...Managing Organizational Change A Multiple Perspectives Approach Managing Organizational Change A Multiple Perspectives Approach Ian Palmer Richard Dunford Gib Akin Boston Burr Ridge, IL Dubuque, IA Madison, WI New York San Francisco St. Louis Bangkok Bogotá Caracas Kuala Lumpur Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan Montreal New Delhi Santiago Seoul Singapore Sydney Taipei Toronto MANAGING ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE: A MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES APPROACH Published by McGraw-Hill/Irwin, a business unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY, 10020. Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Some ancillaries, including electronic and print components, may not be available to customers outside the United States. This book is printed on acid-free paper. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 DOC/DOC 0 9 8 7 6 5 ISBN 0-07-249680-0 Editorial director: John E. Biernat Senior sponsoring editor: Kelly H. Lowery Editorial assistant: Kirsten L. Guidero Executive marketing manager: Ellen Cleary Senior project manager: Lori Koetters Production supervisor: Debra R. Sylvester Design coordinator: Cara David...
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...Organizational change is inevitable, but not always successful. “Up to 84 percent of U.S. firms are involved in a major organizational change, although many are deemed not successful” (Palmer, 2008). Effective leadership is imperative when managing change. Managers must recognize what the pressures are that have prompted the organization to change and adapt their management image to reflect the proper change management initiative. In this paper I will analyze a change management initiative I experienced where external pressures propelled the organization to change. I will argue that management unsuccessfully carried out the change initiative from an images perspective. Finally, I will make recommendations on what management could have done differently to make the change more successful. Before continuing further it is necessary to define the terminology used throughout out the rest of this paper. There are two types of images of managing, “management as control” and “management as shaping.” The former “is associated with a top-down, hierarchical view of managing. Typically, the organization is treated as if it is a machine” (Palmer, 2008). As opposed to the latter where the image is associated with a “participative style of managing in which people are encouraged to be involved in decisions and to help identify how things can be done better” (Palmer, 2008). Most importantly, there are also, “six images of managing change,” they are “six differing images of managing change, each...
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...Images of Managing Change La Donna Shelton ladonnashelton@ymail.com HR 587 Michael Komos November 7, 2011 Images of Managing Change Introduction Change management initiative are put into place as a discipline that is applied to an assortment of organizational changes to help promote the probability of success and a return on investment. When change is implemented you will affect the way the work is done to achieve the measure of success. Impacting the functionality of the organization change management include the utilization of organizational tools that help individuals accept the realization of change. The image concepts and application to the change management initiative are important because it shows how the images we hold about how change should be managed, and what we think our role should be as manager of change, affects the way we approach change and the outcomes that we think are possible. (Palmer, Dunford, Akin, 1) Application Analysis Marklund is an organization where I’m currently employed. The organization decided on implemented change to the organizational structure due to a budget deficit. The company hierarchy was redeveloped. All top mangers were replaced or were giving multiple titles to combine positions. The acting CEO and board members used multiple images and the images were controlling activities and shaping capable while intended and partially intended at the same time. The company align themselves with the changes times of the economy...
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...Organizational change is inevitable, but not always successful. “Up to 84 percent of U.S. firms are involved in a major organizational change, although many are deemed not successful” (Palmer, 2008). Effective leadership is imperative when managing change. Managers must recognize what the pressures are that have prompted the organization to change and adapt their management image to reflect the proper change management initiative. In this paper I will analyze a change management initiative I experienced where external pressures propelled the organization to change. I will argue that management unsuccessfully carried out the change initiative from an images perspective. Finally, I will make recommendations on what management could have done differently to make the change more successful. Before continuing further it is necessary to define the terminology used throughout out the rest of this paper. There are two types of images of managing, “management as control” and “management as shaping.” The former “is associated with a top-down, hierarchical view of managing. Typically, the organization is treated as if it is a machine” (Palmer, 2008). As opposed to the latter where the image is associated with a “participative style of managing in which people are encouraged to be involved in decisions and to help identify how things can be done better” (Palmer, 2008). Most importantly, there are also, “six images of managing change,” they are “six differing images of managing change...
