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Prodigy Johnson Summary

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n this article Albert "Prodigy" Johnson talks about when he was in prison they didn't have the proper nutritional items they needed to be healthy in prison. He talked about the struggles he has with sickle cell and if he didn't work out and eat properly he would get very sick and possibly die. He decided after struggling with eating poorly, he would find ways to make things so, he would not get sick. He talks about how they do not have access to everything like a chef or someone at home would have. They only have one microwave, one toaster oven, and they have to share these with other inmates which is around 30-40 in the day room. They also do not have knifes to cut things with, so they use can lids to help cut food. in this article Prodigy …show more content…
Prodigy talks about the struggles living in prison can put on someone when it comes to food. Many of inmates will trade ramen noodles for other food, that they cant afford on canteen. my uncle is a very fit person and constantly works out because he has nothing else to do, he tries to eat well, but he cant always afford the best things on canteen. The rebuttal is he works everyday in prison, but when you work in prison most jobs will only pay around 15 cents an hour, which makes their paychecks around 15 dollars a month. Everything on canteen is the same price out in the real world, so there are no price cuts or special deals. People that are very sick should not have to struggle to keep a strict diet, but can not maintain this due to having no green vegetables. The article was not really made to have one side or the other it was just shown somewhat of how things really are locked up behind bars. There should be options to eat how they want in prison unless in trouble for behavior in prison. I do believe people will live a better life and be happier if they have the right food to eat. I know budget is hard for the prison system as is, but increase wages for inmates that work and try and help them out if they are wanting to eat healthy and better themselves. I do understand people go to prison for a reason and that is punishment, but I do not really look at food being a

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