...Make A Wish Foundation By: Candace General Purpose: To inform you about the Make-A-Wish Foundation Specific Purpose: You better understand all the things behind the scenes of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Thesis: As a result of my speech, my audience will know and understand how Make-A-Wish has had a huge impact on the lives of many kids and families that continues today. Body: I. What is Make-A-Wish Foundation and what do they do? A. Make A Wish foundation is a nonprofit organization. 1. Statistic: According to charity.org out of all the money given in America 74.7% of the money raised goes toward the wishes of the children. 2. CONCRETENESS: Founded in Phoenix, AZ in 1980. B. QUOTE: “We grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy.” 1. Statistic: According to sc.wish.org South Carolina has granted over 130 wishes through Make-A-Wish. 2. Statistic: According to makeawishna.ca over 320,000 wishes have been granted worldwide Transition Sentence: LIFE RELATEDNESS: Almost everyone will cross paths with a child that has some type of terminal illness, like cancer. I will now tell you how the foundation grants the children’s wishes and how you can tell them about Make-A-Wish. Where one of their wishes can come true. II. How does the organization grant wishes? A. The different donors that contribute to the foundation. 1. Disney, Macy’s, Zaxby’s, and many more give annually. ...
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...makefile就像一个Shell脚本一样,其中也可以执行操作系统的命令。 makefile带来的好处就是——“自动化编译”,一旦写好,只需要一个 make命令,整个工程完全自动编译,极大的提高了软件开发的效率。 make是一个命令工具,是一个解释makefile中指令的命令工具,一 般来说,大多数的IDE都有这个命令,比如:Delphi的make,Visual C++的nmake,Linux下GNU的make。可见,makefile都成为了一 种在工程方面的编译方法。 现在讲述如何写makefile的文章比较少,这是我想写这篇文章的原 因。当然,不同产商的make各不相同,也有不同的语法,但其本质 都是在“文件依赖性”上做文章,这里,我仅对GNU的make进行讲 述,我的环境是RedHat Linux 8.0,make的版本是3.80。必竟,这个 make是应用最为广泛的, 也是用得最多的。 而且其还是最遵循于IEEE 1003.2-1992 标准的(POSIX.2) 。 在这篇文档中,将以C/C++的源码作为我们基础,所以必然涉及一些 关于C/C++的编译的知识,相关于这方面的内容,还请各位查看相关 的编译器的文档。这里所默认的编译器是UNIX下的GCC和CC。 0.1关于程序的编译和链接 在此,我想多说关于程序编译的一些规范和方法,一般来说,无论是 C、 C++、 还是pas, 首先要把源文件编译成中间代码文件,在Windows 下也就是 .obj 文件,UNIX下是 .o 文件,即 Object File,这个动作 叫做编译(compile) 。然后再把大量的Object File合成执行文件,这 个动作叫作链接(link) 。 编译时,编译器需要的是语法的正确,函数与变量的声明的正确。 对 于后者,通常是你需要告诉编译器头文件的所在位置(头文件中应该 只是声明,而定义应该放在C/C++文件中) ,只要所有的语法正确, 编译器就可以编译出中间目标文件。一般来说,每个源文件都应该对 应于一个中间目标文件(O 文件或是OBJ文件) 。 链接时,主要是链接函数和全局变量,所以,我们可以使用这些中间 目标文件(O 文件或是OBJ文件)来链接我们的应用程序。链接器 并不管函数所在的源文件,只管函数的中间目标文件(Object File) , 在大多数时候,由于源文件太多,编译生成的中间目标文件太多, 而 在链接时需要明显地指出中间目标文件名,这对于编译很不方便, 所 以,我们要给中间目标文件打个包,在Windows下这种包叫“库文件” (Library File),也就是 .lib 文件,在UNIX下,是Archive File,也 就是 .a 文件。 总结一下,源文件首先会生成中间目标文件,再由中间目标文件生成 执行文件。在编译时,编译器只检测程序语法,和函数、变量是否被 声明。 如果函数未被声明, 编译器会给出一个警告,但可以生成Object File。而在链接程序时,链接器会在所有的Object File中找寻函数的 实现,如果找不到,那到就会报链接错误码(Linker Error) ,在VC 下,这种错误一般是:Link 2001错误,意思说是说,链接器未能找到 函数的实现。你需要指定函数的Object File. 好,言归正传,GNU的make有许多的内容,闲言少叙,还是让我们 开始吧。 1 Makefile介绍...