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...Leading Organizational Change Dr. Erick Aguilar March, 26 2012 Green Mountain Resort Mr. Gunter, one of the managers of change of Green Mountain Resort, had a vision for the resort; however he had a major problem retaining good employees, he had a high employee’s turnover problem that would interfere with his plan. The developers planned an excellent structure for the facility; however, they were unable to execute and facilitate growth that would take the company to the next level because the organizational leaders had not been able to carry out goals and visions for the future growth of the company. These major oversights made it difficult for the organization to prosper because they were spending more money on training and hiring new staffs (Palmer, Dunford & Akin, 2009, p. 40). As I examine Green Mountain Resorts, we will explore the identification of which image identified the assumption about changing. First I will start by discuss the six dominant Images a manager of change can use. He or she may utilize mental maps as a director of change, which can be a dictator, and one who has a plan and intend on caring it out, a navigator of change, and a care taker of change which falls under the category of management as control- historical characterization of management activities such as planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling, and the organizational structure hierarchical. The next three images of managing, image of change...
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... Wade Assn. 1: Stories of Change Dr. Vanessa Graham HRM 560-Managing Organizational Change 01/26/2014 An organization has to be strategic when managing change. A business must also be able to reinvent itself in order to maintain a competitive edge. There can be many reasons why change is necessary including technology, customer needs, opportunities to grow, globalization, and the economy. “Today, organizations must have the capacity to adapt quickly and effectively in order to survive. Often the speed and complexity of change severely test the capabilities of leaders and employees to adapt rapidly enough, but if organizations fail to change, the cost of that failure may be quite high. Hence, leaders and employees must understand the nature of the changes needed and the likely effects of alternative approaches to bring about that change” (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2011, p. 510). Using Kotter’s Model, Identify the Three (3) Most Significant Errors Made Out of All of the Change Stories Presented and Describe the Ramifications of Those Mistakes. Any organization that wants to grow and stay ahead of the competition should embrace change. Despite this fact, there are many things that can go wrong when an organization decides to make a change. Resistance from employees is one factor that plays a part in an organizations change process failure. The change process must be effectively managed...
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...Green Mountain Resort Mr. Gunter, one of the managers of change of Green Mountain Resort, had a vision for the resort; however he had a major problem retaining good employees, he had a high employee’s turnover problem that would interfere with his plan. The developers planned an excellent structure for the facility; however, they were unable to execute and facilitate growth that would take the company to the next level because the organizational leaders had not been able to carry out goals and visions for the future growth of the company. These major oversights made it difficult for the organization to prosper because they were spending more money on training and hiring new staffs (Palmer, Dunford & Akin, 2009, p. 40). As I examine Green Mountain Resorts, we will explore the identification of which image identified the assumption about changing. First I will start by discuss the six dominant Images a manager of change can use. He or she may utilize mental maps as a director of change, which can be a dictator, and one who has a plan and intend on caring it out, a navigator of change, and a care taker of change which falls under the category of management as control- historical characterization of management activities such as planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling, and the organizational structure hierarchical. The next three images of managing, image of change coach, interpreter, and a nurture, which fall under the category management as shaping....
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...Course Project Proposal The ideal of this project proposal is to compare and contrast General Motors and Ford which have undergone fairly substantial change in the recent past; and how they handled the pressure of change. Lapratt04@yahoo.com HRM-587-12043 Managing Organizational Change Professor Joseph Phillips Due September 7, 2014 Abstract Ford and GM experienced serious issues during the pre and post TARP causing them to restructure and change how they do business. Each of them reacted to these pressure differently. Ford Motor Company as one of the greatest automobile manufacturers of all time started under the leadership of Henry Ford in Detroit, Michigan. His first production was in 1903, the Model A, with an under the floor engine selling for $850. In the first season it sold 1,708 cars (HISTORY of Ford Motor Company, 2014). Whereas General Motors was founded in 1902 by William Durant, who saw that the automobile would one day replace the horse-drawn carriage. The company did not really catch on until 1908, and at first, it was just a Buick holding company. At the end of 1908, however, GM had acquired Oldsmobile, and in 1909, they bought Cadillac, Elmore, and Oakland. The early 1900s were a difficult time for auto manufacturers; the market crash of 1907 adversely affected a lot of small companies, which relied on the banks for credit. Durant saw the economic downturn as an opportunity; he bought smaller car makers, as well as companies that built auto accessories...
