...Project Scheduling why is it so Important? Cecelia Williams Columbia Southern University MBA 6941, Managing Project Teams Professor Jim Marion 26 June 2012 Managing any type of project big or small is no easy task. Is a powerful communication tool for scheduling? During my career and personal life I didn’t realize how many projects that I dealt on a daily basis because anything that you do regardless if it is related to each other and directed toward a common goal or output needs some type of scheduling to be successful. For example going to my niece wedding if my daughter would have had a schedule on what she was going to do instead waiting until the last minute which interferes with my scheduling. So, that is why communication in scheduling is such a powerful tool. Having an accurate schedule can be a great tool for a project manager” without good schedules, project team members can find themselves working in chaos because they have not purposefully considered sequential task relationship and priorities” (Brown & Hyer, 2010, pg 200). “Whether you are presenting project status updates to senior management, your customer, or reviewing upcoming work with team members, an accurate project schedule provides an objective method of communicating schedule progress, as well as highlighting the potential impacts of project issues (Bondale, 2010)”, everyone has to be on board having an accurate schedule keeps everyone in the link and if there is some issues...
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...: | An expert's opinion on an issue may be subjective but very accurate. | | | Student Answer: | | True | | | | False | | | | | | | | Points Received: | 5 of 5 | | Comments: | | | | Question 2. | Question : | The simplest method of project screening and selection is developing a list of criteria that pertain to the choice of projects and then applying them to alternatives. | | | Student Answer: | | True | | | | False | | | | | | | | Points Received: | 0 of 5 | | Comments: | | | | Question 3. | Question : | A simplified scoring model addresses all the weakness of a checklist model for project screening. | | | Student Answer: | | True | | | | False | | | | | | | | Points Received: | 5 of 5 | | Comments: | | | | Question 4. | Question : | The most important thing to remember when using project selection models is to be consistent and objective. | | | Student Answer: | | True | | | | False | | | | | | | | Points Received: | 5 of 5 | | Comments: | | | | Question 5. | Question : | Personnel costs comprise one of the highest sources of project expense. | | | Student Answer: | | True | | | | False | | | | | | | | Points Received: | 5 of 5 | | Comments: | | | | Question 6. | Question : | Souder's...
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...contents Executive summary Task 1 Introduction 5 Using of Activity on node to draw the network diagram 6 Determine the timing of activities and the total float 7 Determine the project duration and the critical path 9 Determine the earliest finish date for the project 9 Analyzing the changing activities 10 Limitations of Network Diagram 11 Conclusion 12 Reference 28 Appendix 29 Appendix 1 30 Appendix 2 31 Table of contents Task 2 Introduction 12 Project objective 14 Key milestone for the expanding project 14 Assumption 14 Resources 15 Cost 15 Time 15 Project planning and using techniques 16 Project team 17 Project manager’s leadership styles 18 Project manager’s skills 19 Project control 20 Time management 20 Cost management 20 Quality management 20 Managing Risk 24 Close sure 26 Conclusion 27 Reference 28 Appendix 33 Executive summary: In this report, it has two parts. The first part, will addressed the design a new product for Cassop Ltd and it is also explain about the limitation of network diagrams. The next part give general about how company success in the project of opening new base and ensuring that this project open on time and within budget. Task 1 Introduction As a produces organization which main produces products...
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...10 things you should know about managing IT projects. IT projects can be daunting, especially to the novice. It’s relatively easy to propose a solution, but much more diffi cult to implement the desired performance levels on time for the right price. This list will help IT pros bring organization, professionalism, and goal-oriented progress to the projects they manage. 1. Get professional IT projects historically have a negative reputation for being over budget, late, and poorly implemented. Having a professional individual in charge of the project can add great organization and credibility to your efforts. If your project is of a size where a project manager role can be used, go for it. Working with a Project Management Institute (PMP)-certifi ed individual (www.pmi.org/) will greatly enhance the effectiveness of your software projects. The PMP is also a good benchmark across all project management disciplines and is a big credibility booster when a project integrates with non-IT individuals, external customers, business partners, or part of a larger project. 2. Identify the leadership roles Having individuals responsible for specifics metrics of the project is important. This should be done in a way that puts capable individuals in roles that are best suited for their talents but that doesn’t overwhelm individual team members. IT projects often put too much emphasis on the technical contributions of a small number of individuals—or even just one person—and ...
