...A Laboratory Study of Fear: The Case of PETER Mary Cover Jones (1924) October 20, 2014 Francoise Moisan PSY 201A 41163 This is an empirical studies on desensitization as a cure for phobia. It was written by Mary Cover Jones in 1924. It is considered by some to be a defining landmark in behavioral therapy and was a breakthrough in how behaviorism could be studied and manipulated in the laboratory. In order for something to be considered an experiment it must contain some basic elements: * It must ask a question: Can fears be removed under laboratory conditions. * Collect background research: This a sequel to a case contributed by Dr. Watson and furnished supplementary material of interest in a genetic study of emotions. Dr. Watson’s case illustrated how a fear could be produced experimentally under laboratory conditions. . Peter was ~3 years old at the time of the experiment and he exhibited a fear of white rats and this fear extended to a rabbit, fur coat, feather, cotton wool, etc. but not to wooden blocks and similar toys. * Construct a Hypothesis: How a fear may be removed under laboratory conditions. * Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment * Progress in combating the fear reactions was so marked that many of the details of the process could be observed easily. * It was possible to continue the study over a period of more than three months. * The notes of a running diary show the characteristics of a healthy normal...
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...3 FILES SHOULD BE SENT TO ME – Three Attachments 1. Name in Subject of email – Your First Name and Last Name – OA SBA e.g. Mary Jones – OA SBA 2. Email to Ms Bradley – nbradley@sca.edu.bz and nelb@btl.net 3. File 1 – Name of File: Your First Name and Last Name – Cover Page e.g. Mary Jones – Cover Page (NO HEADER) (Make sure you change the topic to: An investigation into the extent of the importance, duties and responsibilities, equipment and forms used in Records Management and Sales 4. File 2 – Name of File – Your First Name and Last Name – Table of Content e.g. Mary Jones – Table of Content a. You should insert a header with Your Name, 040013, BELIZE e.g. Mary Jones 040013 BELIZE b. Make sure you change the following heading: Functions of Records Management and Sales Forms Used in Records Management and Sales Equipment Used in Records Management and Sales 5. File 3 – Name of File: Your First Name and Last Name – Numbers e.g. Mary Jones – Table of Content a. You should insert a header with Your Name, 040013, BELIZE e.g. Mary Jones 040013 BELIZE b. Insert Page Number c. ALL HEADINGS – should be same font size, style and color d. Other than headings – all other information should be in times new roman, 12, black e. Should be in DOUBLE-LINE SPACING except...
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...Unexplored psychologists or psychiatrists Herbert "Harry" Stack Sullivan Herbert "Harry" Stack Sullivan (February 21, 1892, Norwich, New York – January 14, 1949) was an American Neo-Freudian psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who held that the personality lives in, and has his or her being in, a complex of interpersonal relations. Work Along with Clara Thompson, Karen Horney, Erich Fromm, Otto Allen Will, Jr., Erik H. Erikson, and Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, Sullivan laid the groundwork for understanding the individual based on the network of relationships in which he or she is enmeshed. He developed a theory of psychiatry based on interpersonal relationships where cultural forces are largely responsible for mental illnesses. In his words, one must pay attention to the "interactional", not the "intrapsychic". This search for satisfaction via personal involvement with others led Sullivan to characterize loneliness as the most painful of human experiences. He also extended the Freudian psychoanalysis to the treatment of patients with severe mental disorders, particularly schizophrenia. Besides making the first mention of the significant other in psychological literature, Sullivan developed the Self System, a configuration of the personality traits developed in childhood and reinforced by positive affirmation and the security operations developed in childhood to avoid anxiety and threats to self-esteem. Sullivan further defined the Self System as a steering mechanism toward a series...
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...Budget Summary and Findings Memo DATE: October 1, 2012 TO: Henry and Mary Jones FROM: RE: Follow-up on Financial Planning Meeting It was a pleasure to meet with both of you to discuss your personal finances, your financial dreams, and concerns. As we discussed, being in control of your personal finances, and not your finances being in control of you, is very important. When you are in control of your finances you can achieve your financial goals and comfortably provide for you and your children. Below is a summary of my findings and recommendations for you to help achieve your goals. You will also see attached your personal budget that you provided and the balance sheet and cash flow statement I created based on the financial data you provided me. Summary of Facts Henry is 37 and Mary is 38. Henry and Mary have two sons, ages three and one. Henry has a high school education and Mary has a master’s degree in Library Science. Henry is a truck driver for a major oil company and earns a yearly income of $95,000. Mary works as a librarian for the local school district and earns a yearly income of $50,000. Two major concerns regarding Henry and Mary’s financial position is the lack of savings and debt. They have very little money in savings and a large amount of debt. Their goals are to pay off their debt and fully fund college funds for both their children. Summary of Key Items Henry and Mary bring home a substantial amount of earnings but their outflow is even...
