...Frankfurt Am Main Most, if not all of us, have all heard of Manhattan, but what about ‘Mainhattan’? Mainhattan is the nickname affectionately given to the city of Frankfurt Am Main (meaning literally, Frankfurt on the river Main), Germany. The reason Frankfurt has earned this name is because of its status as an economic and cultural hub, just like the city Manhattan. In fact, the official Frankfurt website even states that it is “the most international city in Germany”. Since Frankfurt is vital to Germany and Europe as a whole, it is no wonder that the city as a whole is so diverse, with many things to see and places to visit. Frankfurt’s economic influence on Germany is no secret. Just like Manhattan in America, Frankfurt is home to the financial systems of Germany. These include the trading system XETRA and the Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Frankfurt stock exchange). The stock exchange is the largest in Germany and second largest in Europe, second only to the London Stock Exchange. In addition to stock exchanges, Frankfurt is also home to the largest banks in Germany. Banks headquartered in Frankfurt include: Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, DZ Bank, ING Diba, and many others. The presence of so many banks leads to Frankfurt sometimes being called ‘Bankhattan’. Not only does Frankfurt boast a large number of German banks, but it also is home to one of the most, if not the most, important financial system in Europe. The European Central Bank is the institution that’s purpose...
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...L with both main characters amongst others dead. with both main characters amongs with both main characters amongst others dead. t others dead. L with both main characters amongst others dead. with both main characters amongs with both main characters amongst others dead. t others dead. L with both main characters amongst others dead. with both main characters amongs with both main characters amongst others dead. t ot L with both main characters amongst others dead. with both main characters amongs with both main characters amongst others dead. L with both main characters amongst others dead. with both main characters amongs with both main characters amon L wit L with both m L with both main characters amongst others dead. with both main characters amongs with both main characters amongst others dead. t others dead. ain characters amongst others dead. with both main characters amongs with both main characters amongst others dead. t others dead. L with both main characters amongst others dead. with both main characters amongs with both main characters amongst others dead. t others dead. L with both main characters amongst others dead. with both main characters amongs with both main characters amongst others dead. t others dead. L with both main characters amongst others dead. with both main characters amongs with both main characters amongst others dead. t others dead. h both main characters amongst others dead. with both main characters amongs with L with both main characters amongst...
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...An Information & Activity Booklet Grades K-8 1997-1998 StarChild - a Learning Center for Young Astronomers EG-1997(09)-003-GSFC presents... Written by: Dr. Elizabeth Truelove & Ms. Joyce Dejoie Lakeside Middle School Evans, GA This booklet, along with its matching poster, is meant to be used in conjunction with the StarChild website or CD-ROM. http://starchild.gsfc.nasa.gov/ Index Index ...........................................................................................................................i Association with National Standards .........................................................................ii Life Cycles of Stars....................................................................................................1 Level 1 Activities Star Life..........................................................................................................2 Star Sketches..................................................................................................3 Nebular Nonsense ..........................................................................................5 Space Spirals..................................................................................................6 Star Scrambles ...............................................................................................7 Space Connection...........................................................................................9 Level 2...
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...Policy Elements Holly Regan HSM/240 January 31, 2014 Terra Harris Policy Elements This paper will discuss and provide information on six fundamental policy elements which no social policy or program could operate without. The Cocoon House would not have steadily flourished if it had not been made possible the many donors to its organization, which annually provides the main ingredient for The Cocoon House to serve its target population and the community it serves. The mission of The Cocoon House is to foster personal growth and healthy relationships to strengthen and empower at-risk homeless youth and their families. To carry out this mission the agency has developed a continuum of services to serve homeless, at-risk and highly disconnected youth in Snohomish County, Washington by providing housing, prevention and street outreach services, (Cocoon House, 1991). Cocoon House goals and objectives consist of supporting teens in achieving a variety of life skills, educational and professional goals, healthy relationships and a supportive network of friends, family and community. According to The Cocoon House, the Forms of delivered services provided by The Cocoon House are 24 hour access to medical care and supportive services for at-risk youth 13-17, food and emergency shelter/transitional housing services, street outreach and support/advocacy, intensive case management, chemical dependency education, counseling and treatment, mental health counseling, and life...
