...In the early 1800’s, the words “Manifest Destiny” were cleverly coined by John O’Sullivan to describe the speedily growing country. These words inspired many Americans to travel west. This simple phrase meaning obvious fate helped shape our nation and greatly affected how it is today. In this mind-set we fought a war with Mexico over its claims to much of the western territory in North America. Our country grew with the addition of new land when the war ended. At the time, many Americans felt it was their duty to move west. By 1848 the unbelievable had happened, the United States tripled in size from the original few eastern states with a total of about thirty states. Many Americans felt that it was their right and duty to move west because...
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...During the mid to late 1800s, the United States felt two waves of expansion, Manifest Destiny and Imperialism. Manifest Destiny, as a definition, stands for the westward expansion to reach the Pacific coast during the mid-1800s; Imperialism stood for the external expansion into locations beyond the North American continent. During the years of Manifest Destiny, with government support, the United States expanded and went on to add eighteen states through advances such as the Louisiana Purchase, the Mexican War, and multiple treaties and deals with foreign governments. Such expansions towards the Pacific Coast brought the United States great resources and a large portion of land, propelling the country into an industrial age of progress and prosperity. Later in the century, Imperialism began and sought to expand the United States beyond...
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...Manifest Destiny the belief the expansion of US though American territory was both justified and inevitable. People believe they had to expand their civilization across the United States. So how did the idea of the Manifest Destiny change America in the early to mid-1800s? It helped motive western settlements, Native American removal, and a war with Mexico. The motivation of western settlements was not just for economic motives but religious. Many of the settlers believed God blessed the growth of the American nation. This lead to the painting the symbol of Manifest Destiny, the woman that looks like an angle moving with the settlers replacing darkness with light. Then the economic motives with the fur trade then also when gold was discovered...
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...During the 19th century, American settlers wanted to expand westward for new territories. This expansion was known as manifest destiny. Many Americans wanted to enlarge the size of their country, so they could compete with other larger countries. Others wanted to expand America for economic reasons such as more land for farming, or for industrial purposes. While some viewed the expansion of the U.S. as a good thing, many others opposed the idea for various reasons. In the 1800s, the expansion of the United States gained many supporters and opposers. The expansion of the United States began in the 1800s. In 1803, while Thomas Jefferson was president, France had owned a large area of land between the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi River...
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...Class: 7th Period What is Manifest Destiny and how is it important to our lives in America? Manifest Destiny is the belief that the United States was Destined by God to extend its boundaries to the Pacific Ocean. Why is this important, though? Back in the early 1800s to the mid 1850s, many Americans believed that Manifest Destiny was very important in making America. Because of this, Manifest Destiny caused many major events in that time period that helped build America into the country it is today. For instance, Manifest Destiny caused the Mormon Trail and the Mexican War, which pushed Westward expansion of the United States and led to freedom. Manifest Destiny of the Mormon Trail. For instance, “Joseph Smith’s...
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...The story of the Western Frontier is bursting with countless experiences of historic events that changed the American Frontier in the eighteenth century. The Western Frontier was a form of civilization rather than a piece of old dusty land. The West was a region whose social conditions result from the claim of older establishment and ideas to transforming influence of free land. Though this claim, a new environment is quickly entered, liberty of opportunity is opened, new development and institutions, and fresh ideals are brought into existence. The desert disappears, the West proper passes on to a different frontier, and a new civilization has arose. The Great West had countless opportunities and problems during the last half of the 1800s. There were mines to seized, an abundant of lands to be preempted; all the natural resources exposed to the wisest and the bravest. As the Western dusty land was being cleared to formed community for the many settlements to seek comforts in the Wild West, but some...
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...Manifest Destiny took about twenty-five years to complete. Manifest destiny was the belief that God wanted America to have North America from the east coast to the west coast. This belief started in 1845 and ended in 1853, and the United States was able to gain more than 520,000 square miles. In the late 1800s, the U.S. engaged in the belief that America should have North America from coast to coast, the United States had two wars, and the effect of Manifest Destiny was both negative and positive. In 1821, Mexico won independence from Spain and had a large territory of land. In this land there were a lot of Native Americans, and the Mexican army was weak, so they couldn’t do anything about it. They decided to sell some of their land to the...
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...Expansionism of mid 19th Century With the election of president James K. Polk the notion of Manifest Destiny began to make its way through America. The idea insisted that it was in gods will to pursue the west coast of present day United States. The statement “Manifest Destiny of the mid- 1800s proved to be just as controversial as it was beneficial for our nation” is an extremely invalid assertion. The newly adapted concept (Manifest Destiny) started to prove that America was a Global Power. Manifest Destiny expanded our borders, prompted economic growth, and led to the advancement of the railroad system. The westward expansion led America to have an increase in the quality of the economy. The Gold Rush gave those who had previously failed and lived in poverty on the east a new beginning in the west. The movement westward, created jobs and industry, that stimulated the American infrastructure. The growth sparked the opportunity for some to open businesses to meet the needs of the miners. With people gaining more funds they were able to output more back into the American Market. The newly acquired land approximately doubled the area of the United States. With the increase in land America appeared to also have a rise in the ranks of world power. We were getting our way with England (one of the worlds most powerful nations) in the recent land negotiations over Oregon and Maine. Moreover, America also had a population boom. Immigrants from afar were coming to our...