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...Precious Jones (Gabourey Sildibe) is in a math class, daydreaming. She is wearing a red scarf. Much of the film is in first-person narration. She narrates, My name is Clarice Precious Jones. I want to be on the cover of a magazine. I wish I had a light-skinned boyfriend with good hair. But first I want to be in one of those BET videos, and we see a fantasy sequence of her dressed in a photo-shoot, accompanied with a light-skinned boyfriend (who will be in all her future movie sequences.) She also says I 'm gonna break through, someone is going to break through to me, ima be normal and sit in the front of the class. She has a crush on the math teacher Mr. Wicher (Bill Sage). She narrates that she likes math. The class is rowdy and when a student responds to Mr. Wicher with cuss word, Precious slaps that student and says to Mr. Wicher, I got your back. She narrates that she and Mr. Wicher will move away and live together in Westchester. A student comes in with a note saying that the principal wants to see Precious. In the principals office, the principal, Mrs. Lichtenstein asks if Precious is pregnant again and how could this happen. The principal lays out the facts for Precious: shes 16, pregnant again, and attends junior high. The principal wants to move Precious to an alternative school. The principal asks the mom to come to a meeting but when Precious protests, Mrs. Lichtenstein says that she can visit her mom. Precious is at home washing dishes when her mom, Mary, (MoNique)...
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...Fear admits a strong presence in children around certain animals. Some of these fears can turn into phobias such as Bovinophobia , Cynophobia , and Ophidiophobia . All of these animals seeming harmless but to their ‘victim’ they are horribly dangerous. A well-known person with ophidiophobia is everyone’s favorite archeologist/professor, Indiana Jones. Most phobias are created at childhood, teenage years or early adulthood (before the age of 35). How phobias are created can be seen through classical conditioning responses. Phobias also represent a process of overgeneralization. An easy way to understand phobias is evaluating the experiment on “Little Albert”, an experiment conducted by Watson and Rayner to show evidence of classical conditioning in humans. In the process, they showed ‘Albert’ (a 9-month-old baby) who did not show any fear to rats. They then put a white rat on the table in front of ‘Albert’ and he did not react. On the second attempt, they placed the rat on the table and also made loud noises. Alberts response was crying. After repeating this process many times Albert was conditioned to cry when the white rat was exposed without a loud noise. They then concluded that this experiment was a prototypical example of classical conditioning....
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...Business Communication & Tools of Connection To: From: Date: Subject: Good leader Vs Bad Leader Mother Teresa was chosen as the good leader for this assignment. Mother Teresa was born on August 26, 1910. There was some confusion on when she was really born. She was baptized on the 27th of August as Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, the day that is sometimes is considered her actual birthdate. Her father passed away when she was only 8 years old, the cause of his death still to this date remains unknown. There are some speculations that he was poisoned. At the age of 18, she decided to become a nun this is when she took the name sister Mary Teresa. Mother Teresa first made her vows in India where she would stay there for 17 years. Mother Teresa was a teacher at Saint Mary’s high school later on she became the principal of Saint Mary’s.(The Biography Cannel). Mother Teresa took the Final vows on May 24, 1937 this is when she actually became Mother Teresa. On September 10, 1946 Mother Teresa had a second calling Christ spoke to her telling her to abandon teach and begin working in the slums and helping out the poor. Mother Teresa need permission to do this since she already made a vow of obedience. It took about a year and a half to get the permission she needed. In January of 1948, Mother Teresa did get the approval to go ahead with the new calling. Mother Teresa established in old buildings a home for the dying. She won recognition for new congregation...
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...BMGT 380 Final Examination Question and Answers Follow Below Link to Download Tutorial https://homeworklance.com/downloads/bmgt-380-final-examination-question-and-answers/ For More Information Visit Our Website ( https://homeworklance.com/ ) Email us At: Support@homeworklance.com or lancehomework@gmail.com 1. Sam orally agreed to sell Ramie some land for $500,000. Ramie paid Sam the $500,000; Sam gave Ramie the deed to the land. Ramie took possession of the land and began building a cabin on it. One month later, Sam tried to retake possession of the land by arguing that the contract for the sale was invalid because it was oral, not written. Sam sued Ramie to invalidate the contract and retake the land. The court will likely conclude that Sam will: a) Win; the sale exceeded $500 so the contract must be written to be valid. b) Win; all land sales contracts must be written. c) Lose; because the contract was fully executed Sam cannot rescind the contract. d) Lose; because Ramie had begun building a cabin on the property, Sam cannot rescind the contract. 2. On Tuesday, Sam offered to sell his CD collection to Sandy for $100. Sandy replied, "I’m interested. I’ll think it over and let you know Thursday whether I want to buy the CDs." On Wednesday, Sam agreed to sell the CDs to Jason, and Jason immediately gave Sam a letter that stated: "Sam, I will buy your CD collection for $100. As we agreed, I will pay you on Friday when I pick up the...