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...Introduction History shows that successful business has always found a way to properly embrace, implement, and manage organizational change. Organizational change as defined in our text “Managing Organizational Change” is when an organization seeks to make a transition from its current state to some desired future state. Managing this change is a process that requires proper planning, and execution, as to mitigate employee resistance, and to minimize financial loss to the organization. Today's organizational climate often mandates that companies undergo changes if they are to remain a competitive business force. Globalization and technology that is forever growing, force these organizations to respond in order to survive. Such changes may be from within the organization, at the executive level, or from the consumer perspective, as in the case of McDonald’s incorporation, and Hyundai Motors. In this paper I would like to focus on these two companies, both dealing with change within and outside the organization. Both companies embracing inevitable change, and both companies implementing “Images of Change” which will be discussed later. I will also compare and contrast the methods of change that each organization implemented, and how these changes has either helped or hurt their respective business. Evidence of Change Not even McDonald's Corp. has an iron stomach when it comes to the global economic downturn. The world's largest hamburger chain has thrived in boom...
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...Economics MBA Program Course Outline Course Name: Managing Organizational Change Course Number: 44252 Instructor: Dr. Mahdieh Mahdavinia E-mail: mmahdavinia@alumni.utoronto.ca Semester: Fall term, 1389-1390 Class Time: Wednesdays: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm Room: 4 Meeting Hours: Before the class by appointment COURSE OBJECTIVES This course makes an enquiry into the field of organization change. Identifying the need for change, framing the problems/issues, influencing the choice of what to do, and implementing the changes with minimal negative reaction are key managerial skills, especially in these increasingly turbulent times. The course will provide: - An overview of change management processes and types of changes - A knowledge of the drivers of change - Models of improving and rebuilding organizations - A variety of factors which affect successful change management - Some live stories of organizational change efforts - An opportunity for the students to frame their own orientation to change management COURSE REQUIREMENTS The course grade will be based on: Group Assignment (30%) Individual Assignments (20%) Final Exam: Case + Test (40%) Participation (10%) Group Assignment A. Analyze and present the case study of organizational change that is assigned to your group. This assignment is intended to provide an opportunity to analyze an actual change process through a systematic and concrete application...
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...Project: Managing Resistance to Change August 24, 2010 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Organizations initiate change efforts for countless reasons. Failure to properly manage these changes can cause an organization to decline or even fail. Most organizations are faced with ongoing changes due to internal and external pressures. These pressures can lead to strategic changes that affect the entire organization or incremental changes that have a direct impact on a specific area. Given the economy today, organizations must continually scan their external business environment to maintain their competitive advantage by making internal adjustments. Whenever you have change that moves employees from a known to an unknown state, you can best believe you will encounter resistance. Taking employees out of their comfort zone creates fear and uncertainty which results in resistance. Employees resist change for a number of reasons such as a lack of understanding around the change, personal conflicts, differing perceptions, mistrust, social disruption or the potential for loss on a personal level such as power, status and influence. Most of these barriers are a result of ineffective communication. Effective communication can be seen as the bloodline through a change process. Without it, you risk failure to your change initiative. When a change initiative is undertaken, it’s important the organization employ a change manager who is skilled and competent in change management. Change managers...