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...Michael Kors: The Last Word in Luxury Michael Kors handbags always reflect style and substance. And that’s exactly why everyone wants to own one of them. It helps you to make a style statement. It enables you to stand out among a crowd. To sum it up, it makes you feel special. The brand Michael Kors always evoked feelings of pride and luxury among its innumerable owners. It has class and it projects the indomitable spirit of the modern women. It has a unique charisma and a lazy elegance, which endears it to its aficionados. Rather than being a mundane women’s accessory, MK handbags define the personality of its owner in a delectable manner. It boosts her confidence and allows her to flaunt her persona in front of enchanted connoisseurs. Michael Kors is not just another run-of-the-mill luxury brand, which spawns and inundates the upscale retail stores. MK handbags are exotic and unique pieces of art crafted out of leather. You just can’t fail to fall in love with them. The exquisite designs of MK handbags make you swoon over them. Its stylish and chic appearance makes you drool. And you will find it hard to resist the temptation to make one of them your own. Well, we want you to succumb to this temptation. Surrender to it without even an iota of remorse or guilt and enjoy the comfort and style of Michael Kors handbags. You can select from an amazing range of eclectic MK handbags online and become a proud owner of this valuable possession with ease. Buying MK handbags...
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...ASSIGNMENT STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT: CASADELLIBRO.COM The definition of the target is basic in order to choose which platform (Unix or Microsoft) is more suitable for Casa del Libro, and the target is pretty clear: to position the chain in the main Spanish cities and to become the top name for book sales in the national market. In addition we should also not forget about the rivals: El Corte ingles, which by that time has already successfully entered the on-line books sales market and FNAC that was slightly behind but still able to enter the competition. The decision to just change the platform to the cheaper and simpler version that the team in my opinion will find easier to deal with seems to be a very easy one, but it not as easy as it seems. If I were Nacho Somalo I would prefer the UNIX platform, because of the following reasons. In the first place, the Microsoft platform that has the big advantage that the price is cheap, even though its maintenance does not exist and nobody from the team has tested it and no one can guarantee that it would not need changes and additional investments. Though The UNIX platform is twice as much expensive as the Microsoft one, it has already been tested, the team has found drawbacks which can be removed in the future. Secondly, upon one of the strongest points of the UNIX system is availability. For the online book store the uptime of a website is absolutely critical, because being unavailable even for some minutes...
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... Lesa Lawrence was working as a dental hygienist and enjoyed her practice. She also liked to be a part of the team in her dental office. Lesa has been noticing the smell of alcohol from a dentist named Dr. Frank Harris. The dentist was coming back from lunch frequently smelling like alcohol. Lesa wanted to believe that it was the smell of mouth-rinse but was suspicious that it was alcohol. She talked about the issue with his dental assistant Corey, and she confirmed Lesa's suspicious that the dentist was acting unsteady or tentative. After weighting everything out Lesa suggested to the office manager that she wanted to report Dr. Harris to state dental society to help him with his addiction. However, the manager Debbie became protective of the issue and stated that they all should deal with the problem as a team because Dr. Harris has been a very generous boss providing the staff with a good salary. Debbie also said that Dr.Harris' drinking problem have been ongoing and all the office members should work together to help him. Step 1: This case is in example of an impaired professionalism. Any heath care professional cannot or should not perform appropriate dental care because of dependency on alcohol, drugs or other substances. Dr. Harris have been coming back to work after lunch intoxicated and treating patients in a unsteady state of mind. Step 2: The dental hygienist, Lesa have been coming to work after lunch and started to notice that the dentist, Dr. Harris have been smelling...
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...Process production means that the product undergoes physical -chemical transformations and lacks assembly operations, therefore raw materials cant easily be obtained from the final product, examples include: paper, cement and nylon. * Part production (ex: cars and ovens) comprises both manufacturing systems and assembly systems. In the first category we find job shops, manufacturing cells, flexible manufacturing systems and transfer lines, in the assembly category we have fixed position systems, assembly lines and assembly shops (both manual and/or automated operations) Another possible classification[12] is one based on Lead Time (manufacturing lead time vs delivery lead time): Engineer to Order, Purchase to Order, Make to Order, Assemble to Order and Make to Stock. According to this classification different kinds of systems will have different customer order decoupling points (CODP), meaning that Work in Progress cycle stock levels are practically nonexistent regarding operations located after the CODP (except for WIP due to queues). The concept of production systems can be expanded to the service sector world keeping in mind that services have some fundamental differences in respect to material goods: intangibility, client always present during transformation processes, no stocks for "finished goods". Services can be classified according to a service process matrix: degree of labor intensity (volume) vs degree of customization (variety). For high degree of labor intensity...
