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Marion Jones Research Paper

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Track star Marion Jones has acknowledged using steroids as she prepared for the 2000 Summer Games in Sydney. She pleaded guilty in New York to two counts of lying to federal agents about her drug use . Jones, who won five medals at the Sydney Olympics, said she took the steroid known as "the clear" for two years beginning in 1999. Jones's admissions could cost her the three gold and two bronze medals she won in Sydney while enlarging the cloud of doubt hovering over Olympic and professional sports. Which have been said in recent years with accusations of performance-enhancing drug use, steroids busts and positive drug tests by prominent athletes. Jones said her former coach, Trevor Graham, gave her the substance, telling her it was the nutritional supplement flaxseed oil and that she should take it by putting two drops under her tongue. Graham, contacted by telephone yesterday, declined to comment. Jones said she "trusted Graham and never thought for one second" she was using a performance-enhancing drug until after she left Graham's Raleigh, N.C.-based training camp at the end of 2002. "Red flags should have been raised in my head when he told me not to tell anyone about" the supplement program, she said. …show more content…
The clear, also known as THG, or tetrahydrogestrinone, is a powerful anabolic steroid that was at the center of the federal investigation. More than a dozen track and field athletes have faced punishments for their use of the clear, which drug-testing authorities were unable to detect until Graham sent a sample of it to the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency in 2003. Jones's coach, Graham, was indicted in November on three counts of lying to federal agents connected to the investigation. He has pleaded not guilty and his trial is scheduled for

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