...IfM – Institut für Management GmbH Seminar Paper Module: Lecturer: Strategic Management Mr. DI Gerald Moser, MBA Topic: Innovation management in the technical service industry General and possible requirements implementation methods shown in a case study for the company A&C Author: Matriculation no.: Mr. Ing. Daniel Weiß 1260958 Date of submission: 30th November 2012 Table of content 1. Introduction ............................................................................................. 1 1.1 Fundamental aspects........................................................................ 1 1.2 Aim of this seminar paper ................................................................. 1 1.3 Scope ................................................................................................ 1 1.4 Structures and approach................................................................... 2 2. Innovation management in services industries....................................... 2 2.1 Definition ........................................................................................... 2 2.2 Relevance ......................................................................................... 2 3. Requirements on an innovation management ........................................ 3 3.1 Process models ................................................................................ 3 3.1.1 Phase model according...
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...INNOVATION MANAGEMENT WBB 10202 Perspective of Innovation NURULIZA RASLAN UniKL - RCMP University Kuala Lumpur –RCMP Innovation Management WBB 10202 CONTENTS • The Factors that affect innovation • • • • Creativity versus Innovation The innovation continuum Sources of Innovation Innovation Culture and Myths University Kuala Lumpur –RCMP Innovation Management WBB 10202 INNOVATION & SOCIETY Innovation have changed our lifestyle. Beneficial to society or not? University Kuala Lumpur –RCMP Innovation Management WBB 10202 INNOVATION FACTORS CULTURE PROCESS INNOVATION RESOURCES INFRASTRUCTURE All elements/factors are equally important. No innovation if one of these 4 elements missing. Each element requires/supports each others expanding innovation Innovation by Design – defines innovation as invention plus implementation / commercialization. Invention involves the process of taking an idea and developing it into a concept. University Kuala Lumpur –RCMP Innovation Management WBB 10202 Culture CULTURE University Kuala Lumpur –RCMP Innovation Management WBB 10202 Trend Lifestyle Market PROCESS University Kuala Lumpur –RCMP Innovation Management WBB 10202 RESOURCES University Kuala Lumpur –RCMP Innovation Management WBB 10202 People Material Technology INFRASTRUCTURE University Kuala Lumpur –RCMP Innovation Management WBB 10202 Organization/ Company Vision Mission Objective University...
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...TABLE OF CONTENTS: INTRODUCTION 1 1. CREATIVTY TOOLS, INNOVATION MANAGEMENT & FINANCIAL SERVICES 1 2. RBS INTRODUCTION 3 2.1 RBS Innovations 3 2.2 RBS Creativity Tools 4 3. SANTANDER INTRODUCTION 5 3.1 Santander Innovations 5 3.2 Santander Creativity Tools 6 4. SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER CRETIVITY TOOLS 6 FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS 8 REFERENCES 9 INTRODUCTION The aim of this report is to introduce the latest innovation end products and service and identify and describe creativity tools used by Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and by Banco Santander (Santander). Furthermore this report seeks to explain why the tools applied are useful for a particular organisation’s innovation management. This report will also suggest 2 additional creativity tools for each organisation and will also explain why these tools are useful. To achieve the above a short introduction about organisations will be provided and secondary research resources: companies’ websites, journals, books and articles will be used. 1. CREATIVTY TOOLS, INNOVATION MANAGEMENT & FINANCIAL SERVICES Creativity tools can be described as combinations of factors that can help to engender new ideas (Fig 1). Fig.1. Creativity tools in organisations Source Aurnhammer, 2013 There are different factors that can contribute to successful innovation in organisations. Fig.1 shows tools covering People, Methods and Platform combining to create the optimal conditions for the creation of innovative ideas and concepts...
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...provides services for building types including residential, academic, cultural, office, and commercial buildings, as well as large-scale master plans. SHoP works closely with its sister company, SC (SHoP Construction), which provides services in construction management building information modeling, sustainability engineering, and building envelope consulting. The firm designed the Barclays Center arena in Brooklyn, New York and the Botswana Innovation Hub in Africa OTG MANAGEMENT is an award-winning airport food & beverage operator with more than 200 restaurants and eateries in ten airports, including Philadelphia, John F. Kennedy, LaGuardia, Minneapolis-St. Paul,Toronto-Pearson, Boston Logan,Tucson, Washington National, Orlando and Chicago O’Hare. Since their entry into airports in 1996, they have been recognized throughout the industry for exceptional customer focus and ground breaking innovation. ALTA BICYCLE SHARE is a company based in Portland, Oregon, that operates bicycle sharing systems in the United States and Australia.[1] The systems provide a flexible method for completing short trips, as contrasted with the longer rentals offered by traditional bike rental companies. Key elements for innovation management. They use sustainable design | Extensive communication | Easily adapt to change | They expand their knowledge to give a service with more quality | Within the company there´s talent and motivation | The progress of the company are often measured...