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...“Farm Girl” Michelle Brown Van Hooks ENG 115 May 16, 2013 In reading the essay “Farm Girl” written by Jessica Hemauer, I find that her situation plays a common role in many lives today. Jessica had to give up most of her childhood to help her family with the farm. In doing so when she is finally able to participate in child like activities, she realizes how her hard work on the farm helped build her character. I find the main point of Jessica’s essay is she realizes how all of her hard work made her stand out from her peers. Jessica is describing how she was not fond of waking up early in the morning to help the chores on the farm before having to attend school. As Jessica explains “As we dress…”I hate this!” (pg.83) She wants us to know that her siblings as well hated that they had to participate in the house holdchores. She explains how she was never able to participate in any school activities with her friends. She also explains how depressing her conversations would be at lunch because she wasn’t relevant to the conversations. After years of sacrifice and pleading with her parents, they finally allowed her to join the basketball team as long as she continued to help with the chores around the house. Now Jessica has to manage her life as a farm girl and her new life as a kid. She continues to work on the farm and play basketball up until her freshman year. Her father is expanding the farm and he leaves it up to the children to decide if they want to continue...
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...ZAP Pharmaceutical Company had fixed contracts created for the refurbishment of their call center. Going back on the contract do to different events happening will cause a delay in progress. Several problems within the contract arose with the old project manager John that have been ignored and now Shawna has to be the project manager and make sure the project comes to an end. The dilemma that Shawna is having is that the signed contracts have issues and contradicting sections for the contractors. The PMBOK defines fixed contracts as “fixed total price for a defined product, service, or result to be provided. Fixed-price contracts may also incorporate financial incentives for achieving or exceeding selected project objectives, such as schedule delivery dates, cost and technical performance, or anything that can be quantified and subsequently measured.” The PMBOK states that sellers have a legal obligation to complete the contract even if they face a financial loss. The PMBOK also states that buyers need to precisely determine what product or services are to be produced by the end of the contract. There are several different types of fixed contracts . Firm Fixed Price Contracts, fixed price incentive fee contract, and fixed price with economic adjustment contract the fixed price contract is used more than the other fixed price contracts. . It is favored by most buying organizations because the price Buyers favor the fixed price contract due to the basis of the contract that keeps...
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...GEAR Up Waco www.gearupwaco.org The 5-Step Personal Essay Writing Guide: “Future Career” Writing about your future career is an excellent way to show colleges and scholarship organizations how you will use your education. College is not your final destination, but a springboard that will help you reach larger goals in life. Colleges and scholarship organizations do not expect you to be 100% certain about your future job. Don’t be afraid to aim high and write about your dream job. STEP 1: Brainstorm Your Future Career You don’t need to be absolutely certain about your career choice. You’re going to write about your dream job and there’s no limit to what this could be. Answer these questions to help you decide what to put in your essay: 1. What is your dream job? _______________________________________________________ 2. What attracts you to this job? ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. How did you first get interested in this type of work? Did someone in this career inspire you? How? ________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. What do you hope to accomplish in this career? _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ...
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...The University of Melbourne Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering 433-254 Software Design Semester 2, 2003 Answers for Lab 2 Week 3 1. Writing Simple Classes: a) In Java systems, there is only one class with the ‘main’ function, which initiates the execution of the whole system. Therefore, in order to test individual classes (i.e. unit testing), developers are usually writing a simple class with a main function (also known as a driver class) that simply calls all different functions of a target class and prints the results. Your task is to download the file “Keyboard.java” from: www.cs.mu.oz.au/254/Keyboard/Keyboard.html and write a simple driver program that tests the following methods from Keyboard.java: readInt() readString() readLong() readWord() readFloat() readChar() readDouble() readBoolean() Sample Answer: // A class to execute one or more Keyboard methods class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.print("Please enter a string: "); String str = Keyboard.readString(); System.out.println("String = " + str); System.out.println(); System.out.print("Please enter a word: "); String word = Keyboard.readWord(); System.out.println("word = " + word); System.out.println(); System.out.print("Please enter a character: "); char ch = Keyboard.readChar(); System.out.println("char = " + ch); System.out.println(); System.out.print("Please enter a boolean (true/false): "); boolean bool = Keyboard.readBoolean(); System.out.println("boolean...