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...American Spirit The American Spirit can defined by many people and by many events. The Alaska Purchase may not be an example of all the definitions of the American Spirit but it does cover a few. The Alaska Purchase at the time seemed like a great waste to the American people. It was given nicknames such as Seward's icebox and Seward's Folly. What Americans didn't know was how valuable it would become in the years to come. The Alaska Purchase is a good example of the American Spirit through intuition and perseverance. Almost everyone but William Seward, secretary of the state at the time, believed that Alaska was nothing but a barren ice block. However Seward knew what the new American frontier was actually like, mountain ranges, dazzling bays, lush forests and only in the upper quarter of Alaska was the barren frozen wasteland everyone expected. Seward knew that in this territory twice the size of France there had to be some useful resources from it (Gold 80). Seward was right, the territory already had an abundance of timber, a wealth of fisheries and fur, that could, when properly executed, could produce a healthy profit (Russell 45). Whales, more specifically, whale oil was a very important resource up until electricity and light bulbs lit up our world. Whale oil was used in virtually every oil lit lamp on the planet so when the whales would migrate north to Alaska, the valuable whale oil would be collected. These so far are only the resources Seward knew about and his...
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...“Manifest Destiny is a term for the attitude prevalent during the 19th century period of American expansion that the United States not only could, but was destined, to stretch from coast to coast.” “Some American citizens and government officials believed in the notion of “manifest destiny,” a term coined by journalist John L. O’Sullivan in 1845, which meant Americans were destined to control all the continental lands west to the Pacific, south to the Rio Grande, and north to Canada. But manifest destiny could also be a guise for opportunism. America’s expansion west was an expansion for merchants as well as farmers. California was known for its fertile land and, later, its rich gold fields, but American merchants wanted to acquire it for its Pacific ports. These allowed for American expansion into the Pacific Ocean for trade with China and Japan; eventually, the U.S. established a powerful American naval base in Hawaii. Factors that contributed to America’s westward expansion in the later half...
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...Andrew Jackson. 7. What issues impacted American politics while Andrew Jackson was president? 8. What was the Second Great Awakening and what effect did it have on social movements in the mid-1800s? 9. Identify the major reform movements of the mid-1800s. 10. What effect did the women’s rights movement have? 11. Identify significant figures in the abolitionist movement and describe their efforts to end slavery. 12. How did territorial expansion into Texas lead to conflict and change? 13. Explain how “Manifest Destiny” resulted in westward expansion. 14. Describe how the Mexican War resulted in increased sectionalism. 15. Which territorial acquisitions were a result of the Mexican War? Flashcards: http://www.quia.com/jg/2615676.html Words to know 1. nationalism 2. protective tariff 3. internal improvement 4. sectionalism 5. doctrine 6. suffrage 7. patronage 8. nullification 9. reform 10. temperance 11. abolitionism 12. manifest destiny U.S. History ©2014 Unit 3 Facts to Know 1. What term refers to the patriotism and national unity expressed during the Era of Good Feelings? 2. What invention increased the dependence on slavery in the South during the early 1800s? 3. What were the three main...
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...“A spirit of hostile interference against us… checking the fulfillment of (Americans) Manifest Destiny to overspread the continent allotted by providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions.” (John O’Sullivan). John O’Sullivan said that Manifest Destiny was the Americans God given right to move westward. Americans decided to follow his philosophy and move westward where they farmed cash crops, helped with the annexation of Texas, and soon got involved in a war between Mexico and the United States. Manifest Destiny affected the United States economically, socially, and geographically. One of the biggest economic changes because of Manifest Destiny was the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution advanced the...
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...Is Manifest Destiny necessary for America’s growth? This question has posed a large debate for many people. However you may think, there are many reasons as to why Manifest Destiny was justified. Reason one being that moving westward caused America to prosper and grow because of economic opportunities. Secondly, our country spread its democracy and cultural ideas to different people groups. Lastly, there was a population increase in the country, not only Americans, but immigrants started to flee to America in hopes of finding a new job and a new life, and to gain wealth. Ultimately, there are many reasons as to why Manifest Destiny was justified. The gold rush was possibly one of the largest events in America’s history that led to many economic...
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...Sullivan influenced people with his writings and on top of the he was a US Minister to Portugal. He was also an editor and used “manifest density” in a paper he wrote in the New York Democratic review. In fact, Sullivan first made it as a slogan for the paper, but then it influenced the westward expansion. Manifest density made the philosophy that people were destined by God to expand their territory. Manifest destiny also impelled the Louisiana purchase. The land purchased in the Louisiana purchase pressured many people to migrate west, so they could receive more...
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...foreign policy. Manifest Destiny was the belief that the U.S. was destined to expand westward. The people of America slowly began to believe in the idea of moving westward and taking the land that belonged to Americans and Americans only. The belief in Manifest Destiny was definitely, the most important factor underlying the U.S. foreign policy, and the American Growth. At first people were hesitant about moving westward, but overtime people slowly accepted it and realized its importance. Since they were taking over land that technically didn’t belong to them, new tariffs and policies had to be passed by congress. This is the time period when the U.S. really grew. The idea was first proclaimed by John O’ Sullivan, whom wrote a paper called “The Great Nation of Futurity”. In O'Sullivan's essay, he wrote and believed that America was and is supposed to expand from sea to shining sea. The Manifest Destiny movement hurt many people though such as Indians, Mexicans, and ironically U.S. Citizens themselves. Everyone lost their homelands and many people became upset. Civilians were becoming angered so in order to calm down the citizens, the U.S. Government had to establish new policies and protective...
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