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...of critical activity B is 4 days plus total float of activity C is 2 day and the addition results in 6 days. The latest finish time (LFT) is latest start time of activity plus duration and the formula as below: Latest finish time = Latest start time + Duration We can use the above formula to calculate the LFT of activity C i.e. LST of C is 6 days and the duration is 2 days. Therefore, LFT for this activity is 8 days. The total float is deducting EST and duration from LFT (Furman, J 2011). For example, the LFT of activity F is 19 days, EST is 13 days and duration is 3 days. Total float for activity F = 19 days – 13 days – 3 days = 3 days (Field & Keller 2006) 3. Explain how you determined the project duration and the critical path. Before calculating the project duration, we need to understand what’s...
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...is implemented through projects | C. | Only top management must understand strategy | D. | Project selection should be clearly aligned with strategy | E. | Project management plays a key role in supporting strategy | | 2. | A project selection process that is strongly linked to strategy results in A. | The most profit. | B. | Better utilization of the organization's resources. | C. | More projects. | D. | A larger and more diverse organization. | E. | Stronger core competencies. | | 3. | Which of the following is NOT true about organizational politics? A. | Project managers should not engage in organizational politics | B. | Politics can have a significant influence on which projects receive funding | C. | Politics exist in every organization | D. | Politics can influence project selection | E. | Politics can play a role in the aspirations behind projects | . | 4. | Which of the following terms is often used to denote a project that a powerful, high-ranking official is advocating? A. | Sacred cow | B. | Pet project | C. | Political necessity | D. | Special undertaking | E. | Strategic ploy | | 5. | Why do project managers need to understand their organization's mission and strategy? A. | To reduce project duration and increase the number of projects implemented | B. | So they can make appropriate decisions and adjustments and be effective project advocates | C. | It...
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...MANAGING VIRTUAL PROJECT TEAMS A research project submitted to the faculty of San Francisco State University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Business Administration by Bryan Rolf Trautsch San Francisco, California December 11, 2003 Copyright (c) 2003 by Bryan Trautsch. CERTIFICATION OF APPROVAL I certify that I have read VIRTUAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT by Bryan Rolf Trautsch, and that in my opinion this work meets the criteria for approving a research project submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the Master of Business Administration degree at San Francisco State University. ________________________________________ Dr. Robert C. Nickerson Professor of Information Systems ________________________________________ Dr. Sam S. Gill Professor of Information Systems ABSTRACT MANAGING VIRTUAL PROJECT TEAMS Bryan Rolf Trautsch San Francisco State University Fall 2003 The purpose of the project is to explore the communications and collaborations issues associated with managing virtual project teams. In order to establish a better understanding of the problem, the paper evaluates virtual teams against more traditional collocated teams to provide some background and depth to the research. The method used in the research was in the format of a questionnaire consisting of six questions. The questionnaire was delivered via e-mail to various project managers with virtual project team experience...
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...Managing project and multi-cultural organisations The paper version 1. Title page: title of the course, title of the project, number of the group, names of all the team members 2. Short presentation of the project > short summary about our project and for which company BELEN 3. Introduction About the company: Sultana Why we do this project for Sultana / aanleiding ANIQUE 4. Macro analyse SARAH + ANNA Economical Social Cultural Technological Ecological (Political) 5. Meso analyse SARAH + ANNA Sector Competition 6. Internal analyse LINDA Marketing Financial 7. SWOT NADIA 8. Analyse of the trends in flavours etc. ANNA LENA 9. New product design: new flavour (Sultana Special Flavour) + marketing/communication ALL 10. WBS: Planning of activities > See planning special flavour, with which weeks + responsible departments ANIQUE + LINDA 11. WBS dictionary – the description of the activities 12. OBS: organization chart > Zie organogram 13. Responsibility matrix – REAW ANIQUE 14. GANTT ILARIA + ALFRED 15. Cost analysis: See S&G charter: prime costs, revenue, consumer price, trade marge, commercial profit ALFRED First presentation → WBS presentation : activities must be taken → Project charter Maybe we can tell some more 1. Introduction: who we are, for which company, sort about what we are doing 2. Short introduction about the company, Sultana, what company 3. WBS: planning of activities + responsible departments Introduction...