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...mistakes in their idea review processes that result in rejecting the most potentially innovative ideas in favor of less innovative ones, warns Jeffrey Baumgartner. Here are some ways to avoid this unfortunate fate. Organizational innovation is not just about generating creative business ideas. It is also about reviewing ideas in order to identify those which are most likely to become successful innovations. Unfortunately, many organizations make mistakes in their idea review processes that result in rejecting the most potentially innovative ideas in favor of less innovative ones. In some instances, the idea review process is a simple matter of a manager reading through a batch of ideas and selecting those she believes will work best for her firm. This is most often the case in smaller firms run by a single owner and manager. In most medium to large businesses, however, a structured evaluation process is necessary in order to: Identify the ideas that are most likely to succeed as innovations for the company. Ensure that complex ideas are reviewed by people with the appropriate expertise necessary to understand what would be necessary to implement the idea – and what might go wrong. Enable a middle manager to defend the idea to senior management, stakeholders, and financial officers who may need to grant budgetary approval of the idea. Make it possible to review a large number of ideas in a resource efficient manner. Improve the idea by identifying potential implementation...
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...07-079 Innovation through Global Collaboration: A New Source of Competitive Advantage Alan MacCormack* Theodore Forbath** Peter Brooks ** Patrick Kalaher** *Harvard Business School, Boston, MA **Wipro Technologies, Product Strategy and Architecture Practice, Boston, MA Copyright © 2007 by Alan MacCormack, Theodore Forbath, Peter Brooks, and Patrick Kalaher. Note: This is one of two papers reporting the results from this research. The other is “From Outsourcing to Global Collaboration: New Ways to Build Competitiveness,” HBS Working Paper 07-080. Working papers are distributed in draft form for purposes of comment and discussion. It may not be reproduced without permission of the copyright holders. Copies are available from the authors. Innovation through Global Collaboration: A New Source of Competitive Advantage Date: August 14th 2007 Alan MacCormack* Harvard Business School, Soldiers Field, Boston, MA 02163 Theodore Forbath, Peter Brooks, Patrick Kalaher Wipro Technologies 75 Federal Street, Boston, MA 02110 * Corresponding Author Abstract Many recent studies highlight the need to rethink the way we manage innovation. Traditional approaches, based on the assumption that the creation and pursuit of new ideas is best accomplished by a centralized and collocated R&D team, are rapidly becoming outdated. Instead, innovations are increasingly brought to the market by networks of firms, selected for their unique capabilities, and operating in a coordinated...
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...Innovation Management Sahil Sayal An Academic assessment of General Electric’s MAC 400 Electrocardiogram Machine (ECG) December 2013 M B A F T 6 G r e n o b l e G r a d u a t e S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s , L o n d o n C a m p u s General Electric’s MAC 400 ECG Machine Word count: 3075 I would like to begin my discussion based on the following quote by Jeff Bezos. “I think frugality drives innovation, just like other constraints do. One of the only ways to get out of a tight box is to invent your way out” The world today is becoming more...
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...403–Managing Information Systems Topic Learning Objectives • Explain why managing information systems is important in today’s business world • Define concepts from the hierarchy of data and IS, as distinct from IT. • Describe the major challenges facing today’s business and IS managers. • Analyse and report on an organisation’s ITinvestment profile. • Describe an organisation’s learning curve when applying IS or IT. 1 May, 2013 Session 1 - MIS Fundamentals 2 Unit 403–Managing Information Systems Who Am I ? Dr Tony Jewels •Bachelor of Business Management (Management Economics) •Certified Member Australian Computer Society (Project Management) •Master of Information Technology (Professional) •PhD (Increasing the chances of project success through sharing knowledge) 1 May, 2013 Session 1 - MIS Fundamentals 3 Unit 403–Managing Information Systems •30 years industry experience •Operated “Inventory Management Services” •Designed and implemented robotic warehouses •Project manager of many leading edge MIS projects oe-commerce oinventory control and robotics oaccounting and database systems •Queensland University of Technology (Brisbane) in their School of Information Systems •United Arab Emirates University (Al Ain) in their MIS department. •Currently Associate Professor teaching in Dubai. 1 May, 2013 Session 1 - MIS Fundamentals 4...