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...Meghan Loar 1/23/12 Assignment 1 Six event elements Italian Heritage Festival The purpose of the Italian heritage festival convention is to help familiarize the group of 50 meeting planners with our festival and how things are done. The festival is held every year as a huge festival that really serves as a family reunion. Traditions, parades, food, and stories are what draw most of the crowd to this event. The anticipation for this event is always exciting! We send out brochures, cards, letters, and emails to our out of town friends and relatives to make them aware of the upcoming annual festival. The same is also sent to our past entertainers to invite them back with the option of entertaining us again. Although, we completely understand if they do not wish to do so again, but encourage them to come back and enjoy the festival anyways. We of course always keep out website up to date with pictures, next year’s date, a chance to design a brochure cover art and some activities to get our “family” ready for the upcoming action! Reservations and such are planned way in advance. So for the 50 meeting planners, and other guests, their hotel and travel accommodations’ are already planned before they arrive. For the particular group of 50 coming, we have planned to show them our top spots and hotels for the formal dinners and Galas we have planned for this festival. In our city, we only have a few select hotels and banquet rooms that could accommodate our size for...
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...บทที่ 11: การออกแบบการทดลองเบืองตน ้ บทที่ 11 การออกแบบการทดลองเบื้องตน (Introduction to Design of Experiment) 11.1 บทนํา พันธกิจที่สําคัญอยางหนึ่งขององคกรคือ การจัดการดานคุณภาพ และ ผลิตภาพ ซึ่งใน 2 ดานนี้ คุณภาพเปนตัว แปรตนที่สงผลโดยตรงตอผลิตภาพ คุณภาพจึงเปนปจจัยที่สงผลตอความสามารถในการแขงขันขององคกรทั้งระยะสั้น กลาง และยาว โดยปจจัยที่สงผลตอระดับคุณภาพคือ ความผันแปร (Variation) ซึ่งเปนสิ่งที่ไมแนนอน แตอาจคาดเดา ควบคุม หรือแมกระทั่งกําจัดไดดวยวิธีการทางสถิติ ดังนั้นการปรับปรุงคุณภาพของกระบวนการ หรือผลิตภัณฑ ไมวาจะ ดําเนินการดวยเทคนิคใดก็ตาม จําเปนตองมีเครื่องมือทางสถิติที่เหมาะสมในการวิเคราะห เชนการปรับปรุงคุณภาพดวย หลักการของซิกซซิกมา (Six Sigma) ซึ่งเชื่อวาปญหาของคุณภาพมีสาเหตุมาจากความผันแปรของปจจัยตาง ๆ ตาม สมการที่ (11.1) Y = f(x1, x2,…, xn) (11.1) เมื่อ Y แทนคุณลักษณะทางคุณภาพ ซึ่งขึ้นอยูกับคาของตัวแปรสุม X ตาง ๆ โดย Xi แทนคาของปจจัยที่เกี่ยวของกับการ ไดมาซึ่งหากตอ งการควบคุมคา Y ใหอยูในชวงที่กําหนดชวงใด ๆ โดยทั่วไปจะหมายถึงขอกําหนด (Specification) ของ กระบวนการหรือผลิตภัณฑ) จะตองมีการกําหนดระดับของ Xi ใหเหมาะสม คําถามก็คือเราจะทราบระดับที่เหมาะสมของ Xi เหลานี้ไดอ ยางไร การออกแบบการทดลองเปนเครื่องมือที่ใชเพื่อ วัตถุประสงคนี้ไดอยางมีประสิทธิภาพเมื่อผูใชมีความรู ความเขาใจอยางเพียงพอ ตั้งแตการออกแบบการทดลอง การทําการทดลอง การวิเคราะห การแปรผล และการนําผลไป ประยุกตใช ทั้งนี้เพื่อใหไดมาซึ่งผลิตภัณฑที่มีคุณภาพ ผลิตงาย มีความนาเชื่อถือไดสูง สามารถใชงานภายใตเงือนไขตาง ...
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...Whale Done! The Power of Positive Relationships Kenneth H. Blanchard 11/30/2004 1) Experience in both business and writing is what motivated Blanchard to write this book. He realizes how important strong, positive relationships are in home and business environments. Having written other business oriented literature this book is just another to add to the multi-faceted business profession. 2) Anyone can read this book. It takes the entertainment of Sea World (which we all know) and relates it to family and business relationships (which we’ve all experienced). There are no technical terms or other prerequisites to this book. It is at about a middle school reading level. 3) The main point of the book is to build positive relationships by accentuating the positive. The main character, Wes, gets the chance to analyze how trainers work with Killer Whales at Sea World. They tell him the whales are most effective when being rewarded for doing something correctly. He takes this philosophy home and to the office and tries to recognize when his co-workers/subordinates and wife/children do something well. 4) Working in an organization with negative relationships and low morale can be troublesome for productivity. Also it can cause stress and depression, which can lead to poor behavior outside of work. It is essential to every work environment to be positive and work well with others, both for ones well being and the success of an organization. 5) The first thing...
