesta demokratiasta siirryttiin Rooman valtakunnan tuhon jälkeen keskiaikaiseen (katolisen) kirkon johtamaan ajatteluun poliittisesta toiminnasta. Nykyaikaisen hallintojärjestelmän pohjalla vaikuttavat modernin valtion ja suvereenisuuden käsitteet sekä kapitalistisen talouskäytännön dominantti rooli. Toisen maailmansodan aattona, kun poliittinen tiede ja poliittinen sosiologia alkoivat kukoistaa, pyrittiin myös demokratiaa määrittelemään uudelleen, jopa minimalistisesti: demokratia on hallintojärjestelmä, jossa kansalaiset antavat kausittaisissa vaaleissa poliittisille johtajille vallan hallita (Schumpeter). Uudet demokraattiset teoriat alkoivat korostaa sekä stabiiliutta (eli olivat luonteeltaan konservatiivisia) ja niissä painotettiin pluralismia (poliittisen vallan hajauttamista ja päätöksentekoon osallistumista). 60-luvulla yhteiskuntakritiikki...
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...LA NEGOCIACIÓN Método voluntario, no adversarial, predominantemente informal y no estructurado, que las partes utilizan para llegar a un acuerdo mutuamente aceptable. 1 CONCEPTO DE NEGOCIACIÓN “EN UN PROCESO EN EL CUAL, DOS O MÁS PARTES O ACTORES PRETENDEN O INTENTAN ALCANZAR UNA DECISIÓN CONJUNTA EN MATERIAS DE INTERÉS COMÚN, RESPECTO DE LAS CUALES ESTÁN O PODRÍAN ESTAR EN CONFLICTO O DESACUERDO” Fuente: “ Legal Negotiation, Theory and Aplications”. Donald G. Guifford, West. 2 NEGOCIACIÓN Y CONSENSO A DIFERENCIA DE LO QUE OCURRE EN EL CONSENSO, EN LA NEGOCIACIÓN LOS ACTORES EMPRENDEN ESTA BÚSQUEDA CON PLENA CONCIENCIA DE LA DISTANCIA QUE SEPARA SUS PROPIAS POSICIONES Y LAS POSICIONES CONTRARIAS, Y CADA UNO ANTICIPA, ESPERA Y BUSCA UNA SOLUCIÓN ADECUADA A SUS INTERESES 3 ELEMENTOS DE LA NEGOCIACIÓN • ACTORES • CONFLICTO O DIVERGENCIA • VOLUNTAD. BÚSQUEDA DE ACUERDO 4 Características de la Negociación • Método no adversarial • Autónomo • Las partes resuelven el conflicto directamente, sin la intervención de un tercero • Es un proceso y posee una estructura • Su finalidad es poner término al conflicto a través de un acuerdo • Vela por mantener y/o mejorar la relación entre las partes 5 ESTRATEGIAS DE NEGOCIACIÓN • GANAR - GANAR • GANAR - PERDER • PERDER - PERDER • MODELO INTEGRATIVO • MODELO DE SUMA CERO • MODELO COMPETITIVO 6 CRITERIOS PARA EVALUAR LA EFICACIA DE UN MÉTODO DE NEGOCIACIÓN •...
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...A character foil is a character who contrasts with another character. In Much Ado About Nothing. In MAAN, by William Shakespeare, happiness could have been obtained if Don John’s mischief didn’t get in the way of Hero and Claudio’s marriage. Don John & Don Pedro relationship illuminates the meaning of the work through character rivalry. Don Pedro is calm and caring for his friends, while Don John is villainous & mischievous, it is like food to his displeasure. To begin, Don Pedro, the nicer brother is more caring toward others. “ I stand dishonored that have gone about To link my dear friend to a common stale.(Shakespeare 127). Don John’s mischievous plan causes the wedding to mess up and Claudio to slander Hero. Don Pedro is being caring in saying that Claudio would never be...
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...Course Outline: Probability and Statistics Week Tue-Sat 1 2 3 4 Topics/Sub-Topics Introduction to Statistics What is Statistics, Definition of Statistics, Types of Statistics, Application of Statistics in Real life, Variable and its types, Constant and its types. Definition of Data, Primary & Secondary Data, Frequency and Frequency Distribution, Class Limit & Boundary. Organizing and Graphing Data Organizing and Graphing of Qualitative (Simple Bar Chart, Multiple Bar Chart, Percentage Pie Chart) data. Organizing and Graphing of Quantitative data (Stem and Leaf Plot, Histogram, Frequency Polygon, Ogive) Numerical descriptive Measures Measure of central tendency for Ungrouped and Grouped Data (Mean, Median and Mode), Measure of Dispersion and its Types. Cox-Box Plot Variance and use of Standard Deviation, Co-efficient of Variation. Introduction to moment. Week Tue-Sat 5 6 7 8 9 Quizzes/ Assignments Topics/Sub-Topics Moment about origin and Central Moments for Frequency Distribution, Moment Ratios and its interpretation. Introduction to Probability Counting Principle, Probability and its Approaches, Deterministic and non-deterministic Experiment, Sample Space and Events, Outcome, Permutation and Combination. Types of Events Mutually Exclusive Events, Collectively Exhaustive events, Complementary events, Addition Laws of Probability. MID TERM EXAMINATION Assignment 1 Quiz 1 Quizzes/ Assignments Assignment...
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... thereare also sad moments until I made a big decision. My uncle asked that if I want to go for a vacation and spend time of my 2 years old cousin, Gabby, in Davao.He only wants me to go to Davao with my mother’s close friend in Lourdes. In the end, my father decided to let my younger sister to come with me.The reason that I almost say “ Dili ko” it’s because my father just arrived from Masbate a day before we leftand the day that we leave is my brother’s thank giving party. We missed the whole special moment together with my family.I just can’t say NO to them because my Aunt is adoctor while my Uncle is a teacher in college that every weekend he can spend time to his family. We spent3 weeks in Davao playing balls with Anna, Gabby,Ate Maan and Ate Amy. We also did some tour at the Mall, swimming in the beach and other things. As I was in Davao, I saw amazing things that we never seen in our life.One of it, are extraordinary dancing fountains, having closer look to big airplanes and the best part is we saw actors and actress. Such as Xian Lim, Mateo, Dimples Romana and other actress. After the 3 week vacation, we are ready to go back home together with my another Uncle and his family.We are all back home and just a normal day for us, happy and sad. But, there comes a time we face the biggest challenge to all of our one big family. There’s a rumour that… so my cousins now have a broken family. It affects all of us because it’s not easy to have a broken family but the hardest...
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...MAAN: Love, what is it good for? Merriam-Webster dictionary defines love as “strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties;” Throughout the play, Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare, there is never really a love connection between the characters Benedick and Beatrice. In the beginning of the play, they despise one another and made witty comments about one another; not only that, but they also question why the other one loved them after overhearing the conversation between their friends. By this definition Beatrice and Benedick can't truly be in love, because of words spoken by their friends. At the start of the play, when Benedick first arrived in Messina, the first thing they did was make witty comments about...
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