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...«TƏSDİQ EDİRƏM» Tədris işləri üzrə prorektor _________ Prof. QURBANOV V.Ş. Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft Akademiyası «İqtisadiyyat, Beynəlxalq İqtisadi Münasibətlər və Menecment» fakultəsi 050401- Dünya iqtisadiyyatı və 050407- Menecment ixtisasları üzrə BAKALAVR HAZIRLIĞI ÜÇÜN «Ekonometrika» fənninin Programi Kurs …………………………………..….2 Semestr ..................................…………….4 Tədris planına uyğun saatların miqdarı …. 90 O cümlədən Mühazirə ……………………………..60 Məşğələ …. ……………………….…30 Kreditlərin sayı ……….………………6 Əyani şöbə üzrə tələbələrin auditoriyadan kənar sərbəst işlərinə ayrılan saatların miqdarı 90 saatdır. 4- cü semestrdə imtahan nəzərdə tutulmuşdur. Sillabus (işçi proqram) 050401- Dünya iqtisadiyyatı və 050407- Menecment ixtisasının tədris planına və Təhsil Nazirliyinin 31 nömrəli, 10.12.2010- cu il tarixli əmrinə əsasən qrif verilmiş fənn proqramına uyğun tərtib olunmuşdur. Program «Tətbiqi riyaziyyat» kafedrasının iclasında (pr№8, 10.04.2012-ci il) müzakirə olunmuşdur. Kafedra müdiri, prof. Ayda- zadə K.R. Program «İ, BİM və M» fakultəsinin Elmi Şurasının iclasında (pr №10, 20.04.12- ci il) müzakirə olunmuşdur. Şuranın sədri,dos. Əliyev A.Q. Sillabusu tərtib etmişdir, f.r.e.d., prof. Ayda- zadə K.R. t.e.n., dos. Kərimov V.Ə Cədvəl 1 |№ |Mühazirə dərslərində...
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...Question 1 Many innovations today are associated with companies as opposed to individuals. Why is this, and what does it tell us? Answer: You are required to examine differences between innovations in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and with innovations today. The role of the organisation and the multinational firm is now significant. They need to discuss issues such as: ? depth of knowledge required in significant innovations of the twentieth century; ? the ability to make linkages between advanced technology groups; ? global markets; ? expanding knowledge base of businesses and societies; and ? huge level of resources required for R&D, marketing and distribution, etc. Question 2 What is wrong with the popular view of innovation in which eccentric scientists develop new products? Answer: Quite simply it is damaging to the reputation of science and scientists in particular. One can understand why it is popular with film makers and tabloid press editors and that is because much of science is not understood and also because people live in hope that scientists can do anything. The truth is very different, and virtually all scientific progress is slow and takes many years of many people’s considerable efforts. Progress is also largely down to teamwork, with considerable size groups of scientists often working on particular projects. Question 3 Explain how technology differs from science, yet still does not equal innovation. Answer: Technology...
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...Глава 1. 1.1. Теоритическая основа маркетинга инноваций. В современно обществе часто можно услышать, что топ-менеджеры не довольны маркетинговой деятельностью своей компании. «Это недовольство проецируется в первую очередь на маркетинговые методы, которые привыкла использовать компания. Маркетологам вменяют в вину излишние затраты докризисного периода, большое количество провалов новых продуктов, дорогостоящие рекламные кампании и другие способы продвижения с низкой результативностью. Переоценка роли маркетинга, с одной стороны, и падение его эффективности, с другой, обусловливаются, прежде всего, изменениями рыночных условий. * Потребитель становится другим. Сегодня его отличают более высокие ожидания в отношении качества услуг и продуктов, более осознанное отношение к цене и ценности товара. Усиливается значимость эмоционального воздействия продуктов. * Рынок становится другим. Выпускается все больше продуктов, похожих друг на друга. Возрастает роль фактора новизны. Конкуренция усиливается, ее характеризуют качественные изменения. Создавать конкурентные преимущества все тяжелее. Глобализация и концентрация капитала приводят к усилению власти крупных компаний производителей и торговых посредников, сетей торговых организаций. Наблюдается уменьшение числа конкурентов при росте количества торговых марок и разновидностей наименований в одной товарной категории. Рынки все более фрагментируются на малые сегменты и ниши, жизненный цикл продуктов сокращается. Такие традиционные...
