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Marx Vs Locke

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The relationship between law and economics is thoroughly argued and favored in Ian Ward’s ‘Law and the Political Economy’ essay. It is an argumentative issue as it discusses issues like, property, nature of society and human freedom. These issues are considered by John Locke and Karl Marx, in the attempt to establish the role of citizens in a society and political economy. The perspectives of both philosophers are congruent in various matters that relate to human freedom, however, they differ in their definition of keywords (such as private property). To understand the similarity and differences between both philosophers, first it is crucial to discuss the individual standpoints of each. Locke rightfully defends the relationship between property …show more content…
He suggests that the role of man is to benefit himself and others in the form of a society, this role possesses goodness and freedom. The need of exercising rights and liberties is profoundly discovered in the working classes, due to the desire of receiving the result of their output. In terms of liberty, Locke believes ownership of goods and property is the process through which the self receives liberation. (Ward 102) Thus, preserving property against government usurpation and abolition would be an act of exercising freedom and liberty, as well. Locke challenges the government and economy because of its continual greed for power. For this purpose, he reminds us why society has a greater power and should stand up against the government for the sake of their liberty and right; this would be Locke’s view on nature of society. He associates human freedom to the nature of society because of the potential of societies to overthrow economic systems. The case of human freedom also suggests that the government is dependent on individuals and for their own safeguard and benefit, they must allow demanded rights and freedoms. These concepts would fall under the category of ‘law’ and therefore, issues of: property, human freedom and nature of society, are all matters of legal jurisdictions and economic …show more content…
Marx argues that law encourages a life of wants (want of property included) and in the process, controls humans. His standpoint differs from Locke in the sense that he has a bolder perception on what the society should do. Marx wanted political and social revolution by standing up against sovereigns and powers that took the rights of the people and maligned human freedom. Marx’s perspective may be summarized in his statement “law must be based on society” (115), and it is for the sake of this society and its interests, that a government receives its purpose to function. Since, Marx believes that the purpose of the government and the law is to aid to the society and its people, doing otherwise would give the society the right to stand up against it. A point which separates the ideologies of Marx and Locke is that in regards to private property. Where Locke encourages liberty in possessions of private properties, Marx believes that private properties are to be owned collectively and not as an individual possession. This notion is supported by his proclamation of man not being understood separate from a society.

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