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Marketing Revision Notes


Submitted By joshna
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IGCSE Business Studies Marketing revision notes

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ...................................................................................................... 2 Topic: Kinds of Market ............................................................................................... 4 Topic: Role of marketing in business ........................................................................... 6 Topic: Segmentation .................................................................................................. 7 Topic: Market research............................................................................................... 9 Questionnaires .........................................................................................................10 Topic: Marketing strategy - introduction .....................................................................11 Promotion - advertising .............................................................................................17

IGCSE Business Studies Marketing revision notes

Topic: Introduction to Marketing
What is marketing? What makes someone buy a product? Or more importantly, what makes them buy the product you are trying to sell? In business, you need to persuade a customer to part with money in exchange for a good or a service. You have to decide on what the product is going to be like (e.g. shape, colour, size, features); at what price are you going to sell it; where you are going to sell it (e.g. in a shop, over the Internet, by mail order); and how you going to help the customer find out about the product (e.g. advertise in the local newspaper or on the radio). Marketing is all of these things. A market is a group of consumers, who could be individuals, businesses or governments who might buy this type of product –

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