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...Project code: 9273 M1 Report Word limit/Words Covered: 5000/5079 Research Report Title: LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT ACROSS DIFFERENT CULTURES - HOTEL LEICESTER MARRIOTT, UK http://issuu.com/sanjaykumarguptaa/docs/project-report-recruitment-and-selection-process Table of Contents Introduction 1 Introduction to subject area 1 Background of the study 1 Literature Review 3 Critical evaluation of leadership theories 3 Compare and contrast of leadership style across different cultures 6 Critical evaluation of motivational theories 7 Compare and contrast motivational techniques across different cultures 8 Critical evaluation of theories for managing cultural diversity 9 Secondary research method 10 Primary research method 10 Interview 10 Findings and Discussion 11 Findings from secondary research 11 Managing diversified customers 11 Recommendations and Conclusion 13 Conclusion 13 Recommendations 13 References (Harvard Style) 17 Introduction Introduction to subject area It is a well known fact that success of the hospitality industry depends on the high quality services provided to the customer. It is the responsibility of the leaders to motivate and inspire employees to deliver a higher quality services for the success of the organization. With the increasing globalization, the leaders in the hospitality industry also come across through different challenges. Employees from diverse background...
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...meeting room It was lunch break. Chris (Chris Stephano) who is the team leader gave a detailed description of an urgent team project, and asked for volunteer to complete the work. At the same time, people in the meeting room exchanged pleasantries and jokes. Chris’s thought: why not? No once was volunteering for the project! Chris’s flashback: it was like university days when a team project had been due and none of the team member helped. Despite my last ditch so effort, the project had been given a fail grade. The project was of major importance to the company and require hours of rework. It would have a difficult and time consuming task for the people who volunteer for. Rodderick Cage: my workload had doubled since Lou Chan went on paternity leave. Rebecca Spalding: my workload was now the heaviest since the system changed. Phil Bosevic(missed out the recent promotion): I was understaffed and could not take on any new work. Wasim Shan: I had only on the job for weeks and will be transferred in net fortnight. Merilyn Hue: I was going on special leave next week that had been approved. After everyone replied. Chris spoke to Phil pleasantly: I’d appreciate it if you would complete the data for the project and………… Phil suddenly ran out of the room. Scene 2 Managing director’s office Chris rushed down the hall into managing director’s office, slammed the door and glared at Dr Cora Harvey. Chris: none of them would help me! Can you believe it? ...
Words: 359 - Pages: 2
...Leadership: Managing Director of Hayasa In a small team of strangers, like the one thrown together for this module, the Managing Director should be the source of leadership and control over numerous responsibilities and functions of their team. • They should pursue the successful completion project goals. • They should keep the team motivated and happy, • They should ensure that the team is giving sufficient effort to the task. The Managing Director should be the most influential and important member of Hayasa car company. The behaviour of this person directly affects the behaviour of his or hers group members, therefore they must show certain key traits and attributes which will exert their leadership and control into the performance of the team, but also themselves. For Hayasa, the leadership was the key factor which influenced and built the group dynamics, the behaviour and motivation of the members during the practical, but also is what I believe the key problem to our lack of success in three years of trading. “The power and influence perspective focuses on the use of power by effective leaders. Two major themes have been identified: a) social power: how leaders influence followers (b) social exchange: discusses the give-and-take relationship between leaders and followers through which leaders are themselves influenced as they try to influence others” (Bensimon et al., 1989) My questions on the lack of social power our Managing Director would...