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...PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND INNOVATION IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY It has been asserted by researchers that the knowledge and skills possessed by a company`s employees, contribute substantially to the organization`s capacity to innovate. Stewart (1997) sustains this view affirming that: “human capital is the capabilities of individuals who are the source of innovation and renewal within companies”. Egbu (2004) explores the factors that lead to innovation in relation to the managerial understanding of developing the human capital and integrating those ideas in the organizational strategies. In the study of four innovative construction organizations, it was noted that these organizations have similar characteristics that contribute towards stimulating innovation and human capital such as: flexibility in response to change and new information, a climate where mistakes are accepted as being part of the learning process and people are not afraid to take risks, an environment that promotes respect and employees are valued, where they are encouraged to share information, establishing a relationship of interdependence between employees and organization and also and a climate of trust and job security. (Egbu, 2004) Byrne (2001) states a very pertinent question: “Are employees capital or commodity?” and asserts that if the employees feel insecure in their jobs and feel that they can be easily replaced their willingness to share knowledge decreases considerable. He observed that without...
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...International Bulletin of Business Administration ISSN: 1451-243X Issue 11 (2011) © EuroJournals, Inc. 2011 http://www.eurojournals.com Role of Knowledge Management to Bring Innovation: An Integrated Approach Kashif Akram Lecturer, Department of Commerce The Islamia University of Bahawalpur (Pakistan) E-mail: kashifdms@yahoo.com Tel: +92 63 9240298 or +92 334 7266860 Suleman Hafeez Siddiqui Lecturer, Department of Management Sciences The Islamia University of Bahawalpur (Pakistan) E-mail: sulman.siddiqui@yahoo.com Tel: +92 63 9240298 or +92 322 5172513 Muhammad Atif Nawaz Lecturer, Department of Economics The Islamia University of Bahawalpur (Pakistan) E-mail: atifnawaz_iub@yahoo.com Tel: +92 63 9240298 or +92 314 6864997 or +92 333 3030313 Tauqir Ahmad Ghauri Lecturer, Department of Management Science The Islamia University of Bahawalpur (Pakistan) Ph. +92 63 9240298 Cell +92 333 6183035 E-mail: tauqir.lec@gmail.com Amjad Khawar Hayat Cheema Lecturer, Department of Economics The Islamia University of Bahawalpur (Pakistan) E-mail: khawar790@hotmail.com Tel: +92 63 9240298 or +92 321 4076799 Abstract Purpose: The basic objective of the study is to reconcile the literature on knowledge management and innovation in organizations. The study seeks to examine and elaborate the linkage between knowledge management process and innovation process to dig out the important relationships and flows of activities. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study is induced using qualitative methodology...
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...Title Page Module: MGT3130 Innovations and Technology Management Name : Abdo Abdullahi Student Number: M0027455 Module leader: Mr Hong Woo Question 1: In the Skullcandy case (Chapter 12, Schilling 2010), would you characterise Skullcandy’s new product development team structure as Functional, Lightweight, Heavyweight or Autonomous and why? Provide your analysis with justifications. Question 2: Discuss the main sources of innovation, and what are particularly important for a company such as Skullcandy and why? MGT3130 Innovation and Technology Management – CP2 Question 1 Skull candy team structure can be characterised as hybrid lightweight and heavyweight. On the basis of it being lightweight the skull candy team members would still reside in their functional departments (Melissa A. Schilling 2010). The light weight teams at Skull candy have a very clear functional affiliation and would only work on the project that is given part time. The location of the team members of the Skull candy will always be in their functions thus allowing them to easily work together. Therefore the team members conduct the projects in their own departments (V. Patrick et all 2007). The functional departments will always have the responsibility of the work being done in that department. The skull candy case shows that there is close contact between the team members and also the functional managers and the project manager. Skull candy light weight team structure is cross-functional...
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...INSTITUTE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT, AURANGABAD Innovation and Change “Innovation, Change and B.A honours student” Raghav Pandya (H-18087) UNIVERSITY OF HUDDERSFIELD, UNITED KINGDOM December 2012 Declaration I declare that this essay is the result of my own hard work and I confirm this to the university, regarding cheating and plagiarism. No material contained within this project has been used in any other submission or by the authors, for an academic award. 11th December, 2012 Raghav Pandya (H-18087) List of Contents Part 1: INTRODUCTION….…...………………………………………………………... [3] 1.1Examples of ongoing innovations in hotels.……………………………….,………… [4] Part2: THEORY………………………………………………………………………… [5-6] Part 3: CRITIQUE AND ANALYSIS……………...……………………………………. [7] 3.1 Indian Context………….……………………………………………………………... [8] CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………………………... [10] BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………………………………………………... [11] Part 1: Introduction Change is inevitable in the life of an organisation. In today’s business scenario, hospitality organisations exist in dynamic and changing business environments and they have to cope up with the changes for survival and growth as there lies no second alternative, a supportive example in the Indian context to this is Wall mart entering Indian market is expected to change the retail industry from head to toe, competing with established Indian medium-large scale retail companies, and eating away many smaller fishes...
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