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Mad Bomber Case Study

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In the case of the mad bomber, it is suggested that torturing the mad bomber may force a confession out of the bomber. If the torture of the bomber reveals the location of the bombs he planted, it may save the lives of hundreds of people, prevent the grief and loss to the victims and their friends and families brought on by the bombs, prevent a nationwide panic, as well as saving millions of dollars needed to repair the damage to the infrastructures and economy cause by the bombs. The loss of so many lives would also result in the friends and families of the victims to endure emotional suffering as they cope with the grief and loss of their loved ones. Such attack would leave the city or country paralyzed with anxiety as they fear the next attack would happen …show more content…
The surviving victims and witnesses would suffer post-traumatic stress disorder (PTST). Using the method of torture will cause a great deal of psychological and physical pain to the bomber and may result in injury. When people are enduring severe pain they will makeup anything in order to stop the pain, and when put under tremendous psychological stress most people are too disoriented to differentiate the facts from fiction, therefore the location of the bombs may not be reliable. The torturing of the bomber may also further anger the bomber, giving him more reason to want to bomb the city, consequently giving false locations to misdirect the authority in order to buy time, giving time for the bombs to detonate killing hundreds. However, if his wife was to be tortured in order for the bomber to reveal the location of the bombs that means an innocent person will have to suffer. This method may have a higher chance to pressure a confession out of the bomber, but the torture of his wife may also cause the bomber to be under great psychological stress hence giving an unreliable

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