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...CSP HOLDING BHD 9426-T MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING Minutes of the CSP Holding Bhd meeting held at Bilik Seminar Bunga Raya, Level 10, Office Tower, No.3,Jalan Nagasari (Off Jalan Raja Chulan), 50200 Kuala Lumpur on Monday, 5th May 2014 at 9.00 a.m. Present : Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Wahid Jalil (Chairman) Y. Bhg. Dato’ Zahir Ahmad (Managing Director) Mr. Yeoh Wai Siaw (Non-independent Executive Director) Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ William Lim (Independent Non-Executive Director) Y. Bhg. Dato’ Hardi Yusof (Independent Non-Executive Director) Mr Heah Sieu Low (Independent Non-Executive Director) Dato Aisyah Syed (General Manager of CSP Fasteners’) Mr Azim Rahmat (General Manager of Maya CSP Sdn Bhd) Wong Kar Chun (Auditor) Ms Loh Ai Lin (Secretary) Apologies : Mr George Siong Chee Sook (Independent Non-Executive Director) CHAIRMAN FOR THE MEETING Tan Sri Wahid Jalil took his place and declares the meeting duly convened once the requisite quorum was present. DIRECTORS REPORT, AUDIT REPORT AND CONSIDERATION OF ANNUAL REPORT That the Audited report of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2013 together with the Reports of the Directors and Auditors thereon be hereby received and noted. DECLERATION OF DIVIDEND That there is no final dividend for year 2013 as recommended by the director is hereby approved. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS IN PLACE OF THOSE RETIRING It was resolved...
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...The proposal was duly considered important as Juices Ltd operated an apple and pear juice producing business and owned ore hands around Australia and the juice container manufacturing business can provide Juice Ltd’s juice containers to the customer who already falls under Juice Ltd’s target market. In order to broaden the domain of its business the proposal was put forward by Chen who is a non executive director of the company though all the board members were suppose to be present in the board meeting else one of the non executive director could non- attend the meeting as on the same day and time she met with an accident and broke her arms and unable to receive treatment from the emergency department of the local hospital. The company managing director Uma was authorized the chairman Jack to acquisition within 10 minutes. Though the company’s chief financial officers Isaacs financial report was presented on the impact of the acquisition but unfortunately he was forbidden to participate in the board meeting and gain or deliver any views in regards to the business proposals. Though it was decided in the meeting to approve the acquisition and signing up of the contract by Uma to look took over the business on behalf of Juice’s lacking was detected in wrong financial analysis of $48 million purchase price which was an improper and over channelization of company’s fund. Moreover it was also revealed that the board of directors was not aware of the fact that most of the shares newly...
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...INTRODUCTION: Euroland Foods S.A is a multinational producer of high quality ice cream, yogurt, bottled water and fruit juices. Its products are primarily sold throughout Scandinavia, Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, western Germany, and northern France. In early January 2001, the senior management committee of Euroland Foods S.A was called together to come up with the firm’s capital budget for the new year. There were 11 projects up for consideration that the committee was faced with and had totaled more than (euro) EUR316 million. Unfortunately the board of directors had set in place a spending limit of EUR120 million. Even with this restriction the investment at this rate would cause a major increase in the firm’s current asset base of EUR965 million. The firm’s main challenge was to allocate the funds among a range of projects to satisfy the following: new-product introduction, acquisition, market expansion, efficiency improvements, preventative maintenance, safety, and pollution control. BACKGROUND OF FIRM: Theo Verdin, a Belgium Farmer, as an offshoot of his dairy business, founded Euroland Foods S.A in the year 1924. Theo paid great attention to product development and marketing, and because of his close attention to detail the firm had grown steadily over the years. The company had gone public in 1979, and by 1993, was listed for trading on the London, Frankfurt, and Brussels exchanges. In the year 2000, Euroland Foods S.A had approximately...
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...Lec 6: Ch 10 (the role of company directors and other officers and the means by which they are appointed and removed); main focus is on the directors * ‘officer’ and ‘director’ definition- s9, p200 (Morley v ASIC). * ‘director’- a) appointed director regardless of the name given to their position; b) not validly appointed director but acts in position or; c) not validly appointed but the directors of the company are accustomed to act in accordance with the person’s instructions and wishes; person in a) OR b) is de facto director, within c) is a shadow director * Statutory duties, including the duty to act with reasonable care and diligence and the duty to act in the best interests of the company * Statutory requirement for all companies to have at least one director; PTY company must have at least one, with one ordinarily residing in Australia (s201A(1)); public companies must have at least 3, with at least 2 in Aus (s201A(2)) * Directors’ role: manage or supervise the management; for companies that rely on the replaceable rules as their internal governance rules, s198A provides that “the business of a company is to be managed by or under the direction of the directors’” * Company secretary: public companies must have at least one company secretary (s204A(2)) be 18yo and have at least one residing in Aus; PTY company may have one but is not required to appoint one (s204A(1)); secretary is appointed by directors; responsibilities include record-keeping...
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