Words: 1955 - Pages: 8
...COMM 10- Elements of Public Speaking Master Make-up Artistry (Informative Speech) Specific Purpose Statement: To inform my audience about the three major types of make-up needed to be a master make-up artist. Central Idea: High Fashion, Character and Prosthetic/Special effects make-up are all skills required in order to be considered a master make-up artist in the industry. Introduction When I was about 3 or 4, I remember watching my mom put on her make up and being completely fascinated by it. Well being the curious little kid that I was, I decided to be exactly like mommy and do what she did. Bad idea! I ended up in the emergency room because I had super glued by eyelashes together. Needless to say, my first experience with “make-up” was not what I’d call great. Since then though, I have grown to love make-up and so I started to wonder what makes someone a master of makeup. Body I. High fashion make-up is the foundation or rather the basics of all three make-up types. A. It’s used to identify a person’s skin type, bone structure, eyebrow and face shape. 1. Identifying all these factors into helping determine what products to use on an individual. B. Its application is solely for beauty purposes. 1. You mostly see this kind of make-up done in editorial spreads in magazines, on television, in films or on the runway. II. Character make-up is to help define and develop the characteristics needed for a certain role. A. This process helps age...
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... In addition, trying to communicate uniqueness through TVCs, as mass media is definitely THE WAY to increase brand awareness, we came up with this idea. Imagine we are in Mykonos, the popular island known for its party-animal atmosphere. Everybody gets drunk, does things to show off, is poshy, but our Shiseido girl is different. She is fresh and unique and she knows it. She is by the sea enjoying calmness, the beautiful scenery, reading a book in her ipad. She is unique. She is Shiseido. Internet and social media is also a must do promotional strategy for the young segment. We will have an Android and IOS application, where our girl may try the Shiseido products by uploading a photo. There will also be videos with beauty tutorials for make-up and skincare. On facebook and twitter instant quotes will communicate Shiseido’s values, trend insights, events… and...
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...process how he sparks the student Ben Campbell’s interest so as to recruit him as the big player for his blackjack team and thus changing his life by feeding his desire in the movie 21. However, this special experience benefits the team much more by rejecting his mentoring and switching onto the right track. As a math professor at MIT, Micky was shocked by the intelligence of Ben and he sees the great potential profit Ben could bring for his Blackjack team. Then, he tests Ben with the Monty Hall problem to make sure that he is qualified to play the role of the big player instead of the piece of luck. Based his answer on statistics or variable change, Ben keeps the emotions of paranoia, fear that affects most of people aside, and hence impresses Micky with high intelligence and calm personality. Micky determined to invite him to join a group of the school's most gifted students he picked that heads to Vegas every weekend armed with fake identities in order to make a lot of money. However, to his surprise, Ben was reluctantly to join them for having little interest in making a fortune of "dirty money", which is socially unacceptable according to the moral standard. Then Micky changed his strategy by...
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...Censorship or Parental Monitoring? “Censorship is the suppression of speech or other public communication which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by a government, media outlet or other controlling body. It can be done by governments and private organizations or by individuals who engage in self-censorship”). The freedom to read should never be taken for granted. Books of all kinds are an essential part of children’s development. The more books we expose and enjoy with our children the more they develop, learn and grow. Taking away or banning a book goes directly against our right to read and our right to choose. What children are exposed to should be the decision of the individual families. Monitoring books for violent and offensive material should be the job of the parents or care givers. Censorship should be the responsibility of no one. Determining whether material is offensive or not is very subjective. What may be considered offensive to one family may not be offensive to another family due to their different life experiences. Starting to label and categorize books as appropriate or not directly affects our rights as Canadians to choose, and the dangerous thing about that is where will it stop. "Human rights commissions, as they are evolving, are an attack on our fundamental freedoms and the basic existence of a democratic society … It is in fact totalitarianism. I find this is very scary...
Words: 1881 - Pages: 8
...boy in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, young Fred cherished his acceptance from his grandfather, who helped give him confidence by allowing him to grow. An only child until the age of 11, Fred often expressed himself through his fingers- by making up stories with hand puppets and pounding out emotions on the piano. (Click for Slide- picture of him in college age) As a music major in his final year of college preparing to go into the ministry, he returned home for Easter vacation and encountered his first television set. He was disgusted that this amazing new invention was being wasted on the nationwide broadcasting of people putting pies in each other’s faces. Right then and there he changed his plans and decided to work with television instead to make something better of it. His family was against it but Fred was determined. (Click for Slide- picture of him graduating) In 1951, after graduating from Rollins College with a bachelor’s degree in music composition, Rogers went to New York to work for...