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...Become the Main Attraction provides some good details on how to effectively utilize your time during marketing events. In large events in large venues, the activities and noise can make it difficult for marketing representatives to be seen. This article emphasizes these issues and gives ideas on how to eliminate these problems before and during the event. It is important to be in an area where traffic flows easily and not in a congested area. For instance, Pevy gives an idea of which location is good for the booth during the event. The booth has to be in an area where people can see the booth and what it obtains. He also gives ideas of how to make the booth interactive to get the audience attention and keep them at the booth as long as possible. Suggestions include not having walls or interiors of the booth to increase interaction as well as using television and online devices which can enable guests to be filmed and viewed on the television and online as well. Another aspect of the visual aspect is that of who is chosen to man the booth. It is important to put someone there who looks like they belong in the crowd as well as look like they know what the event is representing. He uses a NASCAR event as an example where representatives use the attire of NASCAR-style jumpsuits to fit the part. He also emphasizes using representatives who have knowledge and perhaps be fans of the event subject. For instance, at a NASCAR event, find people who are fans of NASCAR. The...
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...Survey about shopping in the High Street 1/ Choose your gender * Male * Female 2/ How old are you? * Below 18 * From 18 to 25 * From 26 to 40 * From 41 to 60 * More than 60 3/ What kinds of transportation do you use to come to the High Street? * Bus * Car * Motorbike * Bicycle * Other 4/ How often do you go shopping? * Less than once a week * Once a week * More than once a week 5/ When do you usually go shopping? * Any free time * After work * At the weekend 6/ What kinds of products do you usually shop for in the High Street? ( You can choose more than one option) * Food * Clothes * Household Equipment * Sports Equipment * Banking Service * Phones and Network * Others 7/ How much do you often spend on shopping in the High Street one average per visit? * Less than £30 * From £30 to £100 * More than £100 8/ Can you grade from 1 to 5 for shopping in the High Street ( 1 is very bad and 5 is very good) * Available of product * Convenience for transportation * Quality of product * Service attitude * Reasonable price 9/ How do you feel about this statement? ‘The only hope our high streets have of surviving in the future is to recognise what’s happened and deliver something new.’ (Portas, 2011) * Totally Agree * Agree * Somewhat * Disagree * Totally Disagree 10/ If you want to change or to put something new in the High...
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...Course Registration System Vision Version 1.0 Revision History |Table |Version |Description |Author | |1/Dec/98 |Draft |Initial Draft |Sue Gamble | |13/Dec/98 |1.0 |Minor revisions following Peer Review. |Sue Gamble | | | |Added performance requirements. | | | | | | | | | | | | Vision 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to define the high-level requirements of the Wylie course registration (C-Registration) system in terms of the needs of the end users. 1.2 Scope This Vision Document applies to the Wylie course registration system, which will be developed by the Wylie College Information Systems (IT) department. The IT department will develop this client-server system to interface with the existing course catalog database. The C-Registration System will enable students to register...
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...either. This is because photons generated in the core of the Sun takes about one million years to get to the surface. This means that the thermal energy generated in the last minute of the fusion will last for about a million years, and the Sun will just very slowly contract. So, we will not see changes on the surface until a million years later. However, we should be able to tell that the hydrogen fusion in the core has stopped by observing the solar neutrinos. The neutrinos do not interact with the solar plasma, and can escape the Sun and reach Earth in about 8 minutes. So, we would find that the neutrino flux is decreased. 2. Chapter 11, Review Question 7. What is the defining characteristic of a main-sequence star? How is surface temperature related to luminosity for main-sequence stars? (20pt) 3. Is this statement sensible? Why, or why not? (20pt) If the Sun had been born as a high-mass star some 4.6 billion years ago, rather than as a low mass star, the planet Jupiter would probably have Earth-like conditions today, while earth would be hot like Venus. If the Sun was formed as a high-mass star 4.6 billion years ago, then the Sun would have exploded as a supernova several billion years ago. Jupiter and Earth probably would not survive the supernova explosion… The most...
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