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Submitted By itatyzaty91
Words 993
Pages 4
40450, SHAH ALAM
Semester: September 2013 – January 2014

PROGRAM NAME : Bachelor In Accountancy
COURSE NAME : Integrated Case Study
LECTURE : 2 hrs/ wk
TUTORIAL : 1 hrs /wk
LECTURER : PM Dr Mohd Ismail Ramli 0355442874/ 0192188156/01116727408 Email:


| 1 week |INTRO |Ice breaking. |Ability to: |Sharing of materials and|
| | |Overview of OBE. |Understand the significance important of |information |
| | |Overview of the course via lesson plan |adopting OBE for the course. | |
| | |and syllabus contents. |Recognize FACT program educational | |
| | | |objectives (PEOs). | |
| | | |Recognize FACT program outcomes (POs). | |
| | | |Recognize the course outcomes (COs). | |
| | | |Recognize the course topic outcomes (TOs). | |

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