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Maid Of Honor Research Paper

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With so many cherished family members and close friends, it can sometimes be hard to find a way to include them all in your day. Of course, just having them there with you makes your day extra special. But for some brides and grooms, having all of the nearest and dearest play a part adds extra meaning.
So for those who are trying to find ways to include not just your best friend but five other best friends as well as three sisters, a brother, two nieces, and a nephew, we've come up with a list of the many roles -- almost all of them optional -- that you may choose to use in your ceremony.

Maid of Honor. Usually one close friend or sister is chosen, but sometimes brides choose to have two Maids of Honor. Perhaps the most honored role a friend can play, the Maid of Honor (or Matron of Honor, if married) stands by the bride during the ceremony and is usually involved in throwing the bridal shower and bachelorette party. When a bride's best friend is a male, sometimes they nonetheless choose to have him play this role. In these cases, the role can be referred to as the Honor Attendant. …show more content…
Like the Maid of Honor, usually the groom's best friend or brother is chosen to play this honored role. Also like the Maid of Honor, more and more grooms are choosing to include two Best Men, especially when one of them lives out of town and is unable to perform the duties inherent in the role.

Bridesmaids. Some brides choose to have only a Maid of Honor, but most choose to have at least one and sometimes as many as eight or more bridesmaids.

Junior Bridesmaid. For those too young to be a full-fledged bridesmaid and too old to be a flower girl, the junior bridesmaid is a perfect role. Most often the junior bridesmaid walks down the aisle unaccompanied by a groomsmen, but can be so accompanied if your wedding parties are

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