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Man O War: Celebrity Obsession Of Celebrities

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Everyone is fascinated with celebrities. The paparazzi thrive on following the so-called icons hoping to snap photos of the often unwary “rich and famous.” From the Academy Awards famed red carpet to the tabloids lining supermarket checkout lines, celebrity obsession is everywhere. For years the common folk have looked to monarchs for social and even fashion guidance. Much celebrity obsession is intentionally cultivated, but there is no stereotype for a celebrity can and does come in many forms. They can be white or black, old or young, fat or thin, and can even have 4 legs, a bushy tail and long flowing manes. Throughout the centuries there have been many superstar racehorses.
These steeds have captivated us with their power, beauty, …show more content…
enlisted and served the United States Army at the age of sixty-five. In honor of her husband, Belmont’s wife named the foal after him. When the Belmont’s liquidated their racing stable in 1918, the colt was sold at the Saratoga yearling sale with Samuel D. Riddle being the highest bidder at $5,000. (equivalent to $85,000 by current standards) As a two-year-old, Man O’ War was conditioned by trainer Louis Feustel. Making his debut on June 6, 1919, at Belmont Park, Man O’ War broke his maiden with jockey Johnny Loftus up. Three days later, Man O’ War won the Keene Memorial Stakes, followed by his third win twelve days later in the Youthful Stakes at Jamaica Racetrack. On June 23 Man O’ War was victorious in the Hudson Stakes at Aqueduct-- a total of four wins in just 17 days. On July 5, he won the Tremont Stakes at Aqueduct and followed that with yet another win in the United States Hotel Stakes. In his sophomore year Man O’ War carried 130 pounds in six races—a weight that few horses can carry at any age. The only race that Man O’ War lost was the Sanford Memorial Stakes when he got away tardily at the start and found himself boxed in between horses. At that time there were no starting gates and horses lined up behind a piece of webbing known as “the barrier” and were sent away when it was …show more content…
Incredibly, the horse managed a furious rally to miss a neck to a horse (ironically) called Upset. The next week, Man O’ War rebounded by winning the Grand Union Hotel Stakes at Saratoga, then the Hopeful and Futurity Stakes at Belmont Park, finishing his two-year-old season with nine wins in ten starts.

In 1920 Man O’ Wars’ regular jockey, Johnny Loftus, was denied license renewal license and the horse was replaced with Clarence Kummer.
At age three, Man O’ War was a large horse, standing 16.2 hands high and weighed a hefty 1,500 pounds. Man O’ Wars’ owner did not enter him in the prestigious Kentucky Derby because he did not favor racing in Kentucky, convinced it was too early in the year for a young horse to negotiate the mile and a quarter Derby distance. In the Preakness Stakes at Pimlico, Man O’ War won handily setting a new track record of 1:38.3 for the mile, then was eased up for the final eighth to finish in a time of 1:51.3. Man O’ War was then sent to Elmont, New York for the Belmont Stakes. Again he won easily by 20 lengths, setting another American record with a time of

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