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...ASSESSING CHANGE MANAGERS’ IMAGES Introduction This exercise was carried out to assess change managers’ images. The work so far gives an in depth discussion on the actions of two change managers as they relate to the six images of change. In this regard two change managers were interviewed and both of them are in the retail business entity. For convenience, they are labeled as Change manager A and B of A and B companies respectively. The responses of both change managers were compared and contrasted to make this assessment. Based on the responses of the mangers in question it was clearly evident that they were using the images unconsciously. The actions and approaches they adopted to augment change in their respective organizations show that they were implementing change influenced by the images. The company of Manager A is a well established business on a larger scale unlike that of Manger B which is a small grocery store. In the interviews both managers told their stories regarding change in their respective organizations. In the case of Manager A, he said it was a kind of transformational change that took place in his organization. There is a policy of the Home office to transform all its retail stores to supercenters based on the performance these stores in terms of profit-making and meeting the demands of the customers .In addition,he pointed out that the store was doing well in business ,consequently the Home office drew up a plan for it to change to a supercenter...
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...literature on managing change but much of this is devoted to describing key ideas and offering theoretical models of the process. Empirical studies, which use rigorous methods to answer questions about what works in managing organizational change are relatively rare. Furthermore judgments about success tend to be conditional on who is doing the assessment and when the judgments are made (Pettigrew et al., 2001). Nevertheless, there are models available to assist those charged with managing change, and some of these have a body of evidence to support their effectiveness. Different managers will have different images of what managing change means for them (Palmer and Dunford, 2002). These images are likely to be based on the assumptions they make about what can be achieved (intended, partially intended and unintended change outcomes) and how they think they should approach the change task (controlling activities or shaping capabilities). At least six images of change management can be and these are: directing, navigating, caretaking, coaching, interpreting and nurturing. Application Analysis Green Mountain Resort (Dis) solves the Turnover Problem is a case study found in the textbook: Managing Organizational Change: A Multiple Perspectives Approach written by Ian Palmer, Richard Dunford, and Gib Akin (2006). Green Mountain Resort and resort manager Gunter were confronted with a worker retention problem. To solve the turnover problem, three series of image changes have to be implemented...
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...Mountain Resort Organizational crisis is a common occurrence in today’s society. Change is always needed, and it is never a straight forward process. If it was, businesses would always be able to meet their goals. If each and every corporation does not keep up with the changes they will not survive. Change, whether big or small can be extremely challenging and requires a well thought out plan, clever ideas, patience and good leadership. No single method of change management fits every company, but there is a set of practices, tools, and techniques that can be adapted to a variety of situations to (Jones, J, Aguirre, D, Calderone, M, 2004) Change management initiatives are mainly focused at improving organizations effectiveness. This in turn, helps in ensuring the well being of the organization’s employees, customers and stakeholders. A company has to remain competitive in the tough business climate after all. Organizations quite often believe that change can only be managed through six images of managing changing (Drazen, 2011). Each and every image for managing changes has its own particular kind of pattern and formula of implementing the change which is different from one to another. Change image concepts impact an organization according to the person who implements these images. Naturally image concepts show a manager how change should be managed. Furthermore it gives the manager an overview of their role as a manager of change. Image concepts affect the...
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...Managerial Images xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HR587 – Managing Organizational Change September 15, 2011 Professor: xxxxxxxxxxxxx Managerial Images Table of Contents Title page………………………………………………………………………………………….1 Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………………….2 Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………………….3 Manager as Director…………………………………………………………………………….4-5 Manager as Navigator…………………………………………………………………………...5-6 Manager as Coach………………………………………………………………………………6-7 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………...7 References…………………………………………………………………………………………8 Executive Summary Managerial styles vary from company to company and can influence the morale of the employees as well as its customers. It is important to apply the right combination in order to enhance success for a particular company by not only attracting more customers but by maintaining a workable environment for its employees. We have two different images that can form the foundation of a managerial style. These images are management as control and the other is management as shaping. Under the umbrella of managing as control and shaping lie the outcomes that lead to the six different images of managerial change. Three of the most important changes that will be discussed are manager as director, manager as navigator, and manager as coach. These styles are most important because it helps to build, shape, and mold an employee into the type of employee that can potentially have a positive future...
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