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...afraid of the toys that look even remotely furry such as a dog, a rabbit and a Santa Claus mask. However, Albert was not afraid of the blocks that were presented to him and from there, both Watson and Rayner have concluded that Albert is afraid of furry objects and therefore they have generalised his fear based upon the results of their experiment that was conducted on him. 3. How were the principles of classical conditioning used to reduce Peter's fear of rabbits? - The principles of classical conditioning were used to create an extinction procedure which is also known as counter-conditioning. Counter-conditioning can reduce people’s existing fears such as a fear of rabbits, loud noises and clowns. It was one of Watson’s students, Mary Cover Jones, that first developed counter-conditioning as a means of cure to combat her mentor’s classical conditioning. It would only be logical that there should be a treatment for...
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...BMGT 380 Final Examination Question and Answers Follow Below Link to Download Tutorial https://homeworklance.com/downloads/bmgt-380-final-examination-question-and-answers/ For More Information Visit Our Website ( https://homeworklance.com/ ) Email us At: Support@homeworklance.com or lancehomework@gmail.com 1. Sam orally agreed to sell Ramie some land for $500,000. Ramie paid Sam the $500,000; Sam gave Ramie the deed to the land. Ramie took possession of the land and began building a cabin on it. One month later, Sam tried to retake possession of the land by arguing that the contract for the sale was invalid because it was oral, not written. Sam sued Ramie to invalidate the contract and retake the land. The court will likely conclude that Sam will: a) Win; the sale exceeded $500 so the contract must be written to be valid. b) Win; all land sales contracts must be written. c) Lose; because the contract was fully executed Sam cannot rescind the contract. d) Lose; because Ramie had begun building a cabin on the property, Sam cannot rescind the contract. 2. On Tuesday, Sam offered to sell his CD collection to Sandy for $100. Sandy replied, "I’m interested. I’ll think it over and let you know Thursday whether I want to buy the CDs." On Wednesday, Sam agreed to sell the CDs to Jason, and Jason immediately gave Sam a letter that stated: "Sam, I will buy your CD collection for $100. As we agreed, I will pay you on Friday when I pick up the...
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...BUSINESS LAW I APPLIED RESEARCH Child Labor Laws Shane T. Martin Doctor Aaron Bazzoli Park University Internet Campus A course paper presented to the School of Arts and Sciences and Distance Learning In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Baccalaureate Business Law I Park University December 2012 Outline - Introduction - Early America o Placed children were employed o Agricultural jobs o Lack of safety standards o Lost educational opportunities - Opposition o 1900 Census report opened America’s eyes o National Consumers League started campaigning for children’s rights o National Child Labor Committee formed in 1904 - Laws Regarding o Problem too pervasive to “law down” o Federal regulation needed to prevent employers from taking business across state lines o Beveridge and Parsons introduce legislation in 1906 ▪ Debated but not put into law o Many tries by Congress but no laws that stuck o Roosevelt elected ▪ National Industrial Recovery Act passed in 1933. • Banned industrial homework and eliminated child labor • Ruled unconstitutional in 1935 ▪ Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 • Ruled unconstituational ▪ Walsh-Healey Act required government restrict their purchases to companies...
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...1. PLACE A CALL When you are the caller, it’s good manners as well as good business to try to make the conversation as convenient and efficient as possible for the person you’re contacting. 2.1 Be organized before placing your call. You’d better prepare any questions you want to raise and any topics you want to cover. 2.2 Apologize if you dialled a wrong number. Don’t just hang up. When you apologize, don’t argue about why the person isn’t who you thought it would be. It’s your mistake, not the recipient’s! You may be irritated, but you should sound sincerely sorry. For example, ‘I’m sorry. I must have reached the wrong number.’ 2.3 Identify yourself or your company. You must let the recipient know who you are at first. If not, sometimes after you talk a lot things, the recipient even does not know who you are or which company you come from. For example, ‘Hello, this is Mary Jones of ABC Company. Is Mr. Lee available?’ 2.4 If you must leave a message or ask someone to call you back, it’s polite to leave your number, even for those you call regularly and provide information on the best time to reach you, especially if you are going to go out. 2.5 Quickly explain why you’ve called and ask if this is a good time to talk. ‘Dropping in’ unexpectedly by telephone can be as rude as doing so in person. Make sure the recipient is free to talk with you. 2.6 Be realistic about whether the matter in question really should...