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...2011-2012 Lead Teacher * Instructed children from 6 months old to 7 years old on gymnastics and motor skills * Taught children songs and dances * Coordinated classes and guided the assistants through the class * Gold Crown Sports Camp Summer 2012 Lacrosse Coach * Taught children from 7 to 12 years old on how to play lacrosse * Planned out camp activities ACTIVITES AND LEADERSHIP * Chi Omega, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 2012-Present Apparel Chair * Corresponded with companies about ideas and thoughts for apparel items * Distributed apparel items to the chapter and in charge of money order forms * Developed philanthropy shirts * Make-A-Wish Foundation, Fort Collins, Colorado 2012-Present Ambassador * Contributed to panning events for the child sponsored * Raised thousands of dollars...
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...A successful makeup artist is an interesting blend of both the artistic and practical. While artistic creativity is a must, a makeup artist must also keep on top of the latest makeup and fashion trends, as well as have a practical ability to run their own business, or work for a salon. These talented individuals usually find themselves employed in film, music, modeling agencies, television, theater or hired by photographers for photo shoots. The makeup artist is often their 'own boss', which means they control the type of clientele they wish to build, and also how much to charge for each assignment. The typical day of a makeup artist is a blend of fun, fashion and creativity. Depending on your assignment, you could start your day anywhere from 5 am on, and work well into midnight. Most makeup artists are freelancers, and run their own businesses, so the conventional day usually begins with connecting with clients via email or social media. Next, you might spend some time getting any business such as paper work, out of the way. Then, gather what you'll need for that days appointments. Indeed, it can be said, that for a makeup artist, there is no one 'typical' day, as one moment you could be doing makeup for a wedding party, then turn around and work for a theatrical production later that evening. The nature of being a makeup artist means you'll experience an exciting career, go where the jobs take you, and work the hours they require. This means that the work hours will...
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...Company Profile Bobbi Brown Cosmetic Company is created by celebrity makeup artist, Bobbi Brown. Bobbi Brown started her business in 1991’s with a lip stick and a simple philosophy “Women want to look and feel their best, only prettier and confidence “. Bobbi Brown, she designed her own cosmetic product and the brand are featuring woman’s natural beauty, it timeless and classic. With the realistic concept of strategic, soonest Bobbi Brown cosmetic has achieved an amazing result in cosmetic market. In year 1995’s, Bobbi Brown has sold over her brand to Estée Lauder Company for further development. Within 10 years, Bobbi Brown has expanded her business to more than 60 countries. “Pretty powerful” is one of the charity program created by Bobbi in America and Cambodia, to empowering women and girls with the basic job skill, education and bring them back into a real society. Date established 1991 Listed in SGX 2000 Corporate HQ & Factory United State Manufacturing Location New York Canada London Japan Korea. Major Market United state Europe Asia Australia SWOT Analyze Strengths * Worldwide recognition by famous makeup artists, celebrities , bloggers and magazine editors. * High quality of the products built a very good market reputation and loyalty. * With all experienced and certified makeup artists as their brand consultants, it is always satisfied customer needs and built...
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...Make in India: Reverie or Reality Abstract: Make in India is the BJP-led NDA government's flagship campaign intended to boost the domestic manufacturing industry and attract foreign investors to invest into the Indian economy. The intention is to revive manufacturing businesses and emphasizing key sectors in India and to address the growing concerns that most entrepreneurs are moving out of the country due to its low rank in ease of doing business ratings. Current scenario: The “Make in India” initiative is based on four pillars, which have been identified to give boost to entrepreneurship in India, not only in manufacturing but also other sectors. The four pillars are: * ‘Make in India’ recognizes ‘ease of doing business’ as the single most important factor to promote entrepreneurship. * Government intends to develop industrial corridors and smart cities, create world class infrastructure with state-of-the-art technology and high-speed communication. * FDI has been opened up for new sectors like Defense production, Insurance, Medical Devices, and Construction and Railway infrastructure in a big way. * In order to partner with industry in economic development of the country Government shall act as a facilitator and not a regulator. Manufacturing currently contributes just over 15% to the national GDP. The aim of this campaign is to grow this to a 25% contribution as seen with other developing nations of Asia. In the process, the government expects...
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