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...Literature Review The Trial of Cardigan Jones by Tim Eagan is the book I have chosen for my third grade class. Cardigan the moose is new in town. As he walks around inspecting his new surroundings he notices an apple pie sitting on a window sill. Cardigan goes over to smell the wonderful looking pie. As he walks away, Mrs. Brown looks out her window to find the apple pie gone and Cardigan walking out of her yard. Hysterical, she frantically calls the police. The police arrest Cardigan for stealing the pie. Cardigan has a trial as do all citizens of the United States to allow the court system to prove whether he is innocent or guilty of stealing the apple pie. He testifies that he did smell the pie but didn’t steal it. To find out what happens next at the trial pick up a copy of the story at your local library. Now the lesson over The Trial of Cardigan Jones will serve two purposes. First it will be a lesson that is used for Socials Studies plus it will incorporate Reading and Language as well. This lesson plan will introduce Social Studies standard number three for third grade. The standard states that societies are shaped by beliefs, ideas, and diversity. Benchmark 3.1 states that the students will recognize and evaluate significant beliefs, contributions, and ideas of the many diverse peoples and groups and their impact on individuals, communities, states, and nations. Benchmark 3.2 states that the students will draw conclusions about significant beliefs, contributions, and...
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...Yorker | Willie Weathers | David V. Thomas | Kelvin Owens (as David Thomas) | Setu Taase | Junior Palaita | Mo McRae | Leon Hayes (as Mo) | James Earl | Donald Madlock (as James Earl III) | Trever O'Brien | Kenny Bates | Brandon Smith | Bug Wendal (as Brandon Mychal Smith) | Jurnee Smollett | Danyelle Rollins | Michael J. Pagan | Roger Weathers | Jamal Mixon | Jamal Evans | Danny Martinez | Miguel Perez | Artie Baxter | John Stevens | Joe Seo | Choi (as Joseph Seo) | Joseph Raymond Lucero | Chavez (as Joseph Lucero) | Robert Zepeda | Peavy | Omari Hardwick | Free | Omari Hughes | Little Dove | Adam Clark | Marvin | Dan Martin | Terrell Rollins | Michael Jace | Mr. Jones | Brett Cullen | Frank Torrance | Garrett M. Brown | Coach Finley | Mary Mara | Kenny Bates' Mom | Nafeesa Monroe | Young Mother | Marcia Jeffries | Roger's Mother | Emil Pinnock | Anthony | Kelli Dawn Hancock | Market Womaz | Anna Maria Horsford | Sharon Weathers | Stevie Wash Jr. | Dewayne (as Stevie Walsh Jr.) | Scott Thomas Cameron | Hall Guard | Bruce Katzman | Principal | Asenati Satele | Junior's Girlfriend | Shane Woolaston | Junior's Son | Sonya Eddy | Bug's Mother | Melissa-Anne Davenport | Cheerleader | Ambrit Millhouse | Cherise | Danny Mora | Mr. Medina | Walter A. Saunders III | Van Staff (as Walter Saunders III) | Robert C. Cawley | Van Staff (as Robert Cawley Jr.) | Michael C. Mahon | Field Coach | Brian Oblak | Gym Coach...
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...PROJECT CHARTER EXAMPLE Project Name: LMT/PEL LIMS Deployment Project Prepared by John Doe and Mary Smith Date: 8/22/06 INITIATION: LABORATORY INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (LIMS) DEPLOYMENT February 6, 2006 (Supersedes the December 15, 2005 general LIMS Deployment Charter) Operating Group Task #95: Provide Plan for LIMS deployment at Facility A and funding plan. Project Manager: John Doe, CIO Project Administrator: Mary Smith, Project Management Office SYNOPSIS: Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) are information management systems designed to track, organize, store and report on laboratory-generate data and analytical results. In addition, when used in core laboratories, the LIMS provides a portal for generating accounting reports and the systematic distribution of resulting data back to the requesting scientists and collaborators. LIMS can operate in both highly regulated and non-regulated environments. LIMS can meet all Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) requirements by providing full sample tracking, user certification, instrument and calibration management, standards & reagents management, full auditing, CFR21 Part 11, report and sample scheduling, bar coding, on-line help, and other functions. By eliminating several common sources of human error and by connecting directly to the laboratory-based instrumentation, LIMS improve laboratory efficiency. A full-featured LIMS will manage various laboratory data types including